满分5 > 高中英语试题 >



The Lost Letter

I was doing well as a department head in a Mumbai firm, but my relationship with the boss had become tense. Not wanting to put up with this, I ____ rather impulsively(冲动地). But with no other job offer in hand, I soon became ____.

Then, one morning, an ad I spotted ____ a person like me, and at an ideal location. I phoned a friend, a placement agent, for tips. “I don't think you ___ the bill,” he said. “They'd prefer MBAs with experience in international business, so don't waste your time.” My wife ____. “Go by your instinct,” she said. “You've got nothing to ____.”

So, carrying my ____ typed CV and covering letter in an envelope on which I had ____ both“To and From” addresses, I ____ a packed train to get to Mumbai's post office. Getting off the train, I ____ the crowd out of the station and on to the street. Suddenly, I noticed, my ____ was missing!

I rushed back to the ____. The train was still there. A search of the compartment in which I travelled drew a blank. I ____ impatiently for the train to pull away. It hadn't fallen ____ the tracks either.

The ____ thing to do was to go home, make a new CV and covering letter and mail it. But losing the envelope was like a bad ____, so I gave up.

Three weeks passed. I received a ____, inviting me for a meeting with the company's managing director. I was surprised. I soon got the job, and worked there as general manager ____ I took voluntary retirement in 2012.

I still think about my ____reaching its addressee(收件人). I imagine someone found it. He or she might have asked others on the train. Finding no claimant and realizing it would be ____ to a fellow citizen, the finder took it to a post office, stuck the stamps and mailed it. To that unknown friend, I want to say: Thank you for a little act that proved to be so big for me.

