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完形填空 完形填空,阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中...



When I was growing up my dad would often give me small tasks to finish to help out around the house. Some were easy but the three I remember the most were the three        of all. The first was helping to weed the four        we had. It was       work. I would rather ride my bike than crawl(爬行)in the dirt on my hands and knees       the thousands of weeds in our gardens. The second was piling firewood for        . It was tough work and I got more than my       ____of pieces. I would rather walk in the woods than piling it in rows. The third was       water from a mountain spring to our house.        our well water had too much iron in it to        .

Over the years, though, I learned to see the        in all the things my dad had made me do. Having fresh vegetables for dinner was a delight.       a cold glass of iced tea made from the mountain spring water was a pure      . Standing by the wood stove on a snowy December day was a wonderful way to      . I saw as well that all this work my dad had given me had      made me a better, stronger and more caring man. Most of all, I       that when I did my work with a(n)        heart, it didn’t feel like work at all .

Over the years I have learned something else too. When we do the work for our Heavenly Father with a        spirit, it doesn’t feel like work, either. Every act of kindness, word of encouragement, and gift of love we share will only make our lives better, make our hearts happier, and bring out souls       to Heaven.

I am so         to both my dad and my Father in Heaven. They showed me the     __of work and more importantly they showed me the pricelessness of love.

