满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

完形填空 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以...



Since finishing my studies at Harvard and Oxford, I’ve watched one friend after another land high-ranking, high-paying Wall Street jobs. As executives (高级管理人员) with banks, consulting firms, established law firms, and major corporations, many are now ___________on their way to impressive careers. By society’s ___________  , they seem to have it made.

On the surface, these people seem to be very lucky in life. As they left student life behind, many had a ___________drink at their cheap but friendly local bar, shook hands with longtime roommates, and___________ out of small apartments into high buildings. They made reservations at restaurants where the cost of a bottle of wine ___________ a college year’s monthly rent. They replaced their beloved old cars with expensive new sports cars.

The thing is, a number of them have ___________ that despite their success, they aren’t happy. Some ___________ of unfriendly coworkers and feel sad for eight-hour workweeks devoted to tasks they ___________. Some do not respect the companies they work for and talk of feeling tired and ___________ . However, instead of devoting themselves to their work, they find themselves working to support the ___________ to which they have so quickly become___________.

People often speak of trying a more satisfying path, and ___________ in the end the idea of leaving their jobs to work for something they   ___________  or finding a position that would give them more time with their families almost always leads them to the same conclusion: it’s___________ . They have loans, bills, a mortgage(抵押贷款)to ___________ , retirement to save for. They recognize there’s something   ___________ in their lives, but it’s ___________ to step off the track.

In a society that tends to ___________ everything in terms of dollars and cents, we learn from a young age to consider the costs of our ___________in financial terms. But what about the personal and social costs ___________  in pursuing money over meaning? These are exactly the kinds of costs many of us tend to ignore — and the very ones we need to consider most.

