满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

书面表达 假设你是李明,你想邀请你的笔友Tony来益阳旅游。请给他写一封信,为他...



1. 空气和水质量好,绿化面积大,环境未被破坏,气候宜人,是全国宜居城市;

2. 民风淳朴,益阳人民热情好客;

3. 特色食物与景点介绍,如擂茶,周立波故居等。

注意:1. 词数100左右;

2. 切勿逐字翻译,可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

参考词汇:擂茶grinding tea   周立波故居 former residence of Zhou Libo








Dear tony, Welcome to Yi yang of China. Do you know about it? And now I will tell you about it . Yi yang is the best city to live in China which holds pleasant weather. It has fresh air and excellent water quality. It has large green space area and original environment. If you come here, you will be happy because of the good environment. And the people of Yi yang are kind. It has simple folk customs and the people are welcoming.There also are many traditional food and beautiful views. The famous food is grinding tea which is delicious . And Yi yang is the former residence of Zhoulibo who is a famous writer of China. I am looking forward to your good news.Welcome to Yi yang. Yours Li Ming 【解析】 试题分析:考查开放性作文写作,开放性作文给出了一个话题,并有部分的文字提示。给考生自由发挥的余地较大。对于考生的综合能力要求较高,要求考生有很强的谋篇布局的能力和组织要点的能力。在完成开放性作文时,首先要选择自己熟悉的短语或者句型,在你的能力范围之内,选择句式时要赋予变化,因为这样你才可以更好的驾驭。同时也要选择合适的连接词,把各个要点组织成一个完整的整体 【亮点说明】范文中运用一些常见的短语 because of因为;look forward to 期待; Yiyang is the best city to live in China which holds pleasant weather. It has fresh air and excellent water quality中是which引导的定语从句; 考点: 提纲类作文  


假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多两处。 每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。




注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

Nowadays more and more people are going abroad on holiday, some of whom even goes on holiday two or three times a year. In my opinion, there are two type of holidaymakers. The first kind always goes to seaside resorts. Their only aim is to have good time sunbathing. They spend their days on the sunshine and their evenings in getting drunk, and then slept soundly. This kind of traveler just needs to pack a pair of sunglasses together with everything that he needs it. The others kind of holiday maker goes to other countries to increasing knowledge of foreign lands. They make use of the chance to take photos, so a good camera is absolute essential. For them, going on holiday is educational. This kind of traveler will move from place to place every few days, enjoying the local food and get a proper feel of a place.




I found a website about some qualities that are likely to lead to success while __1.____(surf) the Internet. I think the following qualities are essential if you want to succeed. One is never to give up; this is also called perseverance, which I think is of great importance. You must have faith __2.__ yourself and try your best to realize your dreams. You need to be focused rather than being __3.___(aim). Another quality that __4.___(help) you succeed is the ability to do and think about things in new and different ways. Most _5.____(success) people are not as conventional as the people around them. __6.___ others see failure, they see possibility. Where others see a closed door, they see __7.__ open window. To get success, you may find it important _8.___(see) how they have achieved success. You will be inspired by learning from them. Practising is just as important if you want to succeed, because practice makes perfect. Finally, ___9.__(honest) is fundamental as you climb the ladder of success. People who are dishonest _10._(rare) succeed.





As Apple fans paid attention to every detail, Twitter user, Pratiik Rege, joked that the Apple watch was set at 10:09 in all images because 10:10 was "just too mainstream." He actually may have been        .

You may not have       but the default setting (默认设置) in advertisements for many new watches is 10:10. Many well-known brands,         Rolex and Tag Heuer, set their watches to this time for their advertisements. Could Apple have set their watch at 10:09 to        they are ahead of the others? Perhaps,         a quick look at other watch advertisements suggests Apple is not the first to        the 10 past 10 time. That's because many companies show their watches at this time        for artistic reasons. It makes        therefore to adjust it by just a few minutes          this standard time according to what particular brands think       their watch best.

However, it is thought that around 10 past 10 shows the watch at the best       .

If the logo is        underneath the 12, this time also has the advantage of "framing" the brand name between the two hands. It's also a symmetrical (对称的) time, making it           to the eye. Often manufacturers photograph the watch with the second hand in a position         emphasises this proportionality (均衡). Another favorite time with clock vendors has been 20 past 8, because of its symmetry. However, 10 past 10 is         to be a more "positive" time by brand experts, as it looks as if the           of the watch is smiling.

It's likely that Apple decided to set its time at 10:09 to        itself within watch-making tradition. It may just be a minute in time, but 10:09 is further       that Apple is taking its new watch very seriously, This is not being        to as a "smart watch"; this is a watch that both wearable tech and the watch industry should take       .

