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书面表达 下图是学校英语网站的新增部分栏目,网站负责人Mr.Black就此向同学...


满分5 manfen5.com下图是学校英语网站的新增部分栏目,网站负责人Mr.Black就此向同学们征询意见。假如你是李华,请你根据以下提示用英语给Mr.Black写E-mail









Dear Mr.Black,

I am glad that there will be some new columns in our English website._______________







Best wishes.


Li Hua


Dear Mr.Black, I am glad that there will be some new columns in our English website.Of the four columns, I have higher expectation to Today’s World. As you know, today world is a change world. We will become outdated if we turn a deaf ear to it. From the new columns Today’s World,we can learn what is going on in the world. It can also enrich our knowledge of the latest science and technology. As to my suggestion, I would appreciate if there are more English learning columns in the website. Most of my classmates are eager to learn English well, but short of English leaning chance. I hope your website can do something about it. Best wishes. Yours, Li Hua 【解析】 试题分析:考查开放性作文写作,开放性作文给出了一个话题,并有部分的文字提示。给考生自由发挥的余地较大。对于考生的综合能力要求较高,要求考生有很强的谋篇布局的能力和组织要点的能力。在完成开放性作文时,首先要选择自己熟悉的短语或者句型,在你的能力范围之内,选择句式时要赋予变化,因为这样你才可以更好的驾驭。同时也要选择合适的连接词,把各个要点组织成一个完整的整体 【亮点说明】范文中运用一些常见的短语As you know正如你所知道的那样;become outdated过时; turn a deaf ear to 不听......;short of 短缺....;Best wishes祝愿等 考点: 提纲类作文  





Dear Mr.Green,

I’m very exciting to learn that you will start a magazine together.That sounds great and I definitely agree you on that.

Some of the columns you mention in the letter are really my cup of tea.“Cultural Express”give us a better understanding of the world.Since people from different part of the world have different values,it’s necessary to learn from each another.Besides,it is pretty good for Chinese students to learn English idioms and improving oral English.

“Entertainment”is also cool! The popular singers,actors or celebrities are so attractively that you absolutely can’t miss this part.Teenagers are to fond of popular things,too.

Well,I really can’t wait to read this magazine.


Li Ming




This morning,my neighbor called me and asked me 1.(anxious),“Are your dogs    missing?

I was filled with 2. (nervous)and immediately made a phone call to my wife,and then I replied with relief,“No.They 3. (stay)at home.”My neighbor is a sweet,kind and generous girl with 4. old—fashioned heart and spirit.She bakes cookies and shares them with neighbors.Today she found two small dogs walking down the street,5. she brought them home.

I then suggested places where she could report the6. (miss)dogs.“Most people wouldn’t do anything about them,”I said,“Many cars and people passed by them this morning,ignoring them.You did the right thing.”

I went outside to look for someone 7. might be walking down the street,and I    expected to hear the distant cry of someone8. (call)the dogs’names.But no one did this.

If I were lost,I would hope someone would come 9. (1ook)for me.If I were crying alone.I would hope that someone would stop and wipe away my tears.Why not give a little love 10.dogs and other creatures?




Dr.William Osler was working in one of the Britain’s military hospitals during the war. One day,he was called out of the ward(病房)during his daily rounds(查房)to be given an important ________ that his own son had been killed on the fields of France.________ by the news,he still went back to his rounds.He was________ different for a long period afterward.The cheerful note was ________from his voice and never again did friends ________ him hear the merry tune which he so often whistled as he went from ward to ward.

Although these things could not ________ ,something new eventually came to take their place. Everyone ________a new compassion(同情)in his care for the soldiers who each day streamed in.Before,he was an extremely devoted physician,who treated his work seriously and ________ patients very much.Now there was a(n) ________ personal compassion,like that of a father for his son.

Like most people who have________ such losses,Osler must have spent considerable time on ________.Pain will change us,often in various ways.It can leave us angry and broken,or ,as in the case of Osler,it can bring forth good ________ such as compassion or tenderness.It is as if the physician channeled his pain into energy and love for others,caring for them as he would care for his own child.

Helen Keller,who went through life both blind and deaf,knew plenty about________.She once wisely said,“The ________ of life is one of our greatest blessings.It makes us patient and sensitive'  ________ us that although the world is full of pain,it is also full of the overcoming of it.”

The world is full of suffering,and we can’t ________it no mater how hard we try.But those who overcome great challenges will change ________.For our struggles enter our lives as unwelcome guests,but they also bring ________ gifts.And once the pain decreases,the gifts ________ .These gifts are life’s true treasures,bought at great price,but can not be ________ in any other way.

