满分5 > 高中英语试题 >



Taking good notes is a time-saving skill that will help you to become a better student in several ways__1._____.Second, your notes are excellent materials to refer to when you are studying for a test. Third, note-taking offers variety to your study time and helps you to hold your interest.

You will want to take notes during classroom discussions and while reading a textbook or doing research for a report. ____2._____Whenever or however you take notes, keep in mind that note-taking is a selective process. _____3.___

The following methods may work best for you.

●Read the text quickly to find the main facts and ideas in it.

●Carefully read the text and watch for words that can show main points and

supporting facts.

Write your notes in your own words.


Note any questions or ideas you may have about what was said or written.

As you take notes, you may want to use your own shorthand(速记). When you do, be sure that you understand your symbols(符号) and that you use them all the time. ____5._____

A.Use words, not complete sentences.

B.There are three practical note-taking methods.

C.You must write your notes on separate paper.

D.Otherwise, you may not be able to read your notes late

E. you will also want to develop your own method for taking notes.

F. That means you must first decide what is important enough to include in your notes.

G. First, the simple act of writing something down makes it easier for you to understand and remember it.


1.G 2.E 3.F 4.A 5.D 【解析】 试题分析:本文是一篇科教类短文,讲述了几点做笔记的技巧。 1.G根据Second, your notes are excellent materials to refer to when you are studying for a test. Third, note-taking offers variety to your study time and helps you to hold your interest.可知这里想说首先……, 故选G。 2.E根据You will want to take notes during classroom discussions and while reading a textbook or doing research for a report.___ ___ Whenever or however you take notes, keep in mind(牢记) that note-taking is a selective(选择性的) process.可知这里想说你可能想形成记笔记的自己的方法,故选E。 3.F根据Whenever or however you take notes, keep in mind(牢记) that note-taking is a selective(选择性的) process.可知这里想说那就意味着你必须首先决定在你的笔记中,要包括些什么重要内容,故选F。 4.A根据As you take notes, you may want to use your own shorthand(速记). When you do, be sure that you understand your symbols (符号)and that you use them all the time.可知这里想说用词,不用完整的句子,故选A。 5. 考点:考查信息匹配 【名师点拨】 科教类文章阅读技巧: 1、要想做好科普英语阅读理解题,同学们就要注意平时多读科普知识类文章,学习科普知识,积累常见的科普词汇,从根本上提高科普英语的阅读能力。 2、要熟悉科普类文章的结构特点。科普类文章一般由标题(Head line),导语(Introduction),背景(Back ground),主体(Main body)和结尾(End)五部分构成。标题是文章中心思想高度而又精辟的概括,但根据历年的高考情况来看,这类阅读理解材料一般不给标题,而要同学们选择标题。导语一般位于整篇文章的首段。背景交待一个事实的起因。主体则对导语概括的事实进行详细叙述,这一部分命题往往最多,因此,阅读时,同学们要把这部分作为重点。结尾往往也是中心思想的概括,并与导语相呼应,命题者常在此要设计一道推理判断题。 3、在进行推理判断时,同学们一定要以阅读材料所提供的科学事实为依据,同时所得出的结论还应符合基本的科普常识。



Classes for foreign students at all levels

3 months, 6 months, 9 months and one year course

Open all year

Small class (maximum 12 students)

Library, language laboratory and listening center

Accommodation(膳食供应) with selected families

25 minutes from London

Course fees for English for one year are £1, 380 with reduction 减少for shorter periods

of study.

1.Lincoln College of English _______.

A. is at the centre of London

B. lies far away from London

C. takes in foreign students, from beginners to the advanced

D. accepts students only at the beginning of the year

2.While you stay there, _______ will take care of you.

A. the school where you study

B. the family you have chosen

C. your classmates

D. your own parents

3.If you go there for a one-term course, you will pay _______ for it.

A.£1, 380                    B. over £1, 380

C. much less than £1, 380    D. nothing



Last summer, as part of my high school graduation project, I volunteered at Saunders House nursing home .I choose this experience because it was something that I had never done before and I wanted to lend a helping hand.At first it was challenging because I was extremely shy. My goal in volunteering was to bring a smile to the residents(住客) by doing different activities from word games to playing chess. I feel as if I had accomplished that goal.

