满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

短文改错 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。...








Traditional Chinese culture is facing extinction because of the developing society. As a result of, China is spare no effort to protect it. The protection of national culture is not only of great significant to Chinese cultural diversity but also to the harmonious development between local economy and society. Which is reported, special attention has paid by the Guangdong government in order to protect Chaoju(潮剧).

In my opinion, some measures should be taken to protect traditional culture efficient. To start with, we should make a law to protect traditional culture. Otherwise, we should draw more people's attention to them. The more they know about the importance of culture protection, the strong support we can get from the public.

In the word, it is high time that we should treasure our own valuable culture.


1.去掉result后of. 2.spare→sparing 3.significant→significance 4.Which→As 5.has paid中间加been 6.efficient→efficiently 7.Otherwise→Besides/Furthermore/Additionally 8.them→it 9.strong→stronger 10.the→a 【解析】 试题分析:文章介绍了广东省为了保护传统文化所做的努力及号召人们对此问题引起重视。 1.去掉result后of.考查固定短语。As a result 结果; As a result of由于,作为……的结果,后面有宾语,此处是做状语后无宾语,故去掉result后of. 2.spare→sparing.考查动词形式。句中已出现系动词此处应该用现在进行时,句意:中国正不遗余力保护它。故spare→sparing. 3.significant→significance.考查名词。此处是be of+ significance用法相当于be+ significant,“是有意义的”,故significant →significance. 4.Which→As.考查定语从句。此处是非限制性定语从句,当非限制性定语从句放到主句的前面时,引导词只能用as,而不用Which,故Which → As. 5.has paid中间加been.考查被动语态。此处是现在完成时的被动,结构是have∕has +been+过去分词,表示被关注,故has paid中间加been. 6.efficient →efficiently.考查副词。此处修饰动词should be taken要用副词,指“有效地采取措施”,故efficient →efficiently. 7.Otherwise →Besides/Furthermore/Additionally.考查副词。上句:我们应该制定法律来保护传统文化。下句:我们应该让更多的人对此引起重视。两句之间应是递进关系,故Otherwise →Besides/Furthermore /Additionally. 8.them →it.考查代词。此处指关注传统文化问题,是单数,故them →it. 9.strong →stronger.考查比较级。此处是the+比较级,the+比较级用法,表示“越……越……”故strong →stronger. 10. →a.考查冠词。此处是固定短语In a word“总之,简言之”,故the →a. 【名师点睛】 短文改错答题技巧: 一、查时态是否一致 时态错误几乎是每年短文改错中必设的改错题。要有目的地去检查文中的每一个谓语动词的时态与上下文、语境以及该句的时间状语是否相符和一致。 二、查主谓是否一致 在检查谓语动词的时态和语态是否正确的同时,还要注意检查该动词在人称和数上是否与主语保持了一致。主谓语一致的情况较为复杂,考生平时学习要留心归纳。有些特殊句式的主谓一致问题很容易被忽视,如倒装句、关系代词在定语从句中做主语的情况等,答题时要高度重视。 三、查指代是否一致 对于短文中出现的每一个代词都要查一下它所指代的内容以及在句中的作用,注意其数、格、词性是否正确和前后一致,包括人称代词、指示代词、反身代词、关系代词以及疑问代词等。指代错误也是高考改错题中常设的改错题。第78小题考查代词。此处指关注传统文化问题,是单数,故them →it. 四、查平行结构是否平行一致 由and,or,but,either…or…,neither…nor…,not only …but also…,as well as等并列连词和词 组连接的结构可称为平行结构。平行结构在词性、时态、非谓语动词的形式上往往要求前后一致。答题时要留心平行结构前后是否对等平行,这也是常设的错误。 五、查名词的单复数与修饰词语或上下文是否一致 名词数的错误也是高考常设的改错题。要查一下名词是否可数,与其修饰语是否一致。 六、查行文逻辑是否一致 查这方面的错误应从文章整体内容出发,通篇考虑,以行为单位是难以发现这种错误的。逻辑不一致主要是由肯定与否定、关联词语以及动词(如come与go,take与bring)的误用所造成的,应多从这方面去查找。 总之,短文改错要注意联系上下文和时态的变化,做题时应以句子为单位,同时兼顾改错的原则。这个原则就是不能改变原意,不能轻易去掉动词、名词等实词,去掉的通常是固定搭配结构中多余的部分。同样,增加的词也是固定搭配中缺少的部分或者是定语从句中的先行词或介词,第74小题考查定语从句。此处是非限制性定语从句,当非限制性定语从句放到主句的前面时,引导词只能用as,而不用Which,故Which → As. 短文改错中名词的错误多是可数名词和不可数名词的混用;形容词的错误一般是比较级和最高级的混用;副词的错误一般来说是副词与形容词误用。第76小题考查副词。此处修饰动词should be taken要用副词,指“有效地采取措施”,故efficient →efficiently.