1.A.decision     B.message        C.position   D.memory

2.A.Inspired    B.Disappointed  C.Shocked  D.Affected

3.A.previously   B.purely         C.exactly  D.obviously

4.A.gone          B.far           C.free       D.safe

5.A.over          B.beyond        C.around     D.except

6.A.return        B.disobey       C.neglect    D.develop

7.A.invented    B.noticed       C.collected  D.analyzed

8.A.1onged for    B.heard of     C.cared for  D.believed in

9.A.extra        B.terrible     C.suspected  D.odd

10.A.treasured    B.escaped        C.witnessed  D.experienced

11.A.regret      B.sadness       C.guilty     D.anxiety

12.A.behaviors   B.habits        C.qualities  D.relationships

13.A.suffering   B.mercy         C.society   D.responsibility

14.A.origin       B.process       C.meaning   D.struggle

15.A.warning     B.teaching     C.promising  D.instructing

16.A.discover     B.attract        C.avoid     D.tolerate

17.A.unexpectedly B.purposely      C.occasionally D.instantly

18.A.affordable   B.1uxurious      C.mysterious D.valuable

19.A.remain      B.increase     C.share     D.1eave

20.A.exchanged    B.acquired     C.selected   D.Given




Instagram(抓拍神器)is a game.Getting likes and followers is no easy task.My sister routinely breaks 150 likes on Instagram,no sweat,because she just gets it.1. Here’s what to do and,more important,what not to do.

1. 2.

You can’t post photos optionally.Think of it like stealing grapes at the grocery store when a clerk isn’t watching.So when DO you actually post? Sunday evening is“prime time”for likes.because“everyone is bored and not doing homework.”I guess that applies to the real world too!

When not to post? Mornings! The likes are“strange and sporadic(零散的).”

2.Also,don’t post too much.

I don’t care how much you’re feeling your look. 3. This isn’t a buffet:we want a very small piece of your life.Remember,“You can’t give the people too much or they will pass their eye over it quickly.”If you’re posting three to four times a week,others may“reevaluate your life”.I see no lies!!!

3.But if it is a big week in your life,feel free to post more than usual.

Of course,there’s always the exception to the rule. 4. The social media shouldn’t punish you for having a lot going on! Just remember to take it easy after.


a.Be“natural and fun”.

b.Selfies are“not to be taken seriously”.

c.“Selfies should only be when you have a good one.”

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A.Selfies have strict rules.

B.Wait a while before Selfies again.

C.Timing is everything.

D.No one needs to see eight pictures from your date night out.

E.After all,Instagram was meant to record important moments in your life.

F.Just make sure you post afterwards and let the people want more.

G.Thankfully she was able to take time out of her busy schedule and break down the    science of Instagram for us“old”folk.



A blog can be a very effective way of spreading the words about yourself,and your other writing.It can unshroud your knowledge,and create an ongoing relationship with your readers.A good blog is more than just a marketing tool;it’s also an expression of your personality.

An obvious starting point is to post samples of your work that not only show off your skills and writing ability but also leave people wanting more.Post elections from the most exciting parts of your stories but end them just as the action reaches its peak.If you write nonfiction(写实文学),show people what they can achieve,and give them a few steps to get them started.

Give tips,information and advice about the subjects you cover.For example,something about struggling with difficulty and many other issues like this.Your writing tips can also be included,as well as interesting,strange or funny things you discovered during your research.Whenever you contact an expert,ask if he or she has any interesting stories you could use.You may also give background information about your stories and locations.

Give details of Coming posts on your blog,so people can watch out for you,or come and meet you.Personal news will help people feel better connected to you.Include photos of objects and locations in your writing,famous people you meet,the views from your window,and your favorite things—with a note about where they come from and what they mean to you.Look out for things that will help your readers get to know you better,know the subject better,or anything else you think they might find useful,inspiring or entertaining.

If you only occasionally post things on your blog,people have a tendency to forget you.As a writer you shouldn’t ever run out of interesting materials to fill your blog with—and your readers will love you for it.

1.Which is the best title for the text?

A.What to Blog about?

B.How to Start a Blog?

C.Why to Launch a Blog?

D.How to Make Website Attractive?

2.What does the word“unshroud”in the first paragraph refer to?

A.Put on.    B.Turn up.

C.Show off.  D.Write down.

3.What can we know about personal news on your blog?

A.It can make people watch out for you.

B.It can make people easily get in touch with you.

C.It helps to leave your privacy known.

D.It helps you improve your writing.

4.What does the author suggest for keeping a blog?

A.Posting things on your blog once in a while.

B.Adding new stories to it every day.

C.Filling it with attractive things frequently.

D.Loving it as your life.



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