满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

书面表达 假定你是李华,最近你在当地报纸上看到一则游泳培训班的广告,称其有称职教...


假定你是李华,最近你在当地报纸上看到一则游泳培训班的广告,称其有称职教练( instructor),一周包会。你会一点游泳,但水性不太好,想在暑假参加训练.请你写一封咨询信了解相关情况,要点如下:

1. 训练的具体时间和地点。

2. 条件和费用。

3. 其他特别注意的事项。


1.词数 100 左右。



Dear Sir/Madam,

I have read your advertisement in the newspaper. __________________________________________________________________________________________






I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Your s sincerely ,

Li Hua


Dear Sir/Madam, I have read your advertisement in the newspaper. You mentioned in it that your instructors are fully qualified and you ensure that learners will be able to swim well after one week’s training. I can swim a little but I’m not very confident in the water. So I’m interested in taking part in the training course. Fortunately, the summer holiday is around the corner. I’m writing to inquire when and where the course will be given, and how long the training course will last each day. I also want to know how much you will charge me for that. Besides, would you be so kind as to tell me whether there is anything special that should be prepared or does your company provide everything necessary? I am looking forward to hearing from you soon. Yours sincerely, Li Hua 【解析】 试题分析:本文属于应用文中的书信,要求以李华的身份向游泳培训班写信咨询暑期游泳训练情况。所以本文使用第一人称,一般现在时和将来时相间的时态。要点:1.你了解到该培训班有称职教练,一周包会。你自己会一点游泳,但水性不太好,想在暑假参加训练。2.训练的具体时间和地点。3.条件和费用。4.其他特别注意的事项。建议文章分成三段,第一段为第一点;其余三点为第二段,最后一段为文章的过渡段。在写作的时候,一定要注意使用多样化的句式,让文章富有变化。同时要多使用高级句式和短语增加文章的档次。 【名师点睛】 范文结构合理,时态人称使用准确。复杂句式使用较多,如长难句You mentioned in it that your instructors are fully qualified and you ensure that learners will be able to swim well after one week’s training.句中有in that引导的原因状语从句,有that引导的宾语从句。有that引导的定语从句....... is anything special that should be prepared or does your company provide everything necessary?同时文章中的串联词使用很合适,如besides等。 考点:考查应用文写作  







Dear Joe,

Thanks for you mail. I’m glad to know you are interested in the 2014 Florida Winter Camp. It will be held from January 27 to February 13, during that time you will get wonderful experience. You will have chances to improve your speaking English in the courses providing. Also, activities arranged for you to spend weekends together with your host family, so you can learn American English in authentic situations. However, a trip to the local Disneyland will certainly add up the fun of the camp.

Join in the camp and you will have the better knowledge of American culture and life. You are sure to benefit from it.

Yours truly

Li Hua




There’s a science to setting goals.Below,we share some research-backed tips to help you carry out successful goals.

Choose a goal that matters,not just easy win.

A meaningful goal—1.     that truly inspires you to change—requires going deeper.Think about what you want in the coming year, then ask yourself 2.     you want that.For example,if you walk to quit3.     (smoke), ask why do you want to quit? Then, if you want to quit for your health ask why do you want good health? Then,if your answer is to be alive long enough 4.     (meet)your grandchildren,ask why do you want to meet your grandchildren?

Set up your goals positively.

How you describe your goal makes 5.     big difference.Focusing on 6.     you want to bring into your life wi11 make you more likely to7.     (actual)pursue it.

Prepare for failure(in a good way).

Moments of failure 8.     (be)unavoidable,but most of us abandon the goal entirely when slight failures and setbacks start piling up.At the moment when you fail,often the first instinct(本能)is to push the goal away. It's so 9.     (comfort)to be in that condition of self-doubt or self-criticism and guilt.

Your task is not to avoid failures,10.     to plan for them.Ask yourself, how am I likely to  fail? For example,if you’re likely to choose unhealthy meals when you’re hungry, carry a light snack with you.





A Father's Love

Daddy just didn’t know how to show love. It was Mom who  ________ the family together. He just went to work every day and came home; she’d have a list of things we’d done wrong and he’d scold us about them.

Once when I stole a candy bar, he ________  me take it back and tell the man I stole it and that I’d pay for it. But it was Mom who ________ I was just a kid.

I broke my leg once on the playground and it was Mom who held me in her arms all the way to the ________ . Dad pulled the car ________ up to the door of the emergency room and when they asked him to move it saying the space was________ for emergency vehicles, He shouted, “What do you think this is? A tour bus?”

At my birthday parties, Dad always seemed sort of ________ . He just ________ himself in blowing up balloons, setting up tables, and running errands(跑腿). It was Mom who carried the cake with the candles on it for me to blow out.

When I look through picture albums, people always ask, “What does your Dad look like?” “Who knows? He was always running around with the camera taking everyone else’s picture. I   ________ have a thousand pictures of Mom and me smiling together.”

I remember when Mom told him to teach me how to ride a bicycle. I told him not to________,  but he said it was time. ________ I fell and Mom ran to pick me up, but he ________ her off. I was so ________   that I shouted at him, got right back on the bike and rode it myself. He didn’t even feel embarrassed and just ________  .

When I went to college, Mom did all the writing. He just sent checks and a little note about how ________ his lawn(草坪) looked  ________ I wasn’t playing football on it.

Whenever I ________ home, he acted like he wanted to talk, ________ he always said, “I’ ll get your mother.”When I got married, it was Mom who cried. He just blew his nose ________ and left the room. All my life he said, “Where are you going? What time are you coming home? No, you cannot go.”

