满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

We spend a quarter of our lives asleep. ...

We spend a quarter of our lives asleep. Sleep is necessary for the body to rest, yet our brains continue to process information. Studies have shown that students are more successful when they sleep after studying–instead of pulling all-nighters–because the brain reviews information learned. Similarly, dreaming is an opportunity to work out emotional problems and form thoughts and memories. About 25 percent of the time spent sleeping is spent in rapid eye movement, or REM, sleep. This type of sleep is known for when dreams occur, but it also helps energize the brain and body.

Researchers have found two important factors regarding humans and sleep: basicsleep need and sleep debt. Basic sleep need is the amount of sleep we need to have regularly to perform at our best. Sleep debt is the loss of sleep. A few studies say that most adults function best with a basic sleep need of seven to eight hours a night. The problem is that sleep debt also factors in, just because that you meet your basic sleep needs a few nights of the week doesn’t mean it cancels out the effects of one night’s sleep debt.

Of course, everyone is different and some people require more or less sleep than the standard basic sleep need. But the real problem lies in what lack of sleep does over the long period to people who either does not meet his or her body’s needs or for one reason or another doesn’t get enough regular sleep. It is more possible for these people to have motor vehicle accidents, weight gain and risk for heart disease or diabetes (糖尿病) and may be at increased risk for psychological conditions such as depression or drug abuse. Sleeping too long also can be associated with depression and poor health.

1.Most peoplespent around ______ of the sleeping time in REM sleep?

A. One third of the time

B. More than half of the time

C. One fourth of the time

D. More than 5 hours every day

2.Which of the following is NOT the result for lack of sleep according to the passage?

A. Car accidents.       B. Putting on weight.

C. Heart problems.      D. Review learning things.

3.The best title for the passage is ______.

A. Why We Need Sleep

B. REMSleep and Basic Sleep

C. Sleep Causes Problems

D. How Much Sleep We Need

4.Which statement is TRUE according to the passage?

A. Students will forget what they have learned if they go to sleep immediately after study.

B. People may have an idea on how to solve an emotional problem if they have a dream.

C. It’s all right to have a night of sleep debt if you fulfill several days of basic sleep need.

D. Sleeping as long as you can is considered to be good for your health and performance.


1.C 2.D 3.A 4.B 【解析】 试题分析:本文谈论的是关于睡眠及有关的问题。 1.C细节理解题。根据第一段第一句We spend a quarter of our lives asleep.我们花费我们生活的四分之一在睡觉。倒数第二句About 25 percent of the time spent sleeping is spent in rapid eye movement, or REM, sleep. 大约百分之25的时间花在快速眼动睡眠中。故选C。 2.D推理判断题。根据最后一段倒数第二句中It is more possible for these people to have motor vehicle accidents, weight gain and risk for heart disease or diabetes (糖尿病) 这些人更可能有交通事故,增加体重和得心脏病或糖尿病的风险。故选D。 3.A主旨大意题。根据第一段第二句Sleep is necessary for the body to rest, yet our brains continue to process information.睡眠对人的身体休息是必要的。第二段第一句Researchers have found two important factors regarding humans and sleep: basicsleep need and sleep debt. 研究人员发现了关于人类和睡眠的两个重要因素:基本睡眠的需要和睡眠不足。可知A项符合语境。 4.推理判断题。根据第一段第四句Similarly, dreaming is an opportunity to work out emotional problems and form thoughts and memories.相似地,做梦是一个解决情感问题和形成想法和记忆的机会。故选B。 【名师点拨】 推理判断题要求在理解原文表面文字信息的基础上,做出一定的推理判断,从而得到文章的隐含意义和深层意义。推理判断题所涉及的内容可能是文中的某一句话,也可能是某几句话,所以,推理题的答案只能是根据原文表面文字信息一步推出的答案:即对原文某一句话或某几句话所作的同义改写或综合。推理判断题的题干中通常含有infer, suggest, imply, conclude indicate等标志性词语。 这种题型主要包括细节判断题、态度观点推断题、写作意图推断题、文章出处判断题和猜测想象推断题。比如第34小题D推理判断题。根据最后一段倒数第二句中It is more possible for these people to have motor vehicle accidents, weight gain and risk for heart disease or diabetes (糖尿病) 这些人更可能有交通事故,增加体重和得心脏病或糖尿病的风险。故选D。 考点:考查健康类阅读

