满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Raising ________ retirement age in progr...

Raising ________ retirement age in progressive steps is in ________ line with China’s labor market realities and should be prioritized, an official said Tuesday.

A. the; /   B. /; the   C. /; /   D. the; the


A 【解析】 试题分析:考查冠词。句意: 一位政府官员周二说道: 渐进式延迟退休年龄符合中国的劳动力市场现状, 应该优先考虑。第一空是特指, 提高目前的退休年龄, 用定冠词。第二空是固定短语, be in line with符合。故选A 考点:考查冠词  












Time fly like an arrow. I’m already in Senior Grade 3 before I realized it. It will be only a little more than eight months before I graduate middle school. At the present, I’m busy review my lessons in order to take the College Entrance Examination. I hope to go to Beijing University, that is one of the best university not only in China but also in the world. I’ll try my best to turn your dream into reality. Most of my classmates are also studying very hardly to realize their dreams. I do believe everyone will be able to enter an university or college.




Bill: Alice, there are some questions I want to ask about the Olympics? __1.__ longest running race in the modern Olympic Games is called the Marathon. Can you tell me something about it?

Alice: Ok. It gets its name from a town in Greece___2.__(call) Marathon, ____3.____ is 26 miles from Athens, the capital city of Greece. This is the story of why the Marathon race is included in the Olympic Games.

Bill: There is a story about it?

Alice: yes.

Bill: Can you tell me ___4.__it?

Alice: Ok. Once there was an ancient Greek soldier called Phidippides. He ran so fast _5.___ he was often sent on long journeys with important___6.____(message). One day the leader of Athens led their army to fight against their enemies and won the battle. They wanted to make their people know what ____7.__(happen). So they asked Phidippides to go to Athens and tell their people the good news. He was very tired after all the fighting but he ran as fast as he could. As he managed _____8.____(get) to the centre of the city, he fell to the ground, ____9.___(open) his mouth and cried, “Athens is saved!” Then he fell down, dead. His story became famous and it was remembered by the Marathon race of 26 miles, which is the __10.____(distant) from Marathon to Athens.

Bill: That’s a moving story. We should remember him.




1.To our great _______(delighted), it worked perfectly.

2.The school uses both modern and _________(tradition) methods for teaching reading.

3.Finding the lost pen gave me a sense of __________(achieve).

4.Good _______ (finance) condition leads to good health.

5.The old man shook his head in _________(belief) when I told him I would go to the moon.

6.A ________(标题) on the front page draws attention to the story inside.

7.Many people have trouble sleeping after a long _________(飞行).

8.Our company was __________(建立) in 2003. That is to say, it has a history of more than 10 years.

9.The female went up the stairs with light _________(优雅的) steps.

10.He doesn’t always call me up. He only calls me ____________(有时).





For several years, we lived at the end of a long Texas country road. Every evening when I was away from home on business, my little boy would ask _______of his mother to take his black  _____and his daddy’s walking stick, to make the half-mile_______from the house to the fence which_______the beginning of the dirty driveway.

One day, I was busy with my business and was_______for about an hour, completely forgetting about the _______little boy down the road who might be_______for his daddy.

On my way home, the rain was so thick that I could not_______ten feet in front of me. All I could______was finishing my journey and getting out of the rain. _______, the downpour began to abate(减弱). It was only a drizzle(细雨) by the time my car turned the last_______and approached the final street between me and a warm home and nice meal.

_______, I caught sight of my little boy, who was_______an umbrella in one hand, a walking stick in the other, and was wearing the biggest and most beautiful smile ever to lighten the ______  of a little boy.

As I stopped the car and_______the door, he ran into my arms and held me long and hard. He was wet and_______with cold, but he never_______the rain, nor the hour-long wait. He simply said, “Daddy, I missed you. I am so glad you are home.”

Last year, we_______to a wonderful new home provided for a special season in our lives. We no longer have a long country road. _______, I have never forgotten the rainy day and the little boy and his black dog. Often, perhaps a thousand times, that_______has appeared in my mind. Like all events in our lives, it happens once, and must be treasured.

1.A. order        B. permission       C. praise         D. likes

2.A. bag         B. dog              C. umbrella       D. toy

3.A. journey      B. flight            C. effort          D. ride

4.A. discovered   B. explained         C. marked          D. described

5.A. controlled   B. trained         C. delayed         D. bothered

6.A. useful        B. grateful          C. careful        D. faithful

7.A. waiting       B. sending          C. searching       D. calling

8.A. drive         B. see              C. feel            D. hear

9.A. stick to      B. think of          C. pick up         D. hold out

10.A. In fact     B. In surprise       C. At once         D. At last

11.A. moment     B. corner            C. street          D. way

12.A. All of a sudden  B. Believe it or not  C. In other words  D. For seconds

13.A. holding     B. opening         C. finding        D. lifting

14.A. body         B. head              C. face           D. hand

15.A. closed       B. locked           C. knocked         D. opened

16.A. worrying     B. crying           C. trembling       D. complaining

17.A. noticed     B. doubted         C. judged          D. mentioned

18.A. moved       B. turned           C. returned        D. traveled

19.A. Therefore    B. Besides          C. Otherwise       D. However

20.A. time        B. scene            C. act            D. sight



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