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短文改错 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。...








The famous person I would really like to interview him is Yang Liwei. He is not only the first Chinese to going to space but also one of the greatest astronaut in the world. I have long interested in space exploration and I believe I could learn a great deal by him about it.

If I could interview him, I will ask him what made him an astronaut and how he was training. I’d also like to know how he felt in space and whether space travel is so great fun as I have read. Finally, I would like to ask a few questions about his personally life, that must be very interesting.


1.删除is前的him 2.going改为go 3.astronaut改为astronauts 4.long后加been 5.by改为from 6.will改为would 7.train改为trained 8.so改为such 9.personally改为personal 10.that改为which 【解析】 试题分析:本文属于记叙文,介绍了中国第一个宇航员杨利伟,以及作者想采访杨利伟时想问的问题。 1.删除is前的him 考查句子结构。本句中I would really like to interview是定语从句,修饰先行词the famous person,关系代词that/who指代先行词作为动词interview的宾语,被省略掉了,所以原句中的him是多余的。 2.going改为go 考查不定式做定语。当不定式所修饰的名词是序数词或者由序数词修饰时,需要使用不定式的主动语态表示被动含义。句意:他不仅是第一个进入太空的中国人而且还是世界上最伟大的宇航员之一。 3.astronaut改为astronauts 考查名词单复数。固定结构“one of+可数名词复数形式”意为“....之一”。句意:他还是世界上最伟大的宇航员之一。 4.long后加been 考查时态。本句是现在完成时,句中的interested是形容词,而不是过去分词,所以要在助动词have的后面接过去分词been的形式。 5.by改为from 考查固定短语。短语learn sth from.....从...学到.....;句意:我 可以从他身上学到很多很多。 6.will改为would 考查虚拟语气。本句是if引导的条件状语从句的虚拟语气,与现在事实相反的时候,条件状语从句中使用“过去时”,主句中使用“would/could/should/might + have done”的形式,所以本句中使用would。 7.train改为trained 考查语态。本句主语he与动词train之间构成被动关系,所以使用被动语态的形式。句意:如果我能够采访他,我会问他是什么让他成为宇航员以及他是如何训练的。 8.so改为such 考查固定句式。句式:so/such....that....如此...以至于....;其中so的后面要接形容词或副词,而such的后面要接名词或名词短语。本句中great fun是名词短语,所以使用such。 9.personally改为personal 考查形容词。在英语中形容词通常做定语修饰名词,而副词通常做状语修饰形容词、副词或动词。所以本句是使用形容词personal修饰名词life。 10. 【名师点睛】 要想做好“短文改错”题,不妨试试分成“四步走”,遵循“四原则”,实施“四查法”。具体做法如下: (一) 分成“四步走” 1. 通读全文,了解大意。注意语篇结构和行文逻辑。不能在不了解文章大意的情况下,逐字逐行地进行修改。 2. 先易后难,缩小范围。在通读全文的过程中,可以先把文中明显的错误找出来改正,然后再根据具体语境,仔细分析判断,将注意力集中在较难的句子上。 3. 把握句意,逐行判断。可依据“动词形,名词数,注意形和副;非谓动词细辨别,习惯用法要记住;句子结构多分析,逻辑错误须关注”的口诀行事。 4. 再次通读,复查验证。把大部分错误改正之后,如果还有拿不准的地方,就应再次通读全文,并利用语感来做最后的判断。 纵观近几年的“短文改错”题,正确的地方只有一处;多词和缺词的地方约有3处;用错词的地方一般有6个,且多为动词。这种比例或许也能帮助你做出最后判断。 (二) 遵循“四原则” 1. 改动处以最少为原则。“短文改错”题要求每行只能改动一处,改动的方法可以是增词、删词或换词,但无论作何种改动,只能是增加一词、减少一词或把一个词改成另一个词。当然,没有错误的行无需改动。也就是说,每行改动之处不能超过一个。 2. 实词以改变词形为原则。在“短文改错”题中,一般只是改变实词的形式,而不能改变实词的词义,也不能将其改换成另一个实词,更不能随便增删。例如: ① The air keeps the balloon up was escaping quickly and the balloon ... (把keeps改为keeping) ② Yes, it is clearly that your life in your country is quite different from ... (把clearly改为clear) 3. 虚词以添加或删除为原则。历年的“短文改错”题中需要添加或删除的地方差不多有3至4处。这些需要添、删的词一般都是虚词(如冠词、介词等),不是实词(如动词、名词等),否则会改变句子的原意。例如: ① They did not want breakfast because that they were going out early ... (删去that) ② He was looking for a glass the cupboard. (the前面加in) 4. 以保持句子原意不变为原则。做“短文改错”题时,一般不应改变句子原意。改错时,应该针对短文中的用词错误、语法错误、逻辑错误加以改正,不应更改作者的原意。做到换词不改意,加词不增意,去词不减意。如有多种改法,应以保持原意为条件,择其佳者而从之。例如: But I have spent most my money, so I cannot… 改正:在my前加of。也有同学去掉most,这种改法虽改正了语法错误,但改变了原意。作者想说的是“花掉了大部分的钱,而不是全部”。 考点:考查记叙文阅读


