满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

--I hear that there was a terrible crash...

--I hear that there was a terrible crash in the subway in Shanghai the other day.

--Yes, _____ news came as _____ shock to all of us.

A. the; the   B. a; /    C. the; a    D. /; a


C 【解析】 试题分析:句意:— 我听说前几天在上海地铁里发生了可怕的碰撞。— 是的, 这个消息震惊了我们所有的人。 用the表特指,shock前面用a,表示是一件令人震惊的事。故选C。 考点:考查冠词。  








Dear Sir/Madam,

My name is Li Hua.







Looking forward to your early reply.


Li Hua






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Dear fellow students,

With the popularity of cell-phones and the Internet, some of us students spend too much time play with cell-phones or computer games, which are bad for our studies. Worse still, we had little time communicate with our parents and friends. So do we have time for physical exercise.

What shall we do it to improve the situation? All of us shouldn't realize the negative effects of modern media. Let's limit your time of playing with cell-phones or computer games. Instead we should spend less time playing sports or talking with our parents and friends, who helps us relax and communicate.

That's all. Thank you!




The History of Air Conditioners

The first practical cooling system for use in industry   1.   (invent) in 1902 by Willis Carrier in New York, the USA. He continued to improve  2.   (he) invention and, in 1928, developed the first air conditioner for home use. In 1939, an American car company introduced the first air conditioner for cars,   3.   (make) driving more comfortable.

After World War II many American  4.    (company) began making air conditioners and, beginning in 1950, many homes in the USA were equipped 5.    central air conditioning. Central air conditioning uses a single unit6.   (heat) or cool a whole house. With this, people could escape the heat of summer and the cold of winter no matter    7. they were in the house.

In the 1970s, electricity 8.    (become) more expensive, so people developed    9.(good) air conditioners to save money. Later, the cooling gas in air conditioners was found to pollute the environment, so engineers have been working to produce air conditioners more friendly to the environment  10.   the 1980s.




As I thought about the various things l would teach Mekhi Eli, my son, I thought about how ________   I was for the lesson my father taught me, for which I am extremely appreciative.

This lesson wasn't________ taught. It was accidental. It wasn't a conversation or shining example of what to do. It was a ________ —a costly mistake. There are things, ________  ,that are seldom learned ________a mistake is made.

My father was my ________ hero, so it was pretty hard for me to accept their divorce(离婚). But that was nothing ________ to what was coming. When I was 15 he told me something that absolutely devastating(灾难性的)-he was________  to drugs. I remember standing there in complete _________ thinking to myself.   "My dad is taking drugs!   Now you're not my father; you're a(an) ________ !  Heroes don't  ________  to the bad guys." Pain and confusion________    the air. I wanted to ________ , but I couldn't. There was too much ________too much resentment(怨恨).

For a few years he________ his addiction and I, along with my two little brothers and three little   ________ , battled our emotions. ________ , we all won. That day my dad came up to me and said, "Son, I did it. I ________it. I'm ________ ! ,'

No matter what happens or what mistakes you make-a bad grade, a bad interview or just bad________  , if my father can come back from that, then you know you can come back from anything.

1.A. regretful          B. grateful            C. forgetful          D. pitiful

2.A gradually            B. carefully            C. intentionally     D. generally

3.A. mistake             B. coincidence          C. lesson            D. disaster

4.A. fortunately         B. unfortunately        C. furthermore       D. however

5.A. if                B. unless               C. though             D. because

6.A. childhood           B. adulthood           C. daughterhood       D. brotherhood

7.A. exposed             B. shown               C. connected          D. compared

8.A. attached           B. attracted            C. addicted          D. devoted

9.A. belief               B. disbelief            C. agreement           D. disagreement

10.A. cheater           B. hero                C. star             D. fool

11.A. lead              B. add                  C. lose             D. appeal

12.A. emptied           B. opened               C. closed             D. filled

13.A. shout             B. cry                  C. laugh             D. scream

14.A. anger              B. discomfort          C. offence            D. failure

15.A. defeated           B. enjoyed            C. battled            D. accepted

16.A. daughters          B. sons                 C. sisters            D. cousins

17.A. Eventually         B. Immediately         C. Instantly         D. Directly

18.A. took               B. beat                 C. hit                D. hated

19.A. dirty              B. hungry             C. sorry             D. clean

20.A. results            B. examples            C. conversations     D. decisions




A happy family life doesn't happen by chance. It is a result from husband and wife who carefully and diligently create  a  home where there is love, respect, forgiveness, patience, service and selflessness.

1.    The love of husband and wife makes their union last forever; the love of parents for children enables them to feel safe in the world; the love of children for parents lightens the burden that the parents bear; and the love among children reduces quarrels and fights.

A couple who respect each other never blame their spouse(配偶).He or she doesn't think much about her or his weaknesses but helps her or him overcome them.    2.

Forgiveness cannot be ignored either. Conflicts often arise in a family but they can be settled right away. The one who is at fault should immediately ask for forgiveness and the other should choose to forgive.    3.

4.   If there is patience in the family, anger will be controlled and there will be peace and harmony.

5.   Small acts of service in a family make people's hearts glad. Children learn simple acts of service by giving their parents a glass of water, and a couple serve each other by taking care of family members.

A。Live in harmony.

B. Love is the greatest of all virtues.

C. If there is respect, there will be encouraging words.

D.Ⅱthere is forgiveness, there will be no anger or misunderstanding.

E. Being patient is difficult, especially for parents with babies or teenagers.

F. If you do something wrong, you must make an apology.

G. The best service is always found within the walls of homes.



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