满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于3个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。 ...


There is   1.  old Spanish Proverb which states, “Tomorrow is often the   2. (busy) day of the week”. How many   3.  (time) have we put off our dreams until tomorrow? I’d say, too many. Our dreams should not, and cannot wait. We have to go for them now! Here are the reasons.

Tomorrow is not promised. Nobody likes to talk about   4.  (dead), but the reality is——   5.  is going to die at one point. None of us know the day, or the hour. Therefore, today is all we have. Don’t go to your grave   6. unfulfilled dreams. Make the decision to go after every dream, big or small right now.

You’ll be much   7. (happy) if you go for it. Imagine how much happier you’ll be 8. you’re living the life you always dreamed about. The only thing 9.  is stopping you is yourself. Take control of your own happiness. Don’t keep your dreams 10. (wait). Go after them today!


1.an 2.busiest 3.times 4.death 5.everybody/ everyone 6.with 7.happier 8.if/ when 9.that 10.waiting 【解析】 试题分析:通过本文考查学生正确运用英语单词的能力。 1.an句意:有一句古老的西班牙谚语。本题考察冠词,可数名词old Spanish Proverb 前要搭配冠词an。 2.busiest 本题考察最高级 句意:明天是这个星期最忙的一天。最高级the busiest。 3.times 句意:我们把梦想延迟到明天多少次了呢?times 在这里做可数名词,表示次数。How many times多少次 。 4.death 句意:没有人想谈论死亡。这里考察名词,介词about后接名词death。 5.everybody/ everyone 考察代词 句意:但是事实是:每个人都可能在某一时刻死亡。故用everybody/ everyone。 6.with 句意:不要带着没有完成的梦想走进坟墓。考察介词 用with随着,带着。 7.happier 考察形容词比较急 句意:如果你努力争取的话,你会更快乐。much修饰比较级,故用happier。 8.if/ when 考察连词 句意:如果(当)你过着你梦想的生活,想象一下你会多么快乐。根据前后两句之间的逻辑,故用if/ when。 9.】that考察定语从句关系词,句意:唯一阻止你的是你自己。先行词the only thing故定语从句用that引导,that在定语从句中做主语。 10. 考点:语法填空和词汇应用。


It was in my high school science class. I was doing a task in front of the classroom with my favorite shirt on.

A _______ came, “Nice shirt,” I smiled from ear to ear. Then another voice said, “That shirt belonged to my dad. Greg’s mother works for my family. We were going to _______ that shirt away, but gave it to her _______  .” I was speechless. I wanted to hide.

I _______ the shirt in the back of the closet and told my mum what had happened. She then dialed her _______ , “I will no longer work for your family,” she told him. That night, Mom told my dad that she couldn’t clean anymore; she knew her life’s _______ was something greater.

The next morning she   _______ with the personnel manager at the Board of Education. He told her that without a proper education she could not teach. So Mom decided to _______ a university.

After the first year in college, she went back to the personnel manager. He said, “You are   _______  , aren’t you? I think I have a _______  for you as a teacher’s assistant. This opportunity deals with children who are mentally challenged with little or no chance of _______ .” Mom accepted the opportunity very _______  .

For almost five years, as a teacher’s assistant, she saw teacher after teacher give up on the children and quit, feeling _______ . Then one day, the personnel manager and the principal _______  in her classroom. The principal said, “We have watched how you _______ the children and how they communicate with you and admire your hard-working _______ over the last five years. We are all in agreement that you _______ be the teacher of this class.”

My mom spent more than 20 years there. _______ her career, she was voted Teacher of the Year. All of this came about because of the _______ comment made in the classroom that day. Mom showed me how to handle _______situations and never give up.


