满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

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As I am getting older, I find a terrible problem that my memory is getting even 1.  (bad). I always forget   2.  (do) what I have exactly done. What’s wrong with me? I think I shouldn’t have been so forgetful just 3. I’m not old enough to forget things. It must be horrible if the situation 4.  (continue) in the next years. Now, I have to take a note 5. (avoid) missing something I should do. However, several years ago, I took great 6. (proud) in my good memory because I would keep something in my mind easily. That’s 7. I don’t think study was a problem when I was in high school.

Perhaps, recently I was busy 8.  some little things both in family and work so I was   9.   (complete) tired. But meanwhile I had to admit that time had taken away my energy not only physically but also mentally. No matter who you are or how strong you are, you’re certain to be weak in front of   10.  (nature) law.


1.worse 2.doing 3.because 4.continues 5.to avoid 6.pride 7.why 8.with 9.completely 10.natural 【解析】 试题分析:本文属于记叙文,介绍了睡着年龄的增加,作者的记忆力急剧下降,总是忘记事情。 1.worse 考查比较级。本句中比较级worse与前半句的older相呼应。随着我变老,我发现我的记忆也变得更差了。 2.doing 考查固定搭配。短语forget doing sth忘记做过某事;forget to do sth忘记要做某事;根据横线后what I have exactly done我已经做过的事情,可知使用doing。句意:我总是忘记实际上已经做过的事情。 3.】because 考查状语从句连词。句意:我认为我本不应该如此健忘,只是因为我还没有年级达到忘记事情的地步。句中的连词because引导原因状语从句,副词just表示强调。 4.】continues 考查时态。在时间状语从句和条件状语从句中,通常使用一般现在时代替将来时,所以本句中使用continues代替将来时。 5.】to avoid 考查不定式。句意:现在为了避免错过我应该做的事情,我要记笔记。本句中不定式做目的状语,表示我做笔记的目的。 6.pride考查名词。形容词great的后面要接名词,动词take的后面也要接名词做宾语。所以使用形容词proud的名词pride,构成动词短语take pride in以...自豪。 7.why 考查表语从句。本句中why引导表语从句,表示结果。句意:那就是为什么在高中的时候我认为学习并不是一个很困难的事情的原因。 8.with 考查形容词短语。短语be busy doing sth忙于做某事;句意:最近我忙于家庭和工作上的小事,以至于我非常疲惫。 9.completely 考查副词。在英语中通常使用副词做状语修饰形容词、副词或动词。使用本句中使用副词completely修饰形容词tired。 10.】natural 考查形容词。横线后面的名词law需要使用形容词做定语来修饰该名词。句意:无论你是谁,无论你多强壮,在大自然的法则面前,你都是微不足道的。 【名师点睛】 本文11. 用适当的连词或介词填空 1.(2013•安徽,22)Before you pay a visit to a place of interest,look in your local library __a book about it. 解析:考查介词。句意:在你去一个名胜旅行之前,在你当地的图书馆寻找一本关于它的书。本题关键在于认识到动词look与选项中的介词搭配构成固定短语的时候,其中隔有短语in your local library。 答案:for 2.(2013•福建,29)Mrs. Smith finds it hard to clear up the mess,as her children are always ___ the way whenever she tries to. 解析:考查介词短语。句意:史密斯太太发现想收拾一下那些乱七八糟的东西有困难,因为每当她想要做的时候她的那些孩子总是妨碍她。 答案:in 3.(2013•湖北,30)An artist who was recently traveling on a ferry to the southern island discovered________ chance a long lost antique Greek vase. 解析:考查短语辨析。此处表示“偶然发现了一个遗失多年的古希腊花瓶”。 答案:by 4.(2013•北京,26)I have an appointment ________ Dr.Smith,but I need to change it. 解析:考查介词。短语为have an appointment with sb,意为“与某人预约、约会”。 答案:with 5.(2013•新课标Ⅱ,11)A serious study of physics is impossible________some knowledge of mathematics. 解析:考查介词。句意:如果没有一点数学知识,要认真研究物理是不可能的。 答案:without 6.(2013•新课标Ⅰ,34)It was a real race________time to get the project done.Luckily,we made it. 解析:考查介词。句意:为了完成这项工程,这真是与时间的一次赛跑。 答案:against 7.(2013•新课标Ⅰ,32)There's no way of knowing why one man makes an important discovery ___another man,also intelligent,fails. 解析:考查并列连词。根据句意,前后两句话为两种情况的对比“一个人会做出一个重要的发现,而另一个人,也很聪明,但是失败了”。并列连词while表示对比。 答案:while 8.(2013•重庆,23)It's not easy to change habits,________ with awareness and self­control,it is possible. 解析:考查并列连词。句意:改变习惯不易,但如果是有意识和有自我控制能力的话,还是有可能的。前后为转折关系,用并列连词but。 答案:but 考点:考查语法填空



Charles Rose lived in the country with his father, who taught him to read and to write.

When his morning lessons were over, he was allowed to _______ himself for one hour as he pleased.

