满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

I thought it hard to complete the projec...

I thought it hard to complete the project at first, but I __________ my mind.

A. change        B. have changed

C. had changed   D. would change


B 【解析】 试题分析:本题考查时态。句意:我起初认为很难完成这个项目,但是我现在改变想法了。根据句意,改变想法是过去的动作,但是和现在还有关系,即对现在有一定的影响,并且翻译成“已经”, 符合这些特征的时态即为现在完成时, A change 一般现在时, 表示经常、习惯;真理;事实;表将来,C had changed 必须发生在另一个过去的动作之前,D would change 过去的将来,也必须在宾从中使用。 【名师点睛】 本题考查了现在完成时。现在完成时表示过去发生或已经完成的某一动作对现在造成的影响或结果。此时,常与时间副词already(已经) ,yet(还、已经) ,just(刚刚、仅仅) ,ever(曾经) ,never(从不) ,before(以前)等连用。这几个副词的用法如下: 1.already意为“已经”,通常用于肯定句中,可放在助动词之后,过去分词之前,也可以放在句末。实例: 1)I've already read this book. 我已经读过这本书了。 (“读”这一动作发生在过去,对现在造成的影响是“知道书中的内容”。) 2)I've washed my clothes already.我已经洗了衣服。 (洗衣服的动作已完成,其结果是“衣服冼干净了”。) 注意:在表示吃惊或明知故问等感情色彩时,already也可用于(口语)疑问句中。实例: 3)Have you met him already ?你(真的)已经见过他了? 2.yet用在疑问句中意为“已经”,用在否定句中意为“还”,常放在句末。实例: 1)—Has he found his watch yet ?他已经找到他的手表了吗? —No,not yet.不,还没有。 2)The woman hasn't found her dog yet . 那位妇女还没有找到她的狗。(没找到狗,心里着急,这就是对现在的影响) 3.just意为“刚刚”,表示行为刚刚过去,常放在助动词与过去分词之间。实例: He has just come back from school .他刚从学校回来。 4.ever意为“曾经”,用于疑问句或否定句中,放在助动词与过去分词之间。实例: 1)Have you ever been to Hong Kong ?你曾去过香港吗? 2)I haven't ever spoken to her.我未曾和她说过话。 5.never意为“从来没有”常与before连用(before要放在句尾,而never多放在助动词与过去分词之间。实例: I have never travelled by plane before.我以前从来没有乘飞机旅行过。 6.before意为“以前”,指过去不确定的某个时间,总是放在句末,不受句型的限制。实例: 1)Have you been to Hainan before ?你以前去过海南吗? 2)I haven't eaten Guangdong food before.我以前没吃过广东菜。 考点:考查时态  

I have no doubt that he will make it, but I wonder ____ he is really ready enough.

A. what B. why C. whether D. that



The money will be used __________ the school with new computer equipment.

A. to provide B. providing

C. provided   D. to be provided



Paula waited until all the luggage was cleared, __________ hers never appeared.

A. or B. so C. as D. but



The girl is sure to become a good actress __________ she gets the right training.

A. until    B. if    C. although     D. unless



The Oxford English Dictionary is necessary for learning English, so you'd better buy ___.

A. this    B. that     C. it      D. one



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