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Apple Seeds Circulation: 1 Year,9 Issues...

Apple Seeds

Circulation: 1 Year,9 Issues

Cover Price: MYM44.55

Price For You: MYM 33.95

Product Description: Apple Seeds is an award winning magazine filled with stories for kids aged from 7 to 9. The cover is very soft, providing durability(耐用性) that allows each issue to be enjoyed for many years to come. Besides, there is a big surprise for you—it’s being sold at a more favorable discount than usual.

Better Life

Circulation: 1 Year, 12 Issues

Cover Price: MYM44.55

Price For You: MYM 15.00

Product Description: Designed for those who have a strong interest in personal lifestyle, Better Life is America’s complete home and family service magazine. It offers help with food, recipes, decorating, building, gardening, family health, money management, and education.

Humor Times

Circulation: 1 Year, 12 Issues

Cover Price: MYM36.00

Price For You: MYM 11.95

Product Description: Humor Times Magazine is for those who love to laugh! Full of cartoons and humor columns, it shows up in your mailbox once a month and keeps you smiling all year round! In today’s world, you need a reason to laugh. So let’s find it in Humor Times.

News China

Circulation: 1 Year, 12 Issues

Cover Price: MYM 47.88

Price For You: MYM 19.99

Product Description: News China Magazine is the English edition of China Newsweek. The magazine covers the latest Chinese domestic news in politics, business, society, environment, culture, sports and travels, etc. It is the first comprehensive news magazine for readers interested in China.

1.What is the purpose of the text ?

A. To tell us why these magazines are popular.

B. To help us make right decisions.

C. To advise us to subscribe to the magazines.

D. To encourage us to contribute articles to the magazines.

2.Better Life can probably help you in      .

A. making your house beautiful

B. ordering food from restaurants.

C. finding interesting stories for your kids

D. learning about sports and travels

3.Which magazine may best help relieve your work stress?

A. Apple Seeds.    B. Better Life.

C. Humor Times.    D. News China.


1.C 2.A 3.C 【解析】 试题分析:本文介绍了4类杂志的基本情况。 1.C细节理解题。根据文中对杂志的介绍,可知是向读者推荐一些杂志订阅的建议。故选C。 2.A细节理解题。根据文章中 It offers help with food, recipes, decorating, building, gardening, family health, money management, and education.提到对装修、花园等可以提供帮助。故选A。 3.细节理解题。根据文章中的介绍,可知四类杂志的主要内容以及可以帮助人做什么。故选C。 考点:考查广告布告类阅读 【名师点睛】 一、广告布告类阅读试题的文体特点: 此类文章不同于其他文体的文章,其目的是为了向读者传输信息,措辞简洁明了,直截了当,一般说来,广告布告类阅读试题具有以下特点: 1、选材特点: 信息量大,文句精炼,形式灵活,用最少的篇幅表达最大量的信息。 2、内容特点: 生活化,实用化,多样化,如产品宣传、服务介绍、通知、海报、启示、招生招聘等。本文就是一篇推荐杂志的文章,内容简单明了,有利于考生阅读。 3、形式特点: 标题醒目,重点突出,条理清晰,常用粗体字或各类项目符号使文章结构更鲜明。 4、命题特点: 主要考察考生提取信息和处理信息的能力,既注重特定细节的筛选、类比、综合,又注重推理判断题的考查,题目设置相对较容易。本文文章集中对细节题进行考察,一定要根据题目锁定和缩小答案区域,进而找出正确的答案。 二、解题技巧点拨: 阅读这类文章时,也应该在整体把握文章结构的前提下,主要注意细节信息。细节题题干都是相应原文的变形(如同义改写、词性转换等),因此要找到答案一定要找到题干在原文中的出处,再把原文和选项相比较。做题时,根据所提问题用寻读、跳读的方法可达到事半功倍的效果。同时,在阅读时也要特别注意文中以粗体、大写、下划线等方式加以提示的文字,因为这很有可能是文章的核心或某一部分内容的概括。具体答题策略如下: 1、先题后文: 先读试题,了解考点;明确目的,快速捕捉,获取信息。通过本文的题目可知,本文文章需要读者全部读到;而对于题目中没有涉及到的段落可以选择跳过不读。 2、题干定向: 根据题干关键词到文中定位答案范围,按照题目顺序依次而下:问题与材料相同:对号入座;问题与原文相同:同义替换、归纳事实等。比如第22题:问题与Better Life有关,可从文章中找到介绍Better Life的段落,在与答案进行对比。 3、生词模糊: 遇到生词;如无关答题,直接跳过;涉及答题,则根据语境、构词法等猜词。 4、信息补全: 对于影响理解的省略句,可根据语境,将其补全。


