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Do Actions Speak Louder than Words?

Our society is fast paced. We are all rushing from one place to the next, blowing our horn at

slow drivers who may be singing songs in the car with their children or pointing out some interesting sights. We don't have time for that silliness today. But we try to say to ourselves that we will make time for fun tomorrow. It is time to take a few deep breaths and think about our actions and our words. 1.

Have you ever really thought about the saying “Actions speak louder than words”? Think about it now. If you say one thing and act in an opposite way, will the words be ignored and just the actions remembered? I don’t don’t think so. 2. It is also equally important to use words to show appreciation, love, approval and happiness and then follow those words with a hug, pat on the back or smile.

3. What about that saying? True? Yes! Words carry a lot of weight and will be remembered for years especially when they are written down. Mean words can hurt for that moment and for a lifetime. I am sure that each of us remembers a time when a friend made an unkind comment. 4. Let’s not be a member of that “club”. When was the last time that you hid a love note in a lunch box or in your mate’s coat pocket? If you want to see a bright smile, that will do it! The power of this written note will be remembered for many days, even years.

“I can live for two months on a good compliment(夸奖)”, said Mark Twain. Children grow stronger when they feel appreciated and understood. 5. A perfect way to turn a bad day around is to praise your child. “I noticed that your hair looked very nice today.” “Did you hang your coat up all by yourself?” It is amazing how those few words can change a child's outlook... almost immediately. Don’t stop there... One of my sisters ended a phone conversation with three words ---“I love you”! Boy, that put a spring in my step! Mark Twain is right. I still feel the positive effect of those three little but very powerful words.

A. The pen is more powerful than the sword.

B. Is it really reasonable to do something like that?

C. Do they display the attitude that we want to convey?

D. It is important to have your words match your actions.

E. Behavior is a mirror in which everyone shows his image.

F. Those words did lasting damage to you, the relationship or both.

G.Don’t be afraid to shower your child with encouraging words all day long.


1.C 2.D 3.A 4.F 5.G 【解析】 试题分析:本文属于教育类阅读,告诉我们语言对人们有终生的影响,告诉我们要鼓励赞美孩子,不要使用刻薄的话讽刺挖苦孩子,。 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 考点:考查教育类阅读

阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项.

By now, we are all aware that social media has had a tremendous influence on our culture, in

business, on the world-at-large. Social media websites revolutionized the way people communicate and socialize on the Web. However, aside from seeing your friends’ new baby on Facebook, or reading about Justin Bieber’s latest conflict with the law on Twitter, what are some of the real influences?

Social networks offer the opportunity for people to re-connect with their old friends and acquaintances, make new friends, share ideas and pictures, and many other activities. Users can keep pace with the latest global and local developments, and participate in campaigns and activities of their choice. Professionals use social media sites like LinkedIn to enhance their career and business development. Students can work together with their peers to improve their academic and communication skills.

Unfortunately, there are a few downsides too to social networking. If you are not careful, immoral people can target you for cyber bullying and disturbance on social sites. School children, young girls, and women can fall victim to online attacks which can create tension and suffering. If you are a victim of cyber bullying, do not take it lying down, but try to take appropriate legal action against the attacker.

Many companies have blocked social networks as addicted employees can distract themselves on such sites, instead of focusing on work. In fact, studies show that British companies have lost billions of dollars per year in productivity because of social media addiction among employees.

Also, what you carelessly post on the Net can come back to trouble you. Revealing( 泄露) personal information on social sites can make users vulnerable(易受伤害的)to crimes like identity theft, stalking, etc. Many companies perform a background check on the Web before hiring an employee. If a potential employee has posted something embarrassing on social media, it can greatly affect their chances of getting the job. The same holds true for our relationships too, as our loved ones and friends may get to know if we post something undesirable on social networks.

Social media has its advantages and drawbacks as each coin has two sides. It is up to each user

to use social sites wisely to enhance their professional and social life, and exercise caution to ensure

they do not fall victim to online dangers.

1.Paragraph 2 mainly shows that social networks _________.

A. benefit users in various ways

B. offer offer professionals good chances

C. guide users to make right choices users to make right choices

D. help students finish their homework

2. Faced with problems caused by social media, some companies ________.

A. take legal action against the attackers

B. avoid posting embarrassing information

C. refuse to hire potential addicted employees

D. forbid the use of social networks during work time

3.The main purpose of this passage is to _________.

A. share experiences in using social media

B. provide some advice on social problems

C. raise public awareness of social problems

D. remind people to wisely use social media

4.Which of the following shows the development of ideas in this passage?

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I: Introduction  P: Point  Sp: Sub-point(次要点)  C:Conclusion



阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项.

Tea  vs Coffee

Tea and coffee are two of the most widely consumed drinks in the United States. With popularity and interest in tea continuing to grow in recent years, many consumers have recently considered

making the switch from coffee to tea, if they have not done so already. All the buzz surrounding tea

and coffee may have you wondering, what are the differences? As it turns out, the differences are

many and varied.

