满分5 > 高中英语试题 >



“Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished.” ---Lao Tzu

If you are in a city where everyone rushes, realize that you don’t have to be like everyone else. You can be different. You can walk instead of driving in rush hour traffic. You can be on your iPhone or Blackberry less, and disconnected sometimes. Your environment doesn’t control your life---you do. I’m not going to tell you how to give you a step-by-step guide to moving slower.    1.

1. Do less.

Cut back on your projects, on your task list, on how much you try to do each day. Focus not on quantity but on quality.    2.   Save smaller, routine tasks for later in the day, but give yourself time to focus.

2. Have fewer meetings.

3.    And they eat into your day, forcing you to squeeze the things you really need to do into small windows, and making you rush.


When you do the important things with focus, without rush, there will be things that get pushed back, and that don’t get done. And you need to ask yourself: how necessary are these things? What would happen if I stopped doing them?

4. Practice mindfulness.

Simply learn to live in the present, rather than things so much about future or the past. When you eat, fully appreciate your food. When you are with someone, be with them fully. When you are walking, appreciate your surroundings, no matter where you are.

Try these things out. Life is better when unrushed.


A. Give yourself more time to get ready and get there.

B. Remember the quote: if nature can get everything done without rushing, so can you.

C. Meetings are usually a “big waste of time”.

D. Pick 2—3 important things---or even just one important thing---and work on those first.

E. The world likely won’t end if you don’t pass one of the examinations.

F. But here are some things to consider and perhaps adopt(采纳), if they work for your life.

G. Start to put off or cancel the unnecessary.


1.F 2.D 3.C 4.G 5.B 【解析】 试题分析:文章讲述的主要是关于如何放慢生活节奏的一些建议。 1.F 考查上下文理解。根据空前的moving slower和下文的内容判断此处应是与前文的转折,引出下文,F项吻合。故选F。 2.D考查上下文理解。根据前文的Focus not on quantity but on quality不要关注数量,关注质量,以及下文的Save smaller, routine tasks for later in the day将不重要的小任务放在一天晚一点的时间来做。由此可推断只有D项符合上下文。故选D最为合适。 3.C考查上下文理解。根据该段落的主题是have fewer meetings开更少的会议判断。关键词是meetings。故选C。 4.G考查上下文理解。根据空后这段内容是将推迟或删除不重要的事情,G项最合适。故选G。 5.B考查上下文理解。根据前文的Try these things out. Life is better when unrushed尝试这些事情,生活就不会那么匆忙了。这是该文章的结束语,应该鼓励人们记住前文的法则,享受生活。故选B。 【名师点睛】 该类题型要求从短文后的七个选项中(均为完整的句子)选出五个能填入文章空处的最佳选项,主要考查考生对文章的整体内容和结构以及上下文逻辑意义的理解和掌握。其命题形式深受英语四六级和考研阅读多项选择题的影响,体现了《新课标》“用英语获取、处理和运用信息的能力;逐步获取用英语思维的能力。”的阅读学习和教学理念。该题型命题形式仍然具有客观题的特点,又与完形填空具有异曲同工之妙,只是选项少,以句子形式出现,考查目的和侧重点不完全相同而已。 从《考试说明》对该题型命题目的的表述“主要考查考生对文章的整体内容和结构以及上下文逻辑意义的理解和掌握。”可以得出以下判断:该题备选项可分为主旨概括句(文章整体内容)、过渡性句子(文章结构)和注释性句子(上下文逻辑意义)三类。其多余的两个干扰项也往往从这三方面进行设置,例如主旨概括句或过于宽泛或以偏概全或偏离主题,过渡性句子不能反映文章的行文结构,注释性句子与上文脱节等。 