满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

书面表达 请以“A good state of mind is the base...


请以“A good state of mind is the base of success.”为题,结合你生活中的一个事例,用英语写一篇100-120个词的短文。



3) 文中不得透露个人姓名及班级名称。

A Good State of Mind Is The Base of Success








It is well known that life is complicated. We can’t avoid anything annoying or stressful. Therefore, what is of great importance is that we should keep a good state of mind. An experience never fades from my memory. With a vital exam drawing near, I felt so nervous that I even couldn’t eat or sleep, thus making me very sleepy in class. Seeing this, my teacher came to my help. With her aid, I adjusted myself and felt confident again. In the meantime, a detailed plan was made to go over my lessons. In the end, I managed to pass the exam. It was a good state of mind that helped me get through the exam. A good state of mind is what it takes to realize our goal. Whenever your emotion is out of control, just keep in mind that only by possessing a good state of mind can you attain success. 【解析】 试题分析:考查开放性作文写作,开放性作文给出了一个话题,并有部分的文字提示。给考生自由发挥的余地较大。对于考生的综合能力要求较高,要求考生有很强的谋篇布局的能力和组织要点的能力。在完成开放性作文时,首先要选择自己熟悉的短语或者句型,在你的能力范围之内,选择句式时要赋予变化,因为这样你才可以更好的驾驭。同时也要选择合适的连接词,把各个要点组织成一个完整的整体。 【亮点说明】范文中运用一些常见的短语It is well known that众所周知;is of great importance重要的;In the end最后及keep in mind记在心里等。 考点: 提纲类作文  


文中共有 10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。






Zhang Danuo, editor at the newspaper office, offered to help Yuncheng, which is physically disabled, achieving his ambition to write a book. Every week or so, he set Yuncheng a writing assignment. Although he was often ill, and sometimes could hardly pick up his pen, Yuncheng kept write and  finally sent his finished essays to Zhang Danuo. Yuncheng was always happy when he finished an assignment. I felt everything in the world was beautiful and how wonderfully it was to live in the world, he said. Knowing that Yunchengs book describes what his life it is like, what his hopes and dreams are and how he overcomes the problems what he faces every day, both the old and the young has been inspired by his courage and his good heart and her book has sold well. Yuncheng says that because his life will not be a long one, he must do so much as he can in the time that is left to him.




1.ts difficult for him to conduct the experiment. Even though he has trouble________ the experiment, he makes up his mind to manage it himself.

2.Nowadays even children in the mountain areas can surf the Internet. They have_______  _________ the Internet for information at home and abroad.

3.Tom didnt go to school because he was ill. Thats why he was_______   _______ school and he had to make up for the lost time.

4.He wanted us to tell him the latest news and he desired that he_____  ______ the latest message.

5.In fact, true friends will not abandon anyone. That is, the chances of anybody ______  ________by true friends are rather low.

6.None of us spoke to Tom, so he was_______   ________. (不理会)


The animal looks ________ like a horse ________  a deer.







1.Cycling is highly________ to our health and the environment. (benefit)

2.I prefer_________ myself to the American lifestyle and help them understand the best part of Chinese culture to staying at home. (adapt)

3.Those heat can warm things up pretty quickly in_______ absence of a cooling system.

4.________ with herself, she tapped her forehead again and again. (annoy)

5.To our surprise, Mr. Smith resigned_______ the union last month.

6.The basketball coach, as well as his team members, _______ shortly after the match for their outstanding performance yesterday. (interview)

7.Its an honor__________ by the chairman to Beijing visiting the new company. (accompany)

8.Looking down, she could see her face_______ in the water. (reflect)

9.It was a time_______ no one could understand my plan and ambition.

10.The meeting aimed at strengthening safety _________ of the employees. (aware)

11.Do you mind________ fun of in public? (make)

12.Dr Smith is said ____________ the accident, so he knows the details of the whole thing,(witness)

13.My parents never knew anything about cell phones but now they have got used to_______ me up when in need. (ring)

14.As we drew closer, I could see something very huge_______ by a couple of whalers, shouting and laughing, from the depth of the sea. (drag)

15.Just accept them for who they are and give them encouragement to live as rich and full______

life as you do .




