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完形填空 请阅读下面短文, 从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中, 选出最...


请阅读下面短文, 从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中, 选出最佳选项。

I will always remember my first day at the University of Lagos. On arrival at the campus, I was expecting to be met by some tired students(as was practiced in my secondary school), ______ every student around was new like myself. I asked the way to the multi-purpose hall but no one could tell me. I asked a number of questions about issues that ______ me, such as where and how to pay my fees, the way to the dining hall and so on, but no ______ was offered. “So in the midst of so many people I am all ______ . ”I thought to myself. The prospect was not ______ at all and all the delight I had felt at gaining ______ into a famous university at seventeen began to disappear.

Then as if ______ by an unknown force, I walked a little bit down the corridor in the direction of a notice board at which some boys and girls were ______ . Because of ______ of something to do, I decided to stop and look at the notice board. Yes! I happened on the ______ to all riddles that had _____ me since I set foot on the campus that morning. On the board there was a big campus ______ , on which I was able to______ the multi-purpose hall and all the other places. There were ______ details of various activities for freshmen and a comprehensive list of those offered admission into various courses.

How enjoyable it was to see the light of knowledge, having been wandering in the darkness of______ . Even then I was not able to ______ the thought that though I could not be sure how much of the responsibility was mine, the fact that not paying attention to the notice board had ______ contributed to my initial problems. I learnt from that incident an unforgettable______ which was very useful to me throughout my stay in the university, namely the ______ of reading notice board and handbooks if one is to be well ______ about places and events in the university.

