满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

书面表达 某英文杂志正在进行主题为"如何正确对待网络信息"的征文活动,请你根据以...



1. 网络信息的特点;2. 如何分辨信息的真假;3. 如何处理不同的信息。

注意: 1. 词数100左右(开头已为你写好,但不计入总词数);

2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

The Internet can be seen as a great source of information.








The Internet can be seen as a great source of information. It offers us many options to acquire knowledge without stepping out of our houses. However, not all of the information is accurate and reliable. So we need to learn to tell true and untrue information apart. First, if possible we can contact those who publish it to check. Or we can turn to teachers, parents or other professionals. We can also judge it by ourselves through experiments, reasoning, etc. Do remember not to spread the information that hasn’t been proved or checked. As for true information, we should be cautious about spreading it to others, for it may be related to someone’s private life. 【解析】 试题分析:考查半开放作文。本文要求考生向杂志投稿,说明自己对"如何正确对待网络信息"这一话题的看法及观点。所以使用第一人称和一般现在时的时态。要点:1. 网络信息的特点:网络是信息的巨大的来源,给我们提供了不出家门就得到信息的机会;然而网络信息并不都是准确值得信赖的。2.如何分辨信息的真假:联系出版商辨别真假;向专家求证;还可以通过与他人讨论等方式辨别真伪。3: 如何处理不同的信息:不要传播未经证明和核对的信息,对于一些与个人隐私方面的信息要足够谨慎。建议文章分成两段,第一要点为第一段,2、3点为第二段。考生要有辩证思维,要从正反两方面陈述观点。在写作的时候注意运用适当的写作技巧提高文章的层次。 【名师点睛】 本篇范文完美完成需要完成的所有任务,本文只给出一个大纲,要点都需要考生自己添加。范文充满了辩证思维,分析网络信息的特点时,既说明了其优点也说明了其存在问题。提出分辨信息的真假时,所列出的方法也很实用。从写作技巧方面来看,文章中句式很丰富,被动句和主动句交替使用。还使用了一些高级句式,如强调句和定语从句Do remember not to spread the information that hasn’t been proved or checked.省略句if possible we can contact those who publish it to check.同时文章中的串联成分也比较多,如first,however等等。这些句式及技巧都很好地提升了文章的层次。 考点:考查半开放作文  


Most students go to Internet bars play video games, that takes much of their precious time. Some students even stayed in Internet bars day and night, forgot their studies. No doubt these students will finally end up with their bright future destroy. Furthermore, some student log onto unhealthy websites accidental. And they are finally absorbed to the excitement of reading unhealthy stories or watching dirty videos. All these are harmful to the teenagers and if only this is not controlled or the use of the Internet is not properly guided, some of us will go the wrong way.




Happiness is like a pebble dropped into a pool to cause a circle of ripples. As Stevenson said, "Being happy is a duty."

There is no exact 1.  (definite) of the word "happiness". Happy people are happy for all sorts of reasons. The key is not wealth or physical well-being  2. we find beggars, the disabled and so-called failures 3. are extremely happy.

Being happy is a sort of unexpected dividend(红利). But staying happy is an accomplishment, a triumph of the soul. It is not selfish to strive 4.  it. It is, indeed, a duty to ourselves and 5. .

Being  6. is like an infectious disease. It causes people to shrink away from the sufferer. He soon finds himself alone and miserable. There is,  7. , a cure so simple that it seems, at first glance, ridiculous: if you don’t feel happy, pretend  8.  (be)!

It works. Before long you 9.  (find) that instead of annoying people, you attract them. You discover how deeply rewarding it is to be the center of a wider and wider circle of good will.

Then the make-believe becomes 10.  reality. You possess the secret of peace of mind, and can forget yourself in being of service to others.



Once a young boy was walking with his father along a country road. When they discovered a very large tree branch by _____ , the boy asked his father _____ ,"Dad, do you think I could move that branch?"

His father _____ and said, "If you use all your strength, I’m sure you can." So the boy tried  _____ to lift, pull and push the branch but he couldn’t move it.

Feeling _____ , he said, "Dad, you were wrong. I can’t do it."

His dad said, "Try again." This time, as the boy _____ to deal with the branch, his father joined him and _____ they pushed the branch aside.

"Son," the father said, "the first time you didn’t use all your strength. You didn’t ask me to help."

