满分5 > 高中英语试题 >



Some animals can be trained to help humans. For example, specially trained dogs help blind people walk around the town safely.Some kinds of monkeys can be taught things too.  1.  The monkeys pick up the phone when it rings, carry shopping bags and do housework.

In the wild,animals and humans are not usually friends. 2.  In Africa,the honey guide bird works with humans to find food. The bird likes to eat grubs(幼虫)- a type of insect that lives inside a beehive(蜂巢). It knows how to find beehives but it can’t open them and get the grubs.People like to eat honey,but they aren’t very good at finding beehives. 3.  The bird flies to a beehive and people follow it. When the people open the beehive and take the honey, they give the grubs to the bird.

In Laguna in the south of Brazil,fishermen and dolphins work as a team.The ocean isn’t very clean,so  the fishermen can’t see the fish.  4.  When the dolphins find a large group of fish,they make a noise to tell the fishermen.Then the dolphins push the fish to the beach.The fishermen wait in the water near the beach and catch a lot of fish in their nets.The fishermen’s nets make it easier for the dolphins to catch fish too.In Laguna,fishermen and dolphins have been working together for many years.  5.  Meanwhile,the dolphins must be happy to help because they teach their babies how to work with the humans!

A. So the bird and the people help each other.

B. They attack each other for food or something else.

C. However, dolphins can find them easily by using sounds.

D. In fact, they usually help to get enough food for their babies.

E. The fishermen teach their children how to work with the dolphins.

F. They can learn how to help people who can’t use their arms or legs.

G. However,there are a few interesting examples where they can work together.


1.F 2.G 3.A 4.C 5.E 【解析】 试题分析:文章讲述了动物被训练了来帮助人类的事。 1.F考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。根据上一句:猴子也可以被训练做一些事情。根据下一句:猴子可以在手机来电的时候拿电话,随身携带购物袋和做家务。可知猴子帮助的有可能是手不方便的人;而且答案中与猴子相关的就是F。故选F。 2.G考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。根据上一句:在野外,动物和人类通常不是朋友。根据下文中讲述的却是一些动物帮助人类的故事,与人类一起工作的事情。可知此处的上下文是转折的。故选G。 3.A考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。根据上一句:它知道如何找到蜂房,但它不能打开并得到食物。人们喜欢吃蜂蜜,但是他们不是很善于发现蜂窝。根据下一句:鸟飞到一个蜂巢,人们跟随它。当人们打开蜂箱取蜜,他们给鸟一些幼虫。可知此处是人类与鸟相互合作,一起找到蜂蜜。故选A。 4.C考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。根据上一句:海水不是很干净,因此渔民们看不到鱼。根据下一句:当它们发现一大群鱼,他们会发出的声音告诉渔民。可知此处海豚可以帮助人类发现鱼群并且告诉人类。故选C。 5.E考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。根据上一句:在拉古纳,渔夫和海豚一起工作了很多年。根据下一句:同时,海豚必须乐于帮助人类,因为他们会教他们的孩子如何与人类一起工作。可知人类也会叫自己的子孙如何与海豚一起工作。故选E。 考点:考查信息匹配 【名师点睛】 高考七选五解题方法 1.通读全文,了解文章大意。这是一个泛读的过程,目的是了解文章大意,为以后的理解做铺垫。从本文的第一句就可以得知本篇文章的大体内容。 2.分析句型,了解语法构成。确保填入的句子符合语法构成。 3.当我们了解了文章大意后,要明确每一个空是填一个整句子还是半个句子。这一点十分重要,它能够帮助我们迅速确定某些空的选项范围,比如,有一个空的结尾处没有标点符号,后文紧跟着一个句子的后半部分,很显然这时我们需要填的是半个句子,这时便可以在七个选项中找到是半个句子的选项,从而缩小选择范围。本文填的都是完整的句子,所以对语义的理解就有了一定的要求。 4.明确关联关系。任何句子都是要么和上文有联系,要么和下文有联系,要么和上下文都有联系。比如第37题:根据上一句:在野外,动物和人类通常不是朋友。根据下文中讲述的却是一些动物帮助人类的故事,与人类一起工作的事情。可知此处的上下文是转折的。故选G。 5.带入通读,复查。 如果有时间,做完题目可以再读一遍,这是我们很有必要将自己修正好的文章通读一遍,将其看做一片行文通顺语意连贯的文章来读,这是如果感到有含义不连贯的地方,很有可能是我们填错了空,就要复查了,注意:七选五的特点在于,错一道,往往还会错另外的一道或几道,我们叫做"连错",所以当你发现自己有一处填的有问题时,一定要同时检查其他空。

In business, there's a speed difference: It's the difference between how important a firm's leaders say speed is to their competitive(竞争的) strategy(策略) and how fast the company actually moves. The difference is important regardless of industry and company size. Companies fearful of losing their competitive advantage spend much time and money looking for ways to pick up the speed.

