满分5 > 高中英语试题 >



Dr.William Osler was working in one of the Britain’s military hospitals during the war. One day,he was called out of the ward(病房)during his daily rounds(查房)to be given an important ________ that his own son had been killed on the fields of France.________ by the news,he still went back to his rounds.He was________ different for a long period afterward.The cheerful note was ________from his voice and never again did friends ________ him hear the merry tune which he so often whistled as he went from ward to ward.

Although these things could not ________ ,something new eventually came to take their place. Everyone ________a new compassion(同情)in his care for the soldiers who each day streamed in.Before,he was an extremely devoted physician,who treated his work seriously and ________ patients very much.Now there was a(n) ________ personal compassion,like that of a father for his son.

Like most people who have________ such losses,Osler must have spent considerable time on ________.Pain will change us,often in various ways.It can leave us angry and broken,or ,as in the case of Osler,it can bring forth good ________ such as compassion or tenderness.It is as if the physician channeled his pain into energy and love for others,caring for them as he would care for his own child.

Helen Keller,who went through life both blind and deaf,knew plenty about________.She once wisely said,“The ________ of life is one of our greatest blessings.It makes us patient and sensitive'  ________ us that although the world is full of pain,it is also full of the overcoming of it.”

The world is full of suffering,and we can’t ________it no mater how hard we try.But those who overcome great challenges will change ________.For our struggles enter our lives as unwelcome guests,but they also bring ________ gifts.And once the pain decreases,the gifts ________ .These gifts are life’s true treasures,bought at great price,but can not be ________ in any other way.