In the US, interest in tea ranges from coast to coast with the highest in Hawaii and California

but stretching to the eastern states of Vermont and New York. On the other hand, the highest interest

in coffee tends to be concentrated more in the north and western regions(地区), with the highest

search volumes appearing in the states of Hawaii, Washington and Minnesota.

Differences between tea and coffee also vary in origin and production. All tea comes from the

harvested leaves of the Camellia sinensis plant, while there are about 60 different species of coffee

plants. Production of tea is quicker and more efficient: Camellia sinensis plants only need to grow

for three years before they are ready to process; coffee plants take up to five years.

Perhaps the most concerning issue consumers have when considering making the switch to tea

is the question of caffeine. The good news is, when it comes to tea and caffeine, there is something

for everyone. Unlike coffee, which typically only comes in decaffeinated and regular, there are

several varieties of tea available, based on caffeine preference.

From herbal teas that are naturally free of caffeine, to high quality green and black teas that

offer less than half the caffeine of coffee, to high caffeine teas such as our specially formulated

HiCAF® blends that contain slightly more caffeine than a cup of coffee, there is a variety sure to

suit your needs. As an added bonus, the lower acidity levels in tea tend to be gentler on the stomach

for a more comforting pick-me-up.

So what is the answer, coffee or tea? If you are looking for the most healthful benefit possible,

tea is probably the winner. They say a picture is worth a thousand words. If, like many Americans,

the rising popularity in tea has your interest piqued, the images below will help to clearly spell out

the differences between tea and coffee.

1.It can be learned from the passage that ______.

A. coffee is of much higher production than tea

B. tea and coffee are from harvested leaves of plants

C. the popularity of tea is growing constantly in the US

D. there is no regional difference in drinking tea and coffee

2. According to the passage, which of the following contains the least caffeine?

A. Green tea.            B. Black tea.

C. Herbal tea.          D. HiCAF® blends.

3.What is the author’s attitude towards tea?

A. Positive.             B. Cautious.

C. Sceptical.            D. Negative.

4.The underlined word “piqued” in the last paragraph probably means .

A. reduced               B. lost

C. expressed            D. excited



阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项.

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Do you know electricity can change the way we taste food? Proving this fact is a revolutionary electric fork designed by Japanese researchers that can make any dish taste salty.

According to Hiromi Nakamura, a Post Doc Research Fellow at

Tokyo’s Meiji University, the technology can be very useful for people on

special diets. Patients with high blood pressure, for instance, can easily go

on a low-salt diet and still enjoy delicious food. And with the fork, there’s absolutely no risk of over-salting their food. Luckily, the voltage(电压) is so small that there is no risk of electrocution(触电) either.

The idea of adding electricity to food was first exposed as an experiment at the Computer

Human Interaction Conference in Austin, Texas, in 2012. Nakamura and her team connected a wire

to a 9-volt battery and passed it through a straw placed in a cup of sweet lemonade. Volunteers

reported that the charged lemonade tasted ‘blander’, because the electricity created the taste of salt.

Nakamura has improved the technology to be able to transfer an electric charge to food through

forks and chopsticks. “The metallic part of the fork is one electrode(电极), and the handle is the

other,” Nakamura explained. “When you take a piece of food with the fork and put it in your mouth,

you connect the circuit. When you remove the fork from your mouth, you disconnect the circuit. So

it actually works as a switch.”

Simon Klose, host of food program Munchies, who recently visited Nakamura to try out the

fork himself, called this form of ‘food hacking’ one of the greatest eating experiences he’d ever had.

“When I first heard of electric food, it sounded scary,” he said. He later continued to use a charged

fork to eat pieces of fried chicken, and found that the saltiness considerably increased as the electricity was connected.

Nakamura has been eating ‘electric’ food for the past three to four years in an attempt to

understand it better. “For me, ‘food hacking’ is about strengthening or weakening real food,” she

said. “It may seem like we’re cooking but we’re actually working on the human senses.”

1.The electric fork may benefit people who__________.

A. need to go on a diet       B. have high blood pressure

C. prefer food free of salt     D. show interest in tasty food

2. Paragraph 4 mainly tells us _________.

A. how the electric fork works

B. what makes the circuit connected

C. how the technology was improved

D. why the electric fork was invented

3. From the passage, we learn that the electric fork______.

A. creates virtual taste      B. changes people’s diets

C. helps cure diseases       D. replaces salt in cooking



阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项.



Ever since I was old enough to dream, I have imagined myself soaring with the eagles. My love of flying has shaped the way I live and the person I have become. Two years ago, that passion rocketed to new heights when I had the opportunity to visit Embry Riddle Aeronautical University in

Arizona. For a whole week I lived in a college dorm, roomed with a total stranger and---best of

all---I flew!

My group took part in activities ranging from learning about the history of aviation (航空) to

flying in state-of-the-art pilot training simulators (模拟装置). At least once a day, I devoted myself

to learning one of the world’s best training aircrafts, the Cessna 182. Not only did I receive thorough

ground instruction, but I also got to fly. In total, I flew five hours to receive my private pilot’s license.

