满分5 > 高中英语试题 >



One minute means a lot in one's life.

During his college years,Rogers ___________a summer in an Idaho logging camp(伐木场).When the boss had to leave for a few days,he put Rogers in charge.

___________if the men refuse to follow my orders?” Rogers asked. He thought of  Tony,an immigrant worker who___________all day,giving the other men a___________time.

“Fire them,” the boss said. Then,as if ___________ Rogers' mind,he added,“I suppose you  think you are going to  fire Tony if you get the___________.I'd feel___________ about that. I have been logging for 40 years. Tony is the most___________worker I've ever had. I know he is a troublemaker and that he ___________ everybody and everything. But he comes in first and leaves last. There has not been an___________ for eight years on the hill where he works.”

Rogers took over the next day. He went to Tony and spoke to him. “Tony,do you know I'm in charge here today?”Tony grunted(嘟囔).“I was going to fire you the first time we tangled(纠缠),___________  I want you to know I'm not,”he told Tony,___________what the boss had said.

When Rogers finished,Tony ___________the spadeful(铲子)of sand he had held and tears streamed ___________ his face.

That day Tony worked harder than ever before.

Twelve years later Rogers met Tony again who was now the ___________ for railroad construction for one of the largest logging companies in the West. Rogers asked him how he came to California and happened to have such ___________ .

Tony replied,“If it not be for the one ___________ you talk to me back in Idaho,I kill somebody someday. One minute ___________ my whole life.”

Effective managers know the ___________ of taking a moment to point out what a worker is doing well. But what a ___________a minute of yes can make in any relationship!

