满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

完形填空 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以...



On Wednesday afternoon Annie took the bus into town to shop in the market. For an hour or so she would walk up and down between the stalls(售货台) looking at everything, buying here and there, and ___________  a sharp lookout for the bargains that were something to be had.And then, with all the ___________ she needs bought ,she would leave the market for the ___________ of the town to spend another hour ___________  she liked best, looking in furniture-shop windows.

One Wednesday she found a ___________  shop full of the most delightful things, with a ___________ inviting anyone to walk in and look round without ___________they had to buy something. Annie hesitated a moment ___________ stepping through the doorway where, almost at once, she stopped ___________  before a green armchair. There was a card on the chair which  30  ,“This fine chair is yours for less than a pound a week,” and very small at the bottom, “Cash price eighty-nine pounds fifty.” A pound a week …Why, she could almost pay that out of her housekeeping money and never ___________it!

A voice at her shoulder made her ___________ .“Can I help you, Madam?” She looked ___________at the assistant who had come softly to her ___________ “Oh, well, no,” she said, “I was just   ___________ .”

“We have chairs of all kinds in the ___________ . If you'll just come up, you will find something to ___________  you.”

Annie, worried at the thought of being ___________  to buy something she didn't ___________  , left the shop ___________ .

1.A.taking B.making C.fixing D.keeping

2.A.chairsB.furnitureC.things D.bargains

3.A.shops  B.streets    C.delightful thingsD.bus station

4.A.in the way  B.by the wayC.in a way D.in one way

5.A.new B.noisy C.large D.strange

6.A.message B.notice C.note D.flag

7.A.arguing  B.knowing C.frightening D.feeling

8.A.when   B.before C.after D.while

9.A.doubted   B.encouraged C.puzzled D.delighted

10.A.wrote   B.toldC.informedD.said

11.A.lose  B.miss C.pass D.make

12.A.jump   B.run C.laugh D.surprise

13.A.round  B.straight C.front D.up

14.A.place B.back C.sideD.front

15.A.thinking   B.looking C.walking D.passing

16.A.doorway  B.storehouseC.showroom D.market

17.A.suit    B.fit C.serve D.match

18.A.advised   B.made C.persuaded D.cheated

19.A.like   B.affordC.pay D.need

20.A.slowly   B.thoughtfullyC.hurriedly D.carefully


1.D 2.C 3.B 4.A 5.A 6.B 7.D 8.B 9.D 10.D 11.B 12.A 13.A 14.D 15.B 16.C 17.A 18.C 19.D 20.C 【解析】 试题分析:本文属于记叙文,叙述了家庭主妇Annie到市场上买东西时进入一家新开的商店闲逛的故事。 1.D 考查固定搭配。固定短语keep a sharp lookout for “当心,注视”;大约一个小时,她会走来走去,看着所有东西,注视着想要买的那些便宜货。本句叙述一个精明的家庭主妇购物的情景。故D正确。 2.C 考查词汇辨析。选项中things包含了其余三项内容,椅子家具和便宜货都属于他需要买的东西。故C正确。 3.B 考查上下文串联。她从市场里出来以后,自然要来到小镇的大街上闲逛,这是她最喜欢的一种方法、同时根据后半句“looking in furniture-shop windows”可知,她是在逛街。故B正确。 4.A 考查介词辨析。短语in the way用某种方法;by the way顺便说一下;in a way在某种程度上;有定语从句she liked best 修饰,应该用特指 in the way的形式,意思为:“用她最喜欢的方法”。 5.A 考查上下文串联。自然村new新的;noisy吵闹的;large大的,strange奇怪的;本题CD项干扰较强。根据动词found发现,说明这个店是新开的,她之前没有看到过。故A正确。 6.B 考查生活常识。名词message信息;notice通知,布告;note纸条,便条;flag旗帜;根据生活常识,在商店门口贴着的应该是广告牌、告示等。故B正确。 7.D 考查动词辨析。动词argue争论;know知道;frighten使...害怕;feeling感觉;根据句义“告示邀请人进来看看,不用觉得必须买东西”。与争论、知道与害怕无关。故D正确。 8.B 考查连词辨析。连词when当...时;before在...前;after在...后;while当...时;然而;通常在人们采取行动之前才会犹豫不决,所以本句使用before表示“她走进去之前,犹豫了片刻”故B正确。 9.D 考查上下文串联。根据下文中There was a card on the chair which said ,“This fine chair is yours for less than a pound a week,”可知,她应该是惊喜的停下来,因为她看到了一个很便宜的椅子。故D正确。 10.D 考查动词特殊用法。动词say或者read可以表示通知布告上面所写的内容。在椅子上面的卡片上写着:“This fine chair is yours for less than a pound a week,”故D正确。 11.B 考查上下文串联。动词lose失去;miss错过;pass通过;路过;make生产;根据前句for less than a pound a week可知这个椅子实际上很便宜,这让她很心动 ,不想错过这个机会。故B正确。 12.A 考查固定搭配。动词短语make sb jump意为make somebody surprised. 动词 jump“(因喜悦、吃惊、紧张等)跃起,跳动,剧跳”。她正在想是不是要买下这个椅子,营业员的出现让她很吃惊。故A正确。 13.A 考查上下文串联。根据前句A voice at her shoulder made her…可知,应该选round,动词短语look round 掉头看,环顾。她要掉头才可以看到说话的营业员。故A正确。 14.D 考查上下文串联。这个营业员看到有人进店看东西,自然要走到前面和顾客进行交流,所以使用come softly to her front。故D正确。 15.B 考查动词辨析。动词think思考;look看;walk步行;pass通过,经过;当营业员询问她要买什么的时候,她很紧张,说只是随便看看。与思考、步行和经过无关。故B正确。 16.C 考查生活常识。名词doorway门道,门口;storeroom储藏室;showroom展厅;market市场;根据实际情况,顾客应该去展厅看货物,而不是去储藏室、门口或市场。故C正确。 17.A 考查动词辨析。fit是指衣服的大小、尺寸合身。suit是指衣服的颜色、款式适合某人,还可以有更广泛的意思,时间等适合某人,什么东西使某人中意。本句是营业员劝说顾客时常有的话:你看一看 ,你会找到适合你的东西的。故A正确。 18.C 考查动词辨析。A项advised,劝告、建议,对方不一定去干,而persuaded.说服某人干什么,强调结果对方被说服了,此处正是她担心被说服买不需要的东西。故C正确。 19.D 考查动词辨析。动词like喜欢;afford承担得起;pay支付;need需要;她担心自己被说服购买了自己实际上不需要的东西。故D正确。 20. 考点:考查记叙文阅读