My parents passed away ten years ago and I miss them terribly. But I know they are with me every day in what they taught me and in the ___________ they gave me. Every morning my father’s message to me was: Remember that  ___________   you walk out of this door, you carry responsibility, the good name of this family, the hopes and dreams of your mom and dad. My mother often urged me to___________ the high standards she set for me.

When I was in high school, I played in a rock band with friends in my class. We were devoted and practiced constantly. We moved past the guys in a garage stage and ___________  to be pretty good, doing getting paid gigs (演奏会) most weekends, which made me ___________ . At that time, though part of me was ___________ up in that band, another part of me was the oldest son in the Clark family, ___________ of my origin and a dedicated student busy applying to colleges. Without even telling my parents, I applied to Harvard. I didn’t think I had much chance of getting in, ___________ I wanted to try. So I was riding around being Mr Cool Rock Musician half of the time, and the other half I was focused on family and ___________  goals. I was running on parallel   ___________.

When the group won a city wide Battle of the Bands, things heated up. My band mates had stars in their eyes we might be able to make it big. However, I began to feel   ___________  . I realized I was on quite different tracks: I ___________ was becoming two people, ___________ identities back and forth depending on who I was with. I had to make an option. As I considered my ___________ , my parents’ words were right there, helping me to see that my dreams weren’t about signing a record deal, letting my hair grow, and living in a tour bus. So I  ___________  out. My bandmasters were ___________. They thought I was crazy to withdraw ___________  the peak of real success. But however successful that band got, I knew it wasn’t in line with my ___________  , with my feeling of what I was ___________ to do, with who I was it simply wasn’t me.

In that instant and in many others throughout my life, my parent’s advice has helped me recenter and   ___________ . I could remember who I was – the hopes and dreams I carried.

1.A.property       B.advice       C.guide         D.aid

2.A.when           B.before       C.while         D.since

3.A.come up with   B.stand up to   C.live up to     D.keep pace with

4.A.got            B.failed       C.hoped          D.attempted

5.A.lost          B.disappointed C.confused      D.thrilled

6.A.wrapped        B.centred       C.spent         D.offered

7.A.scared       B.proud         C.guilty        D.ashamed

8.A.if             B.unless       C.until        D.yet

9.A.economic       B.political     C.academic      D.literary

10.A.tracks       B.ways          C.processes      D.directions

11.A.confident    B.optimistic    C.cheerful     D.uncomfortable

12.A.exactly      B.actually      C.eventually     D.fortunately

13.A.switching   B.acting        C.discovering D.seeking

14.A.conditions    B.choices     C.competence     D.health

15.A.gave          B.looked        C.called         D.dropped

16.A.disturbed     B.cool          C.shocked      D.tolerant

17.A.in            B.to            C.by            D.at

18.A.goals        B.interests    C.personality    D.consideration

19.A.meant        B.demanded    C.forced         D.aimed

20.A.recall        B.refocus      C.rebuild      D.Reunite




Balance Self-Care and Caring for Others

How do I balance Self-Care and Caring for Others? If you are asking this question , you are one of those people who tend to be selfless. 1._______ So, how do you strike a balance?

Avoid  killing the goose . 2.____ In other words, you are going to kill the goose .If you work at a homeless shelter 50 hours a week for two weeks and then quit because you are overwhelmed(累垮),it wont do nearly as much good as if you work five hours a week all year around .Kind people usually fall into a trapthey try to do so much good but they dont realize that more is not always better .

3.______ You dont always have to sacrifice a lot to do something good .This doesnt mean that personal sacrifice is bad , but giving a friend the money that you and your family need to spend on food or rent isnt a great plan .Sometimes you just need to take care of yourself and your family. You can still support and encourage friends ,but you dont have to make deep sacrifices to care for someone.

4.______  This is something that every new parent eventually has to figure out : having that first date away from the child can be a guilty experience ,but it is better for the child to be sent to his or her grandparents once in a while so that the parents can relax themselves and have a good time. Then the parents will come back better equipped to care for the child

Taking care of yourself , 5._____ ,is taking care of them .It makes you strong ,and then you can pass that strength on to them.

A. Learn to care for others.

B. Make reasonable sacrifices

C. Let me praise the sweet side of your personality

D. Know the importance of self-care .

E. If you are encouraging or supporting someone

F. But you dont know when to stop caring for others and start caring for yourself

G. If you aggressively(过分地)give and never care for yourself ,you are going to burn out



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