阅读下面微博上的短文, 然后按要求写一篇150个词左右的英语短文。

Hi, everyone. I am Jane. I have a problem and don’t know what to do. So I need your help!

This morning I was ready to review my lessons with my computer in my dormitory, and then Mary, my roommate and best friend, came back with a laptop. She wanted to use my connector, and I did as she asked.

After a while, she took away my headset and opened her laptop. Afterwards she connected to the Internet with my connector. Then something unexpected happened. She used the audio player with the loudspeaker. She entered her QQ Zone and started using the video system to chat with my microphone. Sounds of music, QQ and their talking became louder and louder. She completely ignored that I was there reviewing my lessons.

I could not bear that, so I asked her to be quiet a little, but I failed. At last I had to go away to the classroom. On the way I became angrier and angrier because she was using my things, but never thought about my feeling. She drove me out. I am very sad. Am I her friend? Should I stop our friendship?


1. 以约30个词概括上文的主要内容。

2. 以约120个词发表你的看法, 内容包括:

(1)你对Mary的行为的看法, 并说明理由;

(2)假如你是Jane, 你会如何处理这件事;



1. 作文中可使用自己的亲身经历或虚构的故事, 也可以参照阅读材料的内容但不得直接引用原文中的句子;

2. 文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称。


句子结构准确, 信息内容完整, 篇章结构连贯。










1.It ______ _______ ________ ________ ________( 有待观察是否) he will give up taking drugs.

2.The Chinese language differs from Western languages ________ ________(原因是),  instead of an alphabet,  it uses characters which stand for ideas, objects or deeds.

3.I certainly think there should be _____ _______ _______ (禁止) tobacco advertising.

4.While the students found the soldier’s idea interesting,  the system was too difficult to _____ _____ _________ ________(实用).

5.Many people were buried alive,  and_____ ______ ________ ______(整个城市也被埋没).

6.It’s ______ ________ _________ _______ (被人们认为已经)  gradually covered over by sandstorms from AD 200 to AD 400.

7.An explosion happened in the mine, ________ twenty miners ________.(任由……受困)。

8.The desert was once a green land with huge trees,  but they were cut down and that ______ ______ ______ _______ ________ ________(导致了这座城市被掩埋) by sand—what a pity!

9.Then, on 24 August,  the mountain exploded,______ _____ _____ _____ _____ ______(喷出一团火山灰).

10._______ _______ _____ _______ _______ _______(你方便) to start work tomorrow?




请阅读下面短文, 并根据所读内容在文章后表格中的空格里填入一个最恰当的单词。

注意: 每个空格只填一个单词。

Whatever your career, and whatever your goals in life are, ideas are going to matter to you. One great idea could change your life. The thing is, you probably don’t have as many great ideas as you’d like. Perhaps you feel unimaginative and unoriginal. You keep hoping that a really good idea will just pop into your head, but that never seems to happen. The good news? Ideas aren’t magic dust sprinkled by the Muses. There’s an awful lot you can do to generate ideas any time you want.

First, you need time to come up with ideas and quality time, where you’re not worrying about the chores or your emails. Getting quality time ideally means taking a whole day away from your regular responsibilities. Go out to a coffee shop with a notebook, or shut yourself in a room at home without internet access. Get a zoomed-out view of your life: set aside worries about “but what would people think?” and “is it sensible?” and let yourself dream. You’ll be amazed what you come up with.

