满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Holding a cell phone against your ear or...

Holding a cell phone against your ear or storing it in your pocket may be dangerous to your health. This explains a warning that cell phone manufacturers include in the small print that is often ignored when a new phone is purchased. Apple, for example, doesn’t want iPhones to come closer to you than 1.5 centimeters; Research In Motion, BlackBerry’s manufacturer, recommends 2.5 centimeters.

If health issues arise from cell phone use, the possible effects are huge. Voice calls - Americans chat on cell phones 2.26 trillion(万亿)minutes annually - earn $109 billion for the wireless carriers.

Devra Davis, an expert who has worked for the University of Pittsburgh, has published a book about cell phone radiation, “Disconnect.” The book surveys scientific research and concludes the question is not settled.

Brain cancer is a concern that Ms. Davis examines. Over all, there has not been an increase in its incidence since cell phones arrived. But the average masks an increase in brain cancer in the 20-to-29 age group and a drop for the older population.

“Most cancers have multiple causes,” she says, but she points to laboratory research that suggests low-energy radiation could damage cells that could possibly lead to cancer.

Children are more vulnerable(易受伤的)to radiation than adults, Ms. Davis and other scientists point out. Radiation that penetrates only five centimeters into the brain of an adult will reach much deeper into the brains of children because their skulls are thinner and their brains contain more absorptive fluid(易吸收的液体). No studies have yet been completed on cell phone radiation and children, she says.

Henry Lai, a research professor in the bioengineering department at the University of Washington, began laboratory radiation studies in 1980 and found that rats exposed to radiation had damaged DNA in their brains.

Ms. Davis recommends using wired headsets or the phone’s speaker. Children should text rather than call, she said, and pregnant women should keep phones away from the abdomen(腹部).

1.According to Ms Davis, brain cancer increase ____.

A. among children    B. among old people

C. in the twenties   D. among pregnant women

2.Why do children easily be affected by radiation?

A. Because they haven’t grown up.

B. Because they are too young to protect themselves.

C. Because they use cell phones more often than adults.

D. Because their skulls are thinner and their brains are easily hurt.

3.What can we conclude from the last paragraph?

A. Pregnant women should keep cell phones away.

B. People should use cell phones in the correct way.

C. If you are a child, you’d better text than make phone calls.

D. When you use a cell phone, use a wired headset or the phone’s speaker.

4.What does the passage mainly talk about?

A. Be careful when using cell phones.

B. Don’t hold your cell phone against your ear.

C. Rats exposed to radiation have damaged DNA in their brains.

D. Low-energy radiation could damage cells that could lead to cancer.


1.C 2.D 3.B 4.A 【解析】 试题分析:本文讲述的是手机辐射可诱发癌症,使用手机会带来辐射的负影响,因此需要正确使用手机,特别是需要让孩子、孕妇等远离手机,为了健康,请远离手机。 1.C考查细节理解题。根据文章第四段的“But the average masks an increase in brain cancer in the 20-to-29 age group and a drop for the older population”但是,20到29岁的年龄组得脑癌的平均人数在增加,但年龄大的则在减少。可知脑癌主要发生在20多岁的时候,故选C项。 2.D 考查细节理解题。根据文章第六段的“Radiation that penetrates only five centimeters into the brain of an adult will reach much deeper into the brains of children because their skulls are thinner and their brains contain more absorptive fluid进入成年人大脑五厘米的辐射进入孩子的大脑更深,因为他们的脑盖骨更薄并且他们的大脑吸收更多易吸收的液体”可知,小孩更容易受辐射的影响是因为他们的头骨更薄,大脑更容易受伤,故选D项。 3.3】B考查推理判断题。最后一段“Ms. Davis recommends using wired headsets or the phone’s speaker. Children should text rather than call, she said, and pregnant women should keep phones away from the abdomen” 戴维斯女士建议大家使用有线耳机或手机扬声器,儿童应尽量收发短信而不是打电话,而怀孕妇女应将手机远离腹部。所讲述的都是一些正确使用手机以防止辐射的影响的方法,由此判断选B项。 4.考查主旨大意题。本文主要介绍使用手机的负作用,最后警示人们要正确使用手机。因此A项更能说明全文的主旨,而其它三项只是文中的细节内容,故选A项。 考点:新闻报道类阅读理解

