满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

根据句意,选择方框中的单词,将其正确形式填入句中空格,并将答案写在相应位置。 d...


devote;  purpose;  generous;  graduate;  outdoors;  recognize;  doubt;  actually

1.After ________ from college, we finally got the chance to take a bike trip down the Mekong River.

2.Lisa! I’m sorry I didn’t ________ you. You’ve changed so much!

3.He looked calm, but ________ he was very nervous.

4.Little kids sometimes will make noises on ________ to catch adults’ attention.

5.It is ________ of you to lend your car to him every weekend.

6.There is no ________ that advertising helps improve sales.

7.Playing ________ is good for children’s health.

8.She is so ________ to her work that she always works late into the night.


1.graduating 2.recognize 3.actually 4.purpose 5.generous 6.doubt 7.outdoors 8.devoted 【解析】 1.graduating考查动词。After是介词,介词后面动词用-ing的形式,句意:毕业后,我最终有机会沿着湄公河进行骑行了,故填graduating。 2.recognize考查动词。助动词后面动词用原形,句意:丽莎!对不起我没有认出你来,你变化太大了。故填recognize。 3.actually考查副词。Actually在句子中作状语,句意:他看起来很冷静,但是事实上他很紧张,故填actually。 4.purpose考查短语。On purpose意为“有目的的,故意的”,句意:小孩子有时候会故意的制造噪音来引起大人的关注,故填purpose。 5.generous考查形容词。It+be+adj.+of sb. to do是固定句型,句意:你真好每个周末都把车子借给他,故填 generous。 6.doubt考查固定结构。There is no doubt that是固定结构,句意:毫无疑问广告提高销量。故填doubt。 7.outdoors考查副词。Play outdoors意为“在户外运动”,句意:在户外运动对孩子的健康有帮助。故填outdoors。 8.devoted考查短语。Be devoted to do意为“致力于做某事”,句意:她投身于工作因为总是每天晚上工作到很晚,故填devoted。 考点:考查词汇和语法的运用。


Doctor Seuss was the name used by Theodor Seuss Geisel, who was famous because of the books he wrote for children. They combine funny words, funny pictures, and social opinion.

Theodor Geisel was born in Springfield, Massachusetts in 1904. After graduating from Dartmouth College in 1924, he spent a year studying literature(文学) at Oxford University in England. When he returned to the United States in 1927, he hoped to become a writer of serious literature. But the economic depression(经济萧条) in the United States delayed his dreams of becoming a serious writer. In 1937, he wrote his first book for children, which is called “And To Think I Saw It on Mulberry Street.” However, a number of publishers refused to accept it. They said it was too different from ordinary books. A friend finally published it. Soon other successful books followed. Over the years he wrote more than forty children’s books, which were fun to read. Yet his books sometimes dealt with serious subjects including equality, responsibility and protecting the environment.

Doctor Seuss had a strong desire to help children. In 1954, Life magazine published a report about school children who could not read. The report said many children’s books were not interesting. Reading the report, Doctor Seuss decided to write books that were interesting and easy to read. To make his book easy to read, he used words with the same ending sound, like fish and wish.

In 1957, Dr. Seuss wrote “The Cat in the Hat”, in which he used less than two hundred twenty-five words. This was the number of words a six-year-old should be able to read. The book was an immediate success. Children loved it. Their parents loved it, too. Today many adults say it is still one of the stories they like best. The success of the book made him want to write more books for children. He started a series called Beginner Books, which remain well liked among children today.

In 1984, Mr. Geisel won a Pulitzer Prize for children’s literature. At that time he had been writing children’s books for almost fifty years. He was honored for the education and enjoyment his books provided American children and their parents, and his influence remains through the books he wrote.  Experts say his books helped change the way American children learned to read.

1.What was Theodor Geisel’s dream when he returned from England?

2.What did Theodor Geisel decide to do after he read the report published in Life magazine?

3.Why did Theodor Geisel finally set his simple writing style?




Beat Summer Learning Loss

Summer learning loss is a loss of knowledge and skills most commonly due to long breaks during the summertime. Many teachers have certainly had the experience of taking the first month of school not only to introduce his or her rules and procedures to the class but also to get the kids back “up to speed” with thinking, remembering what they’ve learned and in many cases, reviewing previous content.   1.


