满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

From: jovangagic56@memail. com To: kmall...

From: jovangagic56@memail. com

To: kmallory@LN.org

Subject: Hi!

Dear Mr. Mallory,

I am writing to tell you my deep disappointment for my experience at Lingua Nova English summer school in the first two weeks of July. I had been thoroughly looking forward to learning English and learning about culture in the UK, but I am afraid that my time at your summer school failed to live up to my expectations.

Your brochure states that the student accommodation is situated "in the heart of Edinburgh". This is misleading as my accommodation was, in fact, situated a good fifty minutes bus ride from the city center in what I can only describe as a less than picturesque part of the suburbs.

In addition, the activity programme did not reflect the fact that we were located in one of Europe's most interesting and historical cities: one evening activity consisted of a walk to a nearby park, another was a trip to a narrow street which was not usually used by cars. Finally, on our one trip into the city center our "guide" readily admitted that she was not from Edinburgh, and had in fact never visited the city before. I had been eagerly expecting a guided tour of Scotland's treasures. In fact, I was left in the city center with no map and told to "check things out" while your employee went shopping in Princes Street.

This was a long awaited trip and cost me over two years' hard work and saving. Although I do have positive memories of my trip (my English teachers were knowledgeable and inspiring), the accommodation and activity programme were wholly unsatisfactory.

I would like to get my money back for the accommodation and would really appreciate a reply within the next two weeks.

Yours sincerely,

Jovan Gagic

1.Jovan wrote the email to __________.

A. provide information     B. share experiences

C. express dissatisfaction  D. raise expectations

2.According to Jovan, the guide __________.

A. organized cultural activities

B. failed to perform duties

C. had a good knowledge of the city

D. received punishment for bad behavior

3.What effect does Jovan want his email to have on Mr. Mallory?

A. To make him feel sorry.

B. To cause him worry.

C. To bring him disappointment.

D. To get him into trouble.


1.C 2.B 3.A 【解析】 试题分析:本文讲的是主人公报名了一个英国的暑期假日学校,但是去了之后发现环境很差,与介绍人描述的丝毫不符,为了向其表达不满,写了这封邮件。 1.C 细节理解题。邮件第一句I am writing to tell you my deep disappointment for my experience at Lingua Nova English summer school in the first two weeks of July.阐述写信是为了表达自己对experience 的deep disappointment,与C 选项的叙述相符。 2.B 细节理解题。本题定位到文章的第三段Finally, on our one trip into the city center our "guide" readily admitted that she was not from Edinburgh, and had in fact never visited the city before.从下文可知,作者在城市里no map and told to “checking things out”可知,导游不合格,与第二个选项描述相符。 3.A 推理判断题。由文章最后一段可知,作者想向Mallory 要回住宿费用,并且全文都在说作者在英国的情况与之前介绍不符,所以是想让介绍人感到愧疚。 【名师点睛】 本文【小题1、2】都属于细节理解题。这一题型可以通过正选法与排除法解题。 正选法即根据所读材料内容从正面选择最佳答案。如果在有些情况下从正面选择答案有困难,考生则可以考虑选用排除法,即排除四个选项中的三个错误选项,那么剩下的选项即为正确答案。排除法是解答阅读理解题的常用方法,对于那些不合情理或荒谬的选项、与短文内容相反的选项、与短文内容不相关的选项、虽在短文中出现但答非所问的选项,以及不是问题的主要因素的选项等,都可以采用排除法。 考生可以遵循如下“三级思考”的方法排除干扰项:(1) 如果干扰项明显与文章相矛盾,即为“误”,可以直接排除。(2) 如果干扰项与文章内容不矛盾,但在原文中没有依据,这种脱离原文的“虚”的选项也可以排除。(3)有些干扰项似乎很有道理,文中也能找到相关的依据,但它并不能完全满足题目的要求,未能以文章的主题、作者的思维模式为出发点,未能充分体现严谨性和最大的合理性,这种虽没错但不是最佳答案的“偏”选项也可以排除。只要考生经过“是否矛盾? (误否) ——是否有依据? (虚否?) ——是否以偏概全 (偏否?)”的逐级思考过程来分析和甄别每一个选项,那么解题的正确率就会得以提高。正确的答案应该是与原文意义一致的选项,或是经过“三级思考”仍不能排除的选项。 考点:考查记叙文阅读

完形填空阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从每题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

Communication with a Stranger

Last weekend I sat on the bus talking with excitement and so ready to spend time in New York City with one of my best friends from college. As I took the window seat and wore headphones over ears, I almost didn't ____the elderly man sitting beside me.

Two hours passed and I was still absorbed in my own world. ____the elderly man asked me a question, a simple question ____ the bus's Wi-Fi connection, which turned into a two- hour ____. In fact, it directly ____ my personal life.

We talked a lot about my dreams, my fears and my life. I ____ more with this stranger on the bus than I have with any friend or family member in months. Maybe it had something to do with me just being ____ to let anyone I know close to me. I was ____ that the stranger was not only so deeply interested in getting to know me, but also just as willing to ____ me to my greatest abilities. He listened carefully to every word I said and made some useful ____ at times. Instead of politely ____ his head when I mentioned my major, he told me that my strong liking seemed to be psychology, but not the one I was studying. He said that he knew I would face difficulties if I studied

psychology and that he fully understood my ____ for the failure.

This elderly man made me ____ the plans that I had laid out for my life with just that simple statement. He helped me realize that my neatly ____ plan for the next five years of my life wasn't all that neat, but actually complex and filled with ____. Most of all, he helped me ____ the complex, not stay away from it because of my fear for the unknown. I _____ a lot from talking with the elderly stranger.

A few days later, he emailed me, saying, "I think you're ____ for great things no matter what you decide to do." The email was filled with words of ____. In a few hours a stranger showed me a sense of kindness that made me realize that life is sometimes ____ but it is going to be okay.

1.A. check         B. notice      C. excuse         D. believe

2.A. Then        B. Instead      C. Again         D. Also

3.A. through        B. with        C. during        D. about

4.A. introduction  B. explanation  C. conversation  D. competition

5.A. affected      B. controlled  C. interrupted    D. created

6.A. searched    B. shared     C. demanded      D. reviewed

7.A. sorry        B. curious    C. anxious        D. afraid

8.A. puzzled      B. bothered C. amazed       D. disappointed

9.A. push          B. invite      C. treat          D. admit

10.A. choices       B. suggestions  C. decisions      D. efforts

11.A. raising     B. dropping   C. turning        D. nodding

12.A. regret        B. change       C. fear           D. desire

13.A. prepare       B. develop    C. approve       D. question

14.A. replaced    B. organized    C. discussed     D. predicted

15.A. uncertainty B. danger      C. responsibility D. conflict

16.A. identify     B. ignore      C. seize         D. accept

17.A. suffered     B. increased   C. benefited      D. experienced

18.A. leaving        B. heading      C. watching      D. caring

19.A. encouragement  B. protection   C. admiration    D. description

20.A. stable         B. normal     C. painful      D. serious



—My computer doesn't work!

—Robert is a computer expert. How I wish he __________ with me.

A. came B. had come C. is coming D. has come



He is very tired, so he needs some time __________ duty for relaxation and rest.

A. through   B. from     C. with     D. off



I've known Sarah for nearly ten years. She __________ once my customer.

A. is     B. has been    C. was    D. had been



—You look sleepy today.

—__________ not to miss the flight, I didn't dare to close my eyes the whole night.

A. Reminded    B. Being reminded

C. Reminding   D. Having reminded



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