满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

完形填空 Communication with a Stranger Last ...


Communication with a Stranger  Last weekend I sat on the bus talking with excitement and so ready to spend time in New York City with one of my best friends from college.As I took the window seat and wore headphones over ears,I almost didn't ____the elderly man sitting beside me.

Two hours passed and I was still absorbed in my own world.____the elderly man asked me a question,a simple question ____ the bus's Wi-Fi connection,which turned into a two- hour ____.In fact,it directly ____ my personal life.

We talked a lot about my dreams,my fears and my life.I ____ more with this stranger on the bus than I have with any friend or family member in months.Maybe it had something to do with me just being ____ to let anyone I know close to me.I was ____ that the stranger was not only so deeply interested in getting to know me,but also just as willing to ____ me to my greatest abilities.He listened carefully to every word I said and made some useful ____ at times.Instead of politely ____ his head when I mentioned my major,he told me that my strong liking seemed to be psychology,but not the one I was studying.He said that he knew I would face difficulties if I studied psychology and that he fully understood my ____ for the failure.

This elderly man made me ____ the plans that I had laid out for my life with just that simple statement.He helped me realize that my neatly ____ plan for the next five years of my life wasn't all that neat,but actually complex and filled with ____.Most of all,he helped me ____ the complex,not stay away from it because of my fear for the unknown.I ___ a lot from talking with the elderly stranger.

A few days later,he emailed me,saying,"I think you're ____ for great things 8no matter what you decide to do." The email was filled with words of ____.In a few hours a stranger showed me a sense of kindness that made me realize that life is sometimes ____ but it is going to be okay.

1.A.check           B.notice       C.excuse          D.believe

2.A.Then            B.Instead      C.Again           D.Also

3.A.through         B.with         C.during          D.about

4.A.introduction    B.explanation  C.conversation    D.competition

5.A.affected        B.controlled   C.interrupted     D.created

6.A.searched        B.shared       C.demanded        D.reviewed

7.A.sorry           B.curious      C.anxious         D.afraid

8.A.puzzled         B.bothered     C.amazed          D.disappointed

9.A.push            B.invite       C.treat           D.admit

10.A.choices        B.suggestions  C.decisions       D.efforts

11.A.raising        B.dropping     C.turning         D.nodding

12.A.regret         B.change       C.fear            D.desire

13.A.prepare        B.develop      C.approve         D.question

14.A.replaced       B.organized    C.discussed       D.predicted

15.A.uncertainty    B.danger       C.responsibility  D.conflict

16.A.identify       B.ignore       C.seize           D.accept

17.A.suffered       B.increased    C.benefited       D.experienced

18.A.leaving        B.heading      C.watching        D.caring

19.A.encouragement  B.protection   C.admiration      D.description

20.A.stable         B.normal       C.painful         D.serious


1.B 2.A 3.D 4.C 5.A 6.B 7.D 8.C 9.A 10.B 11.D 12.C 13.D 14.B 15.A 16.D 17.C 18.B 19.A 20.C 【解析】 试题解析:主旨大意:坐公交车偶遇一个老人,和他2 小时的对话改变了我的一生。 1.】根据前半句提到的作者头戴耳机,所以压根没注意到老人坐在身边。 2.】此题考查副词词义区别,根据句意,可知2个小时过去了,后来老人问我问题。 3.】此题比较简单,由文意可知这是一个关于汽车WIFI 的问题。故选C。 4.】introduction介绍;explanation解释;conversation对话;competition竞赛。根据文意,可知老人的一个问题变成了我们之间2个小时的谈话。故选C。 5.】affect影响;control控制;interrupt打断;create创造。根据句意,可知本句的意思是:这次谈话直接影响了我的个人生活。故选A。 6.】由文意可知,在谈话里,我和老人分享了关于我的很多事情。demand 为要求,review复习,评论。故选B。 7.】sorry抱歉的;curious好奇的;anxious焦急的;afraid害怕的。由文意可知,在和老人对话之前,作者“害怕”让任何人接近。故选D。 8.】根据对上下文的理解可知,让作者想不到的是,这个老人如此想了解自己,所以amazed“惊喜的”。故选C。 9.】push推动,驱策,敦促;invite邀请;treat对待。admit承认。根据对上下文的理解并结合各个选项的意思。故选A。 10.】choice选择;suggestion建议;decision决定;effort努力。根据句意,可知老人仔细听作者讲话,并且时不时给作者提出一些建议。故选B。 11.】当作者提到我的专业的时候,他没有只是礼貌性地点头赞同而是提出了自己对作者的看法。故选D。 12.】根据倒数第二段提到了my fear for the unknown,作者对未知和失败是恐惧(fear)的。故选C。 13.】Prepare准备;develop发展,开发;approve 赞同;question怀疑,质疑。根据句意,故选D。 14.】Replace取代,代替;organize组织;discuss讨论;predict预测。根据对上下文的理解并结合各个选项的意思。故选B。 15.】由文意可知,作者的五年计划并不是“简洁的”而是复杂并充满了不确定性(uncertainty)。故选A。 16.】根据后半句not stay away from it,所以是面对接受(accept)这种复杂性。故选D。 17.】suffer遭受;increase增加;benefit受益,获益;experience经历。根据对上下文的理解并结合各个选项的意思。故选C。 18.】根据对上下文的理解,可推断本句的意思是:无论你决定做什么,你正朝好的事情努力前进(heading)。故选B。 19.】此题考查名词辨析,encouragement鼓励;protection保护;admiration钦佩;description描述。根据对上下文的理解,可知这封信充满了鼓励。故选A。 20.】根据后半句but it is going to be okay,故生活有时是充满痛苦的,stable稳定的;normal 正常的。故选C。

—My computer doesn't work!

—Robert is a computer expert.How I wish he __________ with me.

A.cameB.had come

C.is comingD.has come



He is very tired,so he needs some time __________ duty for relaxation and rest.





I've known Sarah for nearly ten years.She __________ once my customer.

A.isB.has been

C.wasD.had been



—You look sleepy today.

—__________ not to miss the flight,I didn't dare to close my eyes the whole night

A.RemindedB.Being reminded

C.RemindingD.Having reminded



They will run an after-class club __________ kids can have fun and learn how to protect themselves.




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