1.__You probably think you will never be a top student. This is not necessarily so, however. Anyone can become a better student if he or she wants to. Here’s how:

Plan your time carefully. When planning your work, you should make a list of things that you have to do. After making this list, you should make a schedule of your time. First your time for eating, sleeping, dressing, etc. Then decide a good, regular time for studying. 2.__ A weekly schedule may not solve all your problems, but it will force you realize what is happening to your time.

Find a good place to study. Look around the house for a good study area. Keep this space, which may be a desk or simply a corner of your room, free of everything but study materials. No games, radios, or television. When you sit down to study, concentrate on the subject.

Make good use of your time in class.  3._ Listening carefully in class means less work later. Taking notes will help you remember what the teacher says.

Study regularly. When you get home from school, go over your notes, review the important points that your teacher is going to discuss the next day, read that material.  4._ If you do these things regularly, the material will become more meaningful, and you’ll remember it longer.

Develop a good attitude towards tests. The purpose of a test is to show what you have learned about a subject. They help you remember your new knowledge. The world won’t end if you don’t pass a test, so don’t be over worried.

5._ You will probably discover them after you have tried these.

A. There are other methods that might help you with your studying.

B. Don’t forget to set aside enough time for entertainment.

C. Take advantage of class time to listen to everything the teacher says.

D. No one can become a top student unless he or she works hard.

E. Maybe you are an average student.

F. Make full use of class time to take notes of what the teacher says in class.

G. This will help you understand the next class.



Babies are not just passing idle time when they stare goggle-eyed at the television—they are actually learning about the world, U.S. researchers said. Parents may want to limit what their babies see on television , based on the study, said Donna Mumme, assistant professor of psychology at Tufts University in Boston, who led the research. “Children as young as 12 months are making decisions based on the emotional(情感的)reactions of adults around them,” Mumme said in a statement. “It turns out they can also use emotional information they pick up from television. This means that adults might want to think twice before they speak in a loud and harsh voice or let a baby see television programs meant for information about the world. A mother urging her baby to eat some  “yummy” soup or a brother crying in fear when a dog approaches can influence a baby’s reaction. Mumme’s team tested babies to determine. If television has the same influence, showing actors reacting on a videotape to objects such as red spiral letter holder, a blue bumpy ball, and a yellow garden hose attachment. Babies aged 10 months or 12 months were later given the same objects to play with. Ten-month-olds did not seem to be influenced by the video but the 1-year-olds were. When the actors acted neutrally or positively to an object, the babies happily played with them. But if the actor had seemed afraid or disgusted, the babies would avoid the object.

1.Psychology is the study of              .

A.human’s society and its growth

B.human’s hopes had dreams

C.human’s mind and behaviors

D.human’s languages and cultures

2.Which of the following is Mumme’s conclusion?

A.Small babies should not be allowed to watch television programs.

B.Adults need to think twice before they act in front of small babies.

C.TV programs provide small babies with all the information they need.

D.One-year-olds can be emotionally influenced by TV programs.