At the nursing home, I did a lot of different activities with the residents ranging from Jeopardy to Wheel of Fortune. One of my favorites was a word game where I would write a ten -letter word on the board and the residents would try to come up with as many smaller words as possible. I could tell that it was one of their favorite games because they always seemed to be so enthusiastic when they played.I also transported residents to and from their rooms when they needed help; and whenever it was a nice day out, I would take them outside to get some fresh air and relax. On Saturday mornings, I would deliver the newspaper to the residents and on Sundays, I assisted with morning church services.

The most unforgettable part of this experience was when I had one-on-one conversations with the residents. It was incredible how many great stories they had to tell. Their stories were so interesting and the experience was unforgettable for me .

1.Why did the author volunteer at the nursing home ?

A.Because people there helped her .

B.Because she never went there before .

C.Because she wanted to offer help .

D.Because the old people there shared stories with her

2.How did the auther feel at first with the residents ?

A.Disappointed   B.Comfortable.

C.Excited       D.Nervous.

3.What activity did the author and the residents prefer ?

A.Jeopardy       B.Wheel of Fortune

C.Word game      D.Playing chess

4.What did the author do for the residents on sunny days ?

A.She played the piano.

B.She read newspapers.

C.She took them to the church.

D.She took them outside the room.

5.What is the best title of the passage ?

A.A High School Project

B.Several Interesting Games

C.An Unforgettable Experience.

D.The Residents in the Nursing Home



As a boy, Charles Robert Darwin(达尔文) collected anything that caught his interest: insects, coins and interesting stones. He was not very clever, but Darwin was good at doing the things that interested him.

His father was a doctor, so Darwin was sent to Edinburgh to study medicine, and was planned to follow a medical career. But Charles found the lectures boring. Then his father sent him to Cambridge University to study to be a priest. While at Cambridge, Darwin’s interest in zoology and geography grew. Later he got a letter from Robert FitzRoy who was planning to make a voyage around the world on a ship, the Beagle. He wanted a naturalist to join the ship, and Darwin was recommended(推荐). That voyage was the start of Darwin’s great life.

As the Beagle sailed around the world, Darwin began to wonder how life had developed on earth. He began to observe everything. After he was home, he set to work, getting his collection in order. His first great work The Zoology of the Beagle was well received, but he was slow to make public his ideas on the origin of life.

Later Darwin and Wallace, another naturalist who had the same opinions as Darwin, produced a paper together. Darwin’s great book “On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection”(《物种起源》) appeared. It attracted a storm. People thought that Darwin was saying they were descended from monkeys. What a shameful idea! Although most scientists agreed that Darwin was right, the Church was still so strong that Darwin never received any honors for his work.

Afterwards, he published another great work, The Descent of Man. His health grew worse, but he still worked. “When I have to give up observation, I shall die,” he said. He was still working on 17, April, 1882. He was dead two days later.

1.Darwin’s father sent him to Edinburgh to _____.

A. make him like natural history

B. make him become a doctor

C. let him change his hobbies

D. have him give up his collection

2.According to the passage, Charles Darwin’s whole life was changed by _____.

A. his study at Cambridge University

B. his collection of coins

C. the naturalists at Cambridge

D. the voyage of the Beagle

3.The underlined part “they were descended from monkeys” probably means “_____”.

A. they gave monkeys life

B. they were different from monkeys

C. they were developed from monkeys

D. they had to live with monkeys



China is the biggest market in the world, and many countries such as Germany, the USA, the UK and Russia do a lot of business in China. Let’s have a look at some important tips to help you be successful when dealing with these nationalities.

First, you must be punctual (准时的) with Germans. Even 5 minutes late makes a bad impression. Being punctual is also very important in the USA. In the UK, it’s important to be punctual for business meetings, but nobody expects you to be on time for a social event. Half past seven really means a quarter to eight, or even eight o’clock! With Russians, you should always be on time, though it is not unusual for them to be one or even two hours late!

It is best to dress formally and wear dark colours when you meet people from all the four countries. In Russia, designer clothes are very common. Don’t be surpri if you go to an office in the UK on a Friday and find everyone wearing jeans. Many companies have “dress down Friday”, when people wear casual (随便的) clothes.