In that one joyous and oh-so-short week, my passion for aviation grew even stronger. Now, whenever I see a plane flying overhead, I feel a sense of pride thinking I’ve done that.

During my time in and above the Arizona desert, I learned not only about the mechanics and

techniques of aviation, but also about myself and how I see the world. As I floated in that seemingly

endless sea of air, I became aware of the variety and complexity of the humanity below. On the

ribbons of roadways, each tiny car carried people with hopes and dreams. I wondered if any of those

people had ever wished to fly like an eagle. Then I realized that each must have his or her own

dreams and ambitions. That’s what makes us unique. We try to respond to something special inside

us. I also realized that I was especially fortunate to be making my own dream come true.

Everywhere I go, I hear, “Do what makes you happy and you will be happy.” It sounds like

standard advice, but I’ve really thought about it and taken it to heart. I couldn’t care less about how

much money I make or what benefits I receive. I know that I am already in hot pursuit(追逐) of my

dreams. And, even if they change, even if they finally don’t involve aviation, I’ll always aim to fly

with the eagles.

1.Two years ago, the author ___________.

A. was admitted to a university

B. stayed in a university for one week

C. saw the launch of the rocket

D. made good friends with an astronaut

2.Paragraph 2 is mainly about _________.

A. which aircraft the author got to fly

B. how the author learned to fly

C. what the author learned about simulators

D. why the author got a pilot’s license

3.According to the author, ________ makes people unique.

A. flying like an eagle

B. trying something special

C. having their own dreams

D. learning unusual techniques

4.From the last paragraph, we can learn that the author _________.

A. cares a lot about money and benefits

B. brings happiness to others

C. pursues his aims whatever happens

D. offers advice wherever he goes



阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从每题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项.

The Write Feeling

Growing up in a military family, I moved a lot. I mostly went to ______ with other kids whose parents were also in the military. But when my dad ______ from the Marines after twenty years of

service, I found myself ______ a civilian school with twelve-year-olds who shared no similar life experience with me.

I was a stranger in a strange land. Everyone in my class had grown up together, and they had no

room to ______ for a newcomer. I wore different clothes, had different thoughts, and spoke with an

accent. I ______ for the first few weeks of school. I had no friends, no activities, and no ______ of a

bright future. To deal with it all, I began ______ in my diary every day---stories of adventure, of old

friends, of feelings that I could not speak. I wrote as if my life depended on it, as if the very next breath I took could not happen ______ I wrote down words.

One day, my teacher, Mrs. Bush, came to me and asked why I always sat there writing instead

of playing with others. I told her I enjoyed writing and ______ writing to playing. She smiled at me

and walked away. About three weeks later, Mrs. Bush gave us a writing assignment. I was ______

that I could now participate in something I knew I excelled in.

That night I worked and worked on the essay. I wrote with great ______. It was my one chance

to feel important and ______ by the class.

A few days after we handed in our assignments, Mrs. Bush called me up to the ______ of the

classroom. I stood before thirty pairs of eyes looking at me, and I got ______. Was I in trouble? Did

I do something wrong?

Then Mrs. Bush told the class how much she ______ all the work that went into the essay and

everyone had done a great job. But, she said, one student stood ______ as an excellent writer, one

with imagination, creativity, and word mastery. That student was me!

The class clapped politely and Mrs. Bush handed me my paper, with the following ______ on it:

"Malinda, you are an excellent writer. You fill your paper with the breathings of your heart. Please

keep on writing and share your ______ of writing with the world. I am proud of you and glad you

are in my class."

Mrs. Bush helped me feel a sense of ______, a place of purpose, and a way to survive a transition in life. She helped me gain ______ in myself that stayed with me beyond sixth grade.

1.A. church            B. school             C. war              D. work

2.A. separated         B. withdrew           C. quit             D. retired

3.A. visiting          B. attending          C. running          D. leaving

4.A. build             B. preserve           C. take             D. spare

5.A. struggled         B. played             C. fought           D. exercised

6.A. memory            B. control            C. promise          D. need

7.A. reading           B. drawing            C. writing          D. copying

8.A. unless            B. once               C. while            D. after

9.A. compared          B. applied            C. turned           D. preferred

10.A. astonished       B. satisfied          C. excited          D. embarrassed

11.A. anxiety          B. curiosity          C. wonder           D. passion

12.A. impressed        B. accepted           C. challenged       D. envied

13.A. front            B. corner             C. door             D. outside

14.A. annoyed          B. disappointed       C. worried          D. surprised

15.A. appreciated      B. expected           C. recognized       D. enjoyed

16.A. out              B. up                 C. by               D. off

17.A. descriptions     B. remarks            C. suggestions      D. accounts

18.A. advantage        B. purpose            C. gift             D. idea

19.A. responsibility   B. belonging          C. devotion         D. relief

20.A. interest         B. imagination        C. creativity       D. confidence



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