1.A.decision     B.message        C.position   D.memory

2.A.Inspired    B.Disappointed  C.Shocked  D.Affected

3.A.previously   B.purely         C.exactly  D.obviously

4.A.gone          B.far           C.free       D.safe

5.A.over          B.beyond        C.around     D.except

6.A.return        B.disobey       C.neglect    D.develop

7.A.invented    B.noticed       C.collected  D.analyzed

8.A.1onged for    B.heard of     C.cared for  D.believed in

9.A.extra        B.terrible     C.suspected  D.odd

10.A.treasured    B.escaped        C.witnessed  D.experienced

11.A.regret      B.sadness       C.guilty     D.anxiety

12.A.behaviors   B.habits        C.qualities  D.relationships

13.A.suffering   B.mercy         C.society   D.responsibility

14.A.origin       B.process       C.meaning   D.struggle

15.A.warning     B.teaching     C.promising  D.instructing

16.A.discover     B.attract        C.avoid     D.tolerate

17.A.unexpectedly B.purposely      C.occasionally D.instantly

18.A.affordable   B.1uxurious      C.mysterious D.valuable

19.A.remain      B.increase     C.share     D.1eave

20.A.exchanged    B.acquired     C.selected   D.Given


1.B 2.C 3.D 4.A 5.C 6.A 7.B 8.C 9.A 10.D 11.B 12.C 13.A 14.D 15.B 16.C 17.A 18.D 19.A 20.B 【解析】 试题分析:文中讲述了Dr.William Osler是一名军医,儿子在战争中死亡,他把父爱给了其他受伤的战士,及作者由此引发的感慨。 1.B 考察名词辨析。A.decision决定; B.message信息; C.position位置;D.memory记忆;根据文意一天他在查房的时候被叫出病房并被告知他唯一的儿子在法国战死了,所以答案是B 2.C考察动词辨析。 A.Inspired鼓舞;B.Disappointed失望;C.Shocked震惊;D.Affected影响;根据文意听到这个消息,他震惊了,所以答案是C。 3.D 考察副词辨析。A.previously先前的; B.purely纯洁的; C.exactly恰恰;D.obviously明显的;根据文意很明显在接下来的很长一段时段他与之前不同了,所以答案是D。 4.A 考察形容词辨析。A.gone离开;B.far远的;C.free自由的;D.safe安全的;根据文意他甜美的声音消失不见了,所以答案是A。 5.C 考察介词辨析。A.over经过;B.beyond 超过;C.around 围绕;D.except除了;根据文意他身边的朋友听不到他查房回来吹的口哨声了,所以答案是C。 6.A考察动词辨析。 A.return返回;B.disobey无序; C.neglect忽视;D.develop发展;根据文意尽管这些事情已经不能挽回了,但新的事件又发生在这个地方,所以答案是A。 7.B 考察动词辨析。A.invented发明;B.noticed留意到;C.collected收集;D.analyzed分析;根据文意每个人都注意到了他照顾士兵时的一种同情,所以答案是B。 8.C 考察词组辨析。A.1onged for期望;B.heard of听说;C.cared for 照顾;D.believed in相信;根据文意他对待工作,照顾士兵都非常严肃认真,所以答案是C。 9.A 考察形容词辨析。A.extra额外的;B.terrible严重的;C.suspected期望的;D.odd惊奇的;根据文意他现在有了一种额外的激情,这种激情就像父亲对待儿子一样,所以但是A。 10.D 考察动词辨析。A.treasured财富 ;B.escaped逃跑;C.witnessed见证;D.experienced经历;根据文意像大多数人一样都拥有财富如失去,所以答案是D。 11.B考察形容词辨析。A.regret 后悔;B.sadness悲伤;C.guilty内疚;D.anxiety焦急;根据文意他的大部分时间肯定是在悲伤中度过的所以答案是B。 12.C考察名词辨析。A.behaviors表现;B.habits习惯;C.qualities品质;D.relationships关系;根据文意伤痛会给我们带来好的品质如:激情和温和,所以答案是C。 13.A考察名词辨析。A.suffering遭遇;B.mercy怜悯;C.society 社会;D.responsibility责任;根据文意海伦凯勒,遭遇了很多事情,她的一生都是在失明和失聪中度过的,所以答案是A。 14.D考察名词辨析。A.origin起源;B.process程序;C.meaning意义; D.struggle挣扎、痛苦;根据文意生命中的痛苦是我们最大的福气,所以答案是D。 15.B考察动名词辨析。A.warning警告;B.teaching教;C.promising承诺; D.instructing指导;根据文意它教会了我们尽管世界充满了痛苦,但我们也能克服它,所以答案是B。 16.C考察动词辨析。A.discover发现;B.attract吸引;C.avoid避免;D.tolerate忍受;根据文意世界充满了痛苦,不管我们怎样努力都无法避免,所以答案是C。 17.A考察副词辨析。A.unexpectedly无法预料的;B.purposely目的; C.occasionally偶然的;D.instantly立即的;根据文意那些克服巨大困难的人会有无法预料的改变,所以答案是A。 18.D考察名词辨析。A.affordable担负的起;B.1uxurious 奢侈的;C.mysterious神秘的; D.valuable有价值的;根据文意灾难来到我们的生活中就像一位不被欢迎的客人,但也给我们带来价值不菲的礼物,所以答案是D。 19.A考察动词辨析。A.remain保持;B.increase增加;C.share分享;D.1eave离开;根据文意当疼痛减轻的时候礼物依然在。所以答案是A。 20.A.exchanged改变;B.acquired收到;C.selected选择;D.Given给予;根据文意这件礼物是我们生命里真正的财宝,是通过其他方式无法得到的,所以答案是B。 考点:哲理类短文


Instagram(抓拍神器)is a game.Getting likes and followers is no easy task.My sister routinely breaks 150 likes on Instagram,no sweat,because she just gets it.1. Here’s what to do and,more important,what not to do.

1. 2.

You can’t post photos optionally.Think of it like stealing grapes at the grocery store when a clerk isn’t watching.So when DO you actually post? Sunday evening is“prime time”for likes.because“everyone is bored and not doing homework.”I guess that applies to the real world too!

When not to post? Mornings! The likes are“strange and sporadic(零散的).”

2.Also,don’t post too much.

I don’t care how much you’re feeling your look. 3. This isn’t a buffet:we want a very small piece of your life.Remember,“You can’t give the people too much or they will pass their eye over it quickly.”If you’re posting three to four times a week,others may“reevaluate your life”.I see no lies!!!

3.But if it is a big week in your life,feel free to post more than usual.

Of course,there’s always the exception to the rule. 4. The social media shouldn’t punish you for having a lot going on! Just remember to take it easy after.


a.Be“natural and fun”.

b.Selfies are“not to be taken seriously”.

c.“Selfies should only be when you have a good one.”

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A.Selfies have strict rules.

B.Wait a while before Selfies again.

C.Timing is everything.

D.No one needs to see eight pictures from your date night out.

E.After all,Instagram was meant to record important moments in your life.

F.Just make sure you post afterwards and let the people want more.

G.Thankfully she was able to take time out of her busy schedule and break down the    science of Instagram for us“old”folk.



