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短文改错 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。...









In our life, we often regret what we did and which we couldn’t do. Actually, it doesn’t benefit us at all. As for most of us, we missed many chance to earn more money, to get a high position and to realize our dreams. We often regret that we don’t seize those opportunities, thus feel upset. Although we do know regretting the Past is no benefit, but we still can’t help doing it

To avoid the problem below, we need to pay more attention to what you are doing now, making us busier and having no time to recall the past. Moreover, we’d better set reasonably goals one by one. Only by doing so can we struggle for our future better.


1.which改为what 2.chance改为chances 3.high改为higher 4.don't改为didn't 5.feel改为feeling 6.is后面加of 7.删除but 8.below改为above 9.you改为we 10.reasonably改为reasonable 【解析】 试题分析:很多人都会后悔我们所做的事情或者我们没有做的事情,文章建议我们不要为这些事情遗憾,要更多地关注我们正在做的事情。 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 【名师点睛】 高考短文改错考点层次一般而言可依次分为词法的测试、句法的测试和语篇的测试三个层面。考点层次越高,就越能测试出考生运用语言的能力。低层次的考点往往侧重于语法方面的考查,而高层次的考点往往侧重于考生对文章意义方面的理解。 一、词法改错 词法的测试包括:定冠词和不定冠词的用法;名词的单复数和名词的所有格;动词的时态、语态、语气,情态动词和非谓语动词等;人称代词、人称代词的格、物主代词、指示代词、连接代词、不定代词等的用法;介词的搭配;并列连词、从属连词的用法;形容词、副词的区别以及比较级和最高级的用法;固定搭配和习惯用法。 例如:本题中的11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 二、句法改错 句法的测试包括:主谓语在数上的一致性;名词性从句、定语从句和强调句;句子结构的连贯性、完整性、对等性和逻辑性。 例如:本题中的17. 三、语篇改错 语篇的测试包括:上下文的时态是否一致;上下文中的代词指代是否一致;上下文中的逻辑关系是否一致。 18. 考点:考查短文改错


It is sad but true that people die in earthquakes   1.   falling furniture and bricks. Earthquake   2.     (safe) is very important and there is more to it   3.    just keeping buildings from falling down. So if your home is in an earthquake area, you should prepare carefully before the earthquake  4.    (come).

First, make sure you buy a house which is earthquake safe. All pipes should be fixed to the walls and all walls should be  5.   (especial) thick and strong. Make sure the building has no  6.   (break) windows and is well repaired.

Second, look at the objects in your house. Objects   7.   computers, televisions and lamps can be tied to tables or    8.    (stick) to them so they wont easily move around. The cupboards,   9.    many small things are stored, should have strong doors. Always remember,   10.    (good) safe than sorry.





Some adults spend a lot of time trying to stop children playing. They are usually people who think of play as being the       of work and therefore a waste of time. For humans, work is a way of getting food to eat, and like humans,        must spend time doing the        things. Regardless of this, children        playing, and so do other young animals. It is quite        to keep both a small child and a young cat        for hours with a piece of paper.

Hunting may be the most obvious skill        in play, but it is far from being the only one. Lambs and goat kids play       , although they will never        anything other than some grass. But for these young animals too,        is an important part of learning. Sheep and goats are       hill and mountain animals. Running and skipping exercise young legs and develop a strong sense of        that will keep them safe on the steepest rocks.       animals play, is not so different.        trees and catching flies are not the most obvious training for the adult world, but the flexibility        in these activities is similar to that required of a bus driver or businessman.

What we know about animals shows us that playing is a very good way of       , so maybe one of the best ways for        to learn is also by playing. Children find playing is fun, but       notice that they are also learning at the same time. Most people continue to play games long after they have become       , and perhaps that is because we rely so much on our        to learn.

1.A. reward        B. opposite        C. basis           D. nature

2.A. animals       B. children        C. parents         D. cats

3.A. same          B. ordinary        C. dull            D. chief

4.A. delay         B. regret          C. enjoy           D. ignore

5.A. possible      B. necessary       C. reasonable      D. difficult

6.A. annoyed       B. alarmed         C. amazed          D. amused

7.A. kept          B. practiced       C. tested          D. required

8.A. endlessly     B. clumsily        C. crazily         D. aggressively

9.A. hunt          B. plant           C. learn           D. catch

10.A. jump         B. work            C. play            D. walk

11.A. strangely   B. initially        C. naturally       D. equally

12.A. direction    B. space           C. distance        D. balance

13.A. Based on    B. Compared with    C. Inspired by     D. Developed form

14.A. Climbing    B. Growing          C. Watering        D. Cutting

15.A. reduced     B. allowed          C. damaged         D. needed

16.A. learning    B. exercising       C. improving       D. growing

17.A. adults      B. creatures        C. humans          D. students

18.A. generally   B. hardly           C. possibly        D. truly

19.A. mature      B. wise              C. athletic        D. strong

20.A. flexibility B. liberty          C. responsibility  D. curiosity




We all go through times when we feel we are not good enough. We might feel that way at work or in school or even as a parent. Here are some things to remember when you feel like that.

