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短文改错 文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加...






注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词。


Today, my foreign teacher Tim and I went to the People’s park together. We take a taxi and it wasn’t long before we arrived at the park. On seeing the green trees and beautiful flower, Tim couldn’t wait for to take pictures. It was at that moment when we found his camera was missing. He was very worried but searched all over his backpack. Sadly, he just couldn’t find it. Suddenly it struck me that he might have left it in the taxi. So I immediately got touch with the taxi company. About half an hour later, the driver returned a camera. Both of us were gratefully to the driver, and Tim, in particular, insisted on have a photo taken with him. Tim and I enjoyed themselves during the rest of the day


1.take---took 2.flower---flowers 3.wait for去掉 for 4.when---that 5.but---and 6.get∧ in touch with 7. a camera--- the camera 8.gratefully---grateful 9.have---having 10.themselves---ourselves 【解析】 1.take---took 考察时态。文中实态为过去式。 2.】flower---flowers考察名词复数形式。句意:看到了绿色的树和美丽的花朵以后,Tim迫不及待的要去拍照。 3.wait for去掉 for 考察介词。wait for表示“等待”的意思。 4.when---that that考察引导词。引导的定语从句修饰moment。 5.but---and考察连词。句意:他非常担心并把整个包搜了一遍。 6.get∧ in touch with 考察介词。get in touch with是固定搭配,意为“与…保持联系”,句意:我们立即与出租车公司取得了联系。 7.】 a camera--- the camera考察冠词。the表特指,特指这个照相机。 8.gratefully---grateful考察形容词。句意:我们很感激出租车司机。 9.have---having考察动名词。介词后接动词的-ing形式。 10.themselves---ourselves 考察人称代词。句意:在接下来的时间里我们玩的很愉快。 考点:短文改错。


1.Some students are                                  they spend too much time on them. (许多学生对电脑如此着迷以至于在电脑上花费了太多时间。)

2.The singer                             was Freddy. (我们熟悉的歌手是Freddy。)

3.More attention                 the rare wild animals in danger of                 .


4.Since the 1970s many new                          for me. (许多新的用途被发现了)

5.                          if you could come to the dinner party. (如果你能来参加宴会,我将不胜感激。)



第一节 根据提示,用单词的适当形式填空

1.Our government is making preparation in case a new situation                    .(出现)

2.Bob was quite ________                            (幽默), and I liked that about him.

3.Personally speaking, I a                            great importance to reading widely.

4.It’s a disease which ________                             (影响)mainly older people.

5.She wanted to be the first woman to climb Mount Qomolangma, and she almost _____.(成功)

6.According to laws, the children under ten are not allowed to be e          as workers in a factory.

7.It was such a r                            to hear that Martha was found safe and well.

8.My g________                   is to study hard, get a good job and support my family.

9.Whales are still being h                                     and killed in the Arctic.

10.After years of hard work, his dream has become a r________                        .




Many 1.  (music) meet and form a band because they like to play and write their own music. They may start 2.  a group of high-school students, for whom 3.   (practice) their music in someone’s house is the first step to fame. Sometimes they may play to passers-by in the street or subway so   4. they can earn some extra money for themselves or to pay for their instruments. Later they may play in pubs or clubs, for which they 5.  (pay) in cash. Of course they hope   6.  (make) records in a studio and sell millions of copies to become millionaires. However, There was one band 7. (call) Monkees that started in a different way. They played jokes on each other as well as played music, 8.  music and jokes were loosely based on “The Beatles”. Their 9.  (excite) performances were copied by other groups. 10.  it broke up in 1970, it reunited in the mid-1980s and it is still popular today.





The Internet is an ocean of knowledge. It can be helpful to people all over the world. This is, in fact, why it has been ____ for so long. But there are some parts of the Internet that make it disadvantageous for certain____ groups.

As a huge database (资料库) of ____ , the Internet can be used to draw facts about anything. And it keeps you up-to-date with all the events that are____ throughout the world in the form of news, ________ and videos. Newspapers are certainly a(n) ____ part of this process, but the Internet gets updated with the _________  news much faster than newspapers get ____. So the news that you get is much ________ . The Internet is also a great way to ____with your friends and family members who live far away. ____  family and friends, the Internet also forms a perfect medium (媒介) for business meetings that are held across countries, which has become very_______ these days.

However, there are also a few ________ in using the Internet. The first one is the exposure to some unhealthy contents. This is a major problem that ________ parents of all teenagers. The Internet is also a readily available source of video games, _______ violent games. Children who are at the age of experimenting may ________getting addicted to some of the games. And the Internet is a source of computer viruses which can be a ________ to your computer, and _______ your system in the end.  ________ , it is important to have an antivirus program on your computer. These are some of the things worrying people about the ________ of the Internet. So you may think twice before making your own choice.

1.A. amusing         B. confusing     C. popula r         D. difficult

2.A. age             B. sex            C. family            D. income

3.A. opinions        B. language       C. instructions      D. information

4.A. running out     B. taking place   C. breaking out      D. coming true

5.A. books          B. letters        C. pictures          D. diaries

6.A. important      B. different      C. missing           D. unusual

7.A. local          B. great        C. biggest           D. latest

8.A. lost            B. printed       C. signed            D. collected

9.A. fresher         B. longer        C. funnier           D. better

10.A. get along well B. come up        C. keep in touch     D. put up

11.A. As for        B. Along with    C. Apart from       D. Instead of

12.A. puzzling      B. common         C. similar          D. disappointing

13.A. adventures    B. challenges    C. improvements     D. disadvantages

14.A. concerns       B. interests      C. changes           D. encourages

15.A. probably      B. especially     C. finally          D. suddenly

16.A. stop          B. remember      C. worry about      D. end up

17.A. lie           B. solution       C.danger             D. surprise

18.A. damage        B. develop        C. perfect          D. support

19.A. Anyhow        B. Therefore      C. However           D. Moreover

20.A. future         B. value          C. history           D. Use




How to Make a Good First Impression (印象)

Have you ever met someone and walked away with "fool" or "loser" in mind? Are you afraid of being that someone and having others not like or understand you? Happily, you can get rid of these worries and fears by learning some effective skills on how to make a great and lasting first impression. Let’s get started.

Talk about your interests and hobbies.__ 1.___. It is always a great conversation starter! Ask if they like a specific band or singer. The more you have in common, the easier it will be to carry on the conversation.

Smile. Especially when first meeting someone. It's not necessary to show your teeth, just a meaningful grin(露齿而笑) will do. __2.__, or people will feel you're being fake or that you don't like them.

___3.___. Stay focused on the person you are speaking with and certainly not on anything else to avoid them feeling unappreciated and unwanted. Often if the person has an eye problem, like an eye that turns in, you're put off by this. Instead, focus on the person's nose or mouth.

Have a sense of humor. Born funny people are just themselves and the humor shows. Don’t worry if you are not a born funny person.__ 4.__. Don't keep serious all the time while you are talking to a new friend.

Be yourself. Don't pretend to be someone you're not, or you are stuck with that label forever. Be yourself. That may be what everyone says but it is entirely true!___ 5.__. If somebody finds out you have been lying to him or her, they will be very hurt and it will be hard for them to forgive you easily.

A. Appreciate others

B. Make eye contact.

C. Never lie to anybody about yourself and always be honest.

D. Keep smiling when you are talking to a new friend.

E. People who try to be funny can be funny if they try hard.

F. Be careful not to change from a smile to a straight face too quickly

G. Ask the other person about what their hobbies are



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