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英国某教育机构寒假期间在伦敦举办国际高中生交流活动(international ...

英国某教育机构寒假期间在伦敦举办国际高中生交流活动(international high school students’ exchange project),现征集参加人员。假定你是高中生李华,对此很感兴趣,请根据以下写作要点用英语给活动的负责人写一封申请信。







Dear Sir or Madam, I am Li Hua, a senior high school student from ChinA. I’m very excited to know that an international high school students’ exchange project will be held in London during this winter vacation. To be frank, I have an interest in it, so I’m writing to apply to be a member of it. I’m good at English and Chinese culture. On the one hand, I have no difficulty in communicating. On the other hand, it’s a good chance to help other foreign students know more about ChinA. In addition, I can handle my daily life quite well and I’m able to live independently. I am sure this program will benefit me a lot. Looking forward to your positive reply. Yours, Li Hua 【解析】 试题分析:考查半开放作文。本文要求考生以李华的身份给英国某教育机构写信,申请成为国际高中生交流活动(international high school students’ exchange project)的参加人员。所以本文使用第一人称和一般现在时为主的时态。要点:1.知悉对方要搞这样的一次活动,非常开心,希望能够成为参加成员之一。2.个人能力:擅长英语,与他人可以进行无障碍交流;同时这也是帮助国外友人了解中国的机会,我希望借此机会推广中国文化。同时我想锻炼自己独立生活的能力。3.这次活动会对我有很多好处,希望能够让自己有机会参加。建议文章分为三段,三个小点各为一部分。写作的时候尽量使用高级的词汇和句式,让文章富有变化。 【名师点睛】 本篇范文很好地完成了要求的所有任务,涵盖了要求的所有要点。选词合理到位,语言流畅地道。文章中拓展和眼神到位且不拖沓。全文无中国式英语思维,英语思维体现得很清晰。同时文章的结构合理,层层推进。 语法方面:宾语从句. I’m very excited to know that an international high school students’ exchange project will be held in London during this winter vacation. 形式主语:it’s a good chance to help other foreign students know more about China这些语法知识运用娴熟,显示了较强的语法功底,作文句式变得多样; 篇章结构方面:范文注意使用to be frank、on the other hand、in addition等串联词来衔接句子和段落,使表达变得更有条理; 短语和搭配方面:范文使用了benefit、have some difficulty in doing sth等短语和搭配,使作文的内容变得充实。 考点:考查半开放作文  


Dear Jerry,

I'm sorry for having no time to pay visit to Hangzhou with you next week. The reason why I can't spare time is because there are many friend of mine who are facing a coming English exam. There has no doubt that it is important for them. They are looking forward on to my giving a hand to them and they hope to get through the exam successful. As a result, I will spend time help them at that time. In addition, I will attend a party which aim to raise money for the people in the earthquake-hit areA. But l want to put off their time of the visit to the first weekend of next month. Is it OK?

Best wishes!


Li Hua




Are you about to go to college?Or maybe you and your family have just moved and you are starting a new school?Lots of situations arise where you1.(force) to make new friends, 2.is a great thing! 3.,it’s important to stay in touch with your old friends as well!

While moving to a new town or starting a new school can be upsetting,you can 4.(success) handle it by making new friends!But it’s much 5. (hard) to keep 6. touch with your old ones!An extra phone call or text message to say you are thinking of them will really make a 7. (different)!

Making a special effort to visit your old friends is important.Whether you are close enough to visit each other once a month or only once a year,it’s important to make those visits count! 8. (plan) a yearly reunion around the holidays is always a good idea!It gives you something to look forward to,making your time apart seem shorter!

So when you are having fun with your new friends,don’t forget about the old ones.You 9.(have) great time with them too,and don’t forget 10.(remind) them about those great memories once in a while!




In the early 1980s,I interviewed a young man who began to quote(引用) information that agreed with the company he was applying to. He quoted the ______ income figures, the number of employees, and other related information. Needless to say, I was ______,so he got the job. Comparing him with the other candidates, I found his ______ of the company was overall and colorful. My impression was that he had ______ much time researching the company. None of his ______ had done so. Months later, I asked him where he’d done his research to ______ so much about our company. He smiled and said,“ Remember our meeting was ______ at 2 p.m. but that day you were running 15 minutes behind?”I nodded.“Well, ______ I sat in the reception area waiting for you, I ______ among the magazines on the coffee table was a year-end report. It ______ the company’s complete history. Fifteen minutes gave me plenty of time to ‘research’ the company.”This story is very ______ although what he did is simple. He only learned more than others in a short time. As a result, he ______ twenty other candidates.

______,“Little Things” can make “Big Difference”. We need only look at the Olympic athletes. Sometimes the runner who crosses the finish line 1/100th of a second ______ than the next wins Gold. A gold medal can ______ the difference of millions of dollars. One might ask: Is this gold medal ______ ten times faster or better than the second runner?  No, he is ______ 1/100th of a second faster. It ______ much training and practice to become a gold medal winner. How ______ it is to pass all the other athletes!So if we want to be successful, we have to ______ more and practice more.