3.Mumme reached his conclusion by            .

A.measuring the time babies spent in front of TV.

B.making TV programs and advertisements for kids.

C.showing actors how to react to blue bumpy balls

D.observing small babies’ reactions to TV programs

4.Which of the following may the study lead to according to the researchers?

A.Parents may want to limit what their babies see on television.

B.Actors may try to behave themselves well in front of babies.

C.Babies may be allowed to choose what they see on TV.

D.Scientists may stop ignoring babies’ emotional world.



Several days ago, a Beijing - based IT company fired about 400 people overnight. No one had expected the job cuts, which broke with traditional ways of letting go of workers in China. Moreover, what was special about this case was that the day before the 400 were fired, they all received from their boss a gift - the book “Who Moved My Cheese?”.

The book - a bestseller in the US - is being used by men and women to deal with changes in their lives and work. Some large organizations, including Coca- Cola, Kodak and General Motors, ask their employees to read it in order to encourage them to be active towards changes.

Cheese is something related to everyone’s livelihood - our jobs, the industries we work in, relationships and love as well.

With China’s official entry into WTO, the whole nation will face up to more changes and challenges. So what should we do once this “cheese” on which we are so dependent is moved?

“Whatever challenges and changes we meet, we should face up to them bravely” Jiang Hengwei, a civil servant said after reading the book.

Professor Yang in Renmin University of China agrees. “We should change our way of thinking. The coming competitive foreign companies and products provide us with great chances to learn from them and improve our own products to meet international standards and be more competitive.”

“With hard work and wisdom, we will create a much larger and better piece of cheese. ”Zhang smiled confidently.

1.The whole passage is about________.

A. a bestseller in the US

B. what people think about China’s entry into the WTO

C. people’s attitude toward changes and challenges

D. how a book influences the Chinese workers

2.The company in Beijing gave each of the 400 fired workers a copy of “Who Moved My   Cheese” in order to________.

A. be more competitive with foreign firms

B. find an excuse for their job cuts

C. let the workers make a living on their own

D. encourage the fired workers

3.The word “cheese”in the passage can refer to________.

A. something we depend on for a living

B. a most important kind of food

C. change or challenge

D. way of life

4.From what Hengwei and Professor Zhang Yang said, we can know that________.

A. they have different opinions on changes and challenges

B. people are not afraid of competition from foreign companies

C. the Chinese people are ready to face any changes and challenges

D. they are both greatly encouraged by the book



Whatever our differences as human beings are, we all think we’re more like the rest of the animal world than we realize. It is said that we share 40 per cent of our genetic(遗传的)structure with the simple worm.

But that fact has helped Sir John Sulston win the 2002 Nobel Prize for Medicine. Sir John is the founder of the Sanger Institute in Cambridge, which was set up in 1992 to get further understanding of the human genome(染色体组).

To help them do this, they turned to the worm. The nematode(线虫类的)worm is one of the earliest creatures on planet earth. It is less than one millimeter long, completely transparent and spends its entire life digging holes through sand. But it still has lots to say about human life, and what can be done to make it better.

What the worm told Sir John and his colleagues was that each of cells in the human body is programmed like a computer. They grow, develop and die according to a set of instructions that are coded in our genetic make-up.

Many of the diseases that humans suffer from happen when these instructions go wrong or are not obeyed. When the cell refuses to die but carries on growing instead, this leads to cancer. Heart attacks and diseases like AIDS cause more cell deaths than normal, increasing the damage they do to the body. Sir John was the first scientist to prove the existence of programmed cell death.

1.Sir John Sulston got a Nobel Prize for Medicine because he has        .

Afound that human beings are similar to the worm

Bgot the fact we share 40 per cent of our genetic structure with the simple worm

Cfound the computer which controls each of the cells in the human body

Dproved that cell death is programmed

2.People might be seriously ill if the cells in their body        .

Agrow without being instructed

Bdie regularly

Cfail to follow people’s instructions

Ddevelop in the human body

3.The underlined word “they” (paragraph 5) refers to        .

Acell deaths Bdiseases Cinstructions Dcells

4.What is the subject discussed in the text?

AThe theory of programmed cell deaths.

BA great scientistSir John Sulston.

CThe programmed human life.

DDangerous diseases.




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LIMITED TIME ONLY一Try Cholesterol Watchers free with purchase.     (108)


1.If you happen to be the 200th customer to buy Cholesterolblock, you will           .

A. be able to buy it at a low price

B. be the luckiest one online

C. try it free of charge

D. change your diet

2.Liptor®,Zocor®,Crestor® are            

A. diseases  B. side effects  C. medicines  D. cholesterol

3.Where can you most probably read this passage?

A. In a travel guide book.

B. On a university bulletin board(布告牌).

C. In a health magazine.

D. In a doctor's prescription.



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