1.A. simplest     B. toughest    C. strangest     D. wildest

2.A. schools     B. companies    C. gardens      D. streets

3.A. boring        B. exciting    C. interesting  D. relaxing

4.A. controlling  B. keeping      C. pushing       D. pulling

5.A. festival     B.winter        C. holiday       D. marriage

6.A. share        B.charge        C.point         D.dream

7.A.protecting   B.borrowing     C.carrying      D.conducing

8.A.because       B.unless        C.although       D.but

9.A.boil          B.match         C.get           D.drink

10.A.requirements  B.attention     C.rewards       D.experience

11.A.Designing   B.Enjoying      C.Performing    D.Developing

12.A.desire       B.challenge     C.surprise       D.pleasure

13.A.turnup       B.warmup         C.stayup        D.setup

14.A.unluckily   B.immediately   C.gradually      D.temporarily

15.A.remembered   B.ignored        C.regretted      D.realized

16.A.honest        B.happy         C.brave          D.modest

17.A.loving        B.complaining   C.hating         D.punishing

18.A.closer        B.farther        C.politer      D.warmer

19.A.kind         B.lucky         C.grateful       D.vital

20.A.key          B.way           C.goal           D. value


1.B 2.C 3.A 4.D 5.B 6.A 7.C 8.A 9.D 10.C 11.B 12.D 13.B 14.C 15.D 16.B 17.A 18.A 19.C 20.D 【解析】 试题分析:本文是一篇人生感悟类的文章,文章讲述了作者小时候爸爸让他做的一些事情让他感受到了做这些事情带来的美好的价值,以及后面做的一些善举给他带来的美好的幸福感,让他明白了工作的价值和人生中那份无价的爱。 1.B考查形容词辨析。A. simplest 最简单的;B. toughest最困难的;C. strangest最陌生的;D. wildest最宽广的。根据前面,but可知,前后表达相反的意思,but前面表示简单,可知后面就是表达难,故选B。 2.C考查名词。A. schools学校;B. companies公司;C. gardens花园;D. streets街道。空格前面,weed意为“除草”,并且根据后面,weeds in our gardens,可知是给我们家的花园除草,故选C。 3.A考查形容词。A. boring无聊的;B. exciting兴奋的;C. interesting有趣的;D. relaxing放松的。根据后面,I would rather ride my bike than crawl(爬行)in the dirt on my hands,可知他宁愿骑车也不想除草,所以看出这件事情是无聊的,故选A。 4.D考查动词。A. controlling控制;B. keeping保存;C. pushing推;D. pulling拔。根据前文可知,讲到除草是一件无聊的事情,所以这里是拔草,故选D。 5.B考查名词辨析。A. festival节日;B.winter冬天;C. holiday假日;D. marriage结婚。piling firewood以为“堆柴火”,可知他们实在堆积柴火为过冬做准备,故选B。 6.A考查动词。A. share分享;B.charge管理;C.point区别,点;D.dream梦想。根据后文可知,在他看来做这些事情可以分享到的东西更多,故选A。 7.C考查动词。A.protecting保护;B.borrowing借;C.carrying搬;D.conducing有益,导致。carrysth. to sp.意为“把……搬到哪里”,根据语境可知,是把山上泉水搬到家里,故选C。 8.A考查介词。A.because因为;B.unless除非;C.although尽管;D.but但是。根据后文,our well water had too much iron,可知我们的井水里有很多铁,所以是用来解释我们去山上搬水的原因,故选A。 9.D考查动词。A.boil煮;B.match连接;C.get得到;D.drink喝水。根据前面,well water,这里是指井水被我们喝,故选D。 10.C考查名词。A.requirements要求;B.attention注意;C.rewards 奖励;D.experience经历。根据后文,Having fresh vegetables for dinner was a delight,可知做了这些事情后我可以吃到新鲜的蔬菜是一件幸福的事情,可知从爸爸让我做的事情里面我得到了很多,故选C。 11.B考查动词。A.Designing设计;B.Enjoying享受;C.Performing表现;D.Developing发展。根据后文,a cold glass of iced tea,可知这里是喝茶,也就是享受茶,故选B。 12.D考查名词。A.desire渴望;B.challenge挑战;C.surprise惊喜;D.pleasure乐趣。根据前文可知,我从爸爸吩咐的事情里面得到了很多美好的感受,喝茶这件事情是一件让人愉快的事情,故选D。 13.B考查短语辨析。A.turnup出现,发生;B.warmup热身,变暖;C.stayup熬夜;D.setup建立。根据前文,Standing by the wood stove on a snowy December day,可知他们在12月份的时候站在烧着的柴火旁边,会带来暖意,使全身变暖,故选B。 14.C考查副词。A.unluckily不幸地;B.immediately立刻,马上;C.gradually逐渐的;D.temporarily临时的。根据前文,Over the years意为“多年以来”,说明爸爸让我做的这些事这么多年来慢慢的改变着我,故选C。 15.D考查动词。A.remembered记住;B.ignored 忽视;C.regretted后悔;D.realized认识到。根据前面,Most of all,意为“最重要的是”,结合前面的内容可知,我认识到了最重要的一点故选D。 16.B考查形容词。A.honest诚实的;B.happy快乐的;C.brave 勇敢的;D.modest谦虚的。根据上文爸爸让我做的那些让我不感兴趣的事情所带给我的幸福感后,影响到我的工作,虽然枯燥但是我又一颗乐观的心,能够快乐的工作,故选B。 17.A考查形容词。A.loving充满爱的;B.complaining抱怨的;C.hating讨厌封;D.punishing被惩罚的。根据后文,Every act of kindness, word of encouragement, and gift of love we share will only make our lives better, make our hearts happier,可知这些善举让人有幸福感,说明是一种充满爱意的精神,故选A。 18.A考查形容词。A.closer更近的;B.farther更远的;C.politer更有礼貌的;D.warmer更温暖的。根据前文,Every act of kindness, word of encouragement, and gift of love we share will only make our lives better, make our hearts happier,可知这些善举让人有幸福感,所以这些事情会让灵魂更接近天堂,故选A。 19.C考查形容词。A.kind友好的;B.lucky幸运的;C.grateful感激地;D.vital重要的。根据上文可知,爸让我做的那些事情领悟到了,感受到了很多,所以我抱着感激地心态,故选C。 20.D考查名词。A.key钥匙;B.way路,方法;C.goal目标;D. value价值。根据,and可知前后表达的意思相近,后面将无价的爱,说明前面也需要将关于价值的东西,故选D。 考点:考查人生感悟类短文阅读。


Many students have to live with roommates while going to school or university.Having a roommate can be one of the best experiences,or easily one of the worst1.

Follow these five tips to avoid the common mistakes that make good roommate relationships worse.

Talk things out.2.  If something happens,sit down with your roommates and have a face-to-face conversation.Complaining about your roommates behind their backs creates nothing but awkward situations and general unhappiness.

3.  Some roommates become the best of friends,and some don’t.Don’t put pressure on yourself or your roommate to r满分5 manfen5.comeach this level,especially when you first meet.Remember, you are trying to make a new friend,not scare your roommate away.And if your roommate doesn’t end up being your best friend,there is no need to worry about it.

Clean up after yourself.Or at least,keep your mess on your side.4.  But being considerate with where you put your own stuff will help you avoid the arguments.

Ask before you take.This applies to food,clothes,supplies and anything else that you don’t own.5. Even if you both agree to share everything you should still ask.

A. Don’t expect to be best friends.

B. Communication is of vital importance.

C. You don’t need to keep the room clean and organized all the time.

D. Rooms can be really easy for a mess to pile up.

E. If you want to have a good relationship with your roommate,it all starts with you.

F. Not all roommates can become your best friends.

G. Show your roommate that you have respect for his or her belongings.



Your car is a necessary part of your life. You use it every day. Of course, you want to hold on to it so you make sure it has the latest alarm and immobilizer(防雷控制系统). But despite all these, cars like yours are still stolen every day. In fact, in this country, one car is stolen almost every minute! And if your car is stolen, you only have a 50:50 chance of seeing it again.

