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Seven Ways to Find Out What You Really Want in Life

Be good to yourself

You can’t pinpoint(准确指出) exactly what you want in life. You’re constantly sacrificing your time and dreams for other people. 1. Ask yourself: if you weren’t tied down by your job, family, or anything else, then what would you be doing right now?

Regret nothing

To be good to yourself is not selfish. It’s your life. It’s time for you to live it exactly the way you want to. If  you constantly regret things you did or didn’t do in the past, then you won’t be able to move forward.   2.

Figure out what you need 

Sometimes it’s hard to figure out what you need. Sit down and think about what you need most. The freedom to express yourself? Love? Financial security? Something else? If it helps, you can make a list. Also think about the kind of legacy(遗产) you want to leave behind.


You can fly only by pushing back against something you don’t want. Figure out what upsets you, and be specific about it. Don’t just say that you hate your office job. Pinpoint exactly why you hate it. Could it be your strict boss? Your workload? Your meaningless job title? Or all of  the above?

Determine what makes you truly happy

There’s no life to waste if you’re happy with living it. Think about what makes you happy. Being around children? Is it traveling? Owning a successful business? Financial freedom?  4.

Let people around you know what you’re trying to achieve

Don’t keep your goals and desires to yourself. Voice it all out! If you tell people what you’re trying to accomplish, they will most likely support you and give you new ideas. Sometimes mother does know best!

Stay positive

Life doesn’t always go how you want it. Don’t feel discouraged as your plans stray(偏离). Take control. Instead of being anxious, try your best to advance with the changes. You will get there someday. 5.. You’re just taking a little detour(绕道).

A. Don’t live in the past but live in the present!

B. Sometimes a positive attitude is all you need to keep going.

C. Determine what really bothers you.

D. Once you pinpoint the one thing that makes you happy the most, you’ll have a pretty clear

idea of what you should struggle hard to get in your life.

E. You have to put yourself first, because if you don’t, then no one else will.

F. Determine what you are going to do next.

G. You should think of things positively.


1.E 2.A 3.C 4.D 5.B 【解析】 试题分析:本文属于说明文,介绍了七种找到生活中最想要的事物的方法。 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 考点:考查教育类阅读

A food additive (添加剂) is any substance that is added to food. Many people are put off by the idea of “chemicals in food.” The truth is that all food is made up of chemicals. Natural substances like milk, as well as man-made ones like drinks on sale in the market, can be described by chemical formulas. Some chemical substances are indeed harmful, but a person who refused to consume any chemicals would find nothing to eat.

The things we eat can be divided into natural and man-made substances. Some people feel that only natural foods are healthy and that all man-made ingredients are to be avoided. But many natural chemicals, found in plants and animals, are harmful when eaten, and some laboratory-made substances increase the nutritional value of food. Other chemicals have natural and man-made forms that are exactly alike: vitamin C is vitamin C, whether it comes from a test tube or from an orange. Like “chemical”, “man-made” doesn’t necessarily mean “not fit to eat”.

Food additives are used for many reasons. We add sugar and salt and other things to foods we prepare at home to make them taste better. Food producers have developed a range of additives that stabilize(使稳定), thicken, harden, keep wet, keep firm, or improve the appearance of their products. Additives can make food more convenient or nutritious, give it a longer shelf life, and make it more attractive to the consumer, thus increasing the sales and profits of the producers.

Food additives are presently the centre of a storm of serious argument. Food producers have been known to use additives that have not been proved safe; some substances in common use have been proved unsafe and have been taken off the market. Many people feel there’s a risk of eating food to which anything has been added. But food additives are now regulated by the FDA of the federal government, and new additives will go through strict testing before they can be placed on the market. For most people, the chances of developing serious side effects (副作用) from the long-term use of presently approved (批准) food additives are very small.

1.From the passage we can learn that        .

A. natural foods are much safer than man-made ones

B. it is right to refuse chemicals in food

C. food additives are harmful to our health

D. all foods have chemical substances

2.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A. Food additives can improve the quality of foods in many ways.

B. To ensure food safety, the FDA will stop food additives.

C. Foods free of additives can keep a much longer shelf life.

D. Foods with more additives have higher nutritional value.

3.We can infer from the regulation to the food additives by the FDA that        .

A. new additives will be approved more easily than before

B. food with common-used additives will be taken off the market

C. food additives will be used in a safer and more scientific way

D. food producers won’t be allowed to use new food additives

4.According to the writer, the food additive is        .

A. worrying        B. acceptable

C. poisonous       D. avoidable



Forty years ago, Finland was a small country with mediocre(普通)public schools. Today, Finland is still small but no one calls Finland’s public schools mediocre any more.

In 2000, the Finns surprised the world when their 15-year-olds scored at the top of a closely watched international exam called the PISA. Finland has stayed near the top ever since, while the U.S. scores around the middle.

Pasi Sahlberg, an official with Finland’s Ministry of Education and Culture, is in Seattle this week to share the story of Finland’s success, and what states like Washington can learn from it.

Sahlberg’s message, although he is too polite to put it so bluntly(坦率): Stop testing so much, trust teachers more; give less homework; shorten the school day.

On Tuesday, in a room filled with teachers, principals, professors, school-board members and policy makers, Sahlberg joked about the Finns’ reputation(名声) for being a quiet, humble people. “When Finland hit the top of the PISA,” he said, “the biggest disbelievers were Finns.”

