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书面表达 假设你是李华,你所在的学校英文报刊向全体高二学生征稿,主题是“环境保护...









略 【解析】 试题分析:考查开放性作文。本文属于开放性作文,文字提示中指给出一个主题:环境保护。考生从两方面写作:1、 低碳(low-carbon)生活对我们的好处。2、 日常生活,我们可以做些什么(如居家,出行,在校或购物等时候)。在第一部分中可以叙述低碳生活对环境的好处,对人类健康的好处等。第二部分中考生可以从节能节电、多步行、外出乘坐公交车等方面着手。建议文章分成两段,再使用恰当的连词把要点连接成文。 【名师点睛】 开放性作文对考生的要求较高,尤其是谋篇布局的能力。以本文为例,作者把文章分为两段,第一段叙述低碳生活对我们的好处以及日常生活中我们如何做来保护环境,实现低碳环保。第二段总结归纳提出希望。另外作者运用的句式多样化,既有人充当主语的句子,如To help the environment, I always walk or ride a bike to school instead of taking a car.也有形式主语I think it’s my duty to live a low-carbon life.。 考点:考查开放性作文  




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Baymax(大白) is a health care robot in film Big Hero 6. He becomes popular with people around the world when the film was first shown. He is high intelligent, but he never harms human beings. He is devoted, sweet but extremely considerate towards all patient.

Baymax is created by Hiro. Baymax is an inflatable white robot, that can detect vital statistics about a person’s health. He is such fat that he looks very cute. His structure is like the appearance of a big marshmallow(棉花糖). Baymax is famous for its warm hug. Equipping with a heating system, his body warms anyone lying on him. When his battery is dying, he is like a drunken man, which makes the audience to laugh.




We all look up __1.___ heroes: men or women of outstanding courage or talent. They have performed  __2.___(hero)acts such as rescuing a person from a burning building or landing on the moon. Instead of talking about “human heroes”, the examples _3.__ (share) here are other types of heroes.

A dog saved ___4.__ owner’s life when she was choking on an apple. The dog suddenly jumped on her back, __5.___(force) the apple out of her windpipe.

Some dolphins and whales saved a fisherman __6.__boat was overturned by awful winds. __7.___ (save) the fisherman, thirty dolphins and a pair of whales appeared and started to push both sides of his lifeboat to the land. He later woke up on the beach and got __8.___(assist)of the local residents.

___9.__ 8-year-old gorilla rescued a boy who fell into the gorilla habitat at a zoo. The boy fell 18 feet onto the cement floor but the gorilla, carrying her own baby on her back, ___10.__ (hold) the boy in her arms, managing to take him to the zoo keepers.

So, let’s open our minds to our animals and mammal fellows. They are heroes, too!




At the airport, I looked closely at the face of my son, Daniel, his backpack by his side. We were saying good-bye. In a few hours he would be flying to France to ________ a different life . It was a transitional(过渡期的)time in Daniel’s life. I wanted to leave him some words of ________. But nothing came from my ________ and this was not the first time I had let such a moment ________.

When Daniel was five, I took him to the school-bus stop on his first day of kindergarten. He looked at me -- as he did now. “What is it going to be like, Dad? Will I be okay? And then he walked up the ________ of the bus and disappeared inside. And the bus ________. And I had said nothing.

A decade or so later, a similar   ________ appeared. I drove him to college. I tried to think of something to say to give him________ and confidence as he started this new life. Again, words ________ me.

Now, as I stood before him, I thought of those________ opportunities. How many times have we all let such moments pass?

My father and I loved each other. Yet, I always ________ never hearing him put his________ into words and never having the memory of that moment. Now, I could feel my hands sweat and my throat ________. Why is it so ________to tell a son something from the heart?

My mouth turned dry, and I knew I would be able to speak out only a few words ________ . “Daniel," I said, "if I could have picked, I would have picked you." That’s all I could say. I wasn’t sure he understood what I ________ . Then he came toward me and threw his arms around me. For a moment, the world and all its people faded away, and there was just Daniel and me. He was saying something, ________ my tears rolled down, and I couldn’t understand what he was saying. All I was ________ of was the stubble(胡茬)on his chin as his face pressed ________ mine. And then, the moment ended. What I had said to Daniel was clumsy. It was nothing. And yet, it was ________ .

