满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

— I think he is taking an active part in...

— I think he is taking an active part in social work.

— I agree with you ________.

A. in a way         B. by the way

C. in the way     D. on the way


A 【解析】 试题分析:考查介词短语。短语in a way在某种程度上;by the way顺便说一下;in the way妨碍,阻碍;on the way即将成为...;在...路上;句意:—我想他会积极参加社交工作的。—在某种程度上,我同意你的意见。根据句意可知A项正确。 考点:考查介词短语辨析  



1. 简单解释国家二孩政策;







Dear Peter,

I have received your letter and I’m glad to explain to you the two-child policy in China.





Li Hua




In order to strengthen our sense of social responsible, the students in our school launched an activity of donating books to the children in poor areas. We gather in front of the school library in the afternoon of Jan. 15th. Each of them gave away some books what we treasured. We even wrote our names and address on the front pages, hope to be contacted and make friends with the children who would receive the books. About two thousand books were collected in and sent away. An activity not only provided a good chance for us show love for others, but also helped us to make new friends.




We can always hear voices comparing the education systems in China and the US. It's true that1.exist a lot of differences, but this cannot be an excuse2.having a passive attitude toward studying in China.

When I came back from the US last year and continued my senior middle school education in China, I sensed many great differences. I thought that school in China was too hard for3.(we) students, and that we didn't get to do enough fun exercise except running around playgrounds together. My mom had a long talk with me. After that, I realized that though high school life in China is harder, it can give us4.(much). The pressure helps us learn the true meaning of competition5.we step into society. It gives us a strong heart and6.(teach) us to step forward no matter what the7.(real)is. It's like climbing a mountain. You might feel dizzy and nervous, but the top is always there8.(wait) for you as long as you are strong enough—9.(take) one more step.

We complain10.(main) because we can't see the whole picture. We all need to understand that success takes efforts and tears.




1.No one shall have the _____________ (特权) of transcending(超越) the law, including Mr. President.

2.Of course, all students want to increase their knowledge, but I believe that most students today want that knowledge to be ______________(relevance)to their future careers.

3.To our relief, medicine, food and clothes ______________________(distribution) to the refugees in the camp by volunteers right now.

4.I am__________(death)to know what will happen at the end of the film.

5.To our regret, the research is finishing, because the money is dried_______.

6.Describe an occasion__________ you made yourself embarrassed in public.

7.We climbed up a mountain to a ridge, from _________ we had fantastic views.

8.Mary is the tutor of my life, without _________ guidance I wouldn’t have reached the bank of success.

9.Seeing her ________________(frighten) look, I suddenly realized something unusual had happened.

10.The leading actor is such a charming and elegant man _______ most of women admire very much.




I believe I had the perfect life. Because I was about to______my high school, and on my way to college, I had great friends and a loving family. There was nothing______. But I spoke too soon.

It was around 9:25 a. m. that I heard the news that would______my life forever. My brother Zach had been in a car accident. He fought for five days before he______. That day, I became an only child. I felt desperately______.

After Zach’s death, I found______in food. I ate, then I slept, then I ate again. I couldn’t cry. I could barely feel anything, and I was______. I stopped building relationships for fear that they would end just as______as Zach’s life. Also, I became nervous about any potentially______situations—driving late at night—but I couldn’t express this fear of life______I wanted to be strong for my parents. I saw my parents’ ______worse than mine on account of the losing of their son. I didn’t want them to______me. I also experienced a lot of______, because I was angry about why the sadness had happened to me, and I never______from this emotion.

Now, it has been nearly five years since Zach’s death. I don’t______life anymore: I face it bravely. I______my friendships and began socializing more. I even______Zach’s story with people around me. Although my new friends never met him, they know about Zach.

One lesson I learned from losing my brother was never to be______to say, “ I love you.” I loved my brother, but it was too late to______it loudly. The last time I remember telling my brother I loved him was when he was dying. Don’t make this______like me.

1.A. skip              B. finish           C. admit             D. determine

2.A. earning           B. missing          C. competing         D. reaching

3.A. slip              B. change           C. simplify          D. spoil

4.A. took away         B. passed away     C. gave away         D. flew away

5.A. lonely            B. deserted         C. abandoned         D. remote

6.A. nutrition         B. relief           C. guidance          D. benefit

7.A. funny             B. numb             C. patient           D. endless

8.A. finally           B. suddenly         C. appropriately     D. violently

9.A. complicated       B. risky            C. particular        D. tense


10.A. so               B. if               C. because           D. unless

11.A. discouragement  B. pain             C. tolerance        D. memory

12.A. think about      B. care about       C. consider about   D. dream about

13.A. unpleasantness   B. anger            C. unhappiness       D. power

14.A. hated            B. escaped          C. stopped           D. measured

15.A. damage           B. choose           C. leave             D. fear

16.A. produced         B. rebuilt          C. promoted          D. insured

17.A. imitate          B. share            C. advertise         D. perform

18.A. stubborn         B. afraid           C. tight             D. nervous

19.A. explore          B. express          C. circulate         D. scream

20.A. mistake          B. explanation      C. decision          D. comment



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