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The History of Air Conditioners

The first practical cooling system for use in industry   1.   (invent) in 1902 by Willis Carrier in New York, the USA. He continued to improve  2.   (he) invention and, in 1928, developed the first air conditioner for home use. In 1939, an American car company introduced the first air conditioner for cars,   3.   (make) driving more comfortable.

After World War II many American  4.    (company) began making air conditioners and, beginning in 1950, many homes in the USA were equipped 5.    central air conditioning. Central air conditioning uses a single unit6.   (heat) or cool a whole house. With this, people could escape the heat of summer and the cold of winter no matter    7. they were in the house.

In the 1970s, electricity 8.    (become) more expensive, so people developed    9.(good) air conditioners to save money. Later, the cooling gas in air conditioners was found to pollute the environment, so engineers have been working to produce air conditioners more friendly to the environment  10.   the 1980s.


1.was invented 2.his 3.making 4.companies 5.with 6.to heat 7.where 8.became 9.better 10.since 【解析】 1.was invented 考查动词的时态。根据in 1902可知用一般过去时,再根据句意可知用被动语态。 2.his 考查代词。句意:他继续改善也的发明。 3.making 考查非谓语动词 。句意:在1939年美国汽车公司把空调用于汽车,让驾驶更舒适。 4.companies 考查名词的复数。根据many修饰可数的复数形式 5.with 考查介词 。be equipped with 装备。 6.to heat 考查非谓语动词 。句意:中间的空调用一个单独的单元来加热或冷冻到整个房间。 7.where 考查让步状语从句。句意:用这个东西,无论在房间的哪个位置,人们在夏季可以凉爽。 8.became 考查动词的时态。根据In the 1970s可知用一般过去时; 9.better 考查形容词的比较级。句意:在20世纪70年代,电变得越来越贵,因此人们要更好的空调来省钱。 10. 考查连词。Since引导时间状语,主句用现在完成时; 考点 :七选五。


As I thought about the various things l would teach Mekhi Eli, my son, I thought about how ________   I was for the lesson my father taught me, for which I am extremely appreciative.

This lesson wasn't________ taught. It was accidental. It wasn't a conversation or shining example of what to do. It was a ________ —a costly mistake. There are things, ________  ,that are seldom learned ________a mistake is made.

My father was my ________ hero, so it was pretty hard for me to accept their divorce(离婚). But that was nothing ________ to what was coming. When I was 15 he told me something that absolutely devastating(灾难性的)-he was________  to drugs. I remember standing there in complete _________ thinking to myself.   "My dad is taking drugs!   Now you're not my father; you're a(an) ________ !  Heroes don't  ________  to the bad guys." Pain and confusion________    the air. I wanted to ________ , but I couldn't. There was too much ________too much resentment(怨恨).

For a few years he________ his addiction and I, along with my two little brothers and three little   ________ , battled our emotions. ________ , we all won. That day my dad came up to me and said, "Son, I did it. I ________it. I'm ________ ! ,'

No matter what happens or what mistakes you make-a bad grade, a bad interview or just bad________  , if my father can come back from that, then you know you can come back from anything.

1.A. regretful          B. grateful            C. forgetful          D. pitiful

2.A gradually            B. carefully            C. intentionally     D. generally

3.A. mistake             B. coincidence          C. lesson            D. disaster

4.A. fortunately         B. unfortunately        C. furthermore       D. however

5.A. if                B. unless               C. though             D. because

6.A. childhood           B. adulthood           C. daughterhood       D. brotherhood

7.A. exposed             B. shown               C. connected          D. compared

8.A. attached           B. attracted            C. addicted          D. devoted

9.A. belief               B. disbelief            C. agreement           D. disagreement

10.A. cheater           B. hero                C. star             D. fool

11.A. lead              B. add                  C. lose             D. appeal

12.A. emptied           B. opened               C. closed             D. filled

13.A. shout             B. cry                  C. laugh             D. scream

14.A. anger              B. discomfort          C. offence            D. failure

15.A. defeated           B. enjoyed            C. battled            D. accepted

16.A. daughters          B. sons                 C. sisters            D. cousins

17.A. Eventually         B. Immediately         C. Instantly         D. Directly

18.A. took               B. beat                 C. hit                D. hated

19.A. dirty              B. hungry             C. sorry             D. clean

20.A. results            B. examples            C. conversations     D. decisions




A happy family life doesn't happen by chance. It is a result from husband and wife who carefully and diligently create  a  home where there is love, respect, forgiveness, patience, service and selflessness.

1.    The love of husband and wife makes their union last forever; the love of parents for children enables them to feel safe in the world; the love of children for parents lightens the burden that the parents bear; and the love among children reduces quarrels and fights.

A couple who respect each other never blame their spouse(配偶).He or she doesn't think much about her or his weaknesses but helps her or him overcome them.    2.

Forgiveness cannot be ignored either. Conflicts often arise in a family but they can be settled right away. The one who is at fault should immediately ask for forgiveness and the other should choose to forgive.    3.

4.   If there is patience in the family, anger will be controlled and there will be peace and harmony.

5.   Small acts of service in a family make people's hearts glad. Children learn simple acts of service by giving their parents a glass of water, and a couple serve each other by taking care of family members.

A。Live in harmony.

B. Love is the greatest of all virtues.

C. If there is respect, there will be encouraging words.

D.Ⅱthere is forgiveness, there will be no anger or misunderstanding.

E. Being patient is difficult, especially for parents with babies or teenagers.

F. If you do something wrong, you must make an apology.

G. The best service is always found within the walls of homes.



People who are slightly overweight or mildly obese(肥胖的) have a lower risk of early death than normal weight individuals(个人;个体), according to a new analysis of nearly 100 international studies.