Each year, car crime costs nearly £3 billion. Of course, if you’re insured, you won’t lose out, or will you? Firstly, you will have to pay extra insurance later on, and then you may not be offered the full amount by the agent. You will probably have to hire a car and you will also lose the value of the contents and accessories (配件) in the car.

Now comes the s满分5 manfen5.comolution. An RAC Trackstar system, hidden in one of 47 possible secret locations in your car, is the key of our system. If your car is stolen, radio signals are sent at twenty-second intervals from the car to the RAC Trackstar National Control Center via a satellite network. Then a computer gives the vehicle’s exact location, speed and direction.

The RAC Trackstar National Control Center, which operates 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, will immediately inform the police in the area where the car is located. Because the police receive information every twenty seconds, they will always know the vehicle’s location. Once the thief has been arrested, your car will be returned to you.

RAC Trackstar is unique in being able to provide the National Control Center with details of the exac满分5 manfen5.comt location of your car, its speed and direction. And speed is the key to successful recovery of a stolen vehicle. RAC Trackstar Control will immediately tell the police if you report your car stolen and under the 24-hour Guardian Option. It will also tell you if your car has been stolen. RAC Trackstar’s constant updates mean the police are kept informed of the car’s location. All these greatly improve your chances of seeing your car again.

1. If your car is stolen, you will have to ______.

A. hire a new car

B. pay more insurance

C. buy a RAC Trackstar system

D. inform the National Control Center

2.The Trackstar system can tell the police ______.

A. how the car is stolen    B. who the thief is

C. what brand the car is    D. where the car is

3.The underlined word “It” in the last paragraph refers to ______.

A. the local police station

B. the Guardian Option

C. the insurance company

D. the RAC Trackstar Control

4.According to the passage, people with RAC Trackstar ______.

A. automatically find directions

B. seldom get their vehicles damaged

C. have less chance of being in an accident

D. are more likely to get the stolen cars back



The Enigma (谜)of Beauty

The search for beauty spans(跨度) centuries and continents.Paintings of Egyptians dating back over 4,000 years show both men and women painting their nails and wearing makeup.In 18th-century France,wealthy noblemen wore large wigs (假发)of long,white hair to make themselves attractive.Today,people continue to devote a lot of time and money to their appearance.

There is at least one good reason for the desire to be attractive:beauty is power.Studies suggest that good-looking people make more money,get called on more often in class,and are regarded as friendlier.

But what exactly is beauty? It's difficult to describe it clearly,and yet we know it when we see it.And our awareness of it may start at a very early age.In one set of studies,six-month-old babies were shown a series of photographs.The faces on the pictures had been rated for attractiveness by a group of college students.In the studies,the babies spent more time looking at the attractive faces than the unattractive ones.

The idea that even babies can judge appearance makes perfect sense to many researchers.In studies by psychologists,men consistently showed a preference for women with larger eyes,fuller lips,and a smaller nose and chin while women prefer men with large shoulders and a narrow waist.According to scientists,the mind unc满分5 manfen5.comonsciously tells men and women that these traits —the full lips,clear skin,strong shoulders —equal health and genetic well-being.

Not everyone thinks the same way,however." Our ideas can be changed by all sorts of expectations —mostly cultural," says C. Loring Brace,an anthropologist at the University of Michigan.What is considered attractive in one culture might not be in another.Look at most Western fashion magazines:the women on the pages are thin.But is this "perfect" body type for women worldwide? Scientists' answer is no; what is considered beautiful is subjective and varies around the world. They found native peoples in southeast Peru preferred shapes regarded overweight in Western cultures.

For better or worse,beauty plays a role in ou满分5 manfen5.comr lives.But it is extremely difficult to describe exactly what makes one person attractive to another.Although there do seem to be certain physical traits considered universally appealing,it is also true that beauty does not always keep to a single,uniform standard. Beauty really is,as the saying满分5 manfen5.com goes,in the eye of the beholder.

1.People's ideas about beauty ________.

A. have existed since ancient times

B. can be easily described

C. have little influence on a person's success

D. are based upon strict standard.

2.In Paragraph 3满分5 manfen5.com,the babies in the study ________.

A. were rated for their appearance

B. were entered in a beauty contest

C. were shown photos of a group of college students

D. were able to tell attractive faces from unattractive ones

3.The underlined word “traits” in Paragraph 4 probably means ________.

A. qualities   B. measurements

C .judgments   D. standards

4.We can learn from the passage that ________.