1.A. much           B. never         C. seldom         D. well

2.A. policies        B. standards      C. experiments     D. regulations

3.A. last            B. least          C. second          D. best

4.A. cycled         B. moved          C. slid            D. looked

5.A. shared          B. paid         C. equaled        D. collected

6.A. advertised     B. witnessed     C. admitted        D. demanded

7.A. complain       B. dream         C. hear            D. approve

8.A. distribute     B. hate         C. applaud        D. overlook

9.A. calm            B. guilty         C. warm           D. empty

10.A. family        B. government     C. lifestyle       D. project

11.A. accustomed     B. appointed      C. unique         D. available

12.A. yet           B. also           C. instead        D. rather

13.A. let out       B. turn in       C. give up        D. believe in

14.A. fundamental    B. practical     C. impossible    D. unforgettable

15.A. take off      B. drop off       C. put off         D. pay off

16.A. missing        B. inspiring      C. sinking         D. shining

17.A. harmful       B. hard          C. useful         D. normal

18.A. measure       B. suffer         C. digest          D. deliver

19.A. disasters      B. motivations    C. campaigns     D. decisions

20.A. assessed      B. involved     C. covered         D. reduced


1.D 2.B 3.A 4.B 5.C 6.C 7.A 8.B 9.D 10.C 11.A 12.A 13.D 14.C 15.D 16.A 17.B 18.A 19.D 20.B 【解析】 试题分析:有些人在世人的眼里条件优越事业有成,是成功人士。但他们并不幸福,他们有种种烦恼,精神空虚,他们找不到自己的价值。这种社会现象值得我们深思。 1.D考查副词。A. much 非常;B. never 从不;C. seldom 很少;D. well好。此处指朋友们事业有成从事着各种高管工作,在事业的路上一帆风顺,故选D. 2.B考查名词。A. policies 政策;B. standards 标准;C. experiments 试验;D. regulations条例。此处指用社会的标准来看,他们似乎是很成功的。根据句意选B. 3.A考查形容词。A. last 最后的;B. least 最少的; C. second 第二的;D. best最好的。此处指许多人在曾经非常熟悉的充满回忆的小酒吧喝完最后一杯饮料,告别学生时代。故选A. 4.B考查动词。A. cycled循环;B. moved搬;C. slid滑落;D. looked看。这些人从小公寓里搬出来搬进高楼,指条件、地位发生了变化,根据句意选B. 5.C考查动词。A. shared共享; B. paid支付;C. equaled 相等;D. collected收集。他们在大饭店定的一瓶酒价格相当于大学一个月的租金,指消费水平提高。故选C. 6.C考查动词。A. advertised 登广告;B. witnessed目击;C. admitted 承认;D. demanded要求。虽然他们物质生活很好,他们承认尽管成功了但并不快乐。故选C. 7.A考查动词。A. complain 抱怨; B. dream 梦想; C. hear听到;D. approve批准,赞成。此处指有些人抱怨同事不友好和每天把8小时都奉献在他们不喜欢的任务上的悲哀,故选A. 8.B考查动词。A. distribute分配;B. hate 憎恨;C. applaud 赞同,喝彩;D. overlook忽略,俯瞰。此处指他们不喜欢的任务和工作,故选B. 9.D考查形容词。A. calm平静的;B. guilty有罪的;C. warm温暖的;D. empty空的。此处指他们感觉精神疲惫内心空虚,故选D. 10.C考查名词。A. family 家庭;B. government 政府;C. lifestyle生活方式;D. project工程。他们发现自己在为已经习惯了的生活方式而工作、拼搏,指他们高消费的生活,故选C. 11.A考查形容词。A. accustomed 习惯的; B. appointed 约定的; C. unique独特的;D. available有效的。此处指他们已经习惯了的生活方式,故选A. 12.A考查连词。A. yet 然而,但是; B. also 并且,另外;C. instead 反而;D. rather相当。此处指理想与现实之间的反差,前面讲理想后面讲现实表示转折,故选A. 13.D考查动词短语。A. let out 放出,泄露;B. turn in上交,归还;C. give up 放弃; D. believe in信任。此处指为他们信任的事去工作,根据句意选D. 14.C考查形容词。A. fundamental基本的;B. practical实际的; C. impossible不可能的;D. unforgettable难忘的。此处指他们想做喜欢的事或寻找和家人有更多时间在一起的工作是不可能的,现实并不像想象的那么美好,故选C. 15.D考查动词短语。A. take off 脱下,起飞; B. drop off减少; C. put off 推迟;D. pay off付清。现实中他们有贷款、账单和抵押贷款要偿还,故选D. 16.A考查形容词。A. missing缺少的;B. inspiring鼓舞人心的;C. sinking下沉的; D. shining闪亮的。此处指他们认识到了生活中缺少了一些东西,故选A. 17.B考查形容词。A. harmful 有害的; B. hard 困难的;C. useful 有用的; D. normal正常的。此处指生活中缺少了一些东西,但又很难走出这种轨迹,根据句意选B. 18.A考查动词。A. measure 权衡; B. suffer遭受;C. digest消化;D. deliver递送。此处指在趋向于用金钱来衡量一切的社会中,that引导定语从句修饰society,故选A. 19.D 考查名词。A. disasters灾难;B. motivations 动机;C. campaigns 运动;D. decisions决定。在用金钱来衡量一切的社会中,我们从小就学会了用经济的观点来考虑所做的决定的价值,故选D. 20.考查动词。A. assessed 评估;B. involved涉及;C. covered覆盖;D. reduced减少。在涉及到追逐金钱的过程中,我们的个人和社会的价值又有何意义呢?根据句意选B. 考点:考查社会生活类短文阅读。 【名师点睛】 完型填空题的命题特点及答题方法: 1.侧重基础知识,考查学生语言知识的能力 完型填空以文入手,结合文章的内容考查学生的基础知识,主要是词语搭配、固定句型、近义词辨析、辨析句子结构、掌握语法规则的能力,其中考查实词居多。 2.上下文对照,考查学生捕捉关键词的能力 解完型填空题时,单独看一句话是找不到正确答案的,需要注意句子间的关系及句子与段落的关系。所谓上下对照,即在上文和下文中找到与正确答案相同的关键词。因此,在做题时要边读边在大脑中储存上下文信息的能力,捕捉关键词。 3.设置语境,考查学生的分析推理能力 旨在考查学生在选项都符合语法及句子结构的情况下能否利用前后语境去推断出正确答案。如第43小题考查形容词。A. last 最后的;B. least 最少的; C. second 第二的;D. best最好的。此处指许多人在曾经非常熟悉的充满回忆的小酒吧喝完最后一杯饮料,告别学生时代。故选A. 4.结合生活,考查学生利用常识题的能力 目的考查学生的生活常识,看看学生是否善于观察生活,积累生活常识,能否利用常识去做恰当的选择。如第.21.考查形容词。A. fundamental基本的;B. practical实际的; C. impossible不可能的;D. unforgettable难忘的。此处指他们想做喜欢的事或寻找和家人有更多时间在一起的工作是不可能的,现实并不像想象的那么美好,故选C. 5.关注连词,考查学生对行文逻辑、句子关联的理解能力 此项用来考查学生在缺少连词的情况想,通过阅读能否理解句子的与句子的关系,是否了解行文逻辑的要求,能否掌握表示因果、转折、并列、条件、让步等的连词的用法。52小题考查连词。A. yet 然而,但是; B. also 并且,另外;C. instead 反而;D. rather相当。此处指理想与现实之间的反差,前面讲理想后面讲现实表示转折,故选A.