1.A. spendB. startC. enjoyD. shape

2.A. sorrowB. stressC. significanceD. resolve

3.A. headB. lipsC. thoughtsD. mind

4.A. flyB. remainC. passD. refresh

5.A. stepsB. chairsC. handlesD. windows

6.A. pulled upB. pulled downC. drove awayD. drove up

7.A. signB. sceneC. sceneryD. sight

8.A. interestB. opinionC. courageD. influence

9.A. failedB. discouragedC. struckD. troubled

10.A. valuableB. embarrassingC. obviousD. lost

11.A. wonderedB. regrettedC. triedD. minded

12.A. judgementsB. feelingsC. actionsD. effects

13.A. tightenB. hurtC. freezeD. enlarge

14.A. specificB. casualC. ridiculousD. hard

15.A. evidentlyB. obviouslyC. clearlyD. carefully

16.A. countedB. meantC. valuedD. care

17.A. butB. andC. insteadD. so

18.A. sensitiveB. convincedC. awareD. tired

19.A. byB. againstC. onD. with

20.A. noneB. allC. everythingD. anything




Every day, in hundreds of ordinary situations, actions speak far louder than words. We talk with our mouth, but we communicate with our facial expressions, our tone of voice and our whole body.

1.6 When we can read what others are saying unconsciously, we can deal with things---at work and at home before they become problems.

By understanding how to use body language, you can communicate more effectively. Here is how:

2. Throughout the day, notice details about the way you speak, gesture and move. When standing, keep your shoulders straight, your body open and your weight balanced on both feet.

Work on your handshake.  3. The handshake most likely to show confidence is firm and dry, with strong but not too much pressure.

Use eye contact. Eye contact is very important in forming an impression of someone. You should have the ability to keep direct eye contact if you want to be taken seriously,  But some people feel uncomfortable when it is too strong.   4.

Be yourself. Nonverbal(非言语的)messages come from deep inside you, from your own sense of self-respect. If you are comfortable with yourself, it shows.  5. They always give others a deep impression.

A. Use hand gestures carefully.

B. Pay attention to your body-talk.

C.A mirror can be useful to examine facial expressions.

D. People who know who they are have a relaxed way of talking and moving.

E. In the Business world, the handshake shows important messages about power.

F. Understanding body language is one of the most useful skills you can develop.

G. To avoid this problem, change your focus so that you look at somewhere between the eyes and the chin.



He may not have an "S" across his chest but this dog is most certainly a hero.

Harley, who was rescued from a puppy mill four years ago, was named the American Humane Association's 2015 American Hero Dog. Harley, who is missing an eye and has other medical issues from his time at the mill, is now a "spokes-dog" against puppy mills. He serves as the adorable furry face of the “Harley to the Rescue "campaign, which raises funds for the National Dog Mill Rescue, according to a press release.

The pup was rescued back in 2011 and adopted by Rudi and her husband, Dan. "It was just four years ago that he was pulled from the cage in the puppy mill and left to die," Har-ley's owner, Rudi, said during the awards show at the Beverly Hilton Hotel in Los Angeles this past weekend, according to Today. com. "We never would have ever thought he would live thus long and make such a difference for so many puppies. "

The dog was one of eight finalists up for the American Hero Dog and was chosen as the winner through public votes. The finalists all won $ 1,500 to be donated to one of American Humane Association' s charity partners, with Harley receiving another  $ 5 ,000 to go toward his charity partner, New Leash On Life.

According to the release, Harley spent 10 years at the puppy mill, and endured rough treatment there,  which led to his many medical issues.  He lost his eye as a result of his cage being power-washed with him inside.

The dog isn't just the face of his campaign, he also goes on rescue missions and makes public appearances at events and schools to raise awareness for puppy mills.

This incredible work is all due to the dog' s fighting spirit.  That spirit is allowing him now to be the voice for dogs who cannot speak for themselves and give everybody hope that tomorrow's going to be a better day.

1.How did the "Harley to the Rescue" campaign function?

A. By saving dogs from a puppy mill.

B. By operating the American Humane Association.

C. By collecting money for the National Dog Mill Rescue.

D. By giving endangered dogs-enough medical treatment.

2.What was the author' s attitude to the puppy mill according to the text?

A. Unsatisfied.     B. Sympathetic.

C. Doubtful.       D. Tolerant.

3.Why was Harley blind in one eye

A. She was bom with it.

B.  Her owner treated her roughly .

C. It was caused by a medical issue.

D. She was washed heavily in a cage.

4.What can we infer albout the dog from the text?

A. It would be given to New Leash On Life.

B. It was kept by Rudi's family.

C. It would be taken away by its puppy mill.

D. It retumed to the National Dog Mill Rescue.



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