Ever had an idea which you immediately dismissed? You probably told yourself “That’s stupid,” or “It’s been done before.”When you’re generating ideas and thinking through possibilities, you’ll inevitably come up with a few false starts. Some ideas will be unoriginal, undesirable or unworkable. But that’s not a bad thing. One idea often leads to a whole train of thought and you might end up with a really good idea from something which seemed, at first glance, unpromising.

Although I’m a bit of an introvert I like to spend a fair amount of time on my own I also get a great buzz from being with like-minded people and discussing ideas and projects with them. You’ve probably experienced something similar yourself maybe in a brainstorming meeting at work, or maybe just at a bar with friends. The energy generated by several people together can spark some brilliant ideas ones which you’d never have come up with alone. How do you find like-minded people to bounce ideas off? You could try: Local groups, such as evening classes; Getting together with a couple of friends who “get” your dreams; Finding an online forum of people with the same interest or goals as you.

Ideas don’t just appear in a vacuum. They’re formed from all the various input that you take in. Sometimes, a news story might give you the perfect idea for a Christmas present for your sister, or a book that you’re reading might get you thinking about a particular goal in your life.The more widely you read, the more open you’ll be to new ideas cropping up. That might mean reading a magazine or journal article that’s far outside your normal area of expertise, or turning to a biography of someone who you know almost nothing about.A great place to start is online: blogs, news sites, forums and even Twitter and Facebook are all a rich source of ideas, just waiting for you.

How do you come up with great ideas? And is there a particular area of your life where you feel like you’re lacking inspiration?

How to come up with great ideas—all the time


1._____quality time to think

Getting ideal quality time means 2.____aside worries about your regular 3.____ such as the housework or your emails and letting yourself dream for some time.

You may come up with some4.____ideas.

Don’t judge your ideas

A(n) 5.____unimportant ideas might 6.____ out to be a really good one. So don’t dismiss any unoriginal, undesirable or unworkable ideas 7.______.

Talk to other like-minded people

Talking with people who 8.______ the same interest or goals with you can inspire some brilliant ideas. You can find such people at work, at a bar, in evening classes or on an online forum.

Read widely

Reading widely helps you put forward new ideas and the Internet is a great place 9._____ in ideas.


Whatever your career, and whatever your goals in life are, ideas are of 10.____ to you.



When I was 16 years old and in foster care in Tennessee, people told me I was unadoptable. But I desperately wanted a family. I sought the help of a judge, even the commissioner of the Department of Children’s Services, and was adopted just a week before my 18th birthday.

We have a lot to be grateful for and this holiday season let’s not forget about the more than 415,000 youth in foster care especially older youth. These youth are the most likely to get overlooked for adoption, but they shouldn’t be. They need and deserve a family just as much as young children do. Making an older youth a part of your family can bring just as much a joy as adopting a baby or a younger child—without all the diapers and potty training.

My adoption was life changing and probably the best thing that ever happened to me. I still remember the first gift my parents gave to me. It was a Mickey Mouse key chain with a key to their home. They told me that no matter what happened they would always love me and I’d always have a place to come home to. This is our 17th Thanksgiving together...

My first Thanksgiving with my family was a little overwhelming with lots of extended family including grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins. However, it’s when I realized that I would never have to spend another holiday alone and that was truly an amazing feeling.

I was always eager to spend time with my little sister, Beth. She was six when I joined the family. My dad always says he knew we were really sisters, and I was no longer a guest in the house when Beth and I had our first fight. Today, she’s one of my best friends, and I’m her biggest cheerleader.

There were also bittersweet Thanksgivings. One we spent in my mom’s hospital room. It was there that she helped me plan my wedding but passed away three weeks before the ceremony. My dad walked me down the aisle, and my sister was my maid of honor. Because of our bond, we were able to support each other through that challenging time and that’s what family is for—the good and bad times.

