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Several days ago, a Beijing - based IT c...

Several days ago, a Beijing - based IT company fired about 400 people overnight. No one had expected the job cuts, which broke with traditional ways of letting go of workers in China. Moreover, what was special about this case was that the day before the 400 were fired, they all received from their boss a gift - the book “Who Moved My Cheese?”.

The book - a bestseller in the US - is being used by men and women to deal with changes in their lives and work. Some large organizations, including Coca- Cola, Kodak and General Motors, ask their employees to read it in order to encourage them to be active towards changes.

Cheese is something related to everyone’s livelihood - our jobs, the industries we work in, relationships and love as well.

With China’s official entry into WTO, the whole nation will face up to more changes and challenges. So what should we do once this “cheese” on which we are so dependent is moved?

“Whatever challenges and changes we meet, we should face up to them bravely” Jiang Hengwei, a civil servant said after reading the book.

Professor Yang in Renmin University of China agrees. “We should change our way of thinking. The coming competitive foreign companies and products provide us with great chances to learn from them and improve our own products to meet international standards and be more competitive.”

“With hard work and wisdom, we will create a much larger and better piece of cheese. ”Zhang smiled confidently.

1.The whole passage is about________.

A. a bestseller in the US

B. what people think about China’s entry into the WTO

C. people’s attitude toward changes and challenges

D. how a book influences the Chinese workers

2.The company in Beijing gave each of the 400 fired workers a copy of “Who Moved My   Cheese” in order to________.

A. be more competitive with foreign firms

B. find an excuse for their job cuts

C. let the workers make a living on their own

D. encourage the fired workers

3.The word “cheese”in the passage can refer to________.

A. something we depend on for a living

B. a most important kind of food

C. change or challenge

D. way of life

4.From what Hengwei and Professor Zhang Yang said, we can know that________.

A. they have different opinions on changes and challenges

B. people are not afraid of competition from foreign companies

C. the Chinese people are ready to face any changes and challenges

D. they are both greatly encouraged by the book


1.C 2.D 3.A 4.C 【解析】 试题分析:作者通过介绍《谁动了我的奶酪》告诉我们要正确面对生活中的变化和挑战。同时与中国进入世贸以后所面临的挑战结合起来,说明中国人已经做好了准备迎接这些挑战。 1.C 主旨大意题。本文中通过一家北京公司解雇员工的事情引出“Who Moved My Cheese?"这本书,再联系到中国进入世贸组织所面临的挑战。结合第二段最后一句Some large organizations, including Coca- Cola, Kodak and General Motors, ask their employees to read it in order to encourage them to be active towards changes.说明本文主要的话题就是人们面对改变和挑战的态度。故C正确。 2.D 推理判断题。老板在解雇员工前一天给每个人都发了“Who Moved My Cheese?",目的在于希望员工能从这本书里得到启示,正确面对生活中诸如被解雇这样的变化和挑战。故D正确。 3.A 推理判断题。根据第三段Cheese is something related to everyone’s livelihood - our jobs, the industries we work in, relationships and love as well. 可知奶酪指那些与我们的日常生活有关的工作、行业以及家人等我们赖以生存的东西。故A正确。 4. 【名师点睛】 在阅读短文中,常常有一些复合长句。这些句子中一个从句套着另一个从句,环环相扣,使得考生搞不清楚整个句子结构。其实,不管句子有多长有多复杂,它只由两部分构成,即主干和修饰成分。主干是整个句子的骨架,主要指主谓宾结构(如: I want a ticket.)或主系表结构(如:The man is a teacher.)。而修饰成分在句中只起修饰或补充主干的作用,它既可以是单词,也可以是短语,更常见的则是从句,尤其是定语从句和状语从句。这些从句都很常见,考生比较熟悉,但很多时候不少考生分不清单词、短语和从句之间的相互关系,这样会导致整个句子分析混乱。这时,考生应通过仔细分析,将每个修饰成分划出来,找出句子的主干,这样整个句子结构就清晰了。 【第一段第三句】Moreover, what was special about this case was that the day before the 400 were fired, they all received from their boss a gift - the book “Who Moved My Cheese?”. 本句中what引导状语从句,并在主语从句中做主语;that引导表语从句,表语从句中还有时间状语从句the day before the 400 were fired。 考点:考查社会生活类阅读

Whatever our differences as human beings are, we all think we’re more like the rest of the animal world than we realize. It is said that we share 40 per cent of our genetic(遗传的)structure with the simple worm.

But that fact has helped Sir John Sulston win the 2002 Nobel Prize for Medicine. Sir John is the founder of the Sanger Institute in Cambridge, which was set up in 1992 to get further understanding of the human genome(染色体组).

To help them do this, they turned to the worm. The nematode(线虫类的)worm is one of the earliest creatures on planet earth. It is less than one millimeter long, completely transparent and spends its entire life digging holes through sand. But it still has lots to say about human life, and what can be done to make it better.

What the worm told Sir John and his colleagues was that each of cells in the human body is programmed like a computer. They grow, develop and die according to a set of instructions that are coded in our genetic make-up.

Many of the diseases that humans suffer from happen when these instructions go wrong or are not obeyed. When the cell refuses to die but carries on growing instead, this leads to cancer. Heart attacks and diseases like AIDS cause more cell deaths than normal, increasing the damage they do to the body. Sir John was the first scientist to prove the existence of programmed cell death.