Coffee is one of the most popular drinks around the world. 1.     Experts claim that there are more flavors of coffee than there are of wine. Coffee contains caffeine, an element (成分) that raises our awareness, keeps us from falling asleep or simply gives us a kick in the morning or after lunch.

2.     For a long time doctors have told people not to drink too much coffee, because it may lead to heart problems, high blood pressure, insomnia (失眠) and headaches.

Scientists have now found out that it is the quality of coffee and the way it is brewed (冲泡) that holds the key to our health.  3.     Among other things, this is linked to the consumption of a strong brew of coffee. Experts also point out that different roasts and types of coffee beans have different effects on our health.

A new study by a Harvard research group says that there is no link between coffee and health problems.  4.     Doctors, however, warn against drinking too much coffee, as it can lead to stomach problems.

Coffee has many advantages, as the new study suggests. While alcohol makes people sleepy and slow-moving, coffee gives them energy. 5.    

Although a lot still needs to be uncovered about coffee, it seems to reduce the risk of cancer and diabetes. Reports show that people who drink coffee may develop Parkinson’s disease later in life, or maybe not at all.

A. There are many different types of coffee.

B. Scientists ask people not to drink coffee at night.

C. Elderly people in Greece live longer than normal.

D. But experts are still undecided on how healthy coffee is.

E. Sugar can change the different levels of caffeine in a cup of coffee.

F. Drinking several cups of coffee a day is not connected with heart diseases.

G. Getting together for a cup of coffee also has a positive effect on relationships.



Have you ever run into a careless cell phone user on the street? Perhaps they were busy talking, texting or checking updates on WeChat without looking at what was going on around them. As the number of this new “species” of human has kept rising, they have been given a new name — phubbers(低头族).

Recently, a cartoon created by students from China Central Academy of Fine Arts put this group of people under the spotlight. In the short film, phubbers with various social identities bury themselves in their phones. A doctor plays with his cell phone while letting his patient die, a pretty woman takes selfie in front of a car accident site, and a father loses his child without knowing about it while using his mobile phone. A chain of similar events eventually leads to the destruction of the world.

Although the ending sounds overstated the damage phubbing can bring is real.

Your health is the first to bear the effect and result of it. “Constantly bending your head to check your cell phone could damage your neck,” Guangming Daily quoted doctors as saying. “the neck is like a rope that breaks after long-term stretching.” Also, staring at cell phones for long periods of time will damage your eyesight gradually, according to the report.

But that’s not all. Being a phubber could also damage your social skills and drive you away from your friends and family. At reunions with family or friends, many people tend to stick to their cell phones while others are chatting happily with each other and this creates a strange atmosphere, Qilu Evening News reported.

It can also cost you your life. There have been lots of reports on phubbers who fell to their death, suffered accidents, and were robbed of their cell phones in broad daylight.

1.For what purpose does the author give the example of a cartoon in Paragragh2?

A. To inform people of the bad effects of phubbing.

B. To advertise the cartoon made by students.

C. To indicate the world will finally be destroyed by phubbers.

D. To warn doctors against using cell phones while treating patients.

2.Which of the following is NOT a risk a phubber may have?

A. His social skills could be affected.

B. His neck and eyesight will be gradually harmed.

C. He will cause the destruction of the world.

D. He might get separated from his friends and family.

3.Which of the following may be the author’s attitude towards phubbing?

A. Supportive.        B. Opposed.

C. Optimistic.       D. Objective.

4.What may the passage talk about next?

A. Advice on how to use a cell phone.

B. People addicted to phubbing.

C. Measures to reduce the risks of phubbing

D. Consequences of phubbing.



You’re probably aware of the basic trends. The financial rewards to education have increased over the past few decades, but men fail to benefit.

In elementary and high school, male academic performance is lagging. Boys earn three-quarters of the D’s and F’s. By college, men are clearly behind. Only 40 percent of bachelor’s degree go to men, along with 40 percent of master’s degree.