As a middle school student, you are in an age group that is both fascinating and complex. You are no longer a “baby”, but you are not yet an adult. You are experiencing biological, physical, and behavioral and social changes. Relationships with your friends and family take on new meanings. This time period, called adolescence, can be joyful and painful at the same time. However, it is always a time of growth. You will be dealing with more complex intellectual tasks. You will be expected to behave in a more mature manner and you will be held more responsible for your actions. In other words, you are growing up. Use your curiosity, imagination, energy, and idealism to make your school an exciting place to learn and play.

As an adolescent, you now have more control over how you apply yourself to your school work and on the kinds of friends you make. As an intelligent and thinking adolescent, be aware of health risks to avoid such as involvement with drugs, alcohol, tobacco, and sexual activity. This involvement reduces your quality of life. Be kind and gentle to yourself, seek the advice and wisdom of your parents/guardians regularly, and talk with your teachers and school counselor.

Middle school students are expected to be respectful and considerate of others. You are responsible for your behavior. Think of ways to improve your behavior

△in your classroom

△in the lunchroom

△on school grounds

△during school activities

△on the school bus

△in your community

If you need assistance in working on ways to improve yourself as a person, contact your counselor. The counselor is trained to help students solve personal problems.

1.A middle school student is considered to be a(n) ______.

A. baby    B. adolescent    C. adult    D. wiser

2.Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage?

A. Being a middle school student can be painful and joyful at the same time.

B. Middle school students are expected to behave in a more mature manner.

C. Curiosity and imagination are to be considered part of middle school life.

D. It’s hoped that middle school students will improve their behavior after school.

3.What are middle school students warned of in the passage?

A. Dealing with more complex tasks.

B. Applying themselves to their school work.

C. Involvement with drugs or alcohol.

D. Association with their parents or teachers.

4.What is a school counselor responsible for according to the passage?

A. Management of everything at work.

B. Assisting students with their problems.

C. Control of students’ issues in study.

D. Contact between students and parents.



For over 40 years, Gallup &Stribling has been breeding and growing excellent quality orchids (兰花) at a 48-acre farm on the central California Coast.

Now, through our Visitor Center, we’re making our award winning orchids available to the public at incredibly low, farm-direct prices. When you come to our Visitor Center you’ll see hundreds of beautiful flowering orchids that you can purchase and take home. An expert nurseryman is always on hand to answer questions, help with cultures, and offer growing advice.

At our Visitor Center you’ll find

△Hundreds of varieties of designer quality, flowering or hybrid orchids at low farm-direct prices.

△Beautiful orchids grown at our farm, along with those from top planters around the world.

△A variety of orchid cultures, pots fertilizers, and growing aids.

△Expert advice and detailed growing information to help you grow beautiful orchids.

Gallup and Stribling’s Visitor Center is open daily throughout the year.

Phone 805-684-9842 for more information.

From Santa Barbara: Take Highway 101 South to the Padaro Lane exit in Carpinteria. Turn left, then make a right on Via Real, and go approximately one-half mile to the Visitor Center entrance.

From Los Angeles: Take Highway 101 North to the Padaro Lane exit in Carpinteria. Turn right, then make a right on Via Real, and go approximately one-half mile to the Visitor Center entrance.

1.Which might be close to the real meaning of the underlined word “breeding” in the first paragraph?

A. Raise orchids to get more.

B. Milkorchids to grow up.

C. Plantorchids to refresh room.

D. Adopt orchids to sell for money.

2.Most people come to Gallup &Stribling mainly to ______.