1.A. but         B. and         C. so           D. for

2.A. interested   B. bothered    C. excited     D. surprised

3.A. view         B. advice     C. method       D. help

4.A. available  B. accessible  C. alone       D. afraid

5.A. helpful     B. cheerful    C. respectful   D. thoughtful

6.A. entry        B. insight     C. popularity   D. welcome

7.A. persuaded   B. reviewed   C. offered      D. driven

8.A. knocking    B. throwing    C. gazing      D. shouting

9.A. lack        B. dream       C. rest         D. desire

10.A. way        B. key        C. place       D. door

11.A. inspired  B. encouraged  C. puzzled     D. frightened

12.A. notice      B. message    C. signal       D. map

13.A. list       B. locate     C. land        D. load

14.A. also       B. always      C. only         D. just

15.A. disbelief   B. ignorance C. appreciation D. difference

16.A. describe    B. explain     C. escape       D. control

17.A. clearly     B. nearly      C. naturally   D. relevantly

18.A. secret      B. knowledge  C. experience   D. lesson

19.A. cause      B. importance  C. advantage   D. example

20.A. educated   B. warned     C. concerned    D. informed


1.A 2.B 3.D 4.C 5.B 6.A 7.D 8.C 9.A 10.B 11.C 12.D 13.B 14.A 15.B 16.C 17.A 18.D 19.B 20.D 【解析】 试题分析:文章叙述作者踏入大学校园第一天的经历, 从中领悟到在大学里, 要了解各类活动的安排, 及时看通知和宣传手册是很重要的。 1.A考查连词。A. but但是;B. and和;C. so所以;D. for为了。 “我”进入校园时, 原以为学校会安排老生来迎接, 但是实际情况是周围都是新生, 这里表示转折, 故用but。故选A 2.B考查动词。A. interested感兴趣;B. bothered困扰;C. excited兴奋; D. surprised惊讶。根据语境可知, “我”有很多问题无法得到回答, 所以这些问题困扰着“我”, 故用bothered。故选B 3.D考查名词。A. view看;B. advice建议;C. method方式;D. help帮助。根据上文, “我”不知道去何处缴费, 不知道去餐厅的路怎么走, 周围也都是新生, 所以没有人提供帮助。offer help, 本句用被动语态。故选D 4.C考查形容词。A. available可利用的;B. accessible可行的;C. alone单独;D. afraid害怕。置身于人群当中, 我仍然是独自一人。故选C 5.B考查形容词。A. helpful有帮助的;B. cheerful令人愉快的;C. respectful尊重的;D. thoughtful有想法的。 “我”到大学的第一天就遇到如此多的困难, 感觉大学生活的前景不乐观。故选B 6.A考查名词。A. entry进入;B. insight 直觉;C. popularity流行;D. welcome欢迎。 “我”17岁就考入名牌大学的那种快乐开始消失了。故选A 7.D考查动词。A. persuaded说服; B. reviewed回顾;C. offered提供;D. driven驱使。 “我”好像被一种未知的力量所驱使, 我朝着有通告牌的走廊走去。故选D 8.C考查动词。A. knocking敲;B. throwing丢;C. gazing注视;D. shouting喊。一些男女生正在看通告牌上的通知。介词at提到关系代词which之前, gaze at凝视, 注视, 符合语境。故选C 9.A 考查固定短语。A. lack缺少;B. dream梦想;C. rest休息;D. desire渴望。 “我”没有什么事可做, 于是我决定停下来看一看通告牌。lack of缺乏。故选A 10.B考查名词。A. way路;B. key答案;C. place地点;D. door门。根据下文的riddles可以确定答案是B, the key to all riddles所有谜语的答案。本题易误选A, the way to通往……的路, 不合语境。故选B 11.】C考查动词。A. inspired鼓舞;B. encouraged鼓励;C. puzzled困惑;D. frightened惊吓。这些谜(困难)从我那天早上一踏进校园就困扰着我, puzzle sb. 使某人困惑。故选C 12.D考查名词。A. notice通知;B. message信息;C. signal标志;D. map地图。从下文可知, “我”找到了多功能大厅以及其他地方的位置, 所以通告牌上应是一个校园地图。故选D 13.B考查动词。A. list列出;B. locate找出……位置; C. land登岸;D. load担负。 “我”在地图上找到多功能大厅以及其他地方的位置。故选B 14.A考查连词。A. also也;B. always经常;C. only只有;D. just只是。通告牌上“还有”很多为新生安排的活动的详细情况介绍。故选A 15.B考查名词。A. disbelief怀疑;B. ignorance无知, 愚昧;C. appreciation感激;D.difference不同。刚才“我”一直在无知的黑暗中徘徊, 现在一下子知道了所有这些答案, “我”非常高兴。故选B 16.C考查动词。A. describe描述;B. explain解释;C. escape逃脱, 回避;D. control 控制。“我”不能回避这一想法。故选C 17.A考查副词。A. clearly明显地, 显然;B. nearly接近地;C. naturally自然地;D. relevantly “我”不能回避的想法是虽然“我”不能确定自己承担多少责任, 事实是没有注意通告牌显然是导致我最初问题的原因。故选A 18.D考查名词。A. secret秘密;B. knowledge知识;C. experience经验;D. lesson教训。从这个事件中, “我”得到一个难忘的教训, 这个对于“我”度过大学生活很有用, lesson教训。故选D 19.B考查名词。A. cause导致;B. importance重要;C. advantage优点;D. example例子。在大学里要想得到有关地方或活动的信息, 看通告牌是很重要的。故选B 20.考查动词。A. educated教育;B. warned警告;C. concerned担心;D. informed通知。 be well informed about/of. . . 被告知, 通知。即要想了解某些地点或事情。故选D 【学法指导】本文是一篇记叙文,包含记叙文的时间、地点、人物、事件等要素。其特点是以时间的先后或事件的发展为主线,空间或逻辑线索贯穿文章始终,脉络清楚,可读性较强。 解这类完形填空时要注意: 1. 掌握几种逻辑关系词 考生在做这类题目是一定要很好地把握上下文逻辑关系,掌握常见的几种表示转折、让步、条件、因果、并列等逻辑关系的词,再根据上下文语境判断出最佳答案。比如第38小题such as where and how to pay my fees, the way to the dining hall and so on, but no 38 was offered.中间用了一个转折连词but,很明显是转折关系。考查形容词。考查名词。A. view看;B. advice建议;C. method方式;D. help帮助。根据上文, “我”不知道去何处缴费, 不知道去餐厅的路怎么走, 但是没有人提供帮助。offer help, 本句用被动语态。故选D 比如第41小题Because of of something to do, I decided to stop and look at the notice board.用了一个连词Because of,很明显是因果关系。考查固定短语。A. lack缺少;B. dream梦想;C. rest休息;D. desire渴望。 因为“我”没有什么事可做, 于是我决定停下来看一看通告牌。lack of缺乏。故选A 2. 准确把握逻辑关系 考生在做题过程中需要留意上下文,正确把握上下文之间的逻辑关系。逻辑关系涉及时间、条件、原因、转折等几个方面。正确理解文章的内容并把握逻辑关系有助于考生准确地解答试题。On the board there was a big campus , on which I was able to the multi-purpose hall and all the other places. There were details of various activities for freshmen and a comprehensive list of those offered admission into various courses.表示逻辑顺序。此句的意思是“我”找到了多功能大厅以及其他地方的位置, 所以通告牌上应是一个校园地图。故47题选D;“我”在地图上找到多功能大厅以及其他地方的位置。故48题选B;通告牌上“还有”很多为新生安排的活动的详细情况介绍。故49题选A。学生只要把握住事件发展的逻辑顺序,就会顺理成章地将接下来要发生的事情推测出来。 3. 仔细体会作者的思想情感 在解题过程中,考生要仔细体会作者所要表达的思想情感,不能按自己的想法去揣测文章中人物的心理活动。比如第53小题I learnt from that incident an unforgettable 53 which was very useful to me throughout my stay in the university 考查名词。A. secret秘密;B. knowledge知识;C. experience经验;D. lesson教训。从这个事件中, “我”得到一个难忘的教训, 这个对于“我”度过大学生活很有用, lesson教训。故选D很显然,A、B、D不符合语境,D. lesson教训,是正确选项。 考点:考查故事类阅读

It’s an either-or situation—we can buy a new car this year or we can go on holiday but we can’t do ______.

A. others       B. either        C. another   D. both



—Can I have a look at your iPhone 6?

________ .

A. No, you can’t            B. Sorry, it’s expensive

C. Of course, it looks good   D. Yes, go ahead



The only way to succeed at the highest level is to have total belief _______ you are better than anyone else on the sports field.

A. how      B. that      C. which      D. whether



What is known to us all is that the bacteria that live in the soil help to _______ our wastes.

A. break down  B. take down  C. put down  D. write down



Sometimes some young people call themselves “DiaoSi” to _______ themselves from the “tall, rich and handsome” and “white, rich and pretty” groups.

A. allocate   B. distinguish  C. preserve  D. present



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