1.A.wasted       B.spent        C.trained       D.traveled

2.A.What         B.How           C.Why          D.Who

3.A.troubled      B.helped       C.smiled       D.spoke

4.A.easy         B.surprising    C.happy        D.hard

5.A.recognizing   B.having       C.bearing      D.reading

6.A.chance        B.order        C.support       D.evidence

7.A.proud         B.bad          C.ugly         D.well

8.A.quarrelsome   B.elegant      C.reliable     D.silent

9.A.respects     B.protects     C.hurts         D.hates

10.A.accident     B.chance        C.opportunity   D.argument

11.A.and         B.or           C.besides       D.but

12.A.lying       B.adding       C.smiling      D.replying

13.A.threw       B.dropped      C.carried      D.lifted

14.A.through      B.on           C.down        D.in

15.A.boss         B.worker       C.engine-driver D.immigrant

16.A.railroad     B.companies     C.life          D.success

17.A.word        B.thing         C.minute       D.lesson

18.A.save        B.change        C.color        D.lose

19.A.importance   B.method       C.result        D.influence

20.A.choice       B.decision     C.difference    D.conclusion


1.B 2.A 3.A 4.D 5.D 6.A 7.B 8.C 9.D 10.A 11.D 12.B 13.B 14.C 15.A 16.D 17.C 18.B 19.A 20.C 【解析】 试题分析:讲述的是一个老板通过他的员工表扬了另外一个员工,对另外的员工产生了巨大的影响,从而说明了一分钟能影响一个人的一生。 1.B考查动词辨析A.wasted浪费;B.spent花费;C.trained训练;D.traveled旅行;句意;在营地度过了一个夏天,故选B项。 2.2】A考查固定搭配及语境理解;句意:倘若这个人拒绝的我订单怎么办?what if 倘若,故选A项。 3.3】A考查动词辨析A.troubled困难;B.helped 帮助;C.smiled微笑;D.spoke说;句意:托尼,一个移民工人,一天找麻烦,让别人过得很不好,故选A项。 4.4】D考查形容词辨析A.easy 容易的;B.surprising令人吃惊的;C.happy高兴的;D.hard困难的;句意:托尼,一个移民工人,一天找麻烦,让别人过得很不好,故选D项。 5.5】D考查动词辨析A.recognizing辨认;B.having有;C.bearing 容忍;D.reading读;句意:解雇他们,老板说,然后好象看懂Rogers的心思,说,如果有机会你会开始托尼,矿选D项。 6.6】A考查名词辨析A.chance机会;B.order顺序;C.support支持;D.evidence证据;句意:解雇他们,老板说,然后好象看懂Rogers的心思,说,如果有机会你会开始托尼,故选A项。 7.7】B考查形容词辨析A.proud 骄傲的;B.bad坏的;C.ugly丑陋的;D.well好的;句意:我对于此感到很不舒服,故选B项。 8.8】C考查形容词辨析A.quarrelsome 好争论的;B.elegant优雅的;C.reliable可依赖的;D.silent沉默的;句意:托尼是我见过的最可依赖的工人,根据语境可知选C项。 9.9】D考查动词辨析A.respects 尊重;B.protects 保护;C.hurts 伤害;D.hates讨厌;句意:我知道他是个麻烦制造者,他讨厌一切人和物,根据语境可知选D项。 10.0】A考查名词辨析A.accident 事故;B.chance 机会;C.opportunity机会;D.argument争论;句意:在他上班的八年来从来没有出过任何事故,故选A项。 11.1】D考查连词辨析A.and和;B.or否则;C.besides况且;D.but但是;句意:第一次我们发生矛盾时我打算解雇你但我想你知道我不是这样的,又加上刚才老板所说的,故选D项。 12.2】B考查动词辨析A.lying躺;B.adding 加;C.smiling 微笑;D.replying回答;句意:第一次我们发生矛盾时我打算解雇你但我想你知道我不是这样的,又加上刚才老板所说的,故选B项。 13.3】B考查动词辨析A.threw扔掉;B.dropped 掉了;C.carried 携带;D.lifted举起;句意:当Rogers说完了,托尼把铲子掉在沙子上,泪流满面,故选B项。 14.4】C考查介词辨析句意:当Rogers说完了,托尼把铲子掉在沙子上,泪流满面,可知眼泪是向下的,故选C项。 15.5】A考查名词辨析A.boss老板;B.worker 工作;C.engine-driver火车司机;D.immigrant移民;句意:二十年之后,Rogers再次遇到已经成为最大伐木公司老板的托尼,故选A项。 16.6】D考查名词辨析A.railroad铁路;B.companies公司;C.life生活;D.success成功;句意:Rogers问他如何来加利福尼亚的,碰巧取得巨大的成功,故选D项。 17.7】C考查名词辨析A.word 单词;B.thing事情;C.minute分钟;D.lesson课;句意:要不是那一分钟的影响,我可能会杀死一个人,一分钟改变我的人生,故选C 项。 18.8】B考查动词辨析A.save挽救;B.change改变;C.color颜色;D.lose失去;句意:要不是那一分钟的影响,我可能会杀死一个人,一分钟改变我的人生,故选B项。 19.9】A考查名词辨析A.importance重要性;B.method 方法;C.result 结果;D.influence影响;句意:一个积极的管理都知道指出一个人做得很好的重要性,故选A项。 20.20】C考查名词辨析A.choice选择;B.decision 决定;C.difference 不同;D.conclusion结论;句意:但一分钟能对人产生重要的影响,make a difference有影响,起作用,故选C项。 考点 :人生百味类阅读。


Identity theft(身份盗用)is one of the fastest-growing crimes. Identity theft is a crime in which your personal information is stolen by someone and is used in an illegal way. When your identity is stolen, the thief often does fraud (诈骗) with that. He may get a credit card in your name and spend it carelessly without paying the bills;  1.  And you have to be responsible for the traffic accidents he causes…

Why is identity theft becoming so common?   2.  And the wealth of personal details people post on social networks such as Facebook also makes it easier for identity thieves to obtain personal information.

Many people are not aware of the problems caused by this crime. They wake up from their carefree attitude only when they become a victim and suffer the damages caused by this crime.

3.  And this is why it is important that every person should become cautious when using the Internet. The following tips may prevent you from identity theft.