1.Sir John Sulston got a Nobel Prize for Medicine because he has        .

Afound that human beings are similar to the worm

Bgot the fact we share 40 per cent of our genetic structure with the simple worm

Cfound the computer which controls each of the cells in the human body

Dproved that cell death is programmed

2.People might be seriously ill if the cells in their body        .

Agrow without being instructed

Bdie regularly

Cfail to follow people’s instructions

Ddevelop in the human body

3.The underlined word “they” (paragraph 5) refers to        .

Acell deaths Bdiseases Cinstructions Dcells

4.What is the subject discussed in the text?

AThe theory of programmed cell deaths.

BA great scientistSir John Sulston.

CThe programmed human life.

DDangerous diseases.




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Need to lower your cholesterol(胆固醉)?We strongly recommend CholestrolblockTM. This really works, and now is the best time to buy,because of a special offer for the first 250 customers only for a limited time.

* Takes cholesterol out of food,no matter what you eat.

* Clinically demonstrated effective in university and hospital testing.

* Lowers cholesterol absorption up to 42% or more.

* “NO SIDE EFFECTS unlike Liptor®, Zocor®,Crests®&other commonly prescribed(处方的) medications-safe and effective.

* “Outsells all other brands on Internet every month.

LIMITED TIME ONLY一Try Cholesterol Watchers free with purchase.     (108)


1.If you happen to be the 200th customer to buy Cholesterolblock, you will           .

A. be able to buy it at a low price

B. be the luckiest one online

C. try it free of charge

D. change your diet

2.Liptor®,Zocor®,Crestor® are            

A. diseases  B. side effects  C. medicines  D. cholesterol

3.Where can you most probably read this passage?

A. In a travel guide book.

B. On a university bulletin board(布告牌).

C. In a health magazine.

D. In a doctor's prescription.








注意: 1. 没出错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

Last Sunday, it was my father’s funny day. After supper, my father went to see the film. But in our surprise, he came back just about half an hour later. I asked him what was the matter. He smiled and told us about the funny thing what had happened in the cinema. He was sitting in his seat while a woman came to her and said the seat was hers. Surprising, they looked at their ticket carefully, only to find the seats shown in their tickets were the same while the colors were different. So they looked at the tickets carefully. After a while, my father apologized to the woman, saying, “Sorry, I make a mistake. Take this seat, please.” The fact was that his ticket found out under the glass on his desk was for the film a month ago.




Some years ago ,I was at a subway  station in  Los Angeles  waiting in line to buy a ticket. As I stood there I saw a young man asking people for money so that he could buy his breakfast. Most of the travelers simply   1.  (ignore) the young man or gave   2. (he) a dirty look, yet a well-dressed middle-aged man reacted differently. When    3. (approach) by the young man, the gentleman looked   4.  at him and quietly asked, How much will you need? I couldnt hear   5.  the young man said but watched as the gentleman pulled several   6.  (note) from his wallet and    7. (calm) placed them in the young mans hands.

I dont know whether the young man actually used the money for his breakfast or for    8.  purposes. What I do know is that I witnessed two different reactions to the same situation. I saw people who    9.  (be) either afraid or annoyed. And then I saw the gentleman who was not afraid and treated the homeless young man as though he were a brother. I decided then and there that, even though we have to be10.    (care) in this world, I would rather be like the gentleman.





What a busy day! The three boys were fed, bathed and changed into their nightclothes. Mary had   ___________ them a story and finally they were asleep. “Babysitting(照看)the three boys aged eight, six and four is extremely___________  ,”she thought.

“Sleep,” she considered, “if only I could!” But she had difficult homework to complete. Leaning back, she ___________ her feet onto the sofa to get comfortable. Whoever said babysitting was a(n) ___________ way to make money obviously hadn't met the three boys, she thought. The television was on, the room was warm, and the lights were dim. Mary's ___________ felt heavier and heavier. I mustn't sleep, she thought— which was ___________ what she did, of course.

Strangely enough, she soon ___________ that she was a world-famous chef(主厨). She made a   _________ and wore diamonds and designer clothes. Most days she relaxed by the pool, meeting the rich and famous or ___________ —her favorite hobby. She ___________ took the leading role in her own TV show.

That is, until she became too ___________  . “I am definitely the best in the world,” she thought, as she prepared a tasty chicken dish. But ___________seemed to go right. She spilt the flour, she dropped an egg and she cut her finger. Despite all the troubles, she ___________ to get the chicken into the stove. Soon, smoke blanketed the room. The chicken was on fire. ___________ set in, but Mary could not run—she was___________ to the spot. She tried hard to move, but could not, ____________ a sharp sound awoke her.

She got shocked and confused ___________ was pouring from the kitchen. Rushing to investigate, she was met by three ___________ little faces and some very burnt bread. “Sorry, we were hungry and you were ___________ , so we tried to make some bread,” explained a boy. Relieved, Mary made them a snack and sent them back to bed. She ___________ them never to fall asleep on the job again!





5.A.mindB.heartC. legsD.eyes

6.A.curiouslyB.carelesslyC. exactl yD.nicely

7.A.reminded  B.learntC.dreamtD.realized






13.A.arranged B.managedC.preparedD.tried










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