The studies, most conducted within the past decade, included about three million adults from around the world. The result of these studies by researchers at the National Center for Health Statistics in Maryland, part of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, shows that slightly overweight or obese people were six percent less likely to die from all causes compared to people of normal weight. But the researchers found that seriously obese individuals were still at a 30 percent greater risk of death compared to healthy-weight individuals.

Study lead author Katherine Flegal says she was not surprised that overweight people would not have a higher death risk. “Because we'd actually already read a lot of this literature and realized that death rates for overweight would be at least not higher than normal[weight," she said. “I guess l was a little bit surprised that it was definitely lower. And l was also surprised that the lower rates of obesity didn't seem to differ from normal weight."

But Flegal stresses the difference in death rates appear to be small between normal-weight people and overweight and mildly obese individuals.

The finding by Flegal and colleagues have raised new questions about the reliability(可靠性)of the so-called "body mass index" or BMI, a measurement of body fat as a ratio(比例,比率)of height to weight, that has become popular in recent years among public healthexperts to measure potential health risks.

But Heymsfield warns that individuals should not conclude that it's okay to put on extra kilograms, since being at a healthy weight lowers the risk for heart disease and diabetes.

1.Katherine Flegal feels surprised at the fact that____.

A. obese people have higher death rates

B. slightly obese people have lower death rates

C. obese people tend to die early

D. death rates have nothing to do with body weight

2.What do we learn from the fifth paragraph?

A. BMI may not be so reliable.

B. The study provides further evidence for BMI.

C. BMI tells nothing about potential health risks.

D. BMI has been much questioned recently.

3.What can we conclude from the passage'?

A. It's OK to put on extra weight.

B. It doesn't matter if you are slightly obese.

C. Obese people are much healthier.

D. Body weight has nothing to do with death rates.

4.What topic does the passage mainly deal with?

A. Technology.    B. Dieting.    C. Health.    D. Death.



Today's world is very unsafe for children. We all listen to news of child abduction everyday on TV and feel concerned about the safety of our children. So, it is necessary for parents to know about the methods of protecting children from illegal elements and criminals. GPS tracking system comes in handy for such a purpose and gives a sigh of relief to the worried parents. With the help of GPS child tracking device you can locate your child

easily at any time.

GPS child tracking system is also very helpful for watching the activities of teenagers.This age is called the most risky age, as in this age it is very easy to attract child towards effortless shortcut ways of achieving success. money etc. Bad-intentioned people try to misuse the innocence of children. With the GPS child tracking system, you can keep a watch on your child and prevent him from falling in bad company.

A less than 2 inches square device, it is very easy to operate and doesn't need much technical expertise(专门技术). You can put it in the backpack of your child. With this device, you can keep a watch on your child 24 hours via your personal computer. If you witness some threat or if the child feels some danger in any situation, he can press the SOS button. The device is easily rechargeable and battery runs 18~24 hours after each recharge.

1.What does the word "abduction" in the first paragraph refer to?

A. Being followed by GPS.

B. Being faced with failure.

C. Being disappointed with unsafety .

D. Being taken away illegally.

2.Why are teenagers at the most risky age?

A. They are not fully aware of the danger.

B. They don't know how to protect themselves.

C. They want to get immediate success or quick money.

D. They don't know how to succeed or get money.

3.What can children with GPS do if they are in danger?

A. Call their parents immediately.

B. Press the SOS button.

C.  Send a message to local police.

D.  Send a signal to the computer at home.

4.What is the passage mainly talking about?

A. Dangers teenagers face today.

B. The use of GPS in everyday life.

C. Why parents should own GPS.

D. How GPS can keep teenagers safe.



When I was a kid, my siblings(兄弟姐妹) and I used to have ice cream for dessert.Every day, we would choose which ice cream flavor to have, whether to eat it in a cone or a bowl. Then we would happily wolf down our treat(款待) as fast as we could.

Once, though, when I was probably about 10 0r 11, our grandpa came to visit. Grandpa always had a unique view on things. On this particular occasion, my sister and I were making bets as to who could finish their ice cream first. With a smile, Grandpa said, "Why would you want to finish first? If you eat slowly, it will last longer. You should have acompetition to see who can finish last." Even now, I always try to taste my ice cream, but of course this is about more than just dessert.

Too often, kids want to scramble(争夺) for more, whether it's more ice cream, more toys, or more friends. This habit persists into our adult years, and we end up constantly scrambling for more. We never develop the skill of appreciating what we have. If we learn to recognize this pattern and change it, we can raise our kids a little differently, giving them the tool of tasting their proverbial dessert, which could lead to a happier life for them.

What my grandpa taught me that day was really that if you take the opportunity to enjoy what's in front of you, the pleasure will last longer and be more rewarding than if you rush through life always trying to get the next treat. It's a lesson that, I think, has made my adult life happier, as well. These days, when I want something, I wait as long as I can before I allow myself to have it. Then, when I finally get it, I make sure to treasure it as long as possible, because I know that, no matter what it is, it will be gone all too soon.

1.The author's grandfather advised her sister and her to _      .

A. eat ice cream as slowly as possible

B. stop eating ice cream

C. stop the competition between them

D. learn something from their way of eating

2. Which of the following best describes the author's grandfather?

A. Wise.           B. Humorous.          C. Strict.               D. Careful.

3.What advice does the author give us in the passage?

A. Keep longing for more.

B. Value what you have.

C. Have a balanced diet.

D. Save for the future.

4.We can infer from the last paragraph that author

A. longs for the days when they ate ice cream

B. doesn't like ice cream as much as before

C. benefits a lot from her grandfather's advice

D. just starts to understand her grandfather



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