There was a river nearby. On its bank _______ the hut(小木屋) of a poor fisherman. He could not teach his only son, Joe, himself, _______ he was too poor to send him to school.

Charles happened to _______ at the hut one day. He found Joe was making _______ with a piece of chalk.

“I am trying to write," said little Joe, "but I know only two words. If I could _______ learn to read and write," said he, "I should be the _______ boy in the world."

"Then I will make you happy," said Charles. “I can _______ you that.”

Both Joe and his father were ready to fall on their _______ to thank Charles. They told him it was what they wished _______ all things.

So, on the next day when the _______ came, Charles went to teach Joe.

Some time after, a _______ told Mr. Rose that his son often went to the house of the fisherman. “It is likely that he does not always amuse himself after the morning lessons. I _______ he goes out in their boat,” said the gentleman.

The _______ the neighbor left, Mr. Rose went in search of his son. He went along the river, in hope of seeing the _______. Not seeing it, he grew uneasy. _______ to leave without learning something of him, he went to the hut. There a pleasant sight _______  his eyes. Charles was at the table, ruling a copybook Joe was reading to him. Charles was a little _______. He feared his father might not be pleased, but he had no need to be uneasy, for his father was _______ .

The next day, his father bought books for Charles and Joe, with writing paper, pens, and ink.

Then Charles ran to Joe, his hands _______ with parcels, and his heart beating with joy.

1.A. amuse       B. think      C. treat       D. study

2.A. built       B. set         C. stood       D. had

3.A. so          B. but         C. or           D. and

4.A. visit       B. call        C. pass        D. approach

5.A. houses     B. discoveries C. marks        D. designs

6.A. even       B. hardly     C. again       D. only

7.A. happiest   B. cleverest   C. strongest    D. luckiest

8.A. manage      B. acquire    C. teach        D. help

9.A. eyes      B. knees       C. hands       D. heads

10.A. above      B. of          C. with         D. for

11.A. hour      B. order      C. telephone    D. message

12.A. friend     B. neighbor  C. policeman    D. teacher

13.A. suggest  B. expect      C. fear         D. promise

14.A. hurry     B. remark      C. day          D. moment

15.A. boy       B. fisherman C. boat        D. hut

16.A. Unwilling  B. Ready      C. Anxious      D. Uncertain

17.A. avoided   B. met         C. flashed      D. reflected

18.A. satisfied B. confused   C. excited      D. interested

19.A. annoyed   B. determined  C. puzzled      D. delighted

20.A. closed     B. held        C. filled       D. kept




So, you just finished what you thought was a great project at work, and now your boss is listing all the things you need to improve upon. 1._____. After all, positive criticism(批评)is a key part of any job. Through this article, learn how to accept criticism and do your jobs well.

1. Accept that you are not perfect.

If you begin each task thinking that nothing will go wrong, you're fooling yourself. 2.______. The important thing is to learn from them.

2. 3.______.

After you've finished, and before you submit it to your boss, be sure you've gone over everything carefully. This can help you to avoid silly mistakes and ensure that your boss won't have to bother you about minor problems.

3. Listen carefully.

4.______. Take notes and remind yourself how to fix the problem. This step is the most difficult, as it can mean that one must put one's pride away and admit one's responsibility in one's work-related errors.

4. Agree with part of the criticism.

When faced with criticism, most people focus on the part of the negative feedback that may not be true and ignore the rest. This doesn't solve any problems, and you don't learn anything. When you agree with one part of the criticism, you become open to learning. 5.______. Even agreeing with one small aspect of the criticism will create an atmosphere of teamwork. The focus then can become how you'll work together to solve a problem, which will lessen your feeling of being attacked.

A. Don’t take it seriously.

B. Don’t get discouraged.

C. You will make mistakes.

D. Double check your work.

E. You don't have to agree with everything.

F. In fact you need time and courage to process the information.

G. Never ignore critical comments, or you will repeat the same mistakes.



Siri is an artificial intelligence (AI) that you can carry around in the pocket, where it waits patiently to be told what to do. In the week we spent together, my AI assistant has performed admirably in finding me restaurants, or the location of the nearest coffee shop.

A typical command might be: “Reserve a table for two at a good French restaurant in San Francisco.” Siri responds by presenting a list of top-rated restaurants that can be booked on OpenTable.com. If you say which time you want, it can book you a table without your lifting a finger. In some ways Siri is just a fancy front-end (前端程序) to the 35 sites it can connect to, from taxi booking sites to movie review databases. But what’s new is the way it can analyze the intentions of its master or mistress and use those sites to put them into action.

Siri attaches probabilities to the explanation of each word and cross-references (对照检索) with your location and other data, some of which you must provide yourself. To send email reminders, Siri obviously needs to know your email address. To “find me the flower shop closest to work”, it needs to know where you work. To pay bills or buy airline tickets, it would need access to your credit card.

That raises the question of how far we are willing to trust a piece of software that can go and do things for us based on what it “thinks” we mean, a topic that occupies some engineers working on artificial intelligence. The more data, and power, you give your virtual assistant, the more damage it could do. Siri may be simple, and always shows its explanation of a command before carrying it out. But it gives users a preview of a new balance between privacy, trust and convenience that the expansion of AI into everyday life is likely to develop.

