满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

More than 400 mainland tourists ________...

More than 400 mainland tourists ________ from the landslide site till Saturday, but 18 others were still missing, because of the heavy rains.

A. were rescued     B. have been rescued

C. have rescued    D. are rescued


A 【解析】 试题分析:考查时态语态。根据but后句中的were说明本句叙述过去发生的事情,使用一般过去时,且More than 400 mainland tourists与动词rescue构成被动关系,要使用被动语态。综上所述,本句要适应一般过去时的被动语态,故A正确。 考点:考查时态语态  

Only when ______ me ________ what trouble she was in.

A. did she tell ;  I realized        B. she told ;  I realized

C. did she tell ; did I realize      D. she told ;  did I realize



The accident which resulted ___ the death of 6 passengers lay ___ the driver’s carelessness.

A. in; in        B. in ; on

C. at; in        D. for; with



In the reading room, we found her _____ at a desk with her attention _____ on a book.

A. sitting; fixing     B. to sit; fixed

C. seating; fixing    D. sitting; fixed



The place _____the bridge is supposed to be built should be _____the cross river traffic is

the heaviest.

A which; where           B. at which; which

C. at which; where       D. which; in which



A modern city has been set up in______ was a wasteland ten years ago.

A. where            B. which

C. that             D. what



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