满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

改错 Our school was founded in 1989. It’s ...


Our school was founded in 1989. It’s in the foot of a mountain. It’s a real beautiful school in our city, that many flowers and trees have been planted. There is no dormitory for student in the school so no one else lives in it. School starts at seven o’clock but we have to get up very early in∧morning to go to school from home. There are many activities in our school. That we like most is the sports meeting, and they all take an active part in it. The school basketball team won the national match in 2015, earn a great honor for our school.


1.in改为at 2.real改为really 3.that改为where 4.student改为students 5.删除else 6.but改为and/so 7.in后加the 8.that改为what 9.they改为we 10.earn改为earning 【解析】 试题分析:本文属于记叙文,介绍了我的学校及学校里的主要活动及学习和生活规律。 1.in改为at 考查固定短语。短语at the foot of在...脚下;句意:我们学校成立于1989年,谓语一座大山的脚下。 2.real改为really 考查副词。在英语中副词通常做状语修饰形容词、副词或动词;形容词通常做定语或表语修饰名词。本句中使用副词really修饰形容词beautiful。 3.that改为where 考查定语从句。本题定语从句的先行词是school,后面定语从句是被动语态,句子结构很完整,所以使用关系副词where引导定语从句,并在句中做地点状语。 4.student改为students 考查名词单复数。本句中使用复数形式students指代那所学校里的学生们,通常学校里有很多的学生,所以要使用复数形式。 5.删除else 考查句子语义。句意:学校里没有学生住的宿舍,所以没有学生住校。句子的else是多余的。 6.but改为and/so 考查连词。句意:七点开始上课,所以早晨我不得不很早就起床。上下文之间是顺接或因果关系,所以使用连词and/so连接上下文。 7.in后加the 考查固定短语。短语in the morning在上午,在早晨;早晨7点上学,那么我自然应该在早晨很早就起来。 8.that改为what 考查主语从句连词。本句中what引导起主语从句,并在句中做动词like的宾语。that在名词性从句中不充当任何成分,只是一个引导词而已。 9.they改为we 考查上下文指代。句意:我们最喜欢的是运动会,所以我们都积极参加它。根据句意可知“我们”积极参加运动会,所以使用we,而不是they。 10. 考点:考查短文改错


I was born in London, bill I grew up in Taunton, which is a small town with not much to do,so I had to invent a lot of garner. This is probably 1._____ I was good at making things. As a child. I always enjoyed2.______ (design) objects.

At the age of 16,1 decided to leave school to work for a design company. 3.________ (main) doing routine work in the office. During this time I learnt a lot 4._______my manager. She was quite inspiring and taught me how5._____(solve) problems by looking at things in a different way.

In 2006. I6._____(feel) I needed a new challenge so I decided to take a film-making course. My 7.______ (apply) was successful and I spent a(n) 8.______ (enjoy) month learning film-making. It was at this time that I realized the most suitable job for9.______ was designing advertisements and commercial films. I made up my mind to develop different 10._______ (skill) so that I would be able to work in this field in the future.




Last Christmas, I didn't get a single Christmas present. This wasn't a ______ I had asked for it. A week before Christmas. I decided that instead of ___presents. I wanted to buy presents for the 43 in the local orphanage (孤儿院).

When I told my family my plans, there was a lot of _____ . On Christmas Day, however. the _____ shocked me.

As I knocked on the door of the orphanage that morning. I fell _____ and unprepared for what was coming. I almost _ _____ , but then a woman opened the door and ______ as she led me in.

I'd heard a lot about how orphanages were _______ built but the reality was still a shock. I instantly ______ it. There were no smiles. It felt a bit like being in a huge house filled with forgotten. ______ kids.

I was taken to a room full of children, and was suddenly _______ at how empty it felt. I wanted to make these children smile. I felt ___   ,and I was.

But then, as my presents were _____ , the atmosphere in the room changed. I could see the ________ in the eyes of the children. My feeling of powerlessness _______. A little girl ran up to me and _____ my legs. I carried a little boy in my arms and he kissed me on the nose before lying___ ______ against my shoulder, which moved me to tears.

For many of us, Christmas is the best time of the year. The time I spent in the orphanage taught me that the _______ I felt at Christmases should not be taken for granted. It taught me to ______ everything that was mine.

1.A. joke         B. holiday          C. surprise       D. story

2.A. distributing  B. receiving         C. donating     D. exchanging

3.A. doctors      B. patients          C. workers       D. children

4.A. support     B. doubt            C. disagreement D. humor

5.A. trend        B. disaster          C. reality        D. emotion

6.A. energetic     B. ashamed           C. excited        D. uncomfortable

7.A. turned up     B. turned away      C. broke down   D. broke in

8.A. hesitated     B. smiled          C. whimpered    D. cried

9.A. secretly      B. frequently        C. poorly         D. randomly

10.A. hated        B. left              C. forgot         D. abandoned

11.A. unwanted     B. unwilling         C. unbearable     D. unconscious

12.A. regretful    B. angry             C. confused       D. amused

13.A. proud        B. encouraged      C. disappointed   D. powerless

14.A. picked out   B. put aside         C. turned down    D. handed out

15.A. envy        B. kindness          C. excitement    D. tension

16.A. arose        B. grew            C. disappeared     D. returned

17.A. hugged       B. bit               C. scratched      D. hit

18.A. heavily      B. gently          C. quickly        D. guiltily

19.A. happiness    B. gratitude       C. respect         D. loneliness

20.A. receive      B. keep             C contribute      D. value




Some people just know how to start a conversation with anyone, in any place. If you're not one of these lucky types, don't worry. 1.__________

Remark on the surroundings or occasion. If you’re at a party, for example, you could comment on the food or the music in a positive way like this: “I love this song." or “The food’s great.”