1.A. escaped       B. resigned        C. struggled        D. objected

2.A. hesitant      B. aggressive     C. lazy            D. anxious

3.A. convinced     B. attracted       C. sought          D. employed

4.A. fit           B. pay            C. charge          D. receive

5.A. declared      B. suggested      C. disagreed       D. warned

6.A. concern       B. lose           C. reward          D. select

7.A. neatly        B. quickly         C. poorly         D. slowly

8.A. signed        B. printed         C. marked           D. written

9.A. chose         B. booked        C. boarded          D. found

10.A. joined       B. watched       C. heard            D. organized

11.A. wallet       B. envelope        C. ticket          D. bag

12.A. hall        B. home            C. conductor       D.platform

13.A. waited      B. looked         C. prepared         D. prayed

14.A. on           B. down           C. over            D. off

15.A. difficult   B. regular       C. logical          D. last

16.A. accident     B. chance          C. luck            D. sign

17.A. letter   B. notice          C. document        D. request

18.A. since       B. though          C. until            D. unless

19.A. message      B. complaint       C. information      D. application

20.A. cautious    B. important       C. sensitive        D. useful


1.B 2.D 3.C 4.A 5.C 6.B 7.A 8.D 9.C 10.A 11.B 12.D 13.A 14.A 15.C 16.D 17.A 18.C 19.D 20.B 【解析】 试题分析:本文属于记叙文,叙述了作者辞职以后又一次寻找工作的有趣的过程。 1.B 考查上下文串联。动词escape逃离,逃跑;resign辞职;struggle努力;object反对;根据下文我出去找工作可知,我在冲动之下辞职了。故B正确。 2.D考查形容词辨析。形容词hesitant犹豫的;aggressive好斗的,有侵略性的;lazy懒惰的;anxious焦虑的;根据前文的"But with no other job offer in hand"可知,作者辞职后因为没有工作,不久就变得有些焦急(anxious)。其余三项不符合语境。 3.C考查上下文串联。动词convince使...相信;attract吸引;seek寻找;employ雇佣;根据下文的"typed CV(简历)"可知,作者想去应聘,即空处应指作者看到一个公司的一则招聘广告上正在寻找一个人,似乎自己符合对方的要求。故选C项。 4.A考查动词辨析。动词fit适合;pay支付;charge要价;receive接受;这位朋友认为我不适合那一份工作。本句中的bill并不是账单,BCD三项不搭配。故A正确。 5.C考查上下文串联。前句中“so don't waste your time”朋友认为我不要去浪费时间,认为我不适合这份关系,但是期中告诉我“Go by your instinct”说明妻子不同意他的观点。故C正确。 6.B考查动词辨析。动词concern担心;lose失去;reward奖励;select选择;我现在处于失业状态,即使这次的面试不成功,也不会失去什么。故B正确。 7.A考查常识。副词neatly整洁地;quickly迅速地;poorly可怜地;slowly缓慢地;因为要去应聘,那么作者的简历当然要打得很整洁(neatly)。故A正确。 8.D考查动词辨析。动词sign签署;print印刷;mark做符号;write写;本句表示我在信封上写信了两个地址。A项过于正式,故D正确。 9.C 考查动词辨析。动词choose选择;book预定;board登机,上船;find发现,找到;我登上了火车,并前往Mumbai邮局。故C正确。 10.A根据50空后的"out of station and onto the street"可知,从车里下来的人很多,街上的人也很多,所以说作者"加入(joined)"了上班一族的人群中。也是形象地说明作者挤进人海中。 11.B 考查上下文串联。名词wallet钱包;envelope信封;ticket票;bag包;根据下文根据55空后的"But losing the envelope"可知我的信封丢了。所以此处应选B项。 12.D考查名词辨析。名词hall大厅;home家;conductor列车员;platform站台;作者因为发现信封丢失而原路返回寻找。因为是刚刚下了火车离开车站,所以只有platform符合语境。 13.A考查生活常识。根据下文的"It hadn’t fallen 54 the tracks either."可知,作者想等火车离开后去铁轨上找,那么在此期间肯定是不耐烦地等火车开走。故A正确。 14.A考查介词辨析。介词on意为“在...上”本句中on the tracks意为“在轨道上”,火车离开以后,我在轨道山也没有找到那封信。故A正确。 15.C考查逻辑推理。作者在车站找不到丢失的信封,那么接下来作者应该做的就是回去再重新弄,故空后的"go home, sit at my typewriter, make a new CV and covering letter and mail it"是"合乎逻辑的",故选C项。 16.D考查名词辨析。名词accident事故;chance机会,可能性;luck运气;sign标志;根据空后的"so I gave up"可知,作者认为求职路上丢掉信封是属于运气很糟糕。故D正确。 17.A 考查上下文串联。根据空后inviting me for a meeting with the company's managing director.表示作者收到了一封信,要求我和公司主管见面。故A正确。 18.C考查连词辨析。连词since自从;though尽管;until直到....;unless除非....我得到了那一份工作,然后就一直在公司里工作到2012年退休。本句中until引导时间状语从句。 19.D考查名词辨析。名词message信息;complaint抱怨;information信息;application申请;根据上文可知那封信是作者申请工作的信件。我仍然在想着我那封申请工作的信件,可能有好心人找到了这封信并寄了出去。故D正确。 20. 考点:考查记叙文阅读


You often plan for our holidays for a long time so that you can spend the period happily every year. As is often the case, your holiday plans came to nothing, or you don't want to see anyone, or you don't really know how to spend the holidays. _1.__

Give your time.

Volunteering is an activity that most of the experts suggested for people spending the holidays alone, offering your time at a nursing home or homeless shelter. __2.

Connect with strangers.

_3.__ A meaningful chat with a cashier, a good deed for another-these connections can lift your spirits, especially if you're apart from friends and family. You do yourself harm when you believe that love only unfolds between you and someone “special” to you.


If you're feeling lonely and longing to see family and friends who are absent for the holidays this year, you can create special plans to meet them another time or during the next holiday season. Not only will this be something positive to look forward to, but it's an actionable plan that could relieve some loneliness down the road.

But don't be addicted to unhappy thoughts.

The key here is mindfulness. __5._ If you remain present and mindful and begin to listen to your thoughts about being lonely, you might discover that the thoughts are telling a one­sided story, and one that might not totally be true.

A. Plan for a future time to see family.

B. Acknowledge that you're unhappy.

C. Below are tips for enjoying the holidays on your own.

D. Try different ways to avoid those negative thought surrounding you all the time.

E. Even if you're not serving soup, there are other simpler connections to be made with strangers.

F. If you find yourself caught in that cycle of emotionally charged, negative thoughts about loneliness, stop and acknowledge these feelings.

G. It's not bad to think about yourself and your feelings, and helping others can give you a healthy and important break to consider the larger world around you.



Donna is 19 years old and loves animals, which is why I'm always happy to leave my dog with her when I go on holiday. Donna also helps to train hunting dogs, but recently, her boyfriend told me, she returned home from a farm in tears after being told to hit some dogs.