This is an important _____ . There are many things we can’t do _____ all by ourselves,

_____ that doesn’t mean we can’t get them done. We all are surrounded by _____ that can be worked together to help us _____ our goals including family, friends and faith. Sometimes we _____ to ask for help _____ pride or stubbornness. Sometimes we think it’s a sign of weakness to _____ we need a hand. And sometimes we don’t _____ think about asking for help. Whatever the _____ is, it’s a waste of time. It’s important that we learn to use all our strength that are _____ : this includes inner resources such as discipline, courage and love, and it also includes outer resources. Just as we should be ready to help others and we should be

_____ to ask for the help of others. It’s one of the great things about being human.

Few things in the world are more powerful than a(n) _____ push, a smile, a word of optimism and hope, a "You can do it!" when things are tough.

1.A.mistake     B.nature       C.order      D.accident

2.A.proudly     B.curiously   C.sadly       D.loudly

3.A.worried     B.refused       C.complained D.nodded

4.A.greatly    B.slightly      C.gradually  D.naturally

5.A.surprised    B.relaxed      C.discouraged D.ashamed

6.A.promised    B.attempted    C.claimed     D.agreed

7.A.slowly      B.again        C.fast        D.together

8.A.lesson       B.amusement     C.decision    D.advice

9.A.fortunately   B.eventually    C.regularly   D.absolutely

10.A.and        B.so           C.but         D.or

11.A.friends    B.resources     C.kindnesses D.difficulties

12.A.design       B.score        C.realize     D.achieve

13.A.fail        B.choose       C.pretend     D.need

14.A.instead of  B.because of   C.think of   D.speak of

15.A.forget      B.decide       C.admit      D.discover

16.A.even         B.still        C.already   D.ever

17.A.strength    B.matter       C.help       D.reason

18.A.available   B.equal         C.normal     D.traditional

19.A.certain     B.willing      C.afraid     D.likely

20.A.hard        B.sudden        C.positive    D.obvious



I believe the very nature of writing is to set the writer free, not to impress readers. I encourage my students to write freely. By now we taste the good of free writing and enjoy it very much. And I imagine you may have tons of questions about free writing. First, how to improve my logic? 1.The power of writing has to do with its emotion, and logic, and therefore we try extra hard to be logical — but this kind of forced logic is not something we can force on ourselves, or on our writings. When we let our emotional voice come out freely, our logical voice will also come out — that is the charm of free writing. Read your own free writings, you will find many free writings are quite logical indeed. You are not that illogical as you thought of yourself.

2.Yes, sometimes our ideas are boring, and sometimes we are boring people so what? Who says we have to be amazing all the time? Let’s respect our human reality. The good thing we need to do is to continue to write patiently. Persistence wins the battle. Sometimes the idea may seem boring to us, but as we continue to write, something else will come up. 3.Our writing does not have to be immortal(不朽的) or amazing. Writing is just a way to express ourselves. Please don’t worship writing.

Now, what if my writing often shows my dark side that I don’t want to see at all?

4.As human beings, we all have our dark sides. What is the right way for us to become better people? To face them honestly or to hide them and pretend they never exist? Honesty is always the best policy. Our dark sides need to be expressed, and free writing is a perfect outlet. The miracle is, after you express yourself truthfully, you will have less negative emotions, be more at peace with yourself, and have more compassion(同情) for others. 5. Many of my students have experienced the healing effects of free writing. And I believe you will experience the same wonderful healing.

A. This is a very honest question.

B. Logic is only one aspect of writing.

C. Then, what if my ideas are boring?

D. And free writing is exactly the opposite.

E. We write to free ourselves, and also to free others.

F. Have you ever wondered why free writing sets us free?

G. Our goal is not to amaze people, but to express ourselves.



We know music is very important in our daily life. Today most stores, stations, restaurants and other places play music. Do you notice music playing at any of these places when you go somewhere? You might even hear music in an office or on a farm.

Scientists believe that music influences the way people behave. They think that the sound of western classical(古典的) music makes people feel richer. When a restaurant plays classical music, people spend more money on food and drinks. When the restaurant plays modern music, people spend less money. Without music, people spend even less.

Scientists also believe that loud, fast music makes people eat faster. Some restaurants play fast music during meal time. This makes people eat faster and leave quickly. Restaurants can make more money in this way.

Some scientists think that music makes you think and learn better. They say that music helps students to be more active. It is true that people learn better when they are relaxed. And listening to music can help you relax.

Next time you hear music somewhere, be careful. It might influence the way you do things.

1.According to the text, scientists believe that music can     .

A.create different feelings for us

B.help us to develop good habits

C.develop our interest in money

D.influence natural environments

2.Which type of music below can make people work faster?

A.Light music. B.Rock music. C.Sweet music. D.Soft music.

3.The habit of listening to music can make a student     .

A.slow in action         B.care about manners

C.fresh in mind          D.worry about studies

4.Which of the following can be the best title of the passage?

A.Music in Restaurants    B.Good and Bad Music

C.Types of Music          D.Music and Behavior



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