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语法填空 Koalas, native to the Australian wi...


Koalas, native to the Australian wilds, initially proved difficult to keep alive in zoos, because koalas eat nothing but the leaves of the eucalyptus tree(桉树). Zoos provided them ____1.______ an unlimited supply of eucalyptus leaves. One zoo even planted eucalyptus trees _____2.____(make) sure that the koalas had a continual supply of fresh leaves. However, koalas kept in cages always died within a year of their ___3._____(arrive) at the zoo.

Eventually it was discovered that eucalyptus trees less than five years old sometimes produce a kind of acid in their leaves. Taking in small quantities of this acid ___4.____ (be) fatal to the koalas. In their natural habitat, the koalas’ senses tell them ____5.____ eucalyptus trees have dangerous leaves, and they simply move on to other trees until they find leaves _____6.____ are safe to eat. But in zoos, when their keepers unknowingly were giving them leaves with acid, the koalas ____7.____(leave) with only two options: eat the poisonous leaves ____8.___ starve. Either option was fatal to the ____9._____(trap) koalas.

Fortunately, today’s zoos use special tests to distinguish between poisonous eucalyptus leaves and safe ___10.______, and now koalas are eating well and living an easy life in zoos.


1.with 2.to make 3.arrival 4.is 5.which 6.which/that 7.were left 8.or 9.trapped 10.ones 【解析】 1.with 固定搭配:provide---with---,提供给某人某物,故填with。 2.to make 此处动词不定式表示目的状语,“为了确保---”,故填to make。 3.arrival their是形容词性物主代词,修饰名词,arrival(名词)到达,故填arrival。 4.is 此处是动名词短语作主语后面的谓语动词用单数形式,故填is。 5.which 句意:Koalas的感知告诉我们哪一种桉树有危险的树叶。此处是which引导的宾语从句。 6.which/that 此处考查定语从句,leaves做先行词,指物,定语从句缺少主语,故填which/that。 7.were left 此处表示:Koalas只被留下两个选择。根据句意可知用一般过去时态的被动语态,故填were left。 8.or 句意:吃有毒的树叶还是饿死。故填or。 9.trapped 句意:被困的树袋熊。此处是过去分词作定语,故填trapped。 10.此处考查替代。句意:安全的树叶。用ones代替leaves,故填ones。 【知识归纳】 1.动名词或动名词短语作主语后面的谓语动词用单数形式。Smoking harms your health.吸烟有害你的健康。比如第44小题is 此处是动名词短语作主语后面的谓语动词用单数形式,故填is。 2.一组构词 动词---名词 arrive---arrival;survive---survival;propose---proposal;try---trial. 3.provide sb. with sth./ provide sth. for sb.提供给某人某物;offer sb. sth./offer sth. to sb.提供给某人某物。 考点:考查语法填空



“Little Annie” Sullivan, as she was called when she was young, was no stranger to hardship. She was ____ sightless herself and was, at one time,diagnosed as hopelessly insane(精神病的) by the doctors. She was locked in the basement of a ______ institution outside of Boston. At times, Little Annie would violently ______ anyone who came near. Most of the time she generally _____ everyone in her presence.

An elderly nurse ______ there was hope, ______, and she made her mind to show love to the child. Every day she visited Little Annie. For the most ______, the child did not acknowledge the nurse’s presence, but she still ____to visit. The kindly woman left cookies for her and spoke words of love and encouragement. She was sure that Little Annie could ____, if only she were shown love.

Eventually, doctors noticed a ____ in the girl. Where they once witnessed anger and hatred, they now noted an emerging gentleness and ____. They moved her upstairs where she continued to __32__. Then the day finally came when this seemingly “hopeless” child was set ____.

Annie Sullivan ____ into a young woman with a(n) ____ to help others as she, herself, was helped by the kindly nurse. It was she who ____ the great potential in Helen Keller. She loved her, disciplined her, and played with her. Annie Sullivan worked ____ in Helen Keller’s life; but it was the loving nurse who first ____ in Little Annie and lovingly transformed an uncommunicative child into a compassionate teacher.

The name of Helen Keller would have ____ unknown if it had not been for Annie Sullivan. ____ would the name of Annie Sullivan if it had not been for a kind and devoted nurse. And so it goes. Just how far back does the chain of love extend? And how forward will it lead?