First, make sure your computer has an updated anti-virus and firewall system installed. Second, only enter your credit card details on secure sites, or websites that you’ve used before. Third, 4.  Your date of birth, names of schools attended, phone number or the names of your parents are often required to verify (证明) an identity, and thieves can use this information too. Fourth, avoid sharing files as this gives other people access to your hard drive. Fifth, never open suspicious e-mails from unknown source. Last but not least, create complex passwords using a combination of numbers and keyboard symbols . 5.  

A.  The popularity of the Internet and computers provide s a gateway(途径)for the identity theft

B.  avoid giving away too much personal information on social networking sites

C.  There is one solution to the problem

D.  And change your passwords on a regular basis

E.  He may get a driver’s license in your name

F.  There is no cure for identity theft except prevention

G.  He may borrow money from the bank in your name



LONDON—Manchester is Britain’s fattest city, a survey for “Men’s Health” has found, beating Glasgow for the first time since the magazine started examining the issue three years ago.

Editor Pete Muir said the survey had looked at a variety of factors(因素) from gym membership to heart disease rates to find the fattest city. “Manchester has more fast food restaurants than anywhere else in the UK,” he told Reuters. “People are taking the easy choice —eating and then just sitting in front of the TV.”

Manchester’s problem is part of a wider trend(趋势). On Thursday, the Office of National Statistics (ONS) blamed(责备) a lack of exercise and poor diet for a fifth of adult Britons being obese(过度肥胖的). “Obesity is a major risky factor related to heart disease, diabetes and premature death(糖尿病和早亡),” said an ONS survey. “None of the 108 young men in the survey reported eating five portions of fruit or vegetables on average each day.”

In Manchester, the head of the city’s public health programs said he did not believe that they were necessarily the fattest city, but that they did have problems and were aiming to address them. Social deprivation(贫困) was a major factor. “One of the myths is that the stressed-out(压力大的) rich businessman is the one who is overweight,” David Regan told Reuters. “In fact, it is the poor areas that have the most problems. We aim not to be the fattest but the fittest city but we have a long way to go.”

Second in the survey is Stoke-on-Trent, followed by Liverpool, Swansea and Leicester. Glasgow is sixth.

1. Manchester took the place of ____________ and became Britain’s fattest city.

A. Liverpool         B. London

C. Stoke-on-Trent    D. Glasgow

2.Obesity may lead to the following EXCEPT _______________.

A. heart disease      B. diabetes

C. premature death    D. a lack of exercise

3.David Regan is most probably _________________.

A. the reporter from Reuters

B. an official of ONS

C. the head of Manchester’s public health programs

D. a rich businessman who is overweight

4. This article is most probably taken from ________________.

A. a newspaper     B. a science book

C. a novel         D. a biography (传记)



In her outstanding book, “Choose the Happiness Habit”, Pam Golden wrote, “Take the story of two twin brothers for example. One grew up and became an alcoholic (酒鬼), while the other became a successful businessman. When asked why he became an alcoholic, the alcoholic replied, “Because my father was a drunk.” However, the successful businessman’s answer was also “Because my father was a drunk.” when asked why he succeeded. The same background. The same upbringing (培养). However, the results were quite different. Why? The reason is that they had different choices. The brothers chose different thoughts which formed the situations they found themselves in at last, so they had different experiences.

There was a time in my life when I thought difficulty was due to “bad luck”. Have you ever heard the saying “When it rains, it pours”? That was my answer when others asked me how things were going on when I was in trouble. So what do you think I got? “RAIN”. More and more “RAIN”. I couldn’t understand why bad luck was always with me.

Pam Golden says, “You’re either living in the problem or you’re living in the solution.” Now, when I’m faced with what I used to think was a negative (消极的) situation, I use a different way to think about it. I force myself to replace those negative thoughts that make me lose heart in my mind with positive thoughts which encourage me to fight against the difficulty bravely. Sometimes I write down some ideas that may be a solution, which I combine with the lessons I have learned from the bad situations and the difficulties that troubled me in the past, and often, I find a solution to the problem soon. It seems that I should thank the difficulty I met with. The RAIN that poured in my world has become great experiences that provide me with valuable experience, from which I can benefit.