Thanks to their lower skills, men are dropping out of the labor force. In 1954, 96 percent of the American men between the ages of 25 and 54 worked. Today, that number is down to 80 percent. In Friday's jobs report, male labor force participation reached an all-time low.

Millions of men are collecting disability benefits. Even many of those who do have a job are doing poorly. According to Michael Greenstone of the Hamilton Project, annual earnings for average prime-age males have dropped by 28 percent over the past 40 years.

Men still dominate (主宰) the top of the corporate ladder because many women take time off to raise children, but women lead or are gaining nearly everywhere else. Women in their 20s outearn men in their 20s. Twelve out of the 15 fastest-growing professions are dominated by women.

Over the years, many of us have employed a certain theory to explain men's economic decline. It is that the information-age economy rewards qualities that women are more likely to possess.

To succeed today, you have to be able to sit still and focus attention in school at an early age. You have to be emotionally sensitive and aware of context. You have to communicate smoothly. For genetic and cultural reasons, many men are not good at these.

But, in her fascinating new book, The End of Men, Hanna Rosin suggests a different theory. It has to do with adaptability. Women, Rosin argues, are like immigrants (移民) who have moved to a new country. They see a new social context, and they flexibly adapt to new circumstances. Men are like immigrants who have physically moved to a new country but who have kept their minds in the old one. They speak the old language. They follow the old customs. Men are more likely to be rigid; women are more fluid.

This theory has less to do with born qualities and more to do with social position. When there’s big social change, the people who were on the top of the old order are bound to stick to the old ways. The people who were on the bottom are bound to experience a burst of energy. They are going to explore their new surroundings more enthusiastically.

Rosin reports from working-class Alabama. The women she meets are flooding into new jobs and new opportunities going back to college, pursuing new careers. The men are waiting around for the jobs left and are never coming back. They are strangely immune (免疫的)to new options. In the Auburn-Opelika region, the average female income is 140 percent of the average male income.

Rosin is not saying that women are winners in a global gender (性别) war or that they are doing super simply because men are doing worse. She's just saying women are adapting to today’s economy more flexibly than men. There’s a lot of evidence to support her case.

A study by the National Federation of Independent Business found that small businesses owned by women outperformed male-owned small business during the last recession (衰退). In finance, women who switch firms are more likely to see their performance improve, whereas men are likely to see theirs decline. There's even evidence that women are better able to adjust to divorce. Today, more women than men see their incomes rise by 25 percent after a marital breakup.

Forty years ago, men and women stuck to certain theory, what it meant to be a man or a woman. Young women today, Rosin argues, have abandoned both feminist (女权主义者)and prefeminist preconceptions. Men still stick to the masculinity (大男子主义的)rules, which limit their vision and their movement.

If she's right, then men will have to acknowledge that they are strangers in a strange land.

1.Which of the following statements is TRUE?

A. Male labor force participation has declined by 80% since 1954.

B. More men than women take time off to raise children now.

C. Good communication is one of the qualities that women possess.

D. Men are still taking most top and fastest-growing professions.

2.In Hanna Rosin’s opinion, male performance is falling behind because _______.

A. men are less likely to sit still and focus in school at early age

B. men are more rigid and less able to adapt to new circumstances

C. women are doing better for genetic and cultural reasons

D. it is more and more difficult for men to get bachelor’s degree

3.What is the passage intended to convey?

A. The differences between men and women.

B. The reasons why men do no better than women.

C. The social status of men and women.

D. The reasons why men fail compared with women.



Research shows that childhood friendships are important indicators of future success and social adjustment. Children’s relationships with peers (同龄人) strongly influence their success in school,and children with fewer friends are more at risk of dropping out of school,becoming depressed and other problems.

Making and Keeping Friends Is More than Child’s Play

When 6­year­old Rachel returned to school on a recent Monday morning,her eyes immediately scanned the playground for her friend Abbie. “Though they were only separated by a weekend,the girls ran right into each other’s arms and hugged,” recalls Rachel’s mother Kathryn Willis of Gilbert. “It was like a scene from a movie.”

Most parents instinctively (本能地) know that having friends is good for their child. Experts agree that friendship is not simply child’s play,but a powerful predictor of social adjustment throughout life.

A Skill for Life

“Childhood friendships serve as a very important training ground for adulthood,” says  Dr.Robbie Adler­Tapia,psychologist with the Center for Children’s Health & Life Development at the East Valley Family Resource Center.