Helsinki, capital of Finland, is offering young people the chance to rent   1. cheap apartment in an old people's home, if they agree 2.  (spend) time socializing with the elderly residents.

The city council(议会)is seeking 3.  (apply) from renters under the age of 25 who would like to spend between three  4.  five hours each week with their older neighbors.   5.  exchange, they'll get a studio flat  6.  (measure) 23 square meters with a private kitchen, bathroom and balcony for 250 euro per month. Those  7.  apply don't need any specific care experience. There are staff to look after the elderly.

More than 60 people have applied for the spaces in less than a week, and the idea has also Been   8.  (warm) welcomed by Finns on social media. "Great project! Hopefully it will spread to other areas, "   9.  (write) one person on Facebook, while another supports the scheme for bringing   10.  (difference) generations together.





Many years ago, I went to ________  my mother from work in the afternoon. I got there a little early so I parked the car by the road and waited for her.

As I looked outside the car window to my right, there was a small park where I ________ a little boy, around one and a half to two years old, ________  freely on the grass as his mother watched from a short distance. The boy had a big smile on his face _________ he had just been set free from some sort of prison. The boy would then fall to the grass, get up, and without ________  or without looking back at his mother, run as fast as he could, again, still with a smile on his face. It seemed   ________  had happened!

For kids, ________ at an early age, when they fall down, they don't regard their falling down as a  ________  ;instead, they treat it as a learning experience. They feel compelled to try and try again until they succeed. The answer must be that they have not   ________  "falling down" with the word "failure" yet, thus they don' t know how to feel the state which accomparues failure. Therefore, they are not   _________ in any way. In addition, they probably think to themselves that it's perfectly okay to fall down, and that it's not wrong to do so.  ________  , they give themselves permission to make mistakes. Thus they remain energetic.

Touched as I was by the boy's   ________  , I was equally touched by the manner in which he ran. With each attempt, he looked so ________ and natural. No   ________ of fear and nervousness.

His only aim was to run freely and to do it as ________ as he could. He was just being a child-just being himself - being completely in the moment. He was not looking for ________  or was not worrying about whether someone was ________ or not. He wasn't concerned about being judged. He didn't seem to be bothered by the fact that maybe someone would see him fall ( as there were others in the park apart from him and his mother) and that it would be ________ if he did fall. No, all that ________  to him was to accomplish the task or activity at hand to the best of his ability. To run and to feel the experience of running fully and freely. I ________  a lot from that observation and experience, and have successfully brought that lesson with me in my many pursuits in life.

1.A. take up         B. pick up         C. bring up         D. look up

2.A. realized        B. understood      C. saw            D. helped

3.A. marching      B. walking         C. running          D. moving

4.A. even if         B. only if         C.  if only         D.  as if

5.A. hesitation      B. competition     C. situation        D. motivation

6.A. everything      B. something       C. anything         D. nothing

7.A. especially     B. specially       C. generally       D. normally

8.A. success         B. failure         C. shame           D. pity

9.A. announced     B. abandoned      C. assumed        D. associated

10.A. encouraged     B. shocked        C. discouraged     D. excited

11.A. In other words B. In conclusion  C. For another    D. On the contrary

12.A. faith         B. honesty        C. persistence     D. loyalty

13.A. upset          B. calm            C. enthusiastic    D. confident

14.A. symbols        B. signs          C. signals         D. marks

15.A. effectively    B. imaginatively C. relatively      D. negatively

16.A. explanation   B. approval        C. curiosity       D. opinion

17.A. listening    B. glaring         C. watching        D. enjoying

18.A. embarrassing   B. amazing        C. confusing        D. thrilling

19.A. referred      B. came            C. contributed     D. mattered

20.A. won           B. learned        C. made             D. knew




To be more grateful in life means that you are also allowing yourself to be happier, more contented and more satisfied with everything that has been going on around you. But with all the stress, all the disappointments and all the anxiety around you, I bet you ask yourself this question all the time: ‘How exactly can I be more grateful with my life?"  1. .

1. Learn to live in the moment.

Life is a wonderful adventure full of enriching experiences and endless possibilities. Don't just go through the motions of repetitive activities and boring tasks. No! Being a mindless zombie can make you more likely to take things for granted. 2. , make an effort to enjoy the experience. You're supposed to attend a conference? Absorb it. Babysit your niece? Enjoy the moment. Eat a 15-minute lunch? Taste each bite.

2. 3. .

Being aware of your goal to be more grateful can help you look for things to be really more grateful for.  Gratitude is a conscious decision. You have to practice it consistently.

3. Control your thoughts.

Of course you have the power to control what you' re thinking of! Consider this exercise, for example if you find yourself thinking more and more self-entided, stop.  4. .You are given[consciousness. Make use of it wisely.

