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Volunteer(志愿者) Projects Abroad Working p...

Volunteer(志愿者) Projects Abroad

Working place: Brasov, Romania

Living place: Host families

Age requirements: 16~19 years old

Local official languages: Romanian

For those looking to break into the competitive world of journalism, this is for you!

You will be working at “The Village”, an English and Romanian language magazine. As a writer you will work on special tasks, reporting local events with guidance from the editor. You will be interviewing local people, reviewing events, writing reports, and taking photographs. You will be working alongside the local experts.

Before leaving Romania you should have several articles ready to be published in the next edition. You will also have the chance to live with a local host family. This will give you a full understanding of Romanian and Eastern European culture and society.


Working place: Koh Sdach, Cambodia

Living place: Host families

Age requirements: 15~19 years old

Local official languages: English & Khmer

Volunteers joining our project in Cambodia will travel to the island of Koh Sdach. The facilities there are basic, but you will become part of this tiny island community(社区), learn to dive, and take part in valuable community projects.

During your stay you will complete a course to qualify you to dive. After that you will take part in dives to clean up the seabed and collect data on rare fish. When not in the ocean, you will take part in land-based activities, including a woods survey and helping with a beach clean-up. During the two weeks you may also have the chance to join in a village fun day where volunteers play games and run fun water-based activities with the village children.


Working place: Accra, Ghana

Living place: Host families

Age requirements: 16~19 years old

Local official languages: English & Twi

On this project you will spend two weeks living with a host family and coaching soccer in friendly West Africa!

Working alongside a local coach, you will spend your two weeks based at our sports placement in Accra learning soccer coaching and developing your skills alongside the locals.

You can work on your coaching ability by preparing children for games, which you can help referee(裁判). You will develop their skills and confidence while having fun playing soccer at the same time.


1.“The Village” is the name for _________.

A. a local magazine

B. a volunteer project

C. the task given by the editor

D. the place where volunteers live

2.What will the volunteers in Cambodia do?

A. Help with fishing.

B. Clean up the seabed.

C. Give a diving course.

D. Teach the village children.

3.The underlined word coaching probably means ________.

A. nursing            B. watching

C. playing            D. teaching

4.All the volunteers of the three projects will ________.

A. work for two weeks

B. be at least 16 years old

C. stay with local families

D. learn the local language


1.A 2.B 3.D 4.C 【解析】 试题分析:本文是一篇广告类的文章,介绍了三个地方的志愿者工作的相关要求和事项。 1.A细节理解题。根据文中You will be working at “The Village”, an English and Romanian language magazine,可知这是一个杂志社的名字,故选A。 2.B细节理解题。根据文中After that you will take part in dives to clean up the seabed,可知选项B正确,故选B。 3.D细节理解题。根据后文learning soccer,可知这是一个教练,故选D。 4.C细节理解题。根据上下文分析可知,这三个地方的志愿者工作的共同点就是与当地的人住在一起,故选C。 考点:广告类文章阅读。



The last thing Jack wanted to do was wake up early and go to work on Monday morning. Getting out of the bus, Jack found there was still 30 minutes before his   ________ began, so he________ to take a walk around the block to adjust(调整) himself to another busy working day.

________ walking, he ran into a young couple talking to each other in a foreign language. “Excuse me! Could help us please?” the woman called to him in strange English. “We are tourist, lost. Need ‘Dolphin’ hotel. You know where is?” She was courageous as she spoke a ________ language.

“I’m sorry, I don’t know. I’m in a hurry,” Jack said, and moved off. He was so upset about his problems that he ________ without thinking. Having walked about 100 feet, he felt he was wrong and ________ back. Luckily, the couple were ________ there. He walked up to them. “I remembered where the ‘Dolphin’ hotel is. I’m sorry, I just got   ________  : there are hundreds of hotels in New York. It’s not far from here. you may ________ there. Just go straight to that crossroad, then turn to the left, and you will see a white-blue building. That will be the ________ you’re looking for.”

The couple thanked him, and Jack ________ lightly this time. But when he turned his back, he saw that the couple didn’t move, and the look on their faces was the ________ Maybe I was talking too ________ , and they couldn’t understand me well enough, he thought. All of a sudden, he felt that he could do something more important than sit in his office all day long. He knew that he couldn’t ________ these young people behind: they couldn’t possibly get to the hotel by themselves. He walked up to them once again. They looked at him in surprise. “I could ________ you to the hotel, if you still need my help,” Jack said. For the first time since the beginning of this month, he felt relaxed.

1.A. plan             B. talk              C. trip              D. work

2.A. decided          B. agreed            C. remembered        D. offered

3.A. If               B. Though            C. While             D. Once

4.A. similar          B. special           C. modern            D. foreign

5.A. calmed           B. lied              C. shocked           D. begged

6.A. turned           B. gave              C. sent              D. put

7.A. already          B. almost            C. still             D. even

8.A. amazed         B. confused          C. bored             D. tired

9.A. cycle            B. walk              C. point             D. look

10.A. hotel           B. couple            C. tourist           D. bus

11.A. answered       B. escaped           C. left              D. passed

12.A. new             B. good              C. true              D. same

13.A. strangely       B. loudly            C. quickly           D. nervously

14.A. get            B. fall              C. stay              D. leave

15.A. move           B. guide             C. follow            D. introduce



The doctor told Kate’s parents last week that she ________ from her knee injury.

A. recovers            B. is recovering

C. has recovered       D. was recovering



New Zealand is a beautiful country ________ is known for its pleasant climate and amazing scenery.

A. who             B. whose             C. which              D. where



When Lily worked as a nurse in the hospital, she experienced a joy in helping people ________ trouble.

A. on              B. in                C. at                D. of



When she asked Peter ________ he was out of work again, he nodded his head and said yes.

A. that             B. when              C. whether            D. how



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