A blog can be a very effective way of spreading the words about yourself,and your other writing.It can unshroud your knowledge,and create an ongoing relationship with your readers.A good blog is more than just a marketing tool;it’s also an expression of your personality.

An obvious starting point is to post samples of your work that not only show off your skills and writing ability but also leave people wanting more.Post elections from the most exciting parts of your stories but end them just as the action reaches its peak.If you write nonfiction(写实文学),show people what they can achieve,and give them a few steps to get them started.

Give tips,information and advice about the subjects you cover.For example,something about struggling with difficulty and many other issues like this.Your writing tips can also be included,as well as interesting,strange or funny things you discovered during your research.Whenever you contact an expert,ask if he or she has any interesting stories you could use.You may also give background information about your stories and locations.

Give details of Coming posts on your blog,so people can watch out for you,or come and meet you.Personal news will help people feel better connected to you.Include photos of objects and locations in your writing,famous people you meet,the views from your window,and your favorite things—with a note about where they come from and what they mean to you.Look out for things that will help your readers get to know you better,know the subject better,or anything else you think they might find useful,inspiring or entertaining.

If you only occasionally post things on your blog,people have a tendency to forget you.As a writer you shouldn’t ever run out of interesting materials to fill your blog with—and your readers will love you for it.

1.Which is the best title for the text?

A.What to Blog about?

B.How to Start a Blog?

C.Why to Launch a Blog?

D.How to Make Website Attractive?

2.What does the word“unshroud”in the first paragraph refer to?

A.Put on.    B.Turn up.

C.Show off.  D.Write down.

3.What can we know about personal news on your blog?

A.It can make people watch out for you.

B.It can make people easily get in touch with you.

C.It helps to leave your privacy known.

D.It helps you improve your writing.

4.What does the author suggest for keeping a blog?

A.Posting things on your blog once in a while.

B.Adding new stories to it every day.

C.Filling it with attractive things frequently.

D.Loving it as your life.



Matthew HensonArctic Explorer

In 1880,fourteen-year-old Matthew Henson loved to hear sailors tell tales of their exciting lives at sea.The travel,the adventure,the danger,and the steady pay were all attracting young Henson.One day,he found a job as a cabin boy on a beautiful ship called the Katie Hinds.For the next five years,Henson sailed around the world.With the help of the ship’s captain and other members of the crew,Henson learned mathematics,navigation,history,geography,and many other subjects.By the time he left the Katie Hinds in 1885,Henson was well educated and had become an excellent seaman.

Unable to find work anywhere else,Henson took a job in a hat shop in Washington,D.C.One day in 1887,a man came in to buy a hat.The man,Robert Peary,asked the owner if he knew anyone with experience at sea.Peary would soon travel to South America for the U.S.government.He needed experienced men to accompany him.The shop owner knew about his young employee’s skills and experience on ocean journeys,so he introduced Peary to Henson.

Using his map-reading and sailing skills,Henson proved himself to be a worthy and smart seaman.Peary soon made Henson his assistant,and they became close friends.One day Peary told Henson about his real dream:to be the first man to stand on“the top of the world”at the North Pole.He asked Henson to help him make his dream come true.Over the next five years,the two explorers made two trips together to the Arctic.However,they were not able to reach the pole either time.The cold,wind,and ice were worse than either of them had ever imagined.

In 1908,Peary and Henson were ready to make their final attempt at reaching the North Pole.Both men were over forty years old.The years of hardship in the arctic cold had made them suffer a lot.This would be their last chance.With four Inuit guides,they made a mad rush straight across the ice toward the pole.Peary’s feet were injured and he had to be pulled on a dogsled.In April 1909,Henson’s instruments showed they were standing at the North Pole.Together Henson and Peary planted the American flag in the snow.

In later years,Robert Peary and Henson were greatly honored for their achievements.Today,the two friends and fellow explorers lie in heroes’graves not far apart in the Arlington National Cemetery.

1.What happened to Henson according to Paragraph 1?

A.He became a skilled seaman.

B.He became a highly educated captain.

C.He was employed in a restaurant.

D.He was interested in helping others.

2.What does Paragraph 2 mainly tell us?

A.How Matthew Henson met Robert Peary.

B.Why Matthew Henson went to the hat shop.

C.Why Matthew Henson stopped working on the Katie Hinds.

