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Most of us spend our lives seeking the n...

Most of us spend our lives seeking the natural world. We go fishing, sit in the garden, have a picnic, live in the suburbs or go to the seaside. The most popular leisure activity in Britain is going for a walk. When joggers jog, they don’t run the streets. Every one of them tend to go to the park or the river.

But despite this, our children are growing up nature deprived (剥夺). I spent my boyhood climbing trees. These days, children are robbed of these ancient freedoms, due to problems like crime, traffic, the loss of the open spaces and strange new ideas about what is best for children, that is to say, things that can be bought, rather than things that can be found.

The truth is to be found elsewhere. A study in the US: families had moved to better housing and the children were assessed for ADHD—attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (多动症). Those whose accommodation had more natural views showed an improvement of 19%; those who had the same improvement in material surroundings but no nice view improved just 4%.

ADHD is one of the great problems of modern childhood. One study after another indicates that contact with nature gives huge benefits to ADHD children. However, we spend money on drugs rather than on green places.

The life of old people is measurably better when they have access to nature. The increasing concern for the growing population of old people is in quality rather than quantity of years. And study after study finds that a garden is the single most important thing in finding that quality. Even problems with crime and aggressive behavior are reduced when there is contact with the natural world.

We need the wild world. It is essential to our well-being, our health and our happiness.

1.According to the author, people enjoy ________ to seek nature.

A. jogging on the street

B. sitting in the garden

C. shopping in the supermarket

D. running in the gym

2.From the second paragraph, we can see that ________.

A. adults deprive the children of their rights to approach nature

B. climbing trees will certainly do good to the children

C. children probably spend less time in nature nowadays

D. children tend to be happier as a result of their material satisfaction

3.In what way do people benefit from their contact with nature?

A. Children with ADHD can be cured.

B.A garden nearby improves the quality of old people’s life.

C. Problems with crime and violent behavior will easily be solved.

D. Children’s performance at school is greatly improved.

4.What is the main idea of this passage?

A. Access to nature improves our life.


B. Nature treats children with ADHD.

C. Getting close to nature reduces crime.

D. Man can’t live without natural areas.


1.B 2.C 3.B 4.A 【解析】 试题分析: 当代人的生活使得孩子们接触自然的机会越来越少,这同时带来了很多的成长问题。走进大自然才能使我们健康快乐。 1.B考查细节理解题。根据 “Most of us spend our lives seeking the natural world.We go fishing,sit in the garden,have a picnic,live in the suburbs or go to the seaside.”可知,坐在花园里是寻求自然的一种方式。其他三项此处都没有提到。因此选B。 2.C考查推理判断题。由“But despite this,our children are growing up nature deprived(剥夺).”可知,孩子们身处大自然的机会越来越少了,它们接触自然的时间如今也是很短 ,故选C。 3.B考查细节理解题。由文章“And study after study finds that a garden is the single most important thing in finding that quality.”可知,住处附近有花园可以提高老年人的生活质量。故选B。 4.A考查主旨大意题。文章主要讲了人们在生活中远离自然的危害,包括对孩子和老人等的具体损害,并提出亲近自然对我们的身心来说都是有益处的。故选A。 考点 :日常生活类阅读。

A great Loss-Shirley Temple dies at 85

February 12,2014

BY DERRIK J. lANG, Associated Press

Shirley Temple Black, who died on February 10th at age 85,wasn’t just a child star. She was THE child star—the sweet little girl whose shining smile helped illumine some of the darkest days the US has known during the Great Depression.

It’s hard today to imagine the super star Shirley was once “America’s Little Darling”. She sang and danced her way to the top of the box office in such films as Bright Eyes, Curly Top and Heidi. By 1940, she had appeared in 43 films. Temple teamed with Bill Robison in four movies, and their dance on the stairs in The Little Colon is still a legendary film moment.

In the 1930s, her name on a movie introduction assured (保证) a packed house. She inspired dolls, dresses, dishes—even a drink (alcohol-free, of course).

US President Franklin D. Roosevelt once famously said that “as long as our country has Shirley Temple, we will be all right.”

