满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

They will run an after-class club ______...

They will run an after-class club __________ kids can have fun and learn

how to protect themselves.

A. that B. when C. where D. what


C 【解析】 试题分析:本题考查定语从句。句意:他们要成立一个课后俱乐部,在那里孩子们可以玩耍和学习如何保护自己。从句成分完整,所以此时应该考虑关系副词,先行词为“after-class club”,指代地点,因此选择“where”。 【名师点睛】 Where引导定语从句,先行词不一定都表示地点 1. We will discuss a number of cases __ beginners of English fail to use the language preperly. A.which B.as C.why D.where 2.He was driving so fast as to get himself into a dangerous situation ___he is likely to lose the control over his car. A. which B. as C. why D. where 两道题都选where ,但是case, situation都不是地点,如何理解? 在“先行词不是表示地点的名词”的前提下,如何判断是否使用关系副词where来引导定语从句的问题是一个高频考点。就是说,关系副词where所指代的先行词不只是表示地点的名词。 用Where引导定语从句,先行词不一定都表示地点按照通常的理解,当where引导定语从句时,它的先行词就是表示地点的名词,但事实并不是我们想象的那么简单。很多情况下,where所指代的先行词并不表示地点。 “当先行词不表示地点时,使用where引导定语从句”的判断方法。首先,判断定语从句的结构:定语从句应该不缺少主语和宾语,而是缺少状语。其次,观察先行词:先行词是除了时间名词(在这种情况下会用when)和原因名词(在这种情况下会用why)以外的其他任何名词。第二个条件之所以成立,是因为定语从句中的状语成分一般就是由when、where和why等三个引导词来引导的。 考点:考查定语从句  

They have leading experts in this field, and that's ____ they've made important progress.

A. where B. why C. whether D. who



I've heard that preparations___ for the coming festival. Let's give them a hand.

A. are being made    B. have been made

C. are making        D. have made



Parents often tell their children that they __________ take candy from strangers.

A. needn't B. wouldn't C. shouldn't D. daren't



Careers Advice service is only available to people __________ on day-time courses.

A. to study    B. study    C. studied    D. studying



I thought it hard to complete the project at first, but I __________ my mind.

A. change        B. have changed

C. had changed   D. would change



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