1.A. smart       B. right       C. honest      D. lucky

2.A. believed  B. discovered   C. noticed   D. known

3.A. inviting    B. approving   C. connecting   D. including

4.A. pretend    B. predict     C. suggest      D. announce

5.A. but         B. because     C. and          D. so

6.A. be interested in  B. catch up with  C. turn away from   D. take away from

7.A. hardly      B. probably     C. surely      D. purely

8.A. sense    B. mistakes   C. efforts    D. trouble

9.A. around      B. from       C. through     D. behind

10.A. concerns   B. suits     C. adapts     D. prepares

11.A. color      B. place     C. time        D. angle

12.A. carefully  B. directly   C. confidently D. correctly

13.A. confusing  B. surprising C. pleasing  D. annoying

14.A. which      B. what      C. when       D. where

15.A. defined    B. supposed   C. determined  D. thought

16.A. time       B. frame      C. face      D. heart

17.A. plan       B. establish  C. create      D. finish

18.A. instruction B. understanding  C. explanation   D. evidence

19.A. referred    B. remembered  C. asked    D. required

20.A. hopefully   B. seriously   C. successfully  D. Strictly




The Health Benefits of Journaling

Scientific evidence supports that journaling (or keeping diaries) provides unexpected benefits. The act of writing accesses your left brain, which is analytical and rational. While your left brain is occupied, your right brain is free to create and feel. In sum, writing removes mental blocks and allows you to use all of your brainpower to better understand yourself, others and the world around you.     1.

Clarify your thoughts and feelings. Do you ever seem all mixed up inside, unsure of what you want or feel? Taking a few minutes to write down your thoughts and emotions will quickly get you in touch with your internal world.

2.    By writing routinely you will get to know what makes you feel happy and confident. You will also become clear about situations and be able to recognize people who will not get on with you — important information for your emotional well-being.

Reduce stress. Writing about anger, sadness and other painful emotions helps to release your feelings.      3.

Solve problems more effectively. Typically we solve problems from a left-brained, analytical perspective. But sometimes the answer can only be found by involving right-brained creativity and intuition (直觉).    4.

Resolve disagreements with others. Writing about misunderstandings rather than worrying about them will help you understand another's point of view.    5.

In addition to all of these wonderful benefits, keeping a journal allows you to track patterns, trends and improvements and growth over time.

A. Know yourself better.

B. Achieve goals.

C. People have been studying whether the emotional release brings better sleep.

D.Writing affords the opportunity for unexpected solutions to seemingly unsolvable problems.

E. By doing so you will feel calmer and be able to stay in the present.

F. Begin journaling and begin experiencing the following benefits.

G. And you just may come up with a sensible resolution to the conflict.



Adults are happy to tell their children that crusts (面包皮) will give them curly hair, carrots will help them see in the dark, and spinach will make them strong. Even though adults know it's not totally true, they think it's good for their children's health, a study had found.

In a study about 31 per cent of adults said they once told their children the curly hair tale, and 36 per cent said they'd been told the same thing by their mother or father. Among the over-50s, almost half said they'd been promised curly hair if they ate their crusts. A quarter of the 2,000 adults questioned in the study told their children carrots would help them see in the dark. This could be true to some extent because of the high levels of vitamin A and beta-carotene in root vegetables.

Another favorite among parents is that milk will make one strong. A third surveyed said their parents told them this, and about 29 per cent said they told their children the same thing. But while there is plenty of evidence to suggest milk is good for people's health, there are also a lot of scientific papers saying it isn't.

Thanks to Popeye, spinach is also fed to children, along with the idea that it will make them strong. While there is also some truth in this one, scientists now believe it is not the iron, but the inorganic nitrates (无机硝酸盐) that improve physical power.

One in seven of the surveyed admitted telling their little ones that runner beans will make them run faster, which is nothing more than wordplay and has no basis in science. Almost one in five adults were subjected to the same tale in childhood.

Just over one in 10 parents told their children green food would turn them into a superhero, and a quarter admitted hiding vegetables in meals.

Lyndsay Jones, spokesman for Persil Washing Up Liquid, said, "It's clear that the most persuasive stories about food are passed on from generation to generation. Our research shows that the ideas continue, and we tell our kids the same things our parents told us, even if they're not always entirely true."

Crusts may not make your hair curly, but there's plenty of research that says crusts contain more of the goodness than the rest of a loaf. Hopefully, as a result of our Cook with Kids promise, more parents will be encouraged to spend time with their children in the kitchen and teach them the truth about food.

1.We can know from Paragraph 3 that ________.

A. a third people are forced to drink milk by their parents

B. milk is beneficial to children's physical strength

C. there is doubt whether milk is helpful to people's health

D. about 29 percent people wish their children good health

2.Which of the following does Lyndsay Jones agree?

A. Adults are willing to teach their children as their parents did.

B. Most persuasive stories about food are false.

C. Stories about food shouldn't be passed on from generation to generation.

D. Parents can't make sure if some stories about food are totally true.

3.We can learn from the passage that ________.

A. scientists think the iron in spinach helps children grow strong

B. parents are expected to tell children the truth about food

C. runner beans can really make children run fast

D. crusts are said to contain less nutrition than a loaf

4.How is the passage mainly developed?

A. By following time order

B. By making comparisons.

C. By giving examples.

D. By analyzing causes.



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