Unlike so many of today’s child stars, Temple didn’t end up with her name appearing across the headlines for bad behaviors. Instead of getting her photos on front pages or struggling with drugs and alcohol, Temple went on to a second career in diplomacy (外交) , including presidential appointments as ambassador to Ghana.

She surprised a lot of people who doubted her with her grace, knowledge and eagerness to serve. In fact, her career in public service (20 years) was longer than her career in movies (19). The role she valued most, however, was as wife, mother, grandmother and great-grandmother.

The world has lost a treasured Hollywood legend. But her movies will allow that little dynamic figure to continue charming audiences for a very long time.

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1.The word “illumine” in Paragraph l means ________.

A. shorten            B. sweeten

C. strengthen         D. brighten

2.Temple, as a child movie star, can best be described as ________.

A. sweet and lively          B. gentle and kind

C. smart and knowledgeable   D. shy and attractive

3.What part did she regard as the most important in her life?

A. A top movie star.    B. A businesswoman.

C. Her family role.     D. Her diplomacy career.

4.Where does this passage possibly come from?

A. A biography.   B. A newspaper.

C. A magazine.      D. A poster.



While astronauts in space get to do many exciting things, they miss out on ordinary things that we all take for granted—being able to walk on firm ground, hanging out with family and digging into a slice of hot steaming pizza. Though not much can be done about the first two things, there may soon be a solution to the third one, thanks to this cool 3-D pizza printer!

About a year ago, NASA offered $125,000 to Anjan Contractor, a 3-D technology expert, to build a device that would allow astronauts to make pizza on demand. The mechanical engineer promised that his invention would produce pies in large quantities that looked, tasted and even smelled like pizza made in common ovens.

Late last year, the engineer presented a video of his first prototype (原型) that begins by creating a single slice of dough (面团) that is cooked and printed at the same time. Then comes the tomato “sauce”—a mix of tomato powder, oil and water and finally, a protein slice that resembles cheese. While the video doesn’t show the baking process, the inventor says that once the pizza is printed, it can be ready to be consumed (消耗) in 7 seconds.

While the pie in the video looks delicious enough to attract any pizza lover, Anjan Contractor is far from ready for astronauts. That’s because he still has to find a solution to make the food container in the printer last for 30 years. Though that may sound unrealistic, actually it is not. Anjan Contractor believes that the only way that is possible is that the water is removed from all the ingredients and then they are reduced to the powder form. This, as you can imagine, will not be so easy. But, while the printer may not be ready for space, it certainly looks ready enough for people on earth. Hopefully, NASA and Contractor will consider selling it to those not fortunate enough to go to Mars!

1.Why does the author mention the things that astronauts in space cannot do?

A. To ask us not to take common things for granted.

B. To show they live a difficult life there.

C. To show their life is boring in space.

D. To introduce the topic of the text.

2.NASA offered $125,000 to Anjan Contractor mainly to ________.

A. create some new type of 3-D printer

B. attract more companies to work for NASA

C. help astronauts in space enjoy fresh pizza one day

D. produce pizza in large quantities to earn great profits

3.The biggest challenge that Anjan Contractor is faced with now is probably that ________.

A. he has no money left to go on with his research

B. the pizza doesn’t seem appetizing to pizza lovers

C. he has no way to make pizza that can last for thirty years

D. he cannot make the food container last for decades

4.What’s the best title of the passage?

A. NASA is trying its best to help astronauts eat better

B. Astronauts may soon be able to enjoy steaming hot pizza

C. NASA is working on making pizza for common people

D. A 3-D pizza printer has been used to make pizza



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1.Which of the following is a way you can apply for membership?

A. To enter a Starcode from specially marked Starbucks® products.

B. To buy a Starbucks Card over the phone.

C. To update the Starbucks® App from the official website.

D. To buy a drink at a Starbucks on weekends.

2.With the Starbucks® App, you can ________.

A. change the prices   B. earn a Star

C. pay for rewards     D. view current offers

3.With a Starbucks Card of Green level, you will get ________.

A. a free cake

B. personalized Green Card

C. free in-store refills

D. all purchases 15% off












Dear Jane,








Li Fang




Dear Sir,

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Li Hua



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