满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

It is thought police had been called to ...

It is thought police had been called to the scene following a report of a collision involving her  vehicle and ________ of another motorist.

A. one    B. those    C. some    D. that


D 【解析】 试题分析:考查代词。句意:句意:两辆机动车相撞了,据说接到报警后,警察赶到了现场。one指代可数名词,泛指同类中的一个,one有前置定语;that指代比较的对象,指代前面提到的单数可数名词,有后置定语,that 还可指代不可数名词;that的复数是those。这里指代另一辆机动车,因为定语在后面,故用that,而不用one指代第二辆机动车,故选D 考点 : 考查代词  

According to the new rules, if a student ________ happen to damage something in the  campus, he/she should report it those concerned immediately.

A. should    B. will    C. shall    D. would



Three days after the aircraft went missing, an international effort ________ ships and planes hasn't found any wreckage, ____ growing frustration for the families of the 239 people on board.

A. involved; causing     B. to involve; caused

C. involving; causing     D. involving; having caused



These remarkable findings suggest the elephants have ________ a memory capacity to make  distinctions between human voices.

A. built up   B. packed up   C. brought up   D. took up



People all think it strange that the boy should tell what’s written on the paper in another room  without looking at it. It really ________ explanation.

A. prevents   B. challenges   C. interrupts     D. confuses



It’s nearly four years since I worked in that firm. I ________ a band with other fellows.

A. operated        B. had been operating

C. was operating D. am operating



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