满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Tony ____ in the accident when he fell o...

Tony ____ in the accident when he fell overboard yesterday. He was _____ drowned.

A. fled; nearly             B. escaped; slightly

C. survived; narrowly      D. missed; hardly


C 【解析】 试题分析:考查动词副词辨析。动词flee逃离;escape逃脱;survive幸存;miss错过;副词nearly几乎;slightly轻微地;narrowly狭窄地;勉强地;严密地,险些.....;仔细地;hardly几乎不;句意:昨天当Tony从船上掉到河里的时候,他幸存了下来。几乎被淹死。本句中narrowly表示“险些...”。动词短语survive in the accident从事故中幸存下来。故C正确。 考点:考查动词副词辨析  

There is not much money left, but ________ we must manage to buy the new house.

A. somehow          B. somewhat

C. however          D. anyway



________, the headmaster rose to indicate that the conversation was ________.

A. At an end; in an end   B. In the end; at an end

C. In an end; at the end    D. At the end; in the end



He doubted _____ she would be _____ to the task, so she was not admitted.

A. that ; equally          B. whether ; equally

C. whether ; equal         D. that ; equal



Mr. Wang made up his mind to devote all he could ____ his oral English before going abroad .

A. improve           B. to improve

C. to improving     D. improving



Millions of people have been thrown ____ due to the global economic depression.

A. out of place         B. out of sight

C. out of control      D. out of work



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