A lecturer was giving a lecture to his students on stress management. He raised a glass of water and asked the audience, “How heavy do you think this glass of water is?” The students' answers ranged from 20g to 500g. It doesn't matter on the absolute   1.  (weigh). It depends on how long you hold 2. . If I hold it for a minute, it is OK. If I hold it for an hour, I'll have   3. ache in my right arm. If I hold it for a day, you will have to call an ambulance. It's exactly the same weight, but the   4.    (long) I hold it, the heavier it becomes. If we carry our burdens 5. the time, sooner or later, we won't be able to carry on, the burden   6.    (become) increasingly heavier. What you've to do is to put the glass down, rest for a while before holding it up again. We've to put down the burden periodically, so that we can   7.   (refresh) and are able to carry on.

_8. you return home from work tonight, put the burden of work 9.  . Don't carry it back home. You can pick it up tomorrow. Whatever burdens you're having now on your shoulders, let it down    10.  a moment if you can. Life is short, enjoy it!





We humans love to make comparisons. On the market, we ___________ to find the best ones. In the classroom teachers compare their students to the___________. And parents compare their child to his or her peers to ___________an idea of what is “normal”.

___________  , comparisons of any kind come with a sting(刺痛) for everyone. When parents make it clear to anyone that their child is ___________ to all other children in all ways, they put their child under ___________  . Some children will obey when they are pressured to___________ their parents’ need for perfection; others may ___________   , trying to be just like any other kid, or, better still, to be just who they are. In other ___________  , parents who compare their child to other children might end up ___________ their child is somehow “deficient(有缺点的)” . And, again, they pressure their child to be___________ enough.

A most disturbing ___________ of all this comparing is that it pushes children into the destructive world of competition. “In a ___________ culture, a child is told that it isn’t enough to be good---he or she must ___________ others,” writes Alfie Kohn, a parenting expert.

According to Kohn, research doesn’t ___________ the theory that competition brings success. One after another, researchers have concluded that children don’t learn better ___________ education is changed into a competitive struggle. Competition prevents a child’s ability  ___________ not only educationally but socially, too.

So,   ___________ competition, cooperation! Instead of   ___________ other people’s children, parents need to pay close attention to their own, learn who they are, discover their interests and talents, and teach them how to cooperate with others. They will need role models to   ___________  them.

1.A. see         B. touch        C. sell         D. compare

2.A. mature      B. new         C. model        D. overseas

3.A. get       B. use          C. share         D. explain

4.A. Therefore   B. However     C. Otherwise     D. Besides

5.A. harmful   B. superior     C. responsible   D. thankful

6.A. pressure  B. control      C. discussion   D. consideration

7.A. express   B. prove        C. satisfy      D. create

8.A. disappear   B. wait        C. resist        D. rest

9.A. cases       B. words       C. ways          D. nations

10.A. denying  B. deciding     C. predicting  D. concluding

11.A. honest     B. good        C. patient      D. polite

12.A. process   B. consequence C. purpose      D. method

13.A. traditionalB. scientific C. political    D. competitive

14.A. defeat   B. accept     C. recognize    D. choose

15.A. test       B. challenge  C. support      D. change

16.A. since     B. until       C. when          D. unless

17.A. losing   B. progressing C. showing      D. reducing

18.A. apart from B. because of  C. as for        D. instead of

19.A. shouting at B. laughing at C. looking at    D. striking at

20.A. guide     B. force       C. invite        D. expect




Doctors say anger can be an extremely damaging emotion, unless you learn how to deal with it. They warn that anger can lead to heart disease, stomach problems, headaches, emotional problems and possibly cancer.

1. Some people express anger openly in a calm reasonable way. Others burst with anger, and scream and yell. But other people keep their anger inside. They can not or will not express it. This is called repressing anger.

For years many doctors thought that repressing anger was more dangerous to a person’s health than expressing it. They said that when a person is angry, the brain releases the same hormones (荷尔蒙). They speed the heart rate, raise blood pressure, or sugar into the blood, etc. __2. _

Some doctors say that both repressing and expressing anger can be dangerous. They believe that those who express anger violently may be more likely to develop heart disease, and they believe that those who keep anger inside may face a greater danger of high blood pressure.

3.    They say the first step is to admit that you are angry and to recognize the real cause of the anger, then decide if the cause is serious enough to get angry about. If it is, they say, “   4.  Wait until your anger has cooled down and you are able to express yourself calmly and reasonably.”

Doctors say that a good way to deal with anger is to find humor in the situation that has made you angry.    5.

