满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

此题考察主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句,请用适当连接词填空,每空一词。 1.He ...


1.He wasn’t sure _____________ he should stay or leave.

2. I have made it clear ____________ I will not give up the plan.

3.Andy worked very hard, and that was ___________ he got an A.

4.___________ will go to the meeting makes no difference.

5. ___________ I am worried about is that I can’t afford the cost.

6. Do you remember the parking lot near the cinema? That is ___________ I met her.


1. whether 2.that 3.why 4. Who 5. What 6. where 【解析】 试题分析:名词性从句一定要注意从句中的成分分析,如果缺少主语、宾语等,要使用连接代词;如果缺少状语,要使用连接副词。 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 考点:考查名词性从句


1. In those days on winter evenings, we ___________ all sit around the fire, chatting.

2. Your sister has been admitted to Beijing University? She __________ be quite clever!

3.You haven’t finished your paper? But you ___________ have finished it by the end of last week!

4.I promise if you win the football game, all of you ___________ have a chance to travel in Paris for free.





Festivals are ____________ to celebrate important times of year.


Don’t _____________ it.


____________ out the _____________ one


his novels ____________ in his boyhood world

5. 把我们花掉的钱记账

____________ an ____________ of the money we have spent


an ____________ hand


prefix and _____________

8. 月亮绕着地球转。

The moon _____________ the earth.





The song often ­­­­­­­­­_____________ me ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­_____________ my happy childhood.


To my disappointment, she didn’t _____________ ______________ on the stage.


A ____________ diet _____________ our health a lot.


It was his aunt that _____________ _______________ ______________.


The hen ____________ two eggs yesterday.




1.Tu Youyou, a Chinese woman scientist, was _______(授予) the Nobel Prize in Medicine for her discovery.

2.The ____________(起源) of this custom sounds very funny.

3.Roast duck in his restaurant is quite popular with c_______, for it is very delicious.

4.Natural resources on the earth are very l    , so we should make good use of them and protect them.

5. Henry Adams was _______ (漫步) down the pavement in London when a servant invited him to a big house.

6.I was caught in the traffic jam after work. As a result, I missed the first two ______(场) of the play.

7.We didn’t win the game this time and we all think it was Bill’s ____________(过错).

8.Only after we answered the guard’s questions were we p_______to enter the building.

9.To their surprise, the medicine produced a ____________(猛烈的) reaction.

10.Our school bus c_______into a tree yesterday and luckily none was seriously injured.




Music can make us feel happy or peaceful, or move us to tears. As an orchestra conductor(指挥), Amy Anderson allows people to experience many________that music can give.

Anderson fell in love with________as a child. She began playing the piano at seven. She bought many videos________by the world’s great orchestras and conductors and________listened to them for hours. During a concert, the audiences see the________of a conductor and the arm movements he or she uses. What audiences do not see is all the work the conductor has done before the________. However, a few months before a concert, Anderson studies the music by________it on the piano. She listens to recording, reads about the musician’s life, and reviews some________events that would have influenced the musician. Her goal is to present the music as the musician________.

While conducting, Anderson uses her whole body to________how the music should sound and feel. Her________are strong when the music is________and gentle when the music is peaceful. As she conducts, Anderson listens out for the________with the balance of different kinds of instruments or voices.

To________young musicians to understand how to play the music, Anderson tells them to imagine a________and relaxing walk or a ship being tossed(颠簸) by waves. “It is music’s ability to________people that I like most,” says Anderson. She has seen audiences at her concerts clap their hands together. ________, listeners are moved to tears by the music. After one concert in Serbia, the audiences________around the orchestra’s buses and showed their________for the musicians. Anderson is happy to be a conductor, because music can________people’s spirits and bring joy into ordinary days.


1.A. feelings          B. characters        C. thoughts       D. changes

2.A. painting          B. art               C. music          D. dance

3.A. kept              B. recorded          C. praised        D. directed

4.A. never             B. gradually         C. finally        D. always

5.A. face              B. head              C. look           D. back

6.A. schedule          B. performance       C. task           D. meeting

7.A. putting           B. beating           C. playing        D. repeating

8.A. important         B. strange           C. meaningless    D. unpleasant

9.A. designed          B. expected          C. impressed      D. ordered

10.A. prove            B. recognize         C. learn          D. express

11.A. ideas            B. accents           C. movements      D. voices

12.A. energetic        B. magical           C. wonderful      D. lively

13.A. signals          B. problems          C. sounds         D. challenges

14.A. encourage        B. force             C. remind         D. help

15.A. short            B. quick             C. calm           D. heavy

16.A. influence        B. tell              C. watch          D. meet

17.A. Firstly          B. Frequently        C. Fortunately    D. Lately

18.A. ran              B. drove             C. walked         D. gathered

19.A. kindness         B. care              C. appreciation   D. understanding

20.A. lift             B. follow            C. show           D. bring



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