1.A.noise        B. tune           C. sound        D. voice

2.A.throw       B. take         C. carry        D. get

3.A.otherwise  B. anyhow         C. instead      D. actually

4.A.settled    B. pushed        C. presented   D. put

5.A.teacher     B. director       C. employer    D. adviser

6.A.success     B. encouragement C. purpose      D. victory

7.A.went       B. met          C. worked     D. stayed

8.A. visit      B. continue      C. attend      D. prepare

9.A.serious      B. fortunate      C. careful      D. responsible

10.A.career      B. position      C. duty        D. part

11.A.judging    B. learning       C. obeying      D. imagining

12.A.patiently   B. eagerly       C. successfully D. skillfully

13.A.guilty      B. frightened    C. upset       D. ashamed

14.A.looked up   B. went up        C. took up      D. showed up

15.A.believe     B. protect       C. receive      D. treat

16.A.action   B. intention     C. spirit      D. attempt

17.A.must        B. ought         C. might        D. should

18.A.At         B. On             C. During      D. With

19.A.worthless   B. thoughtless   C. hopeless     D. helpless

20.A.strange     B. different      C. dangerous    D. challenging



根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。  选E涂AB,选F涂AC,选G涂AD。

It is generally believed that money can’t buy happiness. However, that may not be always true. According to a recent article, in the last few years, new research has given us a far deeper understanding of the relationship between what we earn and how we feel. Broadly speaking, people with higher incomes are happier than those who struggle to get by. But it also shows you need to spend wisely if you expect those bank notes to put a smile on your face.    1.

1. Buy experiences, not material goods.

In a recently published study, Professor Ryan at San Francisco State University in the US, found that when people don’t have much money to spare, they tend to stick to material goods.    2.  But they actually provide both more happiness and more lasting value.

2.     3.

No matter how much money you spend on something and how special that product is, you will get used to having it over time and lose interest in it. With the same money you spend on one big object, you can buy many little things. Buying small things means you can get frequent small pleasures.

3.  Be sure to buy time.

4.  For example, that big house in the suburbs may seem like a good idea, but a 2014 study by researchers from University of Zurich in Switzerland found that people with longer time on the way reported lower life satisfaction, all other things being equal.

4.  Try giving it away.

Elizabeth Dunn, professor at the University of British Columbia in Canada, found that in nations as diverse as Canada, South Africa and Uganda, giving away money consistently made people happier. 5.    .

A. Be sure to buy what you like.

B. Here are some ways to better spend your money.

C. Buy lots of little things, rather than one big thing.

D. There are a lot of reasons someone might buy something.

E. People think experiences only provide temporary happiness.

F. This was even true when people giving away were relatively poor.

G. Consider how the things you buy will affect how you spend your time.



Do you like to eat out? Do you like to eat quickly? Do you like inexpensive food? Some people go to fast-food restaurants for these reasons. In the past, people usually went to diners(小餐馆)for these reasons. In fact, many people in the States still go to diners today for the same reasons.

A man named Walter Scott had the first “diner” in 1872. It wasn’t a real diner. It was only a food cart. People on the street walked up to the cart to buy food. These carts served late-night workers who wanted a cup of coffee and a late-night meal. The meal was a sandwich or boiled eggs. In 1887, Samuel Jones built the first diner big enough to allow the customers to come inside. However, they did not sit down. Later, people built diners with counters and stools, and people sat down while they ate.

Before long, many diners stayed open around the clock. In other words, people were able to eat in diner at any time. Diners changed in other ways, too. The original menu of sandwiches and coffee became bigger. It included soup, favorite dishes, and a breakfast menu. In addition, diners soon became permanent buildings. They were no longer carts on wheels.

Diners today look similar to the diners of the early 1900s. They are usually buildings with large windows. Inside, the diners have shining counters with stools, booths, and tables and chairs. People can eat all three meals in a modern diner.

Today, many people eat in fast-food restaurants such as McDonald’s and Burger King. However, the diner remains an American tradition, and thousands of people still enjoy eating there. It was popular a century ago, and it is still popular today.

1.A man named Walter Scott had the first “diner” in 1872. Why is the word “diner” in quotation marks(引号)?

A. Because it is spelled differently from dinner”

B. Because the first diner was not what it is now

C. Because diner was a new word

D. Because it is a special kind of restaurant

2.According to paragraph 3, diners changed in __________

A. Two ways       B. three ways

C. four ways       D. five ways

3.The main idea of the passage is that ______________.