2.________ For example. “How is the wine?” or “Who do you know here?- Most people enjoy talking about themselves so asking a question is a good way to get a conversation started.

3.________ For example, “I really like your purse. Can I ask where you got it?- or “You’re really doing well in this. Can you show me how to do it?”

Remark on anything you have in common. People would like your saying “My daughter went to that school, too. How does your son like it?"

4.__________Don't say something that obviously causes offence and avoid heavy subjects such as politics or religion. Stick to light subjects like the weather, surroundings,and anything you have in common such as movies or sports teams.

Listen effectively.   5.You can't concentrate on what someone's saying if you're thinking about what you’re going to say next. The key to effective communication is to focus fully on the speaker and show interest in what's being said. Nod occasionally, smile at the person, and encourage the speaker to continue with or “uh huh.”

A. Choose subjects you’re interested in.

B. Use a praise to create a good atmosphere.

C. Keep the conversation going with small talks.

D. It is not the same as wailing for your turn to talk.

E. Ask specific questions that arc related to the drinks.

F. Ask a question that requires more than just a yes or no answer

G. Here are some ways to have a conversation with someone new.



Where do you keep ice? In die freezer, of course. That's what scientists might have thought when they were looking for a safe place to store ice from mountain glaciers from around the world. They’ve decided to store ice in Antarctica because global warming is causing some of the glaciers in places like the Alps to melt.

Jerome Chappellaz of the French National Centre for Scientific Research is involved in creating an ice vault (地下室)there. He says: “We are probably the only scientific community whose sample (样本) is in danger of disappearing from the face of the planet. If you work on rocks or on tree rings, the raw material is still here and will be for many centuries."

And why do scientists need to study ice from the Alps, for example? Ice formed on the top of a mountain is made of snow accumulated over thousands of years. Trapped air bubbles (气泡) contain samples of the atmosphere that existed when that ice was formed. Ice is a record of climate By examining ice. we know carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is higher now than in the last three million years. Researchers use this kind of data to build computer models and try to predict what might happen in the future.

The ice vault will be housed in a snow cave at the Concordia Research Station, which is operated by scientists from France and Italy. The ice samples will be sealed in bags and placed 10 meters below the surface. at a constant temperature of -50*C. This will put the scientists’ minds at rest. Losing the ice samples would be a disaster, and nobody wants to see a mine of scientific knowledge lost forever in a giant pool.

1.What makes Antarctica a safe place to store ice?

A. Its large mountains.

B. Its function as a freezer.

C. The abundant ice samples there.

D. The absence of global warming.

2.Jerome compares ice with rocks and tree rings to state that_      .

A. it's necessary to store ice

B. it’s more valuable to study ice

C. ice disappears very quickly

D. ice should be stored at home

3.What is the researchers' purpose of studying ice?

A. To learn about climate.

B. To learn about the Alps.

C. To trap air bubbles.

D. To reduce carbon dioxide.

4.What do scientists think of storing ice in Antarctica?

A. They consider it an easy job.

B. They’re not optimistic about it.

C. They think it will cause disasters.

D. They think it’s a reliable way.



Top chefs aren’t known for their friendly character. Assistants who overcook food by ten seconds usually struggle to get out of the kitchen alive. My father was a top chef. We’d had a stormy relationship for years, but I decided to follow in his footsteps anyway, and train as a chef. It was better than the dead-end I ‘d reach with the job I’d been doing.

After three years, I became head chef in a restaurant called The Tortoise. As the boss, I made important decision but if anything went wrong, I was the one who should take the responsibility. Experiencing the sweaty kitchens, I learned why my father was the way he was. When I began, I didn’t have my sights set on anything much---I just wanted a regular job—but soon I realized my career was taking off. The rich and famous started to visit the restaurant and eventually came the time when I had to decide about my future: I could either open my own restaurant or go and work for one of the big ones. Then life made the decision for me. My father tried and I got his job.

On my first day, I received an unfriendly welcome. No one would talk to me. What made it worse was that I was ill—I had a cold , and my hands were shaking as I went into the kitchen. I held my breath, stood up in front of everyone and said, My name is Leah Kleist. You all know my father. whether you loved him or hated him, I don’t care. He is the past. Now let’s get to work. And we did.

1.What will happen to assistants who overcook food?

A. They got punished           B. They eat the food

C. They get some advice        D. They get fired

2.Why did the author decide to work as a chef?

A. It was his favorite       B. It was a better job.

C. He was forced to          D. He lost his job.

3.What does the underline part tell us about the author?

A. He knew little about the job.

B. He misunderstood his father

C. He didn’t have a clear goal.

D. He had a very poor eyesight.

4.What caused the staff’s unfriendly attitude towards the author?

A. His lack of experience

B. His poor health condition

C. Their impression of is father

D. Their envy at his success



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