分析篇章结构,把握全篇文脉是阅读填空题解题的关键,英语的语篇(discourse)通常是由句子和语段(sentence group)构成的,语段是句子和语篇之间的中间层次,句子虽然能够单独地表达相对完整的思想,但是它不能表达多方面的、比较复杂的思想,只有把几个句子结合为较大的言语片段,才能表达一个相对独立的层意,所谓的“积句而成章,积章而成篇。”就是这个道理。 分析文章的层次包含两种形式:一种是分析整篇文章的层次,也就是段落,另一种是分析每一个段落内部的层次,也就是语篇层次。 语篇与段落是有区别的,语段是篇章结构的中间层次,是由句子到篇的一种过渡形式,段落(paragraph)是在某些语体(如记叙文、议论文)中比语段更大的意义单位,较小的段落可以只包括一个语段或一个句子,一般来说,一个段落通常由几个语段构成。构成语段的方式有两种,一是靠句际间意义的结合,二是靠句际间的关联词,逻辑性插入语来连接,在分析语段层次时,可以借助句际间的连接词语作出判断,但最主要的还是要真正体会句际间的意义关系,把握作者的思路,从语序上去发现断续点,理清层次,好文章的层次非常清晰,只有层层入手,才能真正理解文章。 其实,“七选五”跟传统题型完形填空有相似之处,只要考生选择的答案能够使行文连贯,符合英文的语法以及习惯表达就行。另外,从该题型给出的选项中我们可以发现一些特点:该题型选项大致可分为主旨概括句(文章整体内容)、过渡性句子(文章结构)和注释性句子(上下文逻辑意义)三类。另外两个多余的干扰项也可以通过这三个特点来排除,例如主旨概括句要么过于宽泛要么以偏概全或偏离主题;过渡性句子不能反映文章的行文结构;注释性句子与上文脱节等。 一、先通读选项,理解句意,同时掌握选项特点并比较语义重心的异同。比如,通过阅读选项,有可能找出跟其他选项表达完全不同意思的句子,这样的话我们就可以直接将该选项排除。 二、再通读全文,了解大意并分析篇章结构,着重看空前空后。由于“七选五”空出的是句子,而这些句子与句子之间,必然有一种联系。因此,我们可以通过选项中某个名词或动词跟空前或空后的一致性或者相关性来确定这两个句子之间的关联性,从而选择正确的答案。如:6.F 考查上下文理解。根据空前的moving slower和下文的内容判断此处应是与前文的转折,引出下文,F项吻合。故选F。 三、根据语境线索选择答案,注意抓住其关键词语。 语境线索主要指反映上下文关系的衔接手段,如篇章结构、词语重现、逻辑、连接、指称、同构等。 1.篇章结构通常为总--分或总--分--总。 2.词语重现不是指词语的简单再现,而是指某个词语可能以不同的词类、性、数、格、时、体、态等形式出现。如read, reading, readers,还可能以同义词或反义词的形式出现。如:7.C考查上下文理解。根据该段落的主题是have fewer meetings开更少的会议判断。关键词是meetings。故选C。 考查:生活类文章阅读

Country-dwellers(农村居民) often say the constant noise, heavy traffic and crowds of the city would drive them mad. Well, they might be right, according to the latest research. City residents are more likely to develop mental illnesses than those who live in villages, a study has found.

Researchers from Cardiff university examined the lifestyles of more than 200,000 people in Sweden and found that those who lived in urban areas were more at risk from mental illnesses than people who lived in villages.

The experts don’t know exactly why this is but they suggest that town and city residents are more likely to be ostracized(排挤) by those around them. They are more likely to experience discrimination(歧视) if they do not fit in, which can lead to them feeling anxious and even developing mental illnesses.

Dr Stanley Zammit, who led the research said that people living in towns and cities are more likely to develop other mental illnesses that result in personality changes a condition known as non-affective psychosis(非情感性精神病).

Earlier this year an official report found that village-dwellers live an average of two years longer than those living in towns and cities. According to figures from the Office of National Statistics in the UK, men who live in villages are likely to live for between 78 and 79 years, while those in towns and cities can expect to survive to an age of 76. Women on average survive to their 81st birthday in towns and cities, but live to between 82 and 83 in villages. The small marked town of Wimborne Minster in rural Dorset was named the healthiest place to live in.