A. learn skills of growing flowers

B. buy high quality flowers

C. make a tour of enjoying flowers

D. visit experts on gardening

3.You can’t find ______ at the Visitor Center of Gallup &Stribling.

A. detailed growing information

B. various orchids at very low prices

C. things to help growing orchids

D. maps to get to Gallup &Stribling

4.People can come to Gallup &Stribling and enjoy orchids ______.

A. only in summer or fall

B. by visiting the Visitor Center

C. taking Highway 110

D. to buy any kind of flowers



On a hot summer’s day Jonathan and his classmates were anxiously sitting in their classroom, waiting for the final bell of the day to sound. Jonathan prayed that the bell would ring soon, because he wanted to quickly run home before the three huge, fat, smelly bullies (地痞) could see him. Every day the three bullies would wait there for an innocent school kid to tease and bully.

The moment the bell sounded, Jonathan rushed out with his bag. He sped off across the school field and out onto the walkway. However, all of his effort was useless because leaning on a fence were the three bullies.

Jonathan thought about crossing the street next to him, but it would be too risky. So he hid behind a small bush in hope that the three would leave. But he moved too quickly and was seen by one of the bullies. They approached him then.

One bully grabbed Jonathan by the collar of his shirt and grabbed the money out of Jonathan’s pocket and put it into his own.

“G-Give it back”, Jonathan weakly said.

“G-G-Give it b-back”, mocked (为了取笑而模仿) the bully. The other two bullies laughed.

Beside them was a small dirty stream.

“Let’s throw him in there”, said one of the bullies.

Then they threw Jonathan into the stream and walked off down the walkway. Jonathan shakily picked himself up out of the creek and continued his walk home with his head down and tears in his eyes. He dared not cry because he knew boys didn’t cry.

Jonathan arrived at his house where his mother was waiting outside the front door with an angry look on her face.

“Why are you so late and dirty?” she asked curiously.

“I slipped”, he quietly replied.

1.Why did Jonathan run home immediately after school?

A. Because his mother was strict with him.

B. Because he was afraid of his mother.

C. Because he had to escape being bullied

D. Because he didn’t like to go to school.

2.How did the bullies find Jonathan?

A. They ran after him till they caught up with him.

B. They waited on Jonathan’s way home by chance.

C. One of the bullies noticed Jonathan hiding himself.

D. Jonathan was given away by one of his classmates.

3.Jonathan didn’t tell the truth to his mother because ______.

A. he felt ashamed after being bullied

B. he wanted to be considered a boy

C. he didn’t dare to tell it to his mother

D. he was not allowed to play in the creek

4.The story is about ______.

A. trouble during a boy’s growing up

B. development of a boy’s heart

C. the way of a boy’s going home

D. a boy’s learning from life




假设你的英文名为Jack,是英国诺丁汉大学的中国留学生。你负责为在该校就读的32名中国学生筹划圣诞节期间的苏格兰之行,为期7天,请你给诺丁汉的STA(Students’ Travel Agency)经理Phil发一封电子邮件,联系有关事宜。要点如下:




(4)你的联系方式:电子邮箱地址:Jackwang@yahoo.com.cn 或电话号码07747745007



(3)参考词汇:诺丁汉大学 Nottingham University 旅馆住accommodation;

旅行日程安排itinerary ( n.);      长途客车coach

Hi, Phil,

I’d like you to organize a trip to Scotland for us.







Yours Truly,









注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词:


My cousin Cherry is a typist which has always wanted to go on a time travel holiday. In order to have a look at the life in one thousand years, she decide to design her own time tour last year. She wanted to take a space capsule to AD 3050. The representative from the time travel company gave her a impression that the space capsule was easy to handle. He told her about its efficient and safety. This increased her motivation to take the DIY (Do It Yourself) time tour. However, his trip was not as successful she had expected. It took her quite a long time to adjust to press down the handle to move forward. Fortunately, with the help of the steward, she was back on her foot quickly. In no time she began to enjoy the exciting life there. Though exhausting, she couldn’t fall sleepy in bed.



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