In Germany, first names are only used by family members and close friends, so be prepared to use titles and last names. In the USA you will usually be invited to use first names almost immediately. The British are quite informal and using first names in business is more and more common, especially among younger people. In Russia, however, nobody uses first names, so use titles and last names.

In conversation, the British and the Americans value humour, and both like to talk about sport. The weather is also a good topic of conversation with the British and the Americans, but avoid talking about politics. In Russia, say positive(肯定的) things about their country, but avoid making complaints. The Germans, however, prefer to get straight down to business!

So, use these tips, and you will be on your way to a successful international business career!

1.Which color should you NOT wear when meeting a person from the USA?

A. Dark blue.    B. Gray.        C. Black.       D. White.

2.All of the following statements are true EXCEPT ______.

A. you can say something funny when you talk to an American

B. you can use his first name when you talk to an Englishman

C. you must be on time when you meet people from each of the four countries

D. people wear whatever they like on Friday in some companies in the UK

3.When you talk to a Russian, you can ______.

A. complain about something

B. say something negative about his country

C. say something good about his country

D. point out some disadvantages in politics

4.The tips in this passage are probably given to people from ______.

A. China   B. the USA   C. Germany  D. the UK





Why do young adult children become independent so much later than they did in 1970when the average age of independent living was 21? Why have reduced class sizes and increased per-pupil expenditures (花销)not _________ higher academic achievement levels? Why is the mental health of today’s kids so poor when _________ with that of children in the 1960s and before? Why do today’s _________ become defensive when told by teachers that their children have misbehaved in school?

The answer is in two words: parental ___________. Those two words best summarize the ____________ between “old” child raising and new, post-1960s parenting. Then, the general philosophy was that parents were not to be ___________ involved with their kids. They were available ________ emergency, but they stood a (an) __________distance from their kids and allowed them to experience the benefits of the trial-and-error process. It was the child’s __________ , back then, to keep his or her parents from getting involved. That was ___________ children learned to be responsible and determined.

Today’s parents help their kids with almost everything. These are parents who are __________ when it comes to an understanding of their purpose in their kidslives. Their involvement leads them to personalize everything that happens to their kids; ___________, the defensiveness. But given that schools and mental health professionals have been pushing parent involvement for nearly four decades, the confusion and defensiveness are ____________.

University researchers analyzed three decades of data relating to parent participation in children’s academics. Their conclusions ___________ what I’ve been saying since the 1980s: parental help with homework __________ a child’s academic achievement and is not reflected on standardized tests.

Parents who manage a child’s social life interfere with(干预,阻挠) the _________ of good social skills. Parents who manage a child’s after-school activities grow kids who don’t know how to __________ their own free time. Parents who get involved in their kids __________ with peers(伙伴) grow kids who don’t know how to avoid much less trouble.

These kids have anxieties and fears of all sorts and don’t want to leave their _________. And their parents, when the time comes, don’t know how to________ being parents. You can imagine what will become of their future.

1.A. touched on        B. counted on          C. resulted in      D. taken in

2.A. associated       B. compared          C. linked           D. matched

3.A.  psychologists    B. adolescents         C. youths           D. parents

4.A.  involvement   B. protection          C. assistance       D. preference

5.A. similarities     B.  differences       C. choices           D. relations

6.A. slightly          B. passively           C. fairly            D. highly

7.A. in view of        B. in spite of        C. in case of         D. in fear of

8.A. safe             B. equal             C. long             D. short

9.A. fault            B. turn              C. job                D. attitude

10.A. when            B. why                 C.  how               D. what

11.A. amazed          B. disappointed      C. confused         D. satisfied

12.A. thus           B. still             C. yet               D. however

13.A. unreasonable    B.  understandable  C.  changeable        D. avoidable

14.A. convinced      B. confirmed          C. realized        D. reflected

15.A. lowers          B.  decides           C. helps             D. encourages

16.A. appearance      B. performance         C.  development       D. establishment

17.A. value           B.  fill              C. devote           D. save

18.A. communication  B.  cooperation        C. conflicts          D. competitions

19.A. school          B.  home               C. career             D. profession

20.A. stop             B. ignore              C. consider          D. Start



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