Now, it doesn’t “rain” as much in my life as it used to. In fact, most days are beautiful, cloudless and sunny! Sometimes I do get a rain, but I think it makes me stronger just like the rain helps plants grow up.

1.The example of the twin brothers shows that ________.

A. making good choices is the most important

B. education decides a person’s future

C. upbringing makes a big difference

D. it is luck that leads to success

2.What does “RAIN” mentioned in the second paragraph refer to?

A. Water.  B. Good luck.  C. Success.  D. Difficulty.

3.What is talked about in the third paragraph?

A. How the author collects useful experience.

B. How the author deals with difficulty now.

C. How the author gets help from others.

D. How the author lives in the problem.

4.Now, the author’s attitude towards “RAIN” is ________.

A. negative  B. unclear C. positive D. unknown



My parents knew their wealth: each other, their six children, and their faith. They tried to live simple lives so that they could have time for what was most important.

They didn’t busy themselves buying a bigger house, because that would mean working harder to pay the monthly mortgage(按揭贷款),working overtime or taking second job. Who would go running with me then? Who would read stories to me?

They didn’t burden themselves with buying an expensive car because that would mean worrying about installment(分期付款) bills. Besides, walking to the shopping centre every Saturday afternoon with me gave my dad his needed exercise, and made me feel so special.

One of my heart’s delights was seeing Dad and Mom in their bedroom at night, after our nightly family prayer. The lights were turned off, and I’d see the figure of my father seated on his old chair and Mom standing behind him, gently massaging(按摩) his shoulders. I’d hear them talk about what happened during their day. Even as a child, I sensed their quiet pleasure in being together.

My question today: Could they have done this rich ritual(仪式) each night and nourished(滋润) their marriage if they had been busy paying for expensive clothes for themselves or their kids, or if they had been worrying about monthly bills for new hi-tech equipment? I don’t think so. And I’ve made a choice: I don’t want that of life either.

1.Which of the following is TRUE about the author’s family?

A. There were six people in the family.

B. They decided to buy a bigger house.

C. They lived an easy and happy life.

D. They had a second-hand car.

2.What did the parents regularly do with the author?

A. They wrote stories together.

B. They read newspapers together.

C. They regularly took exercise together.

D. They went shopping together each day.

3. The author believed that his/her parents’ happiness was due to(由于, 归功于)

A. their attitude towards life

B. their love for each other

C. their common interests

D. their ability to communicate with each other

4. It can be inferred from the last paragraph that the author __________.

A. got bored with his/her parents’ way of educating kids

B. was influenced by his/her parents’ lifestyle

C. didn’t want to follow his/her parents’ advice

D. didn’t want to live the same life as his/her parents



Plan to get to the airport at least an hour early, or two during holidays and other busy times; this will reduce the stress of the flight. If all goes well, you will have time to relax, shop for last-minute items, or have a meal My before the flight.

Flight Delays

Find out why your flight is delayed. Call the free call numbers. Find out if other airlines are experiencing similar delays. If you believe the delay is due to something other than weather or air traffic problems, then mention your suspicion (怀疑) and ask the airline agent to book you on the next available flight, either on the same air-line or a competing one. This is called "Rule 240", and all airlines are required to do it.

Flight Cancellations (取消)

If your flight is canceled, then make a reservation(预订)on the next flight to your destination. Usually, air-line personnel(职员) will try to book everyone on their next flight. Often they will put you on a competitor's next flight only if you request it.

If on-time arrival is important to you, when you check flights through our reservation system you can rate your choices based on their on-time arrival records. Be sure to also check the weather conditions, as they often affect flight schedules.

1.A person goes to the airport ahead of time mainly to _______.

A. buy what he wants in the airport

B. have a good rest in the airplane

C. reduce the pressure of the flight

D. get on the airplane immediately

2. If a person calls "Rule 240", he wants to _______.

A. change for the ticket to the next flight

B. make sure the time for the next plane

C. know if other flights' delays happen

D. ask the reason for the plane delay

3.What would be the best title for the passage?

A. Unpleasant travels     B. Dangerous flights

C. Airport travel tips    D. Busy airport



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