In our study of 343 businesses, the companies that chose to go, go, go to try to gain an edge ended up with lower sales and operating incomes than those that paused at key moments to make sure they were on the right track. What's more, the firms that “slowed down to speed up” improved their top and bottom lines, averaging 40% higher sales and 52% higher operating incomes over a three-­year period.

How did they disobey the laws of business physics, taking more time than Competitors yet performing better? They thought differently about what “slower” and “faster” mean. Firms sometimes fail to understand the difference between operational speed (moving quickly) and strategic speed (reducing the time it takes to deliver value).Simply increasing the speed of production, for example, may be one way to try to reduce the speed difference. But that often leads to reduced value over time, in the form of lower­-quality products and services.

In our study, higher ­performing companies with strategic speed always made changes when necessary. They became more open to ideas and discussion. They encouraged new ways of thinking. And they allowed time to look back and learn. By contrast (相比而言), performance suffered at firms that moved fast all the time, paid too much attention to improving efficiency, stuck to tested methods, didn't develop team spirit among their employees, and had little time thinking about changes.

Strategic speed serves as a kind of leadership. Teams that regularly take time to get things right, rather than plough ahead full bore, are more successful in meeting their business goals. That kind of strategy must come from the top.

1.What does the underlined part “gain an edge” in Paragraph 2 mean?

A. Increase the speed.                 B. Get an advantage.

C. Reach the limit.                     D. Set a goal.

2.The underlined part “the laws of business physics” in Paragraph 3 means       ________.

A. spending more time and performing worse

B. spending more time and performing better

C. spending less time and performing worse

D. spending less time and performing better

3.What can we learn from the text?

A. How fast a firm moves depends on how big it is.

B. How competitive a firm is depends on what it produces.

C. Firms guided by strategic speed take time to make necessary changes.

D. Firms guided by operational speed take time to develop necessary team spirit.

4.Which could be the best title for the text?

A. Improve quality? Serve better.

B. Deliver value? Plough ahead.

C. Reduce time? Move faster.

D. Need speed? Slow down.



Imagine that 7 out of 10 working Americans got fired tomorrow. What would they all do? It’s hard to believe it would happen. But that is what the industrial revolution did to the labor force of the early 19th century.

Two hundred years ago, 70 percent of American workers lived on the farm. Today automation(自动化) has eliminated all but one percent of their jobs, replacing them with machines. But these workers did not sit, doing nothing. Instead, automation created hundreds of millions of jobs in completely new fields. Those who once farmed were then working in factories that produced farm equipment, cars, and other industrial products.

It may be hard to believe, but before the end of this century, 70 percent of today’s jobs will likely be replaced by automation. Yes, dear reader, even you will have your job taken away by machines. In other words, robot replacement is just a matter of time, First, speedy robots being able to lift 150 pounds all day long will carry boxes, sort them, and load them onto trucks. Fruit and vegetable picking will continue to be robotized until no humans pick outside of specialty farms. Next, The work of cleaning in offices and schools will be taken over by late-night robots. The trucks will be driven by robots.

We need to let robots take over. They will do jobs we have been doing, and do them much better than we can. They will do jobs we can’t do at all. They will do jobs we never imagined even needed to be done, and they will help us discover new jobs for ourselves and new tasks that expand who we are. They will let us focus on becoming more human than we were.

1.What happened in the early 19th century?

A. Some working Americans in factories got fired.

B. Jobless workers had no choice but to sit there doing nothing at all.

C. Many American workers had to leave factories to work on the farm.

D. The industrial revolution caused many Americans to lose their jobs.

2.How does the author support the underlined statement in Paragraph 3?

A. By giving advice.

B. By giving examples.

C. By following the order of time.

D. By explaining cause and effect.

3.How does the author feel about robots taking over our jobs?

A. Afraid.          B. Happy.        C. Puzzled.       D. Angry.

4.What does the author want to tell us in the text ?

A. Why robots should take over our jobs.

B. 70% of working Americans will be jobless.

C. The industrial revolution led to the automation.

D. Robots will do more things for us to live better.



It was a bad time for me . I was low emotionally and tired physically. Probably because of this I hadn’t shaved for a few days. Also, because I had been doing some repairs at my daughter’s house, I was dressed quite scruffily. Boarding the bus to go home I saw it was almost full so I found a rail to lean against.

That was when a young woman, sitting with her child, stood up and offered me her seat. “Wow !” I thought. Out loud I said, “Do I look that old and tired?” She replied,” You look like you’ve had a tough day.” I thanked her sincerely and stayed standing.