Most students, when asked about their ideal graduation gift, would probably reply, “A car”, or “Money for a deposit on a house”. Cai Kaiyuan, 21, made a different choice. As a graduation gift to himself, he decided to work as a volunteer teacher in a remote village in Tibet.

Cai, a senior majoring in electrical engineering at Huan Railway Professional Technology College, originally planned to cycle from Sichuan to Tibet. During his journey, Cai’s idea for a different graduation gift to himself began to take shape. “I did not know beforehand what the journey would mean to me. I just want to gain a unique experience and have pleasure in appreciating the view there,” he said.

It turned out cycling on a plateau (高原) was extremely challenging. And it has kept changing his outlook on life. Cai’s fingers even became frostbitten while cycling up a 5008-meter-high mountain, where temperatures often dropped to 18 below zero. At night, the ice covered the road and he fell off his bike three times. The lack of oxygen made him feel dizzy and weak. “At the most serious moment, I felt that my life was on the line,” said Cai.

However, he also gained something unexpected. At Ya’an, a city in Sichuan, he met a group of tourists who are also university students. A girl called Wu Ling told him that she planned to work as a teacher in a primary school in Tibet after her journey. He was impressed by the idea as she looked slender and weak.

It was not until he reached a family-run hotel in Shigatse that Cai’s spirits began to rise. The hotel manager’s two daughters enjoyed talking with him. The kids asked about his experiences on his trip, and showed him the beautiful local lakes. “They told me that they always liked to talk to guests, as they wanted to improve their Mandarin,” he said, “Their parents and many locals can only speak Tibetan.”

Cai was touched by the girls’ story. Their situation is tough and the local people have little chance to learn Mandarin because the schools are short of teachers. “I want to do something to improve the situation for kids like them,” said Cai. His parents finally gave their agreement and his teachers also supported him.

1.According to the passage, Cai Kaiyuan’s graduation gift to himself is _________.

A. to have money for a deposit on a house

B. to travel by cycling from Sichuan to Tibet

C. to own a new car and marry a slender girl

D. to work as a volunteer teacher in Tibetan school

2.What words can be used to describe Cai’s journey to Tibet?

A. unique and pleasant

B. challenging but rewarding

C. relaxing but unexpected

D. freezing cold and boring

3.The underlined phrase “on the line” in the third paragraph means “ ____________”.

A. in a dilemma(进退两难)

B. making a phone call

C. at risk

D. very painful

4.The purpose of writing this passage is to ____________.

A. tell us about an unusual graduation gift

B. introduce a dangerous journey to us

C. give advice on how to travel to Tibet

D. encourage us to be a teacher in Tibet

5.Which of the followings is NOT the reason for Cai to make his decision?

A. He met Wu Ling and was impressed by her plan.

B. His parents and teachers persuaded him to go to Tibet.

C. He was moved by the kid’s desire to improve their Mandarin.

D. A lack of teachers makes the local people have little chance to learn.





1. 请愿意参加的同学在426日前到学生会报名;

2. 参评内容包括机器人的外观和功能;

3. 前五名获奖学生将代表学校参加银川市中学生机器人设计大赛。


1. 词数100左右;

2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;

3. 开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词汇。

参考词汇:报名 sign up ; 外貌 appearance ;功能 function


A robot design contest will be held in our school on the basketball court on May 4th.







Wish you success!

The Students’ Union

April 19th, 2016










Trying to come to a decision complete on your own can be risky. Some decisions are very important that they shouldn’t be made without talking to others first. There have several advantages if you consult the persons you trust. For one thing, they can give you valuable advices and they may point out some things you may have been overlooked. For another, friends may stop you make big mistakes.