Research supports the relationship between independent reading and student achievement, so simply having children read daily will make a positive difference.   2. public libraries, local bookstores, online stores, etc.


Have children write letters to out-of-town friends and family, or write postcards while on vacation.   3. For children who are good at drawing or painting, parents may choose to create a family scrapbook(剪贴簿) with words printed below pictures. Not only will parents keep this summer’s memories, but children will also continue to practice his or her writing skills!

(3)Do the Math!

4.  have a yard sale, and put children in charge of the cash box; help younger ones organize an orange juice stand (to practice salesmanship and making change). Or simply buy a set of inexpensive flash cards to practice basic facts while waiting in line or on a long car ride. There are even a host of free online games that will keep children’s math skills sharp.

(4) “Homeschool” Children.

Keeping children’s skills fresh doesn’t have to cost a fortune: check out some workbooks and online resources, and children can work through several exercises each day. Even as little as twenty minutes a day can have amazing results. 5.  For instance, children can learn something during a car ride, right before bedtime, etc.

Of course, parents don’t need to do all the steps here. Just following through with one or two of these ways will be of great help.

A. Think of ways children can use math skills in daily activities:

B. A summer journal is another way to set down summer activities.

C. What’s more, it’s easy to work in a small block of time here and there.

D. Check out the following sources to find books that your child will want to dive into.

E. So it’s not a good choice for parents to force children to spend their summertime learning knowledge.

F. Fortunately, there are some steps parents can try to help children both enjoy the summer and keep their skills fresh.



Most kids hate to see their summer end, perhaps none more than the Murset children. This summer, the Murset family decided to travel across the country to help families in need, which proved to be a wonderful experience.

People. comreported that Gregg Murset and his wife, Kami, decided to take their six children, ranging from 7 to 16 years old, from their home in Phoenix, Arizona, across the country to spend 20 days on the road to help 25 families in need. “I told the kids and my wife over breakfast that I wanted to do this,” Gregg Murset, 40, told People. com. “They all looked at me like I was crazy,” he said, “but when we started to read the stories of people we were going to help, their attitudes completely changed.”

Through Gregg’s company, he was able to be matched with groups such as Autism Speaks, the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, and others that connected the Mursets to families with children who have cancer and other serious illnesses.

“When you have a kid who is struggling, the last thing you’re thinking of is cleaning the house,” says Gregg.

The family traveled to many cities in their journey, including Albuquerque, Denver, Kansas City, Chicago, and Buffalo. The trip covered 6,500 miles. “It’s been amazing to watch my own children open their eyes and see that the world is bigger than they think,” he said. “Even the little kids are learning from this experience.”

And the families they’ve helped feel blessed to have met them. “They showed up at 8 a.m. and we had a list of things we needed help with,” said Jim Spencer, a 61-year-old father in Warren, Michigan, whose 12-year-old daughter, Lexi, was diagnosed(诊断) with cancer a couple of years ago.

The Mursets also used their travels as an opportunity to visit areas they had never been to, including the Statue of Liberty. But for Gregg, the main purpose of the trip was to teach his children to show concern for the happiness of other people rather than for themselves.

“There is nothing wrong with your kid getting off the sofa, doing some work and sweating,” said Gregg. “It’s good for the kid and it’s good for the soul.”

1. How did the kids feel when Gregg Murset first told the family about his plan?

A. Amazed.             B. Excited.

C. Disappointed.       D. Worried.

2.What did the family mainly do during their trip?

A. They toured places of interest.

B. They visited patients in hospital.

C. They worked with social groups.

D. They helped families in need of help.

3.During the trip, Gregg most wanted his kids to ________.

A. increase physical exercise

B. gain more geography knowledge

C. learn to be concerned about others

D. improve their communication skills



Volunteer(志愿者) Projects Abroad

Working place: Brasov, Romania

Living place: Host families

Age requirements: 16~19 years old

Local official languages: Romanian

For those looking to break into the competitive world of journalism, this is for you!

You will be working at “The Village”, an English and Romanian language magazine. As a writer you will work on special tasks, reporting local events with guidance from the editor. You will be interviewing local people, reviewing events, writing reports, and taking photographs. You will be working alongside the local experts.