A moment later a man rose from his seat at the back of the bus and made his way towards me, squeezing past several people on the way. Then he told me about his addiction problems, asked for my advice, and just chatted about life for a few minutes. Then he went back to his seat. Very random!

Watching him go, I also looked at the busload of people between me and his seat. He hadn’t chosen to talk to those strangers. He chose to talk to this stranger, for whatever it meant to him and whatever comfort it brought him. Why?

That’s when it occurred to me. I must have looked like I had been where he was. I probably looked like a man who would understand a difficult life. I was humbled and uplifted at the same time by the realization that even when we are at our lowest we can still help others—if we look like we might be able to meet them where they live or walk a while in their world.

1.Why did the young woman offer her seat to the writer?

A. Because she thought the writer looked very old.

B. Because the writer looked very friendly.

C. Because the writer looked humorous.

D. Because the writer looked exhausted.

2.What can we learn about the man from Paragraph 3 ?

A. He was an acquaintance of the writer.

B. He felt familiar with the writer.

C. He might took drugs heavily.

D. He lacked confidence in life.

3.The underlined words “this stranger” in Paragraph 4 probably refer to“      .”

A. the young woman                      B. one passenger

C. the writer                          D. the driver

4.Which of the following may be the best title for the text?

A. Unusual Appearance Interests Strangers.

B. Meet Them Where They Live.

C. Small Talks Make a Difference.

D. Accept What They Are.



Apple Seeds

Circulation: 1 Year,9 Issues

Cover Price: MYM44.55

Price For You: MYM 33.95

Product Description: Apple Seeds is an award winning magazine filled with stories for kids aged from 7 to 9. The cover is very soft, providing durability(耐用性) that allows each issue to be enjoyed for many years to come. Besides, there is a big surprise for you—it’s being sold at a more favorable discount than usual.

Better Life

Circulation: 1 Year, 12 Issues

Cover Price: MYM44.55

Price For You: MYM 15.00

Product Description: Designed for those who have a strong interest in personal lifestyle, Better Life is America’s complete home and family service magazine. It offers help with food, recipes, decorating, building, gardening, family health, money management, and education.

Humor Times

Circulation: 1 Year, 12 Issues

Cover Price: MYM36.00

Price For You: MYM 11.95

Product Description: Humor Times Magazine is for those who love to laugh! Full of cartoons and humor columns, it shows up in your mailbox once a month and keeps you smiling all year round! In today’s world, you need a reason to laugh. So let’s find it in Humor Times.

News China

Circulation: 1 Year, 12 Issues

Cover Price: MYM 47.88

Price For You: MYM 19.99

Product Description: News China Magazine is the English edition of China Newsweek. The magazine covers the latest Chinese domestic news in politics, business, society, environment, culture, sports and travels, etc. It is the first comprehensive news magazine for readers interested in China.

1.What is the purpose of the text ?

A. To tell us why these magazines are popular.

B. To help us make right decisions.

C. To advise us to subscribe to the magazines.

D. To encourage us to contribute articles to the magazines.

2.Better Life can probably help you in      .

A. making your house beautiful

B. ordering food from restaurants.

C. finding interesting stories for your kids

D. learning about sports and travels

3.Which magazine may best help relieve your work stress?

A. Apple Seeds.    B. Better Life.

C. Humor Times.    D. News China.




阅读下面微博上的短文, 然后按要求写一篇150个词左右的英语短文。

Hi, everyone. I am Jane. I have a problem and don’t know what to do. So I need your help!

This morning I was ready to review my lessons with my computer in my dormitory, and then Mary, my roommate and best friend, came back with a laptop. She wanted to use my connector, and I did as she asked.

After a while, she took away my headset and opened her laptop. Afterwards she connected to the Internet with my connector. Then something unexpected happened. She used the audio player with the loudspeaker. She entered her QQ Zone and started using the video system to chat with my microphone. Sounds of music, QQ and their talking became louder and louder. She completely ignored that I was there reviewing my lessons.

I could not bear that, so I asked her to be quiet a little, but I failed. At last I had to go away to the classroom. On the way I became angrier and angrier because she was using my things, but never thought about my feeling. She drove me out. I am very sad. Am I her friend? Should I stop our friendship?


1. 以约30个词概括上文的主要内容。

2. 以约120个词发表你的看法, 内容包括:

(1)你对Mary的行为的看法, 并说明理由;

(2)假如你是Jane, 你会如何处理这件事;



1. 作文中可使用自己的亲身经历或虚构的故事, 也可以参照阅读材料的内容但不得直接引用原文中的句子;

2. 文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称。


句子结构准确, 信息内容完整, 篇章结构连贯。









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