It’s nice having my dad and sister to share holidays and special occasions. But they’re even more important when it comes to the little things—like having someone to share my bad day with, celebrate my promotion at work, or help me think through a difficult decision. It’s in these moments that I just can’t imagine being alone in the world.

I’m so glad that I didn’t listen to those people who said I was unadoptable, I’d never find a family, and that I was putting myself out there for rejection. It’s a risk for older foster youth to consider adoption. It’s an opportunity to be rejected once again. But it’s a risk they should take because life doesn’t end at 18. It’s really just beginning.

If you know someone who might consider adopting an older teen, please share my story -- and have him or her think of my family. They didn’t get to see my first steps or watch me be a pilgrim in my second grade Thanksgiving play. But they taught me so many things about life, and were there to watch me walk across the stage when I graduated from college and law school and accompanied me to the White House last year as I was honored for my work helping foster youth.

I look forward to many more Thanksgivings with my family, and I’m eternally thankful they chose me to be a part of their family.

1.What contributes to the author’s feeling that she can’t imagine being alone in the world.

A. The family’s giving the author a Mickey Mouse as a gift.

B. The author’s spending her Thanksgiving with her extended family for 17 years.

C. The mother’s failing to attend the author’s wedding ceremony for her severe disease.

D. The family’s always sharing happiness and sorrow with her.

2.What does adoption for older youth really mean

A. It means not living alone any longer.

B. It means being taken good care of by others.

C. It means being successful in career.

D. It means being loved and a sense of belonging.

3.The underlined sentence “It’s an opportunity to be rejected once again.” in Paragraph 8 means that _________.

A. older teens take the opportunity to be adopted

B. older teens are less likely to be adopted

C. older teens create the opportunity to be adopted

D. older teens are in danger of being adopted

4.What’s the author’s main purpose of writing the passage

A. To express her appreciation for her family.

B. To show sympathy to the unadoptable older youth.

C. To appeal to more people to adopt the older youth.

D. To persuade the readers not to believe others’ words.



War or natural disasters often destroy or cause major damage to sanitary systems. The destruction of waste treatment systems can increase the risk of disease and even death among survivors.

Some people dig holes in the ground that serve as individual toilets. However, micro-organisms from human wastes can reach water supplies and cause cholera or other diseases.

A United Nations team is now developing a toilet for disaster areas. The experimental project is called eSOS—for the Emergency Sanitation Operation System. The system is lightweight and operates on sunlight power.

Scientists are working on the toilet at the UN’s Institute for Water Education in the Netherlands. Damir Brdjanovic is heading the project. He says his team hopes to bring disaster assistance into the 21st century.

The eSOS system has several ‘smart’ features, such as a self-contained energy supply unit. Another is a global positioning system sensor, very much like the GPS equipment in some vehicles. There is also equipment that measures waste buildup. All of the information from the toilet system can be shared with an emergency organization center. Officials at the center can then identify the needs of an affected disaster area. The eSOS system can also recycle liquid wastes into water that can be used for farming. This involves treating the urine(尿液)with the help of a membrane bioreactor system(膜生物反应器系统).

The smart toilet is being tested. Damir Brdjanovic and his team plan to test the toilet at a refugee camp in the Philippines later this year. The developers hope this disaster relief will save the lives of many refugees.

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1.What’s the best title of the passage?

A. Toilet for Our Future Life

B. Machine to Recycle Human Wastese

C. New Technology to Reduce the Risk of Disease

D. SOS—the Emergency Sanitation Operation System

2.Which of the following is NOT true about eSOS?

A. It weighs light.

B. It serves as individual toilet for disaster survivors.

C. It doesn’t need any power.

D. It is equipped with a global positioning system sensor.

3.What can we infer from this passage?

A. eSOS can prevent any risk of disease.

B. eSOS will be put into use in the near future.

C. Damir Brdjanovic holds a negative attitude to eSOS.

D. The eSOS system can recycle liquid wastes into drinkable water.



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