1.A. almost         B. still      C. rather       D. only

2.A. cultural       B. religious  C. mental       D. private

3.A. attract       B. attack     C. watch        D. touch

4.A. blamed        B. caught     C. greeted     D. ignored

5.A. suggested      B. determined C. imagined    D. thought

6.A. therefore      B. otherwise  C. however     D. besides

7.A. course        B. part       C. reason       D. content

8.A. continued      B. forgot    C. refused     D. failed

9.A. return         B. recover   C. remember    D. reply

10.A. chance        B. trouble   C. change       D. fault

11.A. love          B. worry     C. anxiety     D. wish

12.A. play         B. study     C. shout       D. improve

13.A. free          B. busy      C. spare       D. loose

14.A. ran          B. grew       C. looked       D. knocked

15.A. order        B. demand     C. desire      D. idea

16.A. showed       B. reached    C. owned        D. saw

17.A. doubts        B. decisions  C. plans        D. wonders

18.A. joined        B. believed C. took         D. dropped

19.A. remained     B. seemed    C. become       D. proved

20.A. Either        B. And       C. So           D. Neither




Why does it seem like we are running around like chickens without a head? We fill up our schedules with to-do lists, events, meetings, and everything else in between. With such a busy schedule and a limited amount of time throughout the day, it’s easy to be late. Why does it seem like there aren’t enough hours in the day?  You want to find out how not to be late again.   __1.

Be Organized and Plan

First things first: you need to be organized with your schedule and plan!  _2.    If you are determined to be on time, you must first know what is on your schedule and at what times. Give yourself time in between meetings to relax and get refocused for the next meeting. It will be important for you to pace yourself throughout your day so that you don’t get overwhelmed and burnt out.

Arrive at Least 10 Minutes Early

When you organize and plan out your week every Sunday evening, it will be important for you to leave enough room in between meetings/events to arrive at the location at least 10 minutes early. ___3.    Personally, I would rather be waiting instead of being the one walking in late. When you come early, it shows that you care. Be prepared with what you need to bring and be 100% there.

4.   ________

When it comes to being on time, what helps me is to figure out what I want to wear the night before and have it ready to go in the morning. Prepare the coffee machine the night before and have it set for when you want it to be ready in the morning. Prepare and organize the night before what you need in the morning. For everything that needs to happen in the morning, try to prepare as much as possible the night before. This helps and you will feel much more relaxed when you wake up.

Value Yourself and Your Time

“Time is the coin of your life. It is the only coin you have, and only you can determine how it will be spent. Be careful for fear that you let other people spend it for you” -Carl Sandburg.

When it comes to being on time, it’s all about valuing your time. When you value your time, you value how you spend it. If you are constantly running around and being late to events, it’s important for you to evaluate how much you value your time. When you are able to value your time, you will start to appreciate how you spend your time. _5.___     We experience so many distractions every day that we can easily be pulled away from what we need to do. Other people or noise from the outside world can take away your precious time if you allow it to happen. Start valuing yourself and your time.

A. That way you won’t feel stressed about being late.

B. Prepare the Night Before

C. When it comes to being on time, it’s all about creating good habits.

D. Time is precious, and how you spend it all depends on you.

E. I highly suggest that you plan your week every Sunday evening.

F. Find out how not to be late again with these simple steps

G. You need to take these steps!



Former Hollywood child star Shirley Temple died on Monday at home in Woodside, California, from natural causes. "She was surrounded by her family and caregivers," a statement said.

With her adorable charm and blonde curls, she was one of the most popular stars of the 1930s, in hit movies like Bright Eyes and Stand Up and Cheer.Her singing, dancing and acting won over fans worldwide. She was given a special teenager Oscar in 1935, when she was just six years old. To this day, she is still the youngest person to receive an Academy Award.

After retiring from films in 1950 at the age of 21, Temple returned to the spotlight as a politician and diplomat.Shirley Temple started her film career at three years old. Between 1934 and 1938 she appeared in more than 20 feature films and was consistently the top US movie star.The youngster wore a grass skirt and played a Ukulele to promote the musical Captain January, directed by David Butler, in 1936.She attended her first big premiere for her film Wee Willie Winkie in Hollywood on 26 June, 1937.

As well as being the youngest ever receiver of an Oscar (at the age of 6 years and 310 days), Temple was also the youngest person to present one of the statuettes. She stood on a chair to give Claudette Colbert the best actress prize for It Happened One Night in 1935.At the age of 12 Temple`s star burnt out - her parents bought out the remainder of her contract and sent her to a girl`s school.Her final film, A Kiss For Corliss, is available to watch online for free. This is star`s final ever moment on the big screen.The actress retired from Hollywood in 1950, but she still appeared occasionally on TV. In 1958 she wore a fairy godmother costume to promote her series of dramatised fairy tales, Shirley Temple`s Storybook. In 2006, she accepted the Life Achievement Award at the 12th Annual Screen Actors Guild Awards.

1.Shirley Temple’s early popularity was due to _____

A.her acting in movies

B.her adorable charm and blonde curls

C.her wonderful voice

D.her role as a politician

2.What can we learn from the passage?

A.Shirley Temple was the most popular star .