A. In general the person feels excited and ready to act

B. They said that laughter is much healthier than anger.

C. Expressing anger violently is more harmful than repressing it

D. Anger may cause you a cancer.

E. Do not express your anger while angry.

F. Anger is a normal emotion that we all feel from time to time

G. Doctors say the solution is learning how to deal with anger.



Roll over, sit and fetch aren’t commands normally given to a robot, but the smart toy company WowWee has developed a new way of owning a puppy.

CHIP (Canine Home Intelligent Pet) is a robotic dog with blue LED eyes and pointy ears and can sit, shake, dance and make all types of dog noises. It also has tracking capabilities to help locate its owner. “The beauty about CHIP is that it has its own thing going on,” said Sufer, CTO at WowWee. “It has its own life and own kind of intelligence. Even if you’re not around, it’s always doing something.”

CHIP uses wheels to get around and is loaded with sensors(传感器) that give it a 360-degree view to find its ball. The pup is Bluetooth enabled, which connects to a wristband worn by its owner. The wristband, similar to a watch, displays icons(图标)for different commands such as a thumb-up, which allows you to give your pup a digital belly rub. With its owner wearing a smart wristband, it can even follow him around the room.

“We worked on CHIP for about five to six months,” Davin Sufer, told dailymail.com, “We typically come up with a concept, model and product and get it on shelves within a year.” The company plans to start shipping units by next fall, which will allow them to load up the robotic dog with sensors and add many more animated responses per-owner interactivity.

The high-tech toy company made its debut(处女作)in 2004 by releasing the 1.5 foot RoboSapien, which sold millions of units. MiP, which hit shelves last year, is a seven inch tall robot covered in white with black accents. Users can direct it, change its emotions and make it dance to any song on your iPad. It’s loud, fast and active.

About 15 years ago, a company called ToyQuest developed the first ever electronic robotic dog---Tekno, the Robotic Puppy. The company sold over seven million units in the first season and 40 million more during its original four years of production. Tekno was built with over 160 emotions and instructions, but most importantly offered consumers a quick look into the future.

1.According to Sufer, the amazing characteristic of CHIP is that _____.

A. it is loaded with special sensors

B. it can make all kinds of dog noises

C. it has quick response to the commands

D. it can do something without instructions

2.CHIP can follow its owner with the help of _____.

A. a watch      B. a smart wristband

C. pointy ears   D. blue LED eyes

3.From the passage, we can know_______.

A. CHIP can be bought in the store now

B. WowWee introduced its first product last year

C. Tekno provided the bright future of the robotic puppy

D. MiP is the first company to develop the robotic puppy



For anyone still doubting the belief that our emotions influence our physical health, a new study from New Zealand should be able to settle the matter. It reports that the physical wounds of healthy seniors healed more quickly if they wrote about their most upsetting experiences.

This confirms the results of a 2010 study, and extends those findings to cover older adults—a group that is likely to suffer wounds (as from surgery), and one with less access to other ways of lowering tension (such as exercise).

Reported in the journal Psychosomatic Medicine, a research team led by the University of Auckland’s Elizabeth Broadbent made a study featuring 50 healthy adults ranging in age from 64 to 97. They were asked to write for 20 minutes per day for three consecutive(连续的) days.

Half were asked to write about the most upsetting experience in their life, describing their deepest thoughts, feelings, and emotions about the events, ideally not previously shared with others. The others were asked to write about their daily activities without mentioning emotions, opinions or beliefs.

Two weeks after the third day of writing, all participants received a standard 4mm skin biopsy(皮下活体组织检查) on their inner arm. The very tiny wounds caused by the biopsy were photographed regularly over the following days to determine the rate at which they healed.

On the 11th day after the biopsy, the wounds completely healed on 76.2 percent of those who had done the expressive writing. That was true of only 42.1 percent of those who had written about everyday activities.

“The biological and psychological mechanisms(机体) behind this effect remain unclear,” the researchers wrote, noting that those who had done the expressive writing did not report lower stress levels or fewer depressive symptoms than the others in the control group. Even if they weren’t consciously aware of feeling more relaxed or positive, the expressive writing appeared to have caused some sort of bodily reaction—probably involving their immune systems—that hastened their recovery.

1.What was the difference between the two groups of participants in the study?

A. What they wrote.

B. Where they wrote.

C. When they wrote.

D. How often they wrote.

2.According to the text, the experiment lasted       .

A. about three days           B. about a month

C. about two weeks            D. about ten days

3.The underlined word “hastened” in the last paragraph is closest in meaning to       .

A. speeded    B. showed    C. limited         D. ruined

4. What would be the best title of the text?

A. Sharing with others can reduce stress.

B. Skin biopsies are likely to cause wounds.

C. Expressive writing heals physical wounds.

D. Upsetting experiences influence our emotions.



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