“She wasn't being asked to hit them because they didn't behave well,” he said. “She was told to punch these puppies with a closed fist simply to let them know who is the boss,” Donna refused. Good for Donna. In my view, you hit an animal for only two reasons: as a way to teach it an important lesson to protect it from danger, such as not into the road; or because you like hurting animals.

Last summer, I attended a horse race. I don't know much about horses, but I was alarmed when I saw a horse with a huge ulcer (溃疡) on its legs. “Surely this horse won't race?” I asked. I was very surprised that nobody in the crowd seemed concerned.

The horse began the race, but later it fell heavily. It had broken its leg. The hext thing I saw was its dead body in a bag, being driven past. No one seemed to care, except those who had bet on it. I know people care for horse racing, but do they really care for horses? I doubt it.

Oh, but it's a tradition, I hear you say. Wouldn't the world be a boring place if we didn't occasionally hit, shoot and chase animals? Traditions are made by man and can be unmade. It was once acceptable to kill servants when their master died, to visit the mental hospitals to laugh at the patients or to watch public execution (执行死刑).

Nor should it be forgotten that in our progress to a more civilized world, animals have played an important role they have fed us, carried us, worked for us, rescued us, died for us and sometimes just saved us from loneliness. Surely by now they deserve our kindness. At the very least, they deserve our respect.

1.Donna was asked to hit the young dogs because ________.

A. they misbehaved

B. their owner disliked them

C. people on the farm enjoy hurting them

D. it was a way to train them to obey people

2.What does the underlined word in Paragraph 2 probably mean?

A. Strike.                 B. Stroke.

C. Scold.                  D. Pump.

3.What is the author's purpose in telling the readers the story about the horse?

A. To explain the traditional horse race to readers.

B. To prove that the weak horse can't win in the race.

C. To show that animals are treated unfairly by humans.

D. To say that people care more for horses than horse racing.

4.Which of the following is NOT true?

A. People no longer watch killing criminals in public.

B. The author cannot accept anyone who hits the animals.

C. It was a traditional practice to kill servants for their dead master.

D. The author thinks it is possible to change the traditions made by man.



Imagine the following scenario (情形): A woman buys her lunch every day from a fast food outlet near her job. After some years, she finds herself 30 pounds overweight, and feeling unhealthy. So what does she do? She chooses to bring a lawsuit against the fast food outlet, aiming that the food served there was the cause of her being overweight and in poor health. Sounds ridiculous, doesn't it? The only thing more absurd than the story itself is the fact: that is not fiction. There are people who have sued fast food chains for causing their weight problems.

This is an example of one of the ways in which many of us spend enormous amounts of energy trying to deny the undeniable and universal fact that we are all ultimately responsible for our own choices and our own lives.

How much easier would we make it for ourselves if we could accept this fact rather than resist it? But how can you embrace the truth, that we are living the lives we choose to live, that we are enjoying or suffering the consequences (结果;后果) of our own choices, and that blaming others for our problems and shortcomings is nothing more than a comfortable fantasy?

We must acknowledge the truth of our lives, however unpleasant this may be.If we are overweight, in a bad relationship, in a dead end job, we need to accept that this is where we are, at this moment in time.

Imagine that woman decided that she was unhappy with the extra pounds she'd gained after many years of eating fast food on a regular basis. Imagine that this woman took the time to really understand and accept that no one else was responsible for her eating choices. Having acknowledged this fact, she then decides to make the changes in her lifestyle to become the healthier, slimmer person she wants to be.

1.What would be the best title for the passage?

A. Be Responsible for Our Own Choices

B. Overcome the Challenges in Our Life

C. Acknowledge the Truth Rather than Deny It

D. More than a Comfortable Fantasy

2.Why is the woman mentioned twice in the passage?

A. To show the right way of dealing with weight problems.

B. To describe a familiar scenery in life.

C. To give support to the author's viewpoint.

D. To compare the consequences of different choices.

3.What can we learn from the first paragraph?