Researcher William Hartup states,“Peer relations contribute significantly to both social and cognitive (认知的) development.” Hartup concludes that the single best childhood predictor of adult social adaptation is not school grades or classroom behavior,but rather,how well a child gets along with other children.

The work of Arizona State University professor of Developmental Psychology Gary Ladd proves that just as being able to make and keep friends is beneficial to kids while the lack of friends is detrimental.

Good Friendships Don’t Just Happen

Experts agree that it is essential for children to establish high­quality friendships. But,researchers warn,these friendships don’t necessarily just happen. Often,a good friendship begins with involved parents.

Psychologist Dr.Lynne Kenney Markan believes kids should be taught social skills in much the same way they are taught math and reading.

Bad Company

Many parents worry about the quality as well as the quantity of their child’s friendships. “When she was in 1st grade,her supposed ‘best friend’ began calling her names and threatening to hurt her,” says Mindy Miller. “My daughter wasn’t allowed to talk to or even look at other girls in her class. It really crushed her spirit. I told my daughter she didn’t need a ‘friend’ like that.”

“I’ll bend over backwards(拼命) to help my son get together with a friend I think is good for him,” Adler­Tapia says. “I don’t look at it as manipulation (操纵),just positive parental involvement.”

1.The example of Rachel and Abbie is used to indicate that________.

A. childhood friendship is of great significance to their growth

B. a positive friendship helps children solve emotional and physical problems

C. it is a proven fact that peer friendship is the most rewarding experience throughout life

D. Rachel missed her friend Abbie very much because of their separation of one weekend

2.The underlined word “detrimental” could be replaced by________.

A. aggressive        B. disappointing

C. ridiculous         D. harmful

3.We can learn from the passage that high­ quality friendship most probably results from______.

A. social skills and good study habits

B. school grades and classroom behaviors

C. academic success and social adaptation

D. positive parental involvement and social skills

4.From the last paragraph we can conclude that Dr.Robbie Adler­Tapia agrees that________.

A. parents should regard making friends as something that just happens

B. it’s wise for parents to support and encourage healthy peer relationships

C. parents only need to help their children to cope with difficult social situations

D. parents are supposed to encourage their children to make as many friends as they can



A mouse looked through a crack in the wall to see the farmer and his wife opening a package: What food might it contain? He was astonished to discover that it was a mouse trap!

Retreating to the farmyard, the mouse declared the warning, “There is a mouse trap in the house, there is a mouse trap in the house.”

The chicken clucked and scratched, raised her head and said, “Mr Mouse, I can tell you this is a grave concern to you, but it is of no consequence to me, I cannot be bothered by it.”

The mouse turned to the pig and told him, “There is a mouse trap in the house.” “I am so sorry, Mr Mouse,” sympathized the pig, “but there is nothing I can do about it but pray; be assured that you are in my prayers.”

The mouse turned to the cow, who replied, “A mouse trap, am I in grave danger, huh?”

So the mouse returned to the house, head down and depressed to face the farmer’s mouse trap alone.

That very night a sound was heard throughout the house, like the sound of a mouse trap catching its prey. The farmer’s wife rushed to see what was caught. In the darkness, she did not see that it was an evil snake whose tail the trap had caught. The snake bit the farmer’s wife. The farmer rushed her to the hospital. She returned home with a fever. Now everyone knew to treat a fever with fresh chicken soup, so the farmer took his hatchet to the farmyard for the soup’s main ingredient. His wife’s sickness continued so that friends and neighbors came to sit with her around the clock. To feed them, the farmer butchered the pig. The farmer’s wife did not get well, in fact, she died, and so many people came for her funeral. The farmer had the cow slaughtered to provide meat for all of them to eat.

So the next time you hear that someone is facing a problem and think that it does not concern you, remember that when the least of us is threatened, we are all at risk.

1.We could see from the passage that the mouse was ______.

A. kind and warm-hearted     B. well-informed

C. good at cheating others   D. foolish and rude

2.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A. The pig was comparatively less friendly than the others in the farmyard.

B. The mouse trap that the mouse discovered was not a practical one.

C. The farmer and his wife trapped an evil snake that night.

D. The farmer’s family was in fact poor and they had no friends.

3.The underlined word “ingredient” (Paragraph 7) refers to ______.

A. the mouse            B. the pig

C. the snake           D. the chicken

4.What can we learn from the story?

A. Better safe than sorry.

B. Traps are usually well disguised.

C. To help others is just to save you.

D. To keep the balance of nature is the duty of us all.



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