When consulting others about important decisions, you should keep two things of mind. The first one is that you need to find someone whom you respect enough to trust their judgment. The second thing to consider is how to do if you disagree with this person. Maybe turning to a third or fourth person for help is a good choice. In word, making any big decision alone can lead to problems. Talking to friends or family members first are always a good idea.




Mary will never forget the first time she saw him. He suddenly appeared in the class one day,    1.   (wear) sun glasses. He walked in as if he   2.  (buy) the school. And the word quickly got around that he was from New York City.

For some reason he sat beside Mary. Mary felt    3.  (please), because there were many empty seats in the room. But she quickly realized that it wasn’t her, it was probably the fact that she sat in  4.    last row.

____5.   he thought he could escape attention by sitting at the back, he was wrong. It might have made it a little   6.    (hard) for everybody because it meant they had to turn around, but that didn’t stop the kids in the class. Of course whenever they turned to look at him, they had to look at Mary,   7.  made her feel like a star.

“Do you need those glasses for medical reasons?” the teacher asked. The new boy_8.   (shake) his head. “Then I’d appreciate    9.   if you didn’t wear them in the class. I like to look your eyes when I’m speaking to you.” The new boy looked at the teacher for a few seconds and all the other students wondered   10.    the boy would do. Then he took them off, gave a big smile and said, “That is cool.”



阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项 (ABCD)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

As a child, I started learning to play the piano, my favorite musical ______,but I was forced to give up when I started my middle school ______ I could concentrate more on my studies.

It’s one of my biggest ______to stop practicing the piano when I recall sadly today. During the following years, I kept telling my piano teacher that I would ______  . However, I didn’t keep my promise because I was   ______ with my study. ______ I lost touch with my teacher. Some years later, my teacher died. I was very sad because I lost such a good teacher. She was a very warm and gentle person. It hurts me to think she may have been______ that I never returned. I haven’t taken lessons since then but to be honest, I ______ to. Sitting at the piano, I couldn’t help recalling many       -- times of my practising at home and playing before my teacher and one time my teacher ______  me after I played entire pieces of music wrong in front of her colleagues. I was so______  that I could hardly say anything. But her  ______ helped me ease my shame. These memories, ______ , good or bad, never caused my ______  for playing the piano again.

This thought then led me to think that ______ is like music, and that we all try to play different   ______ in the instrument of our life. Sometimes the pitch(音高) is   ______  when we play it well, but sometimes we are out of tone. However, we all continue to create our own   ______  style of music. No matter what style our music is, it is ______  that we sing the songs of joy, quietness and love. Though I may never make it back to piano lessons, it doesn’t ______ that I’ve stopped making music.

1.A. instrument    B. performance    C. room          D. stage

2.A. in that       B. so that         C. now that     D. except that

3.A. successes   B. regrets         C. decisions   D. hobbies

4.A. play         B. graduate       C. leave        D. return

5.A. occupied      B. angry          C. satisfied    D. patient

6.A. Actually      B. Constantly     C. Suddenly     D. Gradually

7.A. astonished    B. glad            C. disappointed D. amazed

8.A. liked       B. needed         C. wanted       D. decided

9.A. dreams       B. expressions     C. words         D. memories

10.A. instructed B. hurt            C. punished      D. respected

11.A. frightened B. moved          C. embarrassed   D. excited

12.A. happiness    B. satisfaction    C. comfort       D. sigh

13.A. instead     B. meanwhile      C. therefore     D. however

14.A. hope       B. courage        C. feeling     D. effort

15.A. life       B. learning        C. attitude    D. enjoyment

16.A. cards        B. sports         C. roles         D. games

17.A. hard       B. wonderful       C. surprising    D. complex

18.A. unique       B. boring         C. common        D. similar

19.A. necessary   B. strange         C. possible      D. important

20.A. matter       B. mean            C. report       D. appear



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