A. Fast food chains contribute little to people's overweight problems actually.

B. Fast food outlets are responsible for many people to become overweight.

C. Many people tend to blame others for their own problems.

D. The author himself is a supporter of fast food chains.




Created in Europe, but tailored to perfection in Québec, Huttopia tents provide convenient, comfortable accommodation in 16 of Québec's 23 national parks. Built atop a 4 by 7 meters wooden platform, the walls and roof enclose a roomy space that can sleep up to 5 people. Beds, lighting, heating, a small fridge, dishes, and an outdoor two burner stove provide comforts.  Open summer through fall, Huttopia tents can be booked for as little as $99 per night.

Tree Sphere

This creative option takes wilderness camping to a whole new level. Setting up camp in a Free Spirit Sphere you can sleep among the trees and stretch your wings in Qualicum Bay,  Vancouver Island.  Part tree house,  part space capsule, founder Tom Chudleigh's handcrafted wooden spheres gently dangle in the breeze thanks to a series of ropes tied to the forest's cover. Suspended at 3.1, 4.3 and 4.6 meters off the ground, each of the three spheres offers comfortable and unique lodging for adults age 16 and over.

Four­Season Tents

Gatineau Park's Philippe Lake has the perfect winter accommodation for you. Standing above the freezing ground on wooden platforms, two four­season tents are attractive with amenities(便利设施) that will keep you comfortable. With sleeping space for up to four people, the park's four­season tents feature double­sized beds, a fridge and a stove for cooking meals.


Why limit your camping adventures to dry land? Lakeway Houseboat Vacations in New Brunswick offers grand accommodation in their “cottages on the water”. Choose from three luxurious floating vacation homes with full kitchens, full bathrooms, multiple bedrooms(one boat sleeps 14!), TVs, hot tubs, fireplaces and even waterslides. Sail along the St. John River, sunbathe on the upper deck, or stop at picturesque Mactaquac Provincial Park for a round of golf. Do as little or as much as you desire.

1.Which of the following is the most popular in the Province of Québec?

A. Huttopia.               B. Tree Sphere.

C. Four­Season Tents.      D. Houseboats.

2.Which statement is CORRECT about the houseboat?

A. It has only one type.

B. It is large enough for four to live in.

C. It is supplied with some baked food.

D. By houseboat, you can find a place to play golf.

3.The underlined word “dangle” in the second paragraph probably means “________”.

A. move   B. swing    C. tremble     D. quake

4.Which of the following is NOT the advantage of the Four­Season Tents?

A. The large wooden platforms.

B. Convenient facilities.

C. The sense of floating.

D. The large sleeping space.



My father was 44 and knew he wasn't going to make it to 45. He wrote me a letter and hoped that something in it would help me for the rest of my life.

Since the day I was 12 and first read his letter, some of his words have lived in my heart. One part always stands out. “Right now, you are pretending to be a time­killer . But I know that one day, you will do something great that will set you among the very best.” Knowing that my dad believed in me gave me permission to believe in myself. “You will do something great.” He didn't know what that would be, and neither did I, but at times in my life when I've felt proud of myself, I remember his words and wish he were here so I could ask, “Is this what you were talking about, Dad? Should I keep going?”

A long way from 12 now, I realize he would have been proud when I made any progress. Lately, though, I've come to believe he'd want me to move on to what comes next: to be proud of, and believe in, somebody else. It's time to start writing my own letters to my children. Our children look to us with the same unanswered question we had. Our kids don't hold back because they're afraid to fail. They're only afraid of failing us. They don't worry about being disappointed. Their fear-as mine was until my father's letter-is of being a disappointment.

Give your children permission to succeed. They're waiting for you to believe in them.

I always knew my parents loved me. But trust me: That belief will be more complete, that love will be more real, and their belief in themselves will be greater if you write the words on their hearts:“Don't worry; you'll do something great.” Not having that blessing from their parents may be the only thing holding them back.

1.We learn from the text that the author ________.

A. lost his father when he was young

B. worked hard before he read his father's letter

C. asked his father's permission to believe in himself

D. knew exactly what great thing his father wanted him to do

2.What does the author tell us in the 3rd paragraph?

A. Children need their parents' letters.

B. Children are afraid to be disappointed.

C. His children's fear of failure held them back.

D. His father's letter removed his fear of failing his parents.

3.Which of the following is TRUE of the author?

A. He got no access to success.

B. He wrote back to his father at 12.

C. He was sure his parents loved him.

D. He once asked his father about the letter.

4.The main purpose of the text is to ________.

A. describe children's thinking

B. answer some questions children have

C. stress the importance of communication

D. advise parents to encourage their children



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