满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

The world, in painter Chen Xiao’s eyes, ...

The world, in painter Chen Xiao’s eyes, is as colorful and sweet as ice cream.

At the opening of his latest exhibition, Colorful World in the Eyes of Sean Chen, at the National Museum of China recently, the artist told his story.

Chen left China for Australia in 1986 to seek artistic freedom, and like many new immigrants(移民)then, he had little money in his pocket. To make ends meet, he drew portraits of people in the street.

Every day, he saw people buy ice cream from a shop. Chen couldn’t help wondering: “It must taste great, that’s why so many people buy it.” But he didn’t buy one for himself because he had to save money to support his studies. After four months of painting there and watching people eat ice cream, Chen didn’t resist the temptation(诱惑)--- he bought an ice cream. “The first bite took me to heaven,” Chen recalls while laughing. “You know, as a poor young man in a new country, an ice cream was too expensive then.” Since then, he kept the taste of the ice cream in his heart and included the happy feelings in his paintings, which turn out to be colorful and sweet.

His current exhibition is part of his nationwide tour that began at the National Art Museum of China in Beijing in 2011. He plans to take his artworks to 24 cities around China by 2016. The exhibition at the National Art Museum of China will last until April 22. After the exhibition tour, he will sell his works through an auction(拍卖会), and all the money will be donated to protection of the environment in China. “The natural environment of New Zealand has inspired my artwork and brought me enjoyment. I hope people in my home country can enjoy the same beautiful environment as I do,” says Chen, who has made New Zealand his home for the last 26 years.

1.Why did Chen Xiao leave China for Australia in 1986?

A. To have an exhibition.

B. To seek artistic freedom.

C. To visit his friends.

D. To earn money.

2. What did Chen Xiao do to make ends meet?

A. He sold ice cream in a shop.

B. He drew portraits of people.

C. He worked with some new immigrants.

D. He sought help from people in the street.

3. How will Chen Xiao sell his works after the exhibition tour?

A. By advertising them.          B. On the Internet.

C. Through an auction.            D. Through shops.

4. What inspired Chen Xiao’s artwork?

A. The natural environment of New Zealand.

B. His experiences as an immigrant.

C. The exhibition tour.

D. His home country.

5.Which word can best describe Chen Xiao’s paintings?

A. Simple.     B. Interesting.

C. Lovely.      D. Colorful.


1.B 2.B 3.C 4.A 5.D 【解析】 试题分析:文中讲述了艺术家陈潇初次学艺时的经历,以及他举办的展览会。 1.B考察细节理解题。根据文意Chen left China for Australia in 1986 to seek artistic freedom,可知他离开中国区澳大利亚是为了追求艺术,所以答案是B。 2.B考察细节理解题。根据文意To make ends meet, he drew portraits of people in the street可知他在街上为人们画肖像为生,所以答案是B。 3.C 考察细节理解题。根据文意 he will sell his works through an auction可知他将通过拍卖会将自己的作品卖出去,所以答案是C。 4.A 考察细节理解题。根据文意The natural environment of New Zealand has inspired my artwork and brought me enjoyment可知是新西兰的环境鼓舞了他,所以答案是A。 5. 考点:故事类阅读。



My grandfather was probably the toughest man I’ve ever known. _____ , as a child I didn’t realize it. To me, he was just a(n)   _____ grandfather. But his _____ changed the way I thought about him and it is the event that has had the most _____ effect on me in my life.

He died on Thanksgiving Day. At his funeral, his brothers began to _____ stories about their lives. They recalled their childhood, when they were poor and   _____ in the countryside, their hunting adventures in the woods and their happy family get-togethers _____ festivals. In their eyes, my grandfather was understanding and kind-hearted. He was always there,   _____happiness to the family. They drank and continued telling stories, and then I noticed the _____ ; not polite smiles, but loud laughter.

_____ laughed. The louder their laughter was, the more _____ I felt. I pulled my mother aside.

Grandfather is dead. How can they laugh?” I said in _____ .

What is the most important thing you _____ about your grandfather?” my mother asked. He wouldn’t want us to be _____. That’s not how he would want to be remembered. He would have wanted _____ this kind of party.”

I _____  . Out of all the things I remember about him, the most _____  thing is his laughter. He _____ all the ups and downs in his life. No matter how hard something was in his life, he always _____ it with laughter.

I don’t know what   _____  looks like, but I believe it is filled with his laughter.

1.A. NeverthelessB. ThereforeC. HoweverD. Besides

2.A. optimisticB. ordinaryC. humorousD. young

3.A. lifeB. deathC. mindD. story

4.A. successfulB. meaningfulC. wonderfulD. respectful

5.A. gatherB. arrangeC. readD. tell

6.A. stayedB. livedC. traveledD. stood

7.A. duringB. betweenC. beyondD. through

8.A. carryingB. comparingC. referringD. bringing

9.A. moodB. sorrowC. laughterD. tears

10.A. EverybodyB. NobodyC. OneD. Both

11.A. interestedB. embarrassedC. uncomfortableD. discouraged

12.A. delightB. reliefC. regretD. anger

13.A. complainB. discussC. mentionD. remember

14.A. sadB. gladC. annoyedD. pleased

15.A. scarcelyB. hardlyC. exactlyD. slightly

16.A. explainedB. understoodC. answeredD. murmured

17.A. acceptableB. tolerableC. impressiveD. expensive

18.A. knocked offB. left offC. laughed offD. showed off

19.A. treatedB. forgotC. forgaveD. cherished

20.A. heavenB. prisonC. spaceD. universe



When the factory closes, _______ will mean 7,000 workers will be out of work.

A. which         B. it         C. what         D. they



_______ great efforts we had made, we failed to carry our plans through.

A. In case of        B. In place of

C. In spite of        D. In danger of



I would always _______ my essay before I handed it in, in case it contained any obvious

spelling mistakes.

A. look up        B. get through

C. look for        D. glance through



_______ less energy, the new kind of machine is appreciated by most of the users.

A. To consume           B. Consumed

C. Having consumed      D. Consuming



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