满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

The Internet has made ______ easier than...

The Internet has made ______ easier than ever to start a business.

A. it B. that C. this  D. One


A 【解析】 试题分析:考察形式宾语。根据句意互联网的应用使做生意变的比以前简单,所以答案是A。 考点:考察形式宾语。  



1. 司机的不文明行为(大声讲话、紧急刹车、态度粗鲁等)。

2. 希望尽快查清此事。

注意:1. 词数100左右。2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。





文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处,每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(Λ),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线(\)划掉。  修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。

注意:  1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;


I still remember how nervously I was on my first day in the new school three years before. I found it how difficult to follow my teacher in first English class. She spoke in English throughout the class, that was totally different as the lessons I had taken before. In the morning class the next day, my English teacher came to me while she was reading the text aloud. After listen to me for a while, she gave me a big smile and said she likes my voice very much. The smile shone on the whole day and for several day. Thanks to the smile, I began to be confident.




High school plays an important part in the careers and lives of human beings. While at high school, we learn how to prepare for the practical life and get the   1.  (ability) to manage the problems of life. Problems are also the best challenges   2.  bring new experiences and knowledge to us.

High school for me has proved to be a learning experience 3.  also a challenge. There are many lessons that I learned. I learned   4. (much) about myself, who my friends are, what kind of help 5.  (offer) to me, and what my strengths and weaknesses are.   6.  (attend) high school helped build my   7.  (confident) because my classmates supported me, and my teachers taught me how to study for tests, and they 8.  (actual) helped me overcome my fear of math. My classmates were so kind. I used to attend study groups for the subjects that I was fond

9.  . My classmates would even talk and try to comfort me when I was having personal problems and help me to and get   10.  (they) over.

High school is in fact what you make of it, but it is also the time of great change in everybody.




One minute means a lot in one's life.

During his college years,Rogers ___________a summer in an Idaho logging camp(伐木场).When the boss had to leave for a few days,he put Rogers in charge.

___________if the men refuse to follow my orders?” Rogers asked. He thought of  Tony,an immigrant worker who___________all day,giving the other men a___________time.

“Fire them,” the boss said. Then,as if ___________ Rogers' mind,he added,“I suppose you  think you are going to  fire Tony if you get the___________.I'd feel___________ about that. I have been logging for 40 years. Tony is the most___________worker I've ever had. I know he is a troublemaker and that he ___________ everybody and everything. But he comes in first and leaves last. There has not been an___________ for eight years on the hill where he works.”

Rogers took over the next day. He went to Tony and spoke to him. “Tony,do you know I'm in charge here today?”Tony grunted(嘟囔).“I was going to fire you the first time we tangled(纠缠),___________  I want you to know I'm not,”he told Tony,___________what the boss had said.

When Rogers finished,Tony ___________the spadeful(铲子)of sand he had held and tears streamed ___________ his face.

That day Tony worked harder than ever before.

Twelve years later Rogers met Tony again who was now the ___________ for railroad construction for one of the largest logging companies in the West. Rogers asked him how he came to California and happened to have such ___________ .

Tony replied,“If it not be for the one ___________ you talk to me back in Idaho,I kill somebody someday. One minute ___________ my whole life.”

Effective managers know the ___________ of taking a moment to point out what a worker is doing well. But what a ___________a minute of yes can make in any relationship!

1.A.wasted       B.spent        C.trained       D.traveled

2.A.What         B.How           C.Why          D.Who

3.A.troubled      B.helped       C.smiled       D.spoke

4.A.easy         B.surprising    C.happy        D.hard

5.A.recognizing   B.having       C.bearing      D.reading

6.A.chance        B.order        C.support       D.evidence

7.A.proud         B.bad          C.ugly         D.well

8.A.quarrelsome   B.elegant      C.reliable     D.silent

9.A.respects     B.protects     C.hurts         D.hates

10.A.accident     B.chance        C.opportunity   D.argument

11.A.and         B.or           C.besides       D.but

12.A.lying       B.adding       C.smiling      D.replying

13.A.threw       B.dropped      C.carried      D.lifted

14.A.through      B.on           C.down        D.in

15.A.boss         B.worker       C.engine-driver D.immigrant

16.A.railroad     B.companies     C.life          D.success

17.A.word        B.thing         C.minute       D.lesson

18.A.save        B.change        C.color        D.lose

19.A.importance   B.method       C.result        D.influence

20.A.choice       B.decision     C.difference    D.conclusion




Identity theft(身份盗用)is one of the fastest-growing crimes. Identity theft is a crime in which your personal information is stolen by someone and is used in an illegal way. When your identity is stolen, the thief often does fraud (诈骗) with that. He may get a credit card in your name and spend it carelessly without paying the bills;  1.  And you have to be responsible for the traffic accidents he causes…

Why is identity theft becoming so common?   2.  And the wealth of personal details people post on social networks such as Facebook also makes it easier for identity thieves to obtain personal information.

Many people are not aware of the problems caused by this crime. They wake up from their carefree attitude only when they become a victim and suffer the damages caused by this crime.

3.  And this is why it is important that every person should become cautious when using the Internet. The following tips may prevent you from identity theft.

First, make sure your computer has an updated anti-virus and firewall system installed. Second, only enter your credit card details on secure sites, or websites that you’ve used before. Third, 4.  Your date of birth, names of schools attended, phone number or the names of your parents are often required to verify (证明) an identity, and thieves can use this information too. Fourth, avoid sharing files as this gives other people access to your hard drive. Fifth, never open suspicious e-mails from unknown source. Last but not least, create complex passwords using a combination of numbers and keyboard symbols . 5.  

A.  The popularity of the Internet and computers provide s a gateway(途径)for the identity theft

B.  avoid giving away too much personal information on social networking sites

C.  There is one solution to the problem

D.  And change your passwords on a regular basis

E.  He may get a driver’s license in your name

F.  There is no cure for identity theft except prevention

G.  He may borrow money from the bank in your name



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