A. the ideas of b满分5 manfen5.comeauty vary as people grow up

B. the search for beauty is rooted in lack of confidence

C. the standards for beauty are based on scientific researches

D. the understanding of beauty depends on cultural backgrounds



Aava Whistler Hotel

Star Ratings:★★★                                Location: Whistler


Stay at the AavaWh满分5 manfen5.comistler Hotel (formerly Coast Whistler Hotel) and experience a great vacation. The Aava Whistler Hotel is within minutes from over a hundred shopping malls and restaurants. It also has a great number of recreational facilities, including swimming, diving and even skiing. Hotel services include 24-hour reception, laundry and room service. Guests can stay in cozy rooms equipped with air-conditioning, bathroom and television. From CN¥496 per night.

Best Western Cairn Croft Hotel

Star Ratings:★★★                                Location: East Lundy’s Lane


Relax and unwind at the Best Western Cairn Hotel. This resort-style hotel is located just minutes from the airport. At the Best Western Cairn Croft, guests can enjoy a large number of recreational facilities, including children’s activities, sightseeing and a swimming pool. Business travelers can also take advantage of spacious meeting and banqueting facilities for hosting corporate events. All rooms come with basic amenities(便利设施). From CN¥439 per night.

Clarion Hotel&Suites Downtown Montreal

Star Ratings:★★★                               Location:Montreal


Conveniently located just 20 minutes from the airport, the Clarion Hotel&Suite Downtown Montreal is a moderately-priced three-star hotel that provides services to both business and leisure travelers. The Clarion has spacious meeting facilities and modern business centers for business travelers. It also has a sauna and whirlpool where guest can relax. All rooms come with basic amenities, including cable TV and a kitchenette. From CN¥553 per night.

Delta Bow Valley Hotel

Star Ratings:★★★                              Location:Calgary


The Delta Bow Valley Hotel is located a couple of blocks north of Olympic Plaza, east of James Short Park, and north-east of the Petro-Canada Centre. Apart from business and recreational services such as a business centre, fitness centre and restaurant, all rooms in the Delta come with a mini-bar and in-house movies. From CN¥l, 227 per night.

1.What do all four of the hotels have in common?

A. They all provide a room with a mini bar.

B. They all have the same number of rooms

C. They are all close to the airport

D. They all have a three star ratings.

2.Which hotel offers facilities for children’s activities?

A. Clarion Hotel&Suites Downtown Montreal

B. Best Western Cairn Croft Hotel

C. Aava Whistler Hotel

D. Delta Bow Valley Hotel

3.If you want to check in to a hotel at three o’clock in the morning you can stay at ______.

A. Aava Whistler Hotel

B. Best Western Cairn Croft Hotel

C. Clarion Hotel&Suites Downtown Montreal

D. Delta Bow Valley Hotel



What is the hottest topic at your school recently? In Taiyuan No. 55 Middle School, it’s money.

The school held an activity called “making money” last weekend. About 200 Junior 1 and Junior 2 students were divided into 30 teams. They went out to make money by selling things.

What did they choose to sell? Some sold newspapers; some chose bottled water; some sold environmentally friendly shopping bags and bamboo baskets.

Hu Qi满分5 manfen5.comng’s team decided to sell some useful books in front of the Children Activity Center. They thought parents would like to buy the books for their children. But unfortunately, they met urban management officers (城管). The officers asked them to leave. “We played hide-and-seek (捉迷藏) with the officers for the whole morning” said Hu. “Finally we had to give up.”

Wang Bing and her team sold ice cream in a square. They didn’t meet any officers. But few people were interested in what they were selling. The team then put up a board saying “For Country Kids”. It worked. More people came to their stall (小摊). A foreigner even gave them 100 yuan. “He didn’t want any change. He said he wanted to help the children,” said Wang. “We were touched.” Later that day they gave the 100 yuan and more to the “Project Hope” office.

MengZhaoxiang and his team were luckier. They sold all their cakes in four hours, spending 39.5 yuan and getting back 80 yuan. They made 40.5 yuan. “It was not easy to make the money,” said Meng. “Some people just looked. Others just tasted but didn’t buy. Now I know how hard it is for our parents to make the money we need to lead happy lives.”

1.______ took part in the activity.

A. Some teachers

B. About 200 of Junior 1 and Junior 2 students

C. About 200 students of the three grades

D.About200 Junior 1 students

2.Hu Qing’s team finally gave up because ______.

A. the parents didn’t like to buy the books

B. the Children Activity Center was too crowded

C. the officers didn’t allow them to sell anything there

D. the team played the game of the hide-and-seek the whole morning

3.Why did more people come to Wang Bing’s stall at last?

A. The people were willing to help country kids.

B. A foreigner came up and helped them.

C. The team put up a magic board.

D. The people were interested in their ice cream.

4.According to the passage the students learn ______.

A. it’s impossible for them to make money

B. it’s very important for them to make a living

C. it’s not easy for their parents to make money

D. it’s difficult for them to make money.



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