B. Shirley Temple was the youngest person to receive the Life Achievement Award.

C. Shirley Temple was the youngest person to present statuettes to another actress.

D. Shirley Temple was never involved in politics.

3.Which is the CORRECT order of the following events?

a.She was awarded an reward Oscar

b.She became a politician

c.She presented an actress with the best actress prize

d.she acted in the film For Corliss

A.a c d b       B.c a d b       C.a b c d       D.c b d a

4.What is the passage mainly about?

A. An autobiography of Shirley Temple.

B. How Shirley Temple became successful.

C. The legendary life of Shirley Temple.

D. The film career of Shirley Temple.



Net Library is a library that lends out digital books. It treats a digital book like a paperback copy. It charges libraries per book per copy and gives publishers a cut of the total income.

From the consumer’s point of view, this means that if more than five people want the latest Danielle Steel romance novel, other people who request that book will get a message saying the title is unable to get.

Many publishers seem to have embraced its model. More than 350 publishers gave the company rights to hand out their digital works, and McGraw-Hill Corporation and Houghton Mifflin Corporation have put money into the company. The California public libraries and about 1,800 others across the US are trying out the Net Library service.

Some librarians criticize the Net Library model. Stanford University librarian Michael Keller argues that the company is creating an unnatural fear of digital works, which is contrary to the ideas of the Internet.

Keller and some other librarians argue for the e-book vision set forth by Brary. Brary is starting a service that lets us users read books for free.

But it will charge about 25 cents a page when a person tries to point out material or copy and taste it into a different file or tries to download a copy onto a computer.

Christopher Warnock, chief executive of Brary, believes most consumers won’t want to buy entire books, only the parts that interest them.

“There is not really a lot of good owning an electronic file and having to store it and manage it. It doesn’t make sense,” he said.

1.How do publishers get money from the Net Library?

A.They get money from selling their books to the Net Library

B.They get money from the readers.

C.They get money by cutting the cost of the books.

D.They share the money with Net Library.

2.The underlined word “embraced” in the third paragraph means

A. tried out something hard

B. held something tightly

C. disliked something badly

D. taken something willingly

3.What does the last paragraph mean?

A. Net Library is not a good way for the consumers.

B. There is no need for consumers to have a whole book.

C. Brary is not a good library for the consumers.

D. It’s reasonable to charge the consumers money for copying some pages.



China Daily Oct.11,2008-TheMinistry Of Health has called for more awareness from the public on the mental health of the young as part of efforts to mark World Mental Health Day which fell on Friday.

More than 15 percent of Chinese youths have been found with mental problems and about 30 million young people under 17 are suffering from depression,the Shanghai-based Wenhui Daily reported.The World Health Organization estimates that before 2020,the rate of children with mental problems will increase to 50 percent ,and mental problem will become a major factor behind deaths and illness in the young worldwide.

Dang Xianhong,the spokesperson for the Beijing Municipal Health Bureau,said rapid social change is one of the reasons behind the rising number of youngsters with psychological problems.If these mental dispenses are not addressed on time, science of crimes,drug-taking and other dangerous behaviors are expected to rise.Experts said mental diseases could be caused by many factors,such as the inability to handle interpersonal relations well, unstable emotions and pressures from an overload of studies.A number of experts have also said the one child policy is another reason leading to poor mental health in the young.Children are said to be too “spoiled” and “selfish” in a one child family.

It’s reported that schools in many cities are rolling out measures to help students maintain their mental well-being.Yin Jingmiao, a teacher of the Beijing No,105 Middle School,told China Daily that the school invites psychologists to provide counseling to students three times a month.“Students can be arranged to have 40-minute counseling sessions.” Yin said.“The school also gives lectures on mental health to senior grade students before they take the national college entrance exams to help ease any anxiety arising from the tests.”

1.Which of the following can be the best title for the passage?

A.Efforts to Mark World Mental Health Day

B.Public Awareness on Youngsters’ Mental Diseases Expected

C.How to Maintain Mental Well-being

D.Seriousness of Youngsters Mental Health Problems

2.The writer intends to tell us in the second paragraph that _____.

A. mental problems will become as serious as deaths and illness

B. only young people are suffering from mental health problems

C. mental health problems of the young are becoming a popular problem

D. the rate of children with mental problems will increase to 50 percent

3.Which could be the consequence if the problem is left untreated?

A.Inability to handle interpersonal relations.

B.Unstable emotions.

C.Drug taking and other dangerous behaviors.

D.Rapid social changes

4.Why is Beijing No. 105 Middle School mentioned in the passage?

A.To provide the students with counseling sessions.

B.To give an example showing how mental problems are dealt with.

C.To help ease the anxiety arising from college entrance exams.

D.To call on other schools to learn from No.105 Middle Schoo1.



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