A.  The diner is a traditional, popular place to eat in the United States

B.  Samuel Johns built the first diner big enough to allow the customers to come inside

C.  American diners serve many types of food 24 hours a day to their customers

D.  Diners are different from fast-food restaurants in many ways



The spread of Western eating habits around the world is bad for human health and for the environment. Those findings come from a new report in the journal Nature.

David Tilman is a professor at the University of Minnesota. In the study, he examined information from 100 nations to show what people ate and how diet affected health. Mr. Tilman noted a movement beginning in the 1960s. He found that as nations industrialized(工业化), population increased and earnings rose. More people began to adopt what has been called the Western diet. The Western diet is high in sugar, fat, oil and meat. By eating these foods, people began to get fatter and sicker.

“The food, let us say, in the 15 richest nations of the world, right now contains about 400 or 500 extra calories(热量) a day that are eaten beyond what people need, and that leads people to gain weight.”

David Tillman says overweight people are at greater risk for diseases like diabetes, heart disease and some cancers. Diabetes is shooting to very high rates in the United States and across Europe. Heart disease is a major cause of death in the Western nations. Unfortunately when people become industrialized, if they adopt this Western diet, they are going to have these same health problems.

A diet bad for human beings, it seems, is also bad for the environment. As the world’s population grows, experts say more forests and areas will become farmland for crops or grasslands for raising cattle. These areas will be needed to meet the increasing demand for food.

Mr. Tilman calls the link between diet, the environment and human health, “a dilemma”, a situation where it is very difficult to decide what to do. He says one possible solution is leaving the Western diet behind.

1.Why did people get fatter in the 1960s?

A. They ate foods high in calories.

B. They adopted a western lifestyle.

C. They set aside little time for exercise.

D. They had a better life and became lazier.

2.According to the text, overweight people may suffer the following diseases EXCEPT_______.

A. diabetes       B. skin disease

C. cancers       D. heart disease

3.What can we infer from Paragraph 5?

A. There will be fewer and fewer forests.

B. People won’t care about the environment.

C. The world’s population will grow faster than ever.

D. Raising cattle will be the most moneymaking business.

4.What is the purpose of the author in writing this passage?

A. To tell people effective ways to keep healthy.

B. To call on people to give up the Western diet.

C. To show the problems industrialized nations are facing.

D. To draw people’s attention to environmental protection.



In a very special course at Knnet School, the social-science teacher Adam Smith guides his students through the “married life”. Unlike the traditional course, Adam makes his students experience the real problems married ones may face like housing and child care. “No one tells kids about money-managing problems,” says Adam.

Each student should act out in ten weeks what normally takes couples ten years to finish. In the first week, one member of each couple is asked to get an after school job a real one. During the term, the income rules their life-style. In the third week, the couples must find an apartment they can afford.

In the fifth week, the couples “have a baby” and then struggle to cover the costs of baby clothes and furniture. In week eight, the marriage comes to the breaking point by such disaster as a mother-in-law’s moving in or death. It’s all over by week ten (the tenth year of marriage). After serious discussion with lawyers about alimony (赡养费) and child support, the students get divorced (离婚) .

Adam’s course, which has “married” 1,000 students since its beginning six years ago, is widely supported by parents and students. Some of the students have found the experience making them realize their real life marry plans are wrong. Marianne Baldrica, 16, who tried “marriage” last term with her boyfriend Eric Zook, 15, said, “ Eric and I used to get along pretty well before we took the course together. But I wanted to live in the city, he wanted the country. He wanted lots of kids, I wanted no kids. It’s been four weeks since the course ended and Eric and I are just starting to talk to each other again.”

1.What is the aim of Adam’s course?

A. To tell students how to find a good partner.

B. To teach students how to manage their money.

C. To help students act as wives and husbands well.

D. To show students the problems in real marriage life.

2.What will happen in the eighth week?

A. The couples will have a baby.

B. The couples will have to find a flat.

C. The husband will have to find a real job.

D. The marriage will come to the breaking point.

3.After taking the course, Marianne will ______ .

A. choose to live in the country

B. break up with her boyfriend at once

C. ask their teachers and parents for help

D. have a better understanding of marriage

4.Where does the text probably come from?

A. A science book.             B. A library guide.

C. A newspaper report.         D. A project handbook.



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