More seriously, Finland never set out to create the world’s top school system. Instead, he said, the country decided in the 1970s that it wanted to ensure that a student’s success didn’t depend on family background.

“Finland relied on cooperation among teachers and schools, rather than on competition. Rather than judging teachers and schools based on test scores,” he said, “Finland puts trust in its teachers and principals. Teachers develop the curriculum in Finland, and design their own tests. There are no national tests, except one at the end of high school.”

That’s just the start. Along with a shorter school day, Finnish students don’t even start school until they are 7 years old. Many primary schools have a policy against giving homework.

“But Finland,”he said,“succeeded in part by adopting ideas from the U.S. and other countries. And those countries, ”he said, “can learn from Finland, too.”

1.What might be the author’s purpose of writing the passage?

A. To introduce a Finnish official.

B. To compare the education systems of Finland and the US.

C. To share the story of Finland’s success in education.

D. To ask the US to improve its education.

2.People first learned Finland’s success in education from_____.

A. its students’ performance in an international exam.

B. its international exchange programs.

C. lectures given by Pasi Sahlberg.

D. its small-sized public schools.

3.Which of the following can contribute to Finland’s  success in education?

a. Giving students fewer tests.

b. Giving teachers more trust.

c. Evaluating students’ family backgrounds.

d. Creating the world’s top school system.

e. Starting school late.

A. a,b,c              B. c,d,e          C. a,b,e           D. b,c,d

4.What Pasi Sahlerg said in Paragraph 7 suggested that ______.

A. children should start school as early as possible.

B. competition among teachers might be harmful to education.

C. the US education system is still the most advanced.

D. it’s necessary to set up a national curriculum.



Sydney has a huge bus system. No buses accept cash, and a ticket needs to be bought ahead of time. The buses often run at busy hours and regularly during the day. The Sydney Explorer bus provides air-­conditioned service and stops at 27 tourist attractions. Its partner, the Bondi Explorer, stops at 19 attractions. Tickets allow holders to jump on and off as they please, and they can be used for one or two days. It's an easy way to see the city and the surroundings.

Sydney's train service runs throughout the central city area and the surroundings. Tickets can be bought from machines that operate 24 hours a day or from ticket offices. The monorail(单轨火车)travels through central Sydney. It is the most excellent way to gain a good view of the whole city. The monorail runs every three to five minutes, and it takes 15 minutes to complete its journey.

Sydney is built around a harbor, and the Parramatta River has a large ferry(渡船)system. It serves the area around the harbor. These include Taronga Zoo, Darling Harbor, Rose Bay, the North Shore, Cockatoo Island and Sydney Olympic Park. The ferries have operated for more than 135 years and 14 million passengers take the ferries each year.

Water taxis can offer special services that some visitors enjoy, such as transporting passengers to specific locations, offering guided tours of waterways and so on. The tickets sell for 20 Australian dollars for a day or 57 Australian dollars for a week. It is strange,isn’t it?

1.What should people take when getting on the bus in Sydney?

A. Cash       B. Tickets      C. Change     D. Bank cards

2.The underlined sentence in Paragraph 1 means that passengers________.

A. can stop the bus at any time

B. can visit the city at night

C. should buy two tickets to get on and off the bus

D. can get on and off the bus many times with a ticket

3.Which of the following is the best way to view the whole Sydney?

A. By monorail   B. By bus

C. By train      D. By ferry

4.Compared with the ferry,what is the advantage of water taxi?

A. It is much faster.

B. It is much cheaper.

C. It can reach more places.

D. It can provide special services.




Are there any foreigners in your city? How do you address(称呼) them in English when you want to talk to these foreigners? The following may be some simple rules the beginners should follow.

1. When talking to strangers there is often no special form of address in English. In most cases, if you want to catch the attention of a stranger, it is necessary to use such phrases as “Excuse me”.

2. In British English “Sir” and “Madam” are considered to be too formal for most situations. They are used mostly to customers in shops or restaurants. While in American English “Sir” and “Madam” are not so formal and are commonly used between strangers, especially with older people whose names you don’t know.

3. When you talk to some people you know, you can use their names directly. If you are friends, use their first names; if your relationship is more formal, use “Mr.”, “Mrs.”, “Ms.”, etc, before their family names.

4. There are many other forms of address which can be used between friends and strangers. However, many of these are limited in use. For example, “pal” and “mate” can be used between strangers, but are usually only used by men talking to other men.

If you meet foreigners, do remember not to address them in wrong ways.

1.According to the passage, “Excuse me” is mainly used to _______.

A. address a friend                      B. apologize to others

C. catch the attention of a stranger     D. suggest good manners

2.If John Smith is your best friend, according to the passage you should often call him______.

A. John      B. Smith      C. Mr. John     D. Mr. Smith

3.What is the title of this passage?

A. Foreigners in Your City

B. How to Introduce Others

C. Politeness Education

D. How to Address Foreigners





1. 出现的问题;

2. 你期望的解决方案;

3. 希望能尽快得到回复。


1. 词数100左右(开头和结尾已给出,但不计入总词数);

3. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;

参考词汇: button (纽扣)    order (定货;定单)   refund (退款)

Dear Sir\Madam,

I’m writing to make a complaint about








Li Hua



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