Before leaving Romania you should have several articles ready to be published in the next edition. You will also have the chance to live with a local host family. This will give you a full understanding of Romanian and Eastern European culture and society.


Working place: Koh Sdach, Cambodia

Living place: Host families

Age requirements: 15~19 years old

Local official languages: English & Khmer

Volunteers joining our project in Cambodia will travel to the island of Koh Sdach. The facilities there are basic, but you will become part of this tiny island community(社区), learn to dive, and take part in valuable community projects.

During your stay you will complete a course to qualify you to dive. After that you will take part in dives to clean up the seabed and collect data on rare fish. When not in the ocean, you will take part in land-based activities, including a woods survey and helping with a beach clean-up. During the two weeks you may also have the chance to join in a village fun day where volunteers play games and run fun water-based activities with the village children.


Working place: Accra, Ghana

Living place: Host families

Age requirements: 16~19 years old

Local official languages: English & Twi

On this project you will spend two weeks living with a host family and coaching soccer in friendly West Africa!

Working alongside a local coach, you will spend your two weeks based at our sports placement in Accra learning soccer coaching and developing your skills alongside the locals.

You can work on your coaching ability by preparing children for games, which you can help referee(裁判). You will develop their skills and confidence while having fun playing soccer at the same time.


1.“The Village” is the name for _________.

A. a local magazine

B. a volunteer project

C. the task given by the editor

D. the place where volunteers live

2.What will the volunteers in Cambodia do?

A. Help with fishing.

B. Clean up the seabed.

C. Give a diving course.

D. Teach the village children.

3.The underlined word coaching probably means ________.

A. nursing            B. watching

C. playing            D. teaching

4.All the volunteers of the three projects will ________.

A. work for two weeks

B. be at least 16 years old

C. stay with local families

D. learn the local language





The last thing Jack wanted to do was wake up early and go to work on Monday morning. Getting out of the bus, Jack found there was still 30 minutes before his   ________ began, so he________ to take a walk around the block to adjust(调整) himself to another busy working day.

________ walking, he ran into a young couple talking to each other in a foreign language. “Excuse me! Could help us please?” the woman called to him in strange English. “We are tourist, lost. Need ‘Dolphin’ hotel. You know where is?” She was courageous as she spoke a ________ language.

“I’m sorry, I don’t know. I’m in a hurry,” Jack said, and moved off. He was so upset about his problems that he ________ without thinking. Having walked about 100 feet, he felt he was wrong and ________ back. Luckily, the couple were ________ there. He walked up to them. “I remembered where the ‘Dolphin’ hotel is. I’m sorry, I just got   ________  : there are hundreds of hotels in New York. It’s not far from here. you may ________ there. Just go straight to that crossroad, then turn to the left, and you will see a white-blue building. That will be the ________ you’re looking for.”

The couple thanked him, and Jack ________ lightly this time. But when he turned his back, he saw that the couple didn’t move, and the look on their faces was the ________ Maybe I was talking too ________ , and they couldn’t understand me well enough, he thought. All of a sudden, he felt that he could do something more important than sit in his office all day long. He knew that he couldn’t ________ these young people behind: they couldn’t possibly get to the hotel by themselves. He walked up to them once again. They looked at him in surprise. “I could ________ you to the hotel, if you still need my help,” Jack said. For the first time since the beginning of this month, he felt relaxed.

1.A. plan             B. talk              C. trip              D. work

2.A. decided          B. agreed            C. remembered        D. offered

3.A. If               B. Though            C. While             D. Once

4.A. similar          B. special           C. modern            D. foreign

5.A. calmed           B. lied              C. shocked           D. begged

6.A. turned           B. gave              C. sent              D. put

7.A. already          B. almost            C. still             D. even

8.A. amazed         B. confused          C. bored             D. tired

9.A. cycle            B. walk              C. point             D. look

10.A. hotel           B. couple            C. tourist           D. bus

11.A. answered       B. escaped           C. left              D. passed

12.A. new             B. good              C. true              D. same

13.A. strangely       B. loudly            C. quickly           D. nervously

14.A. get            B. fall              C. stay              D. leave

15.A. move           B. guide             C. follow            D. introduce



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