Daddy just didn’t know how to show love, unless…

Is it possible he showed it and didn’t ________ it ?

1.A. put          B. supported     C. held              D. gathered

2.A. helped      B. punished       C. awarded           D. made

3.A. understood  B. knew          C. responded         D. admitted

4.A. home         B. school        C. hospital         D. car

5.A. right       B. along          C. simply            D. afterwards

6.A. preserved   B. reserved       C. replaced         D. attached

7.A. out of date  B. out of breath  C. out of place     D. out of mind

8.A. devoted     B. admired        C. performed        D. drowned

9.A. will         B. can            C. may              D. must

10.A. break it up B. set it off    C. let it go         D. take it apart

11.A. At the end  B. As a result  C. As a matter of fact D. As you know


12.A. wiped       B. reminded      C. waved              D. prevented

13.A. familiar  B. sensitive     C. fierce             D. mad

14.A. arose      B. relaxed       C. apologized        D. smiled

15.A. attractive  B. secure        C. original           D. valuable

16.A. as though  B. now that      C. even though        D. so that

17.A. missed     B. belonged       C. removed           D. called

18.A. then       B. but           C. afterwards        D. and

19.A. secretly   B. loudly         C. quietly           D. hopelessly

20.A. recognize B. deserve       C. remind            D. express




How do actors and actresses memorize hundreds of lines? Memorizing lines takes practice and constant repetition. However, there are a few ways to make the memorization process run smoothly and quickly.


For most performers, there is no quicker way of memorizing lines. To learn lines, an actor must recite the play loud over and over again. Most rehearsals(彩排) encourage this by running through the lines or having a "read through". By the time opening night arrives, most actors have spoken their lines hundreds of times.

Listen to your cast members.

Sometimes inexperienced actors spend rehearsals looking at fellow performers, waiting patiently to say their next line.    2.   This will help the actor learn his lines better because the context of the dialogue is absorbed.


Because there is often not enough rehearsal time, many performers find ways to listen to the play’s dialogue during everyday activities. They use a tape recorder or an MP3 player to listen to the lines from each relevant scene . Some actors prefer to record the lines of all the characters, including their own.    4.   Others like recording the lines of fellow cast members, and they leave a blank space so that they can insert their dialogue while listening to the recording.

Think positively and don’t panic.

Most actors will experience stage fright before the opening night. Actors forget lines now and then. When it happens, however, most of the time the audience never notice. If you forget a line in the middle of your performance, don’t freeze. Stay in character. Keep the scene going to the best of your ability. If unfortunately you forget a line once, you will probably never forget that line ever again.    5.

A. Record your lines.

B. Practice makes perfect.

C. Read lines loud and repeat them.

D. Read lines loud and remember them in a short time.

E. Sometimes embarrassment is the toughest method of memorization.

F. Then, they not only listen carefully, but they also speak all of the lines.

G. Instead, they should be listening carefully, responding in character at all times.



A "match of the century" between human champion of the Chinese board game Go (围棋) and Google’s computer program kicked off in Seoul on Wednesday, which drew great attention.

The first game of the five-game match started at about 1 p.m. local time (0400 GMT) at Four Seasons Hotel in central Seoul. It will run through next Tuesday to determine the winner between South Korean Lee Sedol, the world Go champion in the past 10 years, and AlphaGo, developed by Google’s London-based subsidiary DeepMind.

The match of the century drew great attention from news organizations, Go fans and the general public across the world as well as in South Korea as it is seen as a representative match between humans and artificial intelligence (AI).

The Korea Baduk Association, a body for South Korean Go professionals, had received advance applications for an explanatory event of the match, but the limit of 60 seats had already surpassed.

South Korea’s public broadcaster KBS plans to broadcast live the match from 12:40 to 5 p.m., extending its initial plan to air it for two hours from 3 p.m. due to great interests from the general public. It is unusual for the public broadcaster to broadcast live the Go game for more than four hours.

Cable channel TV Chosun will broadcast the match’s development every 10 minutes on Wednesday and Thursday, while planning to air live the whole matches on Saturday and Sunday.

The match is being aired live through YouTube around the world, while various Internet websites and TVs are broadcasting the landmark match.

Hundreds of journalists from around the world gathered at the venue (体育比赛场所) to report on the match between Lee and AlphaGo.

AlphaGo took the world by surprise as it defeated European Go champion Fan Hui in October last year. Some experts had predicted it would take decades of years for AI to defeat humans at the ancient Chinese board game.

Go, which originated in China more than 2,500 years ago, has been viewed as a grand challenge for AI due to its complexity and intuitive nature. It involves two players, who take turns putting markers (围棋子) on a grid-shaped board to gain more areas on it. One can occupy the markers of the opponent by surrounding the pieces of the other.

1.What does the underlined phrase "kicked off" mean?

A. Started.        B. Stayed.        C. Closed.        D. Finished.

2.Why did the match draw so much attention in the world?

A. Because the match was the first one between humans and AlphaGo.

B. Because it is seen as a representative match between humans and AI.

C. Because it would take decades of years for AI to defeat humans at the ancient Chinese board game.

D. Because many TVs broadcast live the game.

3.The following statements are true except _______.

A. there are five matches between South Korean Lee Sedol and AlphaGo

B. AlphaGo gave the world a surprise by defeating European Go champion Fan Hui in October last year

C. Go originated in China more than 2,500 years ago

D. cable channel TV Chosun will broadcast all the five games

4.What’s the best title of the passage?

A. Go match between human champion and Google’s AI draws wide attention

B. Humans challenge artificial intelligence

C. Human Go champion will defeat Google’s AI AlphaGo in Go games

D. Report competition from all over the world become fierce in Go games



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