满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

单句翻译 1.建筑师应该保证有轮椅的足够通道。 (access) _______...


1.建筑师应该保证有轮椅的足够通道。 (access)


2.他的雄心壮志是成为第一个登上火星的中国宇航员。(to do 作表语和定语; 火星:Mars)




4.他到达电影院,却被告知票已经卖完了。(to do 做状语)




6. 我被吓得要死,这令他很开心。(定语从句)











1.Architects should guarantee adequate/enough access for wheelchairs. 2.His ambition is to become the first Chinese astronaut to land on (the) Mars. 3.To his mother’s satisfaction, he soon adapted (himself) to the new school. It made his mother satisfied that he soon adapted (himself) to the new school. 4.He arrived at the cinema, only to be told that the tickets (were) sold out. 5.It was not until/when he rang me up that I realized that I had left my graduation certificate at his office. 6.I envy his house, whose construction costs a million dollars. 7.I envy his house, whose construction costs a million dollars. I envy his house, the construction of which costs a million dollars. 8.Having been bitten several times by the dog, the postman never delivered a letter to us/our door (house). 9.He is/was afraid of being criticized by his teacher. 10.Being blamed by his mother makes/made him upset/frustrated/sad. 【解析】 试题分析:根据所给汉语和要求完成句子。 1.Architects should guarantee adequate/enough access for wheelchairs. 根据所给汉语和access,可知英文是:Architects should guarantee adequate/enough access for wheelchairs. 2.His ambition is to become the first Chinese astronaut to land on (the) Mars. 此句用动词不定式做表语和定语,可知英文是:His ambition is to become the first Chinese astronaut to land on (the) Mars. 3.To his mother’s satisfaction, he soon adapted (himself) to the new school./It made his mother satisfied that he soon adapted (himself) to the new school. to one’s satisfaction使某人满意的是;也可用it做形式主语,主语从句做真正的主语。可知英文是:To his mother’s satisfaction, he soon adapted (himself) to the new school./It made his mother satisfied that he soon adapted (himself) to the new school. 4.He arrived at the cinema, only to be told that the tickets (were) sold out. 动词不定式做结果状语,可知英文是:He arrived at the cinema, only to be told that the tickets (were) sold out. 5.It was not until/when he rang me up that I reali zed that I had left my graduation certificate at his office. 此句考查的是not---until---的强调句式,可知答案是:It was not until/when he rang me up that I realized that I had left my graduation certificate at his office. 6.I was scared to death, which made him happy/amused.此句考查非限制性定语从句,可知答案是:I was scared to death, which made him happy/amused. 7.I envy his house, whose construction costs a million dollars./ I envy his house, the construction of which costs a million dollars. 此句考查的是whose引导的定语从句,可知答案是:I envy his house, whose construction costs a million dollars. 8.Having been bitten several times by the dog, the postman never delivered a letter to us/our door (house). 此句考查现在分词完成式的被动式做原因状语,可知答案是:Having been bitten several times by the dog, the postman never delivered a letter to us/our door (house). 9.He is/was afraid of being criticized by his teacher. 此句考查动名词一般式的被动式作宾语,He is/was afraid of being criticized by his teacher. 10.此句考查动名词一般式的被动式做主语,可知答案是:Being blamed by his mother makes/made him upset/frustrated/sad. 【学法指导】 强调句型的用法 在英语中,我们常用It is/was… who/that结构来突出强调句子的某一成分(一般是句子中主语,宾语或状语)。在这个句型中,it没有词汇意义,只是引出被强调的成分。如果被强调的成分是表示人的词,用who或that来连接都可以。如果是其它成分,则一律用that来连接。It is my mother who/that cooks every day.是我的妈妈每天做饭;It was yesterday that Tom passed in the maths exam.是昨天汤姆通过了数学考试。 1.即使被强调成分是句子中的时间状语,地点状语,原因状语等,也不能用when,where, because,要用 that. It was because of the heavy rain that he came late.是因为大雨他迟到了。 2.被强调部分既包括人又包括物,用that不用who。lt was the things and people that they remembered that they were talking about. 3.区分时间状语从句和强调句型。如果去掉it is/was ...that句子仍然通顺成立,则为强调句型,不成立不通顺,则为时间状语从句。 It was at six that I reached there.我是六点钟到达那儿的。(强调句型) It was six when I reached there.当我到达那儿的时候,是六点钟。(时间状语从句) 考点:考查单句翻译



“You can always see a beautiful sky at the top of the mountain, but you can’t see it before you reach the top.”

Whenever the sun 1.  (drop) and the blue sky came up, my father and I used to climb the mountain near my house. 2. (walk) together, my father and I used to have a lot of conversations through 3.  I learned lessons from his experiences. He always stressed to me, “You should have objectives and capacity (容量) like4.  mountain.”

This5.  (have) largely influenced my life. Without the mountain-climbing that we both enjoyed, we couldn’t have had enough time6.  (spend) together because my father was very busy. I believe mountaineering is really7.  (benefit). It gave me time to talk with my father and to be in deep thought as well as develop my 8. (patient). I loved climbing9. (mountain), to get away10. the noise and pollution of the city, and breathe the fresh air.




1.He r____________ from the government and became a businessman.

2.He a____________ his car on the roadside when it broke down and called a taxi.

3.My little sister is 4 years my j____________.

4.He raised the fire a____________ when he saw the building across the street was on fire.