1.What is the passage mainly about?

A. City-dwellers are more likely to develop mental illnesses.

B. City-dwellers live longer than country-dwellers.

C. Country-dwellers are more likely to develop mental illnesses.

D. Country-dwellers live longer than city-dwellers.

2.It can be inferred that ___________.

A. people like living in towns and cities

B. city-dwellers enjoy their peaceful city life

C. village-dwellers get along better with their neighbors than city-dwellers

D. village-dwellers are more likely to be looked down upon by others

3.Non-affective psychosis is a kind of mental illnesses that is linked to ________

A. energy weakening   B. temperature rise

C. pressure increase   D. character change

4.We can learn from the last paragraph that generally ________ .

A. men living in villages live the longest

B. women living in cities live the longest

C. women living in villages live the longest

D. men living in cities live the longest.



Eco City Farms(生态城市农场) are becoming more popular in cities and towns around the United states.

Eco City Farms in Edmonton, Maryland, is located near shopping centers, car repair shops and homes. The neighborhood is a working-class community(社区). People do not have very much money. And they have limited access (获得)to fresh food in markets.

Over the past two years, the farm has attracted volunteers from the community like Marcy Clark. She schools her four children at home. On a recent day she brought them to Eco City Farms for a lesson. Her son Alston Clark thinks his experience is very valuable.“I like coming out here,” he says,“ You know, you connect with the earth, where your food comes from. You appreciate the food a little bit more.”

Margaret Morgan started Eco City Farms. She thinks of it as a place where people can learn to live healthier lives. “Growing food in a community brings people together,” she continues, “Every piece of what we do here is a demonstration(示范) to show people everything about how to have an eco-friendly community.” she says. From the Eco City Farms people come to know that they are not only growing food and raising chickens and bees, but improving the soil with compost(肥料)made from food waste.

Eco City Farms is an experimental operation. The farm gets its power not from the local electricity networks, but from the sun with solar panels. In winter, the green house use a geothermal(地热)system.

Vegetables can be grown all year. So once a week, all winter long, neighbors like Chris Moss and her three children bike to the farm to pick up a share of the harvest.

“I like eating the vegetables ”says five-year-old Owen Moss.

1.What is mainly talked about in the passage?

A. Eco City Farms save a lot of energy.

B. Eco City Farms helps the working-class live better.

C. Eco City Farms are influencing community life.

D. Eco City Farms are gaining popularity.

2.According to the passage, Eco City Farms are close to the following places EXCEPT______.

A. shopping centers

B. car repair shops

C. fast-food restaurants

D. working-class community

3.What is the author’s attitude toward Eco City Farms?

A. Doubtful.         B. Disappointed.

C. Surprised.        D. Enthusiastic(热心的).

4.Eco City Farm gets its power from

A. local electricity networks

B. the sun with solar panels

C. the green house

D. a geothermal system



Diary of a Do-it-Yourself Book

This book based on Greg Hefley's own "diary" lets kids express themselves in an exciting way.In the book, kids will be asked: What was the best dream you have ever had? The worst thing you have ever eaten? The best secret you have ever heard? This Do-It-Yourself Book is unique and special because it has blank pages for readers to write their own stories and keep their own diaries.

Author:       Jeff Kinney

List Price:     $10.95

Price:         $6.57      Buy it on Amazon.com.

You save:      $4.38(40%)

Train to Somewhere

Marianne, heading west with fourteen other children on a train, is sure her mother will show up at one of the stations along the way. Stop after stop goes by, and there is no sign of her mother in the crowds that come to look over the children. No one shows any interest in adopting shy Marianne, either. But that is all right. She has to be free for her mother to claim her. Then the train stopped at its final stop, a town called Somewhere...

Author:        Eve Bunting

List Price:      $6.95

Price:         $6.95      Buy it on Amazon.com.