1.A. present         B. next             C. future         D. previous

2.A. puzzled         B. bored            C. impressed        D. disappointed

3.A. understanding     B. business         C. progress         D. instruction

4.A. saved             B. killed         C. wasted          D. spent

5.A. competitors       B. friends          C. partners         D. opposers

6.A. do                B. find            C. add             D. use

7.A. left              B. prepared         C. scheduled        D. made

8.A. since            B. though         C. if               D. as

9.A. imagined          B. noticed          C. reached          D. invented

10.A. contained        B. explained        C. explored         D. published

11.A. wrong            B. meaningful       C. funny           D. strange

12.A. admired          B. ignored          C. beat            D. attacked

13.A. Eventually       B. Generally        C. Gradually        D. Actually

14.A. more casually    B. more bravely     C. faster          D. stronger

15.A. catch            B. bring            C. offer            D. care

16.A. winner         B. dreamer          C. follower         D. helper

17.A. yet             B. ever             C. just             D. even

18.A. exists          B. appears          C. shares          D. takes

19.A. simple         B. difficult        C. interesting      D. famous

20.A. learn           B. give             C. think            D. insist




(E=AB   F=AC    G=AD)

Tricks to Learn from Super Sleepers

Do you want to sleep soundly each night and wake up energized the next day? Here’s a peek at some smart,surprising habits of great sleepers.

Exercise early.

Morning fitness class or gym time before work?Go ahead,give it a try.1.While experts aren’t exactly sure why,it could have something to do with morning exercise’s ability to help regulate the secretion(分泌物) of certain hormones involved in blood pressure management, which may lead to better sleep.

Eat light at night.

Desiring a midnight snack? If your stomach starts rumbling(发出咕噜声) before bed, try reaching for good-for-you foods that actually promote sleep, like walnuts, tart cherries, or Greek yogurt instead. 2.Eating too much of anything within a few hours of going to bed could suppress(抑制) your body’s ability to produce sleep-promoting melatonin.

Power down at night.

Smart phones, tablets, and laptops let you do everything from shopping to watching movies to working in bed.What they don’t let you do?Fall asleep. 3.In addition to reducing your blue light exposure,you’ll probably feel less stressed,which in itself can help you sleep better.

Keep their rooms chilly.

4.But being too warm can make it harder to have quality sleep, say experts at the National Sleep Foundation. Instead, they recommend keeping your bedroom at around 20℃,which research suggests is the most suitable temperature for great sleep.


Consistency is key to healthy sleep.Though it’s tempting to stay up late,then get up early for work and sleep in on the weekend,doing so can cause damage to your body’s internal clock.Over time,that can make it harder to fall asleep,not to mention making it more unpleasant to wake up in the morning.

A.The idea of a comfortable bedroom and piles of soft, fuzzy blankets is very appealing.

B.Find ways to cope with stress.

C.Go to bed at the same time every night.

D.Still,try not to go overboard even with healthy stuff.

E.You don’t have to give up alcohol altogether in the name of better sleep.

F.Working out in the morning could lead to better sleep than afternoon or evening sweat sessions.

G.Put your devices away at night—ideally,two to three hours before you plan to go to sleep.




When you’re a parent to a young child, you spend a lot of time talking about feelings: about having to share, about being disappointed because you may not have a cookie instead of broccoli(绿花椰菜), about the great injustice of a parent pressing the elevator button before the child has a chance to.

And in a parenting culture that’s increasingly concerned with centering children’s needs above all else, mothers and fathers have become skillful at talking about their kids’ feelings while masking their own. But new research suggests that parents who hide their negative emotions are doing their children, and themselves harm.

A study published this month says that when parents put on a faux-happy (假开心)face for their kids, they do damage to their own sense of wellbeing and authenticity.

“For the average parent the findings suggest when they attempt to hide their negative emotion expression and over express their positive emotions with their children, it actually comes at a cost: doing so may lead parents to feel worse themselves,” researcher Dr Emily Impett, says.

It makes sense that parents often fall back on amping up (扩大) the positivity for the sake of their children—there are a lot of things in the world we want to protect our kids from. But children are often smarter than we expect and are quite in tune with what the people closest to them—their parents—are feeling.

There was a time about a year or so ago, for example, when I received some bad news over the phone; I was home with my four-year-old and so I did my best to put on a brave face. She knew immediately something was wrong though, and was confused.

When I finally let a few tears out and explained that Mom heard something sad about a friend, she was, of course, just fine. My daughter patted my shoulder, gave me a hug, and went back to playing. She felt better that she was able to help me, and the moment made a lot more sense to her emotionally than a smiling mom holding back sobs. I was glad that I could feel sad momentarily and not have to work hard to hide that.

Relaying positive feelings to your children when you don’t feel them is a move the researchers called high cost—that it may seem like the most beneficial to your child at the time but that parents should find other ways of communicating emotions that “allow them to feel true to themselves”.

But this is also about children seeing the world in a more honest way. While we will want to protect our children from things that aren’t age-appropriate or harmful, it’s better to raise a generation of kids who understand that moms and dads are people too.

1. What is the typical behavior of parents when they bring up their children?

A. Allowing their children chances to do things themselves.

B. Expressing their dissatisfaction with their children.

C. Hiding their true emotions from their children.

D. Sharing their favorite food with their children.

2.If parents put on a faux-happy face, _______.

A. their children will be protected

B. their children will be taken in

C. they will feel happy as a result

D. they will undergo worse feelings

3. The author mentioned the example of her daughter to illustrate ______.

A. children are not so clever as parents think

B. children can often understand parents’ true feelings

C. it’s meaningful for parents to always look positive

D. it’s necessary to expose children to harmful things

4.We can conclude from the passage that _______.

A. protecting children from age-inappropriate things is important

B. it makes sense for children to know their parents’ negative feelings

C. children will admire their parents more because of being protected

D. separation from negative feelings helps children see the world honestly



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