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1.What is important to wear when riding?

A. Warm clothes.       B. Loose jeans.

C. Hiking boots.       D. Cowboy boots.

2.You’d better bring your own equipment for ________.

A. horseback riding  B. fly fishing

C. cattle work       D. mountain biking

3.Where can you possibly read this article?

A. In a novel .                 B. In a science magazine.

C. In a travelling guide.       D. In a history textbook.


1.D 2.B 3.C 【解析】 试题分析: 本文介绍一个全家游玩的好去处。 1.D 考查细节理解题。根据Wear中提到you will want cowboy boots and westerm-cut jeans可知你需要穿牛仔靴,故选D项。 2.B 考查细节理解题。根据Fly-fishing中提到At any time, guests who bring their own fishing poles are welcome to fish at Horseshoe Lake可知选带自己的装备来钓鱼,故选B项。 3.考查推理判断题。根据文章的标题Located in the mountains of Colorado · Offers a variety of activities for the whole family!提供各种各样的活动给家人,故来自旅游介绍,因此选C项。 考点 :日常生活类阅读 。


My tenth Christmas was one I was not looking forward to. Money was tight. Mom said we were old enough not to count on       . Just being together would be enough.

We weren’t the only family in our small community who would have a       Christmas. But the knowledge that others were going through the same thing didn’t       much.

One night we had a small pity party for each other.

“How can I even wear that same old dress one more time?” I       .

“I know,” said my sister. “I think I might as well give up asking for a      .”

The next day, Mom told us that she had been saving up and shopping around so that we could give the Walters family a Christmas basket.

“If anyone needs some       , it’s the Walters.” Mom reminded us.

The Walters! They were the strangest people we knew. How could Mom be so       with them when our own family didn’t have enough?

Mom was determined. She packed flour and sugar, a small turkey, some fruits in a basket and asked us to       it to the Walters.

I really didn’t like to have anything to do with them. Not wanting to be       , we left the basket on the doorstep and hid behind a nearby bush.

Seeing the Walters gather up their basket, I asked in whisper, “Did they look happy?”

“Well, yeah, happy, but mostly they looked like they were thinking, Maybe we do belong.”

Christmas morning arrived. To my great      , I received a fabulous-looking dress. I couldn’t believe it’s for me. I was about to speak       we noticed Dad ride up atop a new horse. My sister screamed and ran out. She couldn’t       to meet her “gift”.

“Mom, how did you do all this?” I asked. “We were       for a no-present Christmas.”

“Oh, not necessarily       but just helping each other. Mrs. Olsen at the dress shop let me bring your gift home. Dad offered to hang up Mrs. Marshall’s tree lights. Mr. Jones had a horse and he was       to know we had someone to love it.”

“I thought since you were giving away food to the Walters, we would never have enough. They really don’t have anything to give in       .”

“We are like a big family. Never      who can or who can’t give. The most important is that we should listen to our hearts. Perhaps the right gifts will end up with the right families.”

Mom always knew       . Thinking about the expression on the Walters’s faces when they discovered the Christmas basket, I realized their       feeling was more precious than any of the gifts.

That was the Christmas that I learned about the magic of       .

1.A. games     B. parties        C. gifts          D. trips

2.A. simple      B. regular      C. grand          D. peaceful

3.A. judge       B. help           C. cover          D. pay

4.A. begged      B. insisted       C. laughed       D. complained

5.A. tree       B. light          C. dress         D. horse

6.A. trust      B. cheer         C. praise        D. courage


7.A. patient     B. strict         C. generous      D. popular

8.A. deliver     B. award         C. show          D. lend

9.A. excused     B. caught         C. realized      D. recognized

10.A. relief    B. alarm         C. fear          D. surprise

11.A. since     B. when           C. after          D. before

12.A. expect    B. intend         C. wait           D. decide

13.A. ready     B. eager         C. known          D. responsible

14.A. checking   B. trading        C. hesitating     D. quarreling

15.A. proud      B. afraid         C. happy          D. worried

16.A. return     B. store          C. vain          D. effect

17.A. tease      B. forget         C. mind          D. ignore

18.A. truth      B. duty           C. dreams      D. choices

19.A. inspiring B. relaxing       C. satisfying     D. belonging

20.A. believing B. giving        C. forgiving     D. communicating



About 10 million dolphins are said ________ in the past 15 years.

A. to have killed             B. to kill

C. to have been killed       D. to be killed



--- I wonder ________ Mary has changed so much.

--- She has been suffering a serious disease.

A. why       B. what     C. when        D. where



The masterpiece “Guernica”, ________ by Picasso, is permanently exhibited in Madrid.

A. paint     B. painted     C. painting       D. to paint



After Jack ________ some e-mails, he started working on his report.

A. sends       B. has sent   C. had sent      D. would sent



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