You save:      $0.00(0%)

Chinese Children's Favorite Stories

This volume of beloved Chinese stories contains a delightful(令人愉快的) selection from the store of Chinese legend.(传奇) Discover many delightful animal characters as well as Chang’e and Guan Yin. Retold for an international audience, the stories with beautiful pictures will give children aged ix to ten in other countries a chance to learn about both the tradition and culture of China.

Author:     Mingmei Yip

List Price:   $18.95

Price:       $12.89      Buy it on Amazon.com.

You save:    $6.06(32%)

The Way Science Works

The perfect introduction to show how science explains the world around us! Eye-opening experiments and extraordinary photography bring science to life.Discover science in action from the principles that explain everyday facts to the theories behind the technology in today's fast-moving world. Full of facts about famous scientists, technology news and more.

Author:        Robin Kerrod

List Price:      $24.99

Price:         $16.49      Buy it on Amazon.com.

You save:      $8.50(34%)

1.Diary of a Do - It - Yourself Book is different from other books because you can      .

A. write your own stories in the book

B. have a chance to see beautiful photos

C. ask the author questions

D. read many interesting stories about the author

2.Based on Train to Somewhere, how many children head west on the train.

A. 14.           B. 13.         C. 15.           D. 16.

3.Whose book would you like to read if you are interested in science and technology?

A. Jeff Kinney's.             B. Eve Bunting's.

C. Mingmei Yip's.              D. Robin Kerrod's.



When Julio Diaz stepped off the subway after work one night, he was simply planning to go to his favorite local diner for a meal. But when a teenage boy approached him with a knife, Diaz knew the evening was about to take a more dramatic(巨大而突然的) turn.

The young man demanded Diaz’s wallet, and Diaz passed it over without objection(异议). But just as he turned to walk away, Diaz called, “Hey, wait a minute. You forgot something.”

The young man turned around, surprised.

“If you’re going to rob people for the rest of the night, you might as well take my coat to keep warm.”

The teenager looked at Diaz in disbelief, and asked why he would do such a thing. Diaz replied, “If you’re willing to risk your freedom for a few dollars, I guess you must really need the money.”He said he was heading out for dinner, and that he would be happy to take someone with him.

The young man decided to take Diaz up on his offer. As they were sitting at the table, the manager, dishwashers and waiters all stopped over to say hello to Diaz, and the young man was amazed at his popularity.

“Haven’t you been taught that you should be nice to everybody?”Diaz asked him.

“Yeah, but I didn’t think people actually behaved that way,” the teenager replied. Thanks to Diaz, he was beginning to see that kindness wasn’t so strange, after all.

When the bill came, Diaz told the teen that he’d have to get the check. After all, he still had Diaz’s wallet.

But the teenager put the wallet on the table without a moment’s thought, and Diaz treated him to dinner. Diaz also gave the would-be robber a $20 bill in exchange for his knife. “I figure, you know, if you treat people right, you can only hope that they treat you right,” Diaz said.

1.The young man felt surprised when Diaz ________.

A. called him to wait for a moment

B. passed the wallet over without objection

C. stepped off the subway platform

D. invited him to have dinner together

2.The underlined part “take Diaz up on” can be replaced by “________”.

A. follow     B. understand          C. accept         D. check

3.The teenager gave the wallet back to Diaz maybe because _________.

A. Diaz was so popular with people in the restaurant

B. he had been given a $20 bill to take with him

C. Diaz had to pay for the meal they had together

D. he began to realize people should be nice to others

4.Diaz possibly felt _________ during the whole night.

A. worried and helpless        B. relaxed and happy

C. angry and scared           D. surprised and anxious




假如你是李华,你的美国朋友Peter 想了解你的高中生活,请用英语给他写一封信,内容包括:

1. 就读学校历史悠久,学习氛围好;

2. 英语成绩优异;

3. 积极参加课外活动;

4. 打算报考清华大学,致力于科学研究。

注意:1. 词数100左右;

2. 可以适当发挥,以使行文连贯。

参考词汇:课外活动 extracurricular activities

Dear peter,







Best wishes,


Li Hua



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