D.How Robert Peary knew that Matthew Henson had sea experience.

3.What could Henson and Peary best be compared to,on their trip to the North Pole?

A.Hunters running after wolves.

B.Generals seeking power over another country.

C.Soldiers going to war to fight for their freedom.

D.Fighters performing a task in an unknown land.

4.How is the information presented in this passage mainly organized?

A.By cause and effect.

B.By comparing and contrasting.

C.In the order that the events happened.

D.With main ideas and supporting examples.



If you had a strange sound in your ear,what would you do? One man in Wales who thought he had a fly in his ear called 999,the emergency services number in Britain.And so did a woman who was worried about her green potatoes.Could she make chips with them? Were they poisonous? She didn’t hesitate about calling the local ambulance service to ask.According to a recent report,more than 31,000 non-urgent calls were made to the Welsh Ambulance Service in the last year.

Inappropriate calls are a headache for health professionals everywhere.In the US,prank calls to 911 happen on a daily basis.Many callers use apps which hide their identity.But those who try to be funny shouldn’t be surprised if the police have the last laugh.One man from Colorado was arrested for making more than 1,200 prank calls,according to a report on the US television station KOAA—TV.

People who take these calls are trained to stay calm and keep a straight face,no matter how strange the call sounds.“There’s no way for us to know whether the call is real,accidental or a prank call,”said a public safety worker interviewed by the American TV channel.

The Head of Clinical Services at the Welsh Ambulance Service,Richard Lee,has a warning for prank callers.He says,“When people misuse the service it means our precious time is being taken away from someone who really does need our help.”Indeed,these hotlines are supposed to help the seriously ill or those with a life—threatening injury.You never know,one day,the person who needs assistance could be you or someone in your family.

1.How does the author introduce the topic of the text?

A.By giving examples.   B.By telling a story.

C.By listing figures.   D.By making a comparison.

2.Why are prank calls usually made?

A.To be helpful.    B.To deal with problems.

C.To get praise.    D.To play tricks.

3.What does the phrase“have the last laugh”in Paragraph 2 refer to?

A.Win at last.     B.Never find them.

C.Laugh at them.   D.Know nothing.

4.What does the author intend to suggest in the text?

A.Prank calls are usually easy to identify.

B.Operators feel annoyed by strange callers.

C.Prank calls may cause serious results.

D.Prank callers should be punished by law.



Shanghai Air & Hotel with Transfers/One Day Hangzhou City Tour(PK0482737SHA06)

Package Inclusive

◎Return Air Tickets

◎2 Nights Accommodation

◎Return Airport Transfers

◎One Day Hangzhou City Tour

Booking Period:29 Jan 2015 to 31 Dec 2015

Travel Period:29 Jan 2015 to 31 Dec 2015


It is a city rich with history and culture,spanning back over 2000 years.With its inviting views and outstanding scenery,the area soon became popular with artists,poets and painters seeking inspiration in this little bit of paradise.

Our first stop is Six Harmonies Pagoda.You will get to visit the charming museum and snap some photos in front of this architectural marvel that was built in the Song Dynasty.

Next stop will be a visit to Meijiawu Tea Village,for a traditional tea ceremony and its significance to Chinese culture.

After lunch,the beautiful view of West Lake is going to greet us.We will have a cruise(游览)across West Lake to experience peace and serenity like no place else in the Shanghai area.The unforgettable scenery includes Three Pools Mirroring the Moon,Bai and Su Causeways,Solitary Hill,and Leifeng Pagoda,etc.The boat ride ends at Viewing Fish at Flower Harbor.We will have the chance to walk along on Su Causeway,and feed the fish in the Red Fish Pond to pray for the good luck.

Pickup Time:Between 7:30 a.m.—8:30 a.m.

Duration:10 hrs


Transfer between Shanghai Pudong International Airport(PVG)to your hotel is provided by mini bus.On arrival,you will be met by our driver after custom clearance.

Should you require further assistance,please contact our hotline:+86 21 6322 3855

1.What service will you get from One Day Hangzhou City Package Tour?

A.Round-trip air tickets.

B.One day accommodation.

C.Free food service.


2.Which tourist attraction will you visit first?

A.Meijiawu Tea Village.

B.Six Harmonies Pagoda.

C.West Lake.

D.Su Causeways.

3.How will you get to your hotel from the airport?

A.By air.    B.By train.

C.By bus.   D.By ship.



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