1.What is Siri?

A. A digital e-book reader.

B. A music-sharing software.

C. A voice-controlled website.

D. An artificial intelligence software.

2.When asked “do I need my umbrella today?”, what will Siri probably respond with?

A. The list of umbrella makers.

B. The list of umbrella shops.

C. The local weather forecast.

D. The local climate conditions.

3.Siri is new in that it has the ability ______.

A. to understand what you speak

B. to connect a lot of websites

C. to give a variety of commands

D. to create computerized database

4.What question does Paragraph 4 answer?

A. Does Siri think itself?    B. Can I trust you, Siri?

C. Is Siri simple for use?    D. Will Siri be popular?



For the last 10 years, job listing site CareerBuilder has put out a list called “The Most Unbelievable Excuses for Calling in Sick.” For example, an employee said he couldn’t come in because his false teeth flew out the window while he was driving down the highway. The excuses were gathered through a survey that ran among 3,000 workers and 2,000 hiring managers.

The list is entertaining but there is a more serious issue hidden in this story. Federal law does not require private employers to give any paid sick leave, making the US the only one of the world’s wealthiest nations that doesn’t guarantee workers this right. Since 2006, cities and states have been adopting their own paid sick leave laws. California, Washington. DC and 13 cities including New York now require many employers to provide some sort of paid sick leave. But according to the Institute for Women’s Policy Research, 39% of private employees still have no access to paid days off. In the CareerBuilder survey, 38% of respondents said they go to work when they’re sick because they can’t afford to miss a day’s pay. The survey also shows that workers are taking a risk when they come up with far-fetched excuses. Nearly one in five employers says they have fired an employee for calling in sick with a fake excuse. If you’re spending the day at the beach while pretending to be ill, don’t post about it on Facebook. Nearly one in four employers (24%) has caught an employee lying about being sick by checking social media.

The motto of this story: If you really are sick, don’t come to work and spread your bacteria around the office. But if you just want to stay home, go with “I’m running a fever.” rather than one of these ridiculous excuses.

1.The underlined word “far-fetched” in Paragraph 2 probably means ______.

A. impossible to find      B. likely to be true

C. difficult to believe    D. easy to believe

2.What problem is exposed in the survey?

A. Many employees have no access to paid sick leave.

B. Private employers make their workers work extra hours.

C. Some employees are not satisfied with their boss.

D. Private employers sometimes break the Federal law.

3.An employee will run the risk of being fired if he ______.

A. asks for sick leave

B. lies about being sick

C. posts his holiday on Facebook

D. spreads bacteria around the office

4.What will the author present following the last paragraph?

A. A list of survey data.

B. A list of serious issues.

C. A list of reasonable facts.

D. A list of ridiculous excuses.



Of course, she wasn’t really my aunt and, out of fear, I never called her that to her face. I only referred to her as “My Aunt Fannie” because the name always made my father laugh quietly and gave my mother cause to look strictly at both of us—at me for being disrespectful of my elder and at my father for encouraging my bad behavior. I enjoyed both reactions so I looked for every opportunity to work the name into as many conversations as possible.

As a young woman, my mother had worked in the kitchen of a large Victorian farmhouse. During those years my mother helped Aunt Fanny make the best blueberry jam (蓝莓酱) ever tasted by anyone in Glenfield. She was well-known for her jam and for never sharing the recipe with others. Even though my mother knew the recipe by heart, as long as Aunt Fannie was alive, she never made the jam without Aunt Fannie in our kitchen to direct the process and preserve the secret.

Each August, my mother would prepare me for Aunt Fannie’s visit. One year, after I had helped with the jam process Aunt Fannie gave me a coin and then made me promise that I would never spend it. “Hold onto this coin,” she said, “and someday you will be rich. I still have my very first coin, given to me by my grandmother.” So I kept the coin in a small box and waited to become rich.

I now have the blueberry jam recipe and the coin from Aunt Fannie. In people’s eyes Aunt Fannie's success resulted from that secret recipe. But to me, it was just a common recipe. Neither have significantly made me become a rich person, but I keep them as reminders to hold onto the valuable things in life. Money can make you feel rich for a while, but it is the relationships and the memories of time spent with friends and family that truly leave you wealthy. And that is a fortune that anyone can build.

1.Why did the author always use the name “My Aunt Fannie” in conversations?

A. She was frightened of Aunt Fannie.

B. She liked Aunt Fannie’s recipe.

C. She enjoyed her parents’ reactions.

D. She greatly respected “Aunt Fannie”.

2.The underlined word “she” in Paragraph 2 refers to ______.

A. Aunt Fannie

B. the author’s grandmother

C. the author’s mother

D. Aunt Fannie’s grandmother

3.In the last paragraph, the author encourages readers to______.

A. hold onto the first coin in life

B. make as many friends as possible

C. make money with their own hands

D. spend more time with family and friends

4.What could be the best title for this passage?

A. The Key to Success

B. Blueberry Jam Recipe

C. A Fortune Built from a Coin

D. A Relationship of Trust



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