4. Always resist the temptation of comparing yourself with other people.

As humans, we have the natural tendency to compare ourselves with others with the hope of attaining satisfaction. Actually, this kind of activity does not help you feel to be more grateful in life.   5.!You will always be meeting someone richer, which makes you feel inferior to others! Don't do it, please.

Every little thing counts. You have the ability to make yourself feel to be more grateful in your life.

A.It does the opposite

B. Express gratitude all the time

C. Appreciate what you have right now

D. And if you find yourself repeating negative junk, stop

E. Instead of doing something just for the sake of doing it

F. Well, the following are some tips to help you with this particular concern

G. Words that stress you and make you feel worthless should definitely be removed



"Developed and developing nations can learn from each other seeking a low-carbon economy. In terms of energy saving and green economy, China doesn't lag behind developed nations," said Zhou Changyi, director of the energy saving department of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology.

"While we can learn many aspects from developed nations, they also should learn something from us, such as water conservation," Zhou said in a speech during the new Path of China's Industrialization forum at the ongoing China International Industry Fair.

He said industrialized nations and China are dealing with different issues to fight climate change. The United Kingdom, for example, is concerned about transport, buildings and new energy in reducing carbon emissions. For China, the most urgent task is how to realize new type of industrialization and avoid mistakes that other countries made when they industrialized.

Swiss power and automation technology group ABB called for a stronger focus on product life-cycle assessment, or LCA, which is used to study the environmental impact of a product from the research and manufacturing stage through its usage and recycling.

Tobias Becker, head of ABB' s process automation division for North Asia and China, said LCA is an effective tool in helping manufacturing industries to reduce carbon emissions.

LCA shows that industrial customers should focus on a product's environmental impact throughout its life-cycle instead of on its initial investment.

Richard Hausmann, North East Asia CEO of Siemens, said, "The color of future industrialization is green. "

The Germany company recently announces that it wants to receive orders worth more than 6 billion Euros ( US 8. 8 billion) for intelligent power networks, Smart Grid, over the next five years. Siemens has set a 20 percent market share target for the global smart grid business.

A smart grid delivers electricity from suppliers to consumers using digital technology, advanced sensors specialized computers that save energy, reduce costs and increase reliability. The United States and China are considered the two biggest markets for smart grid.

1.Which of the following can best replace the phrase "lag behind" in Paragraph 1?

A. act better than    B. perform worse than

C. run faster than    D. keep quieter than

2.What do we know about LCA from the text?

A. LCA is used to study the impact on a product.

B. LCA is one of the exhibitions at this year's fair.

C. LCA can help manufacturing industries decrease carbon release a lot.

D. LCA advises industrial customers to focus on the initial investment.

3.____about Smart Grid isn't mentioned in the text.

A. Small in size    B. Low-cost

C. Energy-saving    D. Security

4.What can be a suitable title for the text?

A. Intelligent Power Networks

B. Low-carbon Economy -a Shared Goal

C. Two Biggest Markets for Smart Grid

D. Developed and Developing Nations Can Learn from Each Other



Frogmore House has been a royal place since the 18th century and is today used by the Royal Family for private entertaining. It is especially linked with Queen Charlotte, The wife of George III, and her daughters, whose love of botany and art is reflected throughout the house.

Unfortunately, parts of a visit to Frogmore are unsuitable for wheelchair-users. For information about access, please telephone 020 7766 7324.

Frogmore House and Garden

18, 19, 20 May 10:00 - 17:30 (last admission 16:00)

28, 29, 30 August 10:00 -17:30 (last admission 16:00)

Please telephone 020 7766 7305 for admission prices.

Summer Opening for Pre-booked Coach Groups

3 August - 30 September every Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday, 10:00- 15:00.

Adult: £ 10.50                     0ver 60/Student (with valid ID) : £ 8. 80

Child ( under 17) : £5. 80          Child ( under 5) :  Free

Price includes a guided tour of the house.

Private Evening Tours

17:30 - 19:00.  ~ 25. 00 per person.  Price includes a guided tour,  a copy of the official guidebook and a glass of champagne.

The maximum group size for all visits is 10 people.

Please note that there is no access for private cars.

To make a group booking, please telephone 020 7766 7315.

For more information including BSL (British Sign Language) interpretation, please telephone 020 7766 7326.

1.When can you enjoy a visit to Frogmore House and Garden?

A. At 9:00 0n 19 May.                    B. At 18:00 0n 20 May.

C. At 13:00 0n 28 August.                D. At 17:30 0n 31 August.

2.Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?

A. A person in wheelchair can easily get access to all parts of Frogmore.

B. Price for Private Evening Tours includes a guided tour.

C. A child of six years old can get free admission.

D. You are permitted to go through the entrance in your car.

3.If a visitor to Frogmore knows little about English Sign Language, he or she can dial ________ for help.

A. 020 7766 7324        B. 020 7766 7305

C. 020 7766 7315        D. 020 7766 7326



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