5.You should be fully a____________ of the risks involved.

6.I feel no ____________ (同情心) for him, for it is all his fault.

7.He is the only ____________ (目击者) to this accident.

8.John was planning on how to spend their wedding ____________ (周年纪念日).

9.Making ____________ (利润) is not the only aim of running a business.

10.He was given two days to r____________(反思) on what the boss had said.




hear from;  cut out;  as well as;  be dying to;  be bound to;  in other words; set aside;   make fun of;  distribute;  approval;  bonus;  purchase

1.He didn’t meet with any trouble on the journey. ____________, he finished his trip smoothly.

2.You need to ____________ smoking. It is harmful to you and people around you.

3.____________ eating a seven-course meal, they drank three bottles of wine.

4.He ____________by his classmates once, which is why he never speaks in public now.

5.You need to ____________ some money for the birthday gift you have to buy for her.

6.His proposal ____________ be rejected, for it is not practical at all.

7.He is looking forward to ____________ you, but no letter has arrived.

8.She has heard so much about you, and she ____________ meet you now.

9.I can’t agree to marry you without my father’s ____________.

10.My husband promises to buy me a digital camera when he gets his annual ____________.





What are you most afraid of? A few years ago, I thought of the scariest thing I could do, and then I made myself do it! I did a ______ jump. I was scared of ______ and couldn’t even climb a tall ladder (梯子). How would jump out of an aeroplane from a thousand meters ______  ?

Before I ______ my first jump, I did a few hours of training,   ______ how to leave the aeroplane, how to ______ the parachute, and how to land safely. Then it was time to put the parachute on and ______ the plane. I was terrified! But I wanted to see ______ I could do it.

The plane went up and up. I ______ sicker and sicker. When it was my turn, I was numb with fear, but I did ______ I had to. I put my leg out of the aeroplane______ . I looked back at my ______  and when he said “go”, I ______ . I should have ______ the seconds, but I forgot to. I held my hands and legs out wide, just as I had been taught to do. I was falling and falling and falling. It was______ . My eyes were open but I couldn’t ______ . My ears were ______ but I couldn’t hear. All I could feel was that I was falling and falling.

My parachute had opened. It had only   ______ four seconds of falling, but it had seemed like minutes. It was all so strange, but I was______ ! Life felt so good.

I landed safely and guess what? Over the next few months, I did thirty-two ______ jumps. I was always scared every time, but the important thing was that I did it!

1.A. pedestrian      B. parachute   C. presentation  D. platform

2.A. depths          B. lengths     C. weights      D. heights

3.A. up           B. down        C. away         D. out

4.A. went           B. fell        C. did           D. put

5.A. learning       B. working    C. preparing    D. recreating

6.A. settle         B. relax      C. organize      D. control

7.A. fall into      B. turn into   C. get into      D. run into

8.A. as             B. if          C. when          D. though

9.A. managed       B. left       C. felt          D. came

10.A. which         B. that        C. who           D. what

11.A. wing           B. door        C. window       D. floor

12.A. instructor     B. leader      C. monitor       D. participant

13.A. flew           B. went       C. ran          D. quit

14.A. counted        B. waited      C. forgot       D. promoted

15.A. exciting       B. exhausting C. terrifying   D. satisfying

16.A. cry          B. see        C. observe       D. notice

17.A. sounding      B. shutting  C. working       D. whispering

18.A. spent         B. paid        C. taken        D. passed

19.A. vital         B. unconscious C. scared       D. alive

20.A. better        B. another    C. more         D. much



Orcas, or killer whales, are the largest of the dolphins and one of the world’s most powerful animals feeding on meat. They feast on marine mammals such as seals, sea lions, and even whales, employing teeth that can be four inches (ten centimeters) long. They are known to grab seals right off the ice. They also eat fish, squid (鱿鱼), and seabirds.

Though they often frequent cold, coastal waters, orcas can be found from the polar regions to the Equator (赤道).

Killer whales hunt in deadly groups, family groups of up to 40 individuals. There appear to be both permanent and temporary group populations of killer whales. These different groups may hunt different animals and use different techniques to catch them. Permanent groups tend to prefer fish, while temporary groups target marine mammals. All groups use effective, cooperative hunting techniques that some are similar to the behavior of wolf packs.

Whales make a wide variety of communicative sounds, and each group has various noises that its members will recognize even at a distance. They use echolocation (回波定位) to communicate and hunt, making sounds that travel underwater until they meet objects, then reflect back, showing their location, size, and shape.

Killer whales are protective of their young, and other adolescent females often assist the mother in caring for them. Mothers give birth every three to ten years, after a 17-month pregnancy.

Killer whales are immediately recognizable by their special black-and-white coloring and are the intelligent, trainable stars of many aquarium shows. Killer whales have never been widely hunted by humans.

1. Killer Whales do not feed on ______.

A. seabirds    B. seals     C. fishes    D. seaweeds

2.The following aspects about killers whales are mentioned except ______.

A. hunting    B. communication   C. weight    D. habitats

3.We can conclude that ______.

A. people can find killer whales everywhere around the world

B. killer whales live in different groups and never live alone

C. by making sounds killer whales hunt and communicate

D. humans’ hunt has made killer whales being endangered

4.Killer Whale are often seen in some aquarium shows because ______.

A. they are able to be trained

B. they have special body colors

C. they must be protected

D. they have never been hunted



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