1..When I started my Ph.D. program, I felt like the dumbest person in every class. I couldnt believe how many smart people were there. I didnt know if I could measure up to their intelligence or compete in the same league with them. Years later, I found out that almost everyone felt this way, too.

You are unique and have special talents. If you can barely make Hamburger Helper , dont compare yourself to your sister who is a chef(厨师). Im sure you can do many things that she cant.  2. You are you. You are not your sister.

You need to stop chasing perfection. It doesnt exist. Whats perfect to me is not perfect to you. So if you think that there is some objective measurement of perfection and that the rest of the world is judging you against, then you are wrong.   3..

4..Our sense of self-worth is based in our thoughts. We have been programmed for many years with thoughts about ourselves. Messages come from our parents, our peers, teachers, the media and our own labels. But guess what? They are only thoughts. Just because you think these thoughts, it doesnt make them true.   5..

A. You have the power to change your future.

B. So focus on your own passions and talents.

C. You are not the only one who feels this way.

D. If you love yourself for who you are, other people will notice.

E. You need to change your thought patterns.

F. One of my favorite sayings is, “Don’t believe a negative thought you think!”

G. Most people are too worried about their own lack of perfection to judge you.



Something that makes sense is happening in Washington, D.C! Public school kids surrounded by museums and monuments are putting the ready-made learning tools to use — and actually learning.

A trip to see painter Jacob Lawrence’s Migration Series is one of almost 200 trips that Wheelock will organize this year through the nonprofit group Live It Learn It. “For many kids, school is disconnected,” says one of fou r full-time workers and tour leaders. “With the program, they see how what they are learning is connected to their communities.”

Seven years ago, Wheelock changed a job as a lawyer for one as a four-grade teacher. When he learned that D.C.’s public schools ranked behind those of other cities in many ways, he knew he had to do something different. He took his class to Capitol Hill for a lesson on the three branches of government — and saw his students’ interest develop quickly.

With seed money from a local couple, Wheelock developed detailed lesson plans for trips to the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum, the Lincoln Memorial. The group also has classes for trips to the Anacostia River, boat rides to historical forts. Word spread, and now fourth, fifth, sixth graders from the neediest public schools in the District participate.

I’m not brave enough to take my class to a museum for over an hour!” says teacher Cathy McCoy, gesturing toward her students. “But look With Live It Learn It, what the kids learn today they’ll remember for a lifetime.”

1.Matthew Wheelock once had an occupation as a _______.

A. teacher     B. printer        C. leader           D. lawyer

2.According to the first two paragraphs, public school kids in Washington D.C. _______.

A. like to have school disconnected

B. are warmly welcomed by museums and monuments

C. are making the resources at hand available

D. are learning by going to different communities

3.Matthew Wheelock started the new change for the reason that _______.

A. he saw his students’ interest develop quickly

B. more graders from the neediest public schools wanted to participate

C. D.C.’s public schools ranked behind in many ways

D. a local couple sponsored him a sum of seed money

4.What will the lessons be like with Live It Learn It in Cathy McCoys opi nion?

A. Eye-c atching.            B. Challenging.

C. Forgettable.             D. Impressive.



Do the exercise15 through 25,Give the different forms of the verbs on page50 of your French workbook. Read page12 through 20 of the Shakespeare play, and when you have finished that, dont forget to fill the missing chemical symbols on the Periodic Table of Elements worksheet.

Homework is a major part of going to class, and it helps students grasp important concepts. Luckily, you can do a few things to make homework less painful.

First, be sure you understand the assignment. Write it down in your notebook or day planner if you need to, and don’t be afraid to ask questions about what is expected. It is much easier to take a minute to ask the teacher during or after class than to struggle to remember later at night!

Second, use any extra time you have in school to work on your homework. Many schools have study halls that are specifically designed to allow students to study or get homework done. It is attractive to hang out with friends during study periods or unscheduled time, but the more work you can get done in school, the less you will have to do at night.

Third, pace yourself. If you don’t finish your homework during school, think about how much you have left and what else is going on that day, and then budget your time. Most high school students have between 1 and 3 hours of homework a night. If it is a heavy-homework day and it seems like you have got an assignment on every subject but gym and lunch, you will need to devote more time to homework schedule, especially if you are involved in sports or activities or have an after-school job.

1.The first paragraph is probably ______.

A. examination items

B. a list of homework

C. some teacher training tasks

D. some learning methods

2.What is the authors attitude towards homeworks effect on students?

A. Opposing.           B. Impatient.

C. Approving.          D. Concerned.

3.One way to reduce your burden  of homework at night is to ______.

A. take part in studying teams

B. appeal for teachers’ aid at any time

C. focus full attention on teachers’ lecture

D. make full use of the time at school

4. Which of the following would be the best title of the passage?

A. Why Students Should Do Homework

B. How to Make Homework Less Work

C. It is High Time Teachers